Same People, Party and Press are Responsible for Everything

By Harold Pease, Ph. D.

Have you noticed that it is always the same people, party and press working in unison behind all the trouble? The same people party and press: That could not accept the results of the 2016 presidential election. That spied on Trump before and after his election. That fabricated the Russian Collusion Hoax. That control at least 80% of all the news. That sponsored the Robert Mueller Investigation and Report. That impeached Donald J. Trump twice because of fake charges—all the above to unsuccessfully rid themselves of Trump during his administration.

The same people, party and press: That provided fake news on almost every national issue. That stole the 2020 election and yet use every stratagem to block forensic audits to prove otherwise. That overthrew a duly elected government therefore committing treason. That obtained the Hunter Biden laptop proving the Biden’s to be a syndicated crime family months before the presidential election but intentionally withheld this information through the election and a year thereafter. That engineered and led the January 6 “insurrection” through federal agents positioned to direct the crowd and still refuse to release 14,000 hours of video tape documenting their role in it, meanwhile holding “political prisoners,” without a speedy trial and due process, but depriving them of known evidence available for their defense—all to coverup their November 3, 2020 election coup.

The same people, party and press: That funded, engineered, then released, COVID-19 lying about its origin as from a bat. That imposed or supported the most draconian solutions in U.S. history—lockdowns and masks—neither supported by any peer reviewed scientific studies. That lied about nursing home spread, infection numbers, death numbers, and vaccine safety. That intentionally refused to the public HCQ and Ivermectin—known to be effective—as treatments for COVID-19 patients. That targeted children for an experimental vaccine much more dangerous to them than COVID-19. That perpetrated crimes against humanity respecting COVID-19—all of the above to effectively control the masses and population.

The same people, party and press: That mandated closure of businesses, churches, beaches and other public places. That mandated, for the first time in U.S. history, an experimental vaccine for employment, travel, entertainment—even shopping—closing hundreds of businesses. That intentionally split Americans into the vaccinated and unvaccinated distributing privileges based upon obedience, effectively making the unvaccinated lower-class citizens. That mandated vaccine passports to cross borders—all unconstitutional edicts that effectively accentuated discriminated and severely damaged Amendments 1, 4, 5, 6 and 10 of the U.S. Constitution.

The same people, party and press: That opened our Southern Border to anyone in the world wishing to cross offering illegals immediate welfare, and in time, citizenship and voting privileges. That were responsible for the biggest debacle in U.S. history seemingly intentionally losing Afghanistan, a billion dollars in military armaments, and hundreds of U.S.citizens behind enemy lines. That has enacted so many spending measures that the economy is at great risk of collapse—all seemingly to weaken and/or collapse this country forcing us into the Great Reset.

The same people, party and press: That provided fake news on almost every issue. That has openly and intentionally censored more than at any time in U.S. History—even Trump, the president of the United States while president—similar to censorship in Fascist Germany and Communist China and Russia. That want world government and the Great Reset— all to enslave humanity into their New World Order or Great Reset, where none will have property but all will be happy, they say, but under their total control.

The same people, party and press: That engineered Deep State regime change in Ukraine in 2014, through an election coup similar to that in the United States. That turned Ukraine into a launder money nation for human and drug trafficking for the globalists rich and powerful. That enabled the elite a playground to practice “gain of function” research though bioweapons labs, funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, on viruses harmful to humans with the intent to limit the population of the world and launder money without restriction. That enabled the Clintons, the Biden family, Pelosi, Soros, and etc. to extract millions from corrupt deals in Ukraine for personal gain all protected by the national sovereignty of a nation state. Whose bioweapons labs in Ukraine threatened Russia in particularly, but also the world. That almost brought on World War III by their propaganda news villainizing Russia—all to camouflage their crimes against humanity and treason, which threatened to surface, with a war that would fill the news channels for years thus limiting exposure to their crimes.

If you haven’t noticed these things, when will you wake up? These are the same people, party, and press working in unison that feed us what most acknowledge as fake news but we still sit in front of the networks to obediently be hypnotized by them. We watch them every day and parrot what they tell us—right now on Ukraine. Few read, think or question much—we do not need to. They tell us every night what to think, believe, and say and, at every election cycle, for whom to vote. It is amazing how bright we have become and think we are.

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit

Putin is Destroying the New World Order in Ukraine

By Harold Pease, Ph.D

Globalist news outlets (the vast majority of “news”), on the War in Ukraine do not include the globalist agenda. The term, New World Order (NWO) used since the 1970’s describes those who envisioned world government through an enlarged U.N. charter and government and the end of national sovereignty. This effectively destroys and replaces the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

Today the word globalism, also meaning world government, is more commonly used and the phrases the Deep State, secret combinations, and the establishment are all used interchangeably as well. Until President Donald J. Trump globalism dominated both major political parties and adherence to it made the United States the policemen of the world since World War II. Thus, leaving out the NWO connection in Ukraine, or any other major world event, is a big mistake.

This war did not start with Russia but has been ongoing internally since Ukraine’s election coup in 2014. Please read previously published columns on Ukraine: “It’s a Matter of Trust, Biden or Putin on Ukraine,” and “Are US-Run Bioweapon Labs in Ukraine as Russia Says?”. Both allude to the fact, becoming clearer everyday, that America had engineered Deep State regime change in 2014, just as it did in Libya, Iraq, Lebanon previous to our own election coup in 2020. Ukraine is the first country to become fully a Deep State country from outside forces without war. The Globalist influence is world-wide and presently the world’s dominant influence poised to take over the world in what is now called the Great Reset.

The Globalist took over Ukraine masquerading it as a nation state, They funded and trained a fully equipped force to act as the muscle to extort and terrorize innocent Ukrainian people and to protect their criminal network under the auspices of national sovereignty. It was brilliant. They created a legitimized source called government to clandestinely launder money for human and drug trafficking, world government, and even bioweapons development. All this criminal activity was protected under sovereignty of a “legitimized” puppet government. Volodymyr Zelensky is just another puppet. He sings for the oligarchs that pull his strings—just like Trudeau, Macron, and Biden (X 22 Reports Ep. 2718 “Watch the Water, the World is Witnessing the Dismantling of the New World Order,” March 6, 2022).

Vladimir Putin hates the NWO and will not be conquered or controlled by it. George Soros was expelled from Russia years ago so the Deep State despises Putin in the same manner as it does Trump or anyone that opposes them. This is why Putin is second only in vilianization to Trump and why the Mueller Report, attempted, but failed, to connect and destroy both. No good coverage of either man has been given by the America’s globalist press. The Globalists needed a country under their total control where the financial and intellectual elite, the Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci’s could freely do “gain of function” research to limit population growth and launder “dark money” using it to reward and fund fellow globalists. From this base they will conquer the world and control every person in it.

So what has Putin done to the New World Order in Ukraine? Everything!!! He is destroying the bioweapons labs and, if successful, gone is their threat to the world. He has destroyed the Ukrainian slush fund that finances the NWO and its accompanying dark projects therefore threatening Klaus Schwab’s funding of the Great Reset. Schwab retaliated by excluding Russia from the Great Reset; something Putin had already done (“Russia Excluded From the Great Reset: Klaus Schwab Freezes Relations With Putin,” by Free West Media, March 12, 2022).

He is also getting rid of AZAR, the neo-Natzi group in Ukraine. AZAR was funded by Igor Kolumosky, owner of Burisma Holdings, who hired Hunter Biden, an energy consultant without any energy experience. He was being investigated for corruption in Ukraine but the prosecutor was fired at the request of then Vice President Joe Biden, or the billion dollars offered Ukraine would be withheld. Strange how things start to come together. Putin’s deNazification links to the Biden families Ukrainian Scandal. Putin is exposing the Biden family corruption.

Putin also removed Ukraine as The Clinton Foundation’s largest donor. Without Ukraine the NWO desperately needs money. Consequently, Bill Clinton just announced the reactivation of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) looking for new donors. Patriots see these as Russian gifts.

As of March 6 Russia has destroyed over 1800 Ukrainian military facilities, including 49 planes on the ground. Thirteen aircraft in the air, 635 tanks, 54 unmanned areal vehicles and Putin took over nuclear power plants, the most famous of which is the Chernobyl Nuclear Power plant, which is said to be intact with no radiation leaks (X 22 Reports Ep. 2718, March 6, 2022).

Yes, Ukraine has biological research facilities, confirmed by Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland (X22 Reports Ep. 2721—[FF] Alert, March 9, 2022). Yes, there is much suffering and death. Neo-Nazis Ukrainians are said to be using the population as human shields to buffer the Russian attack. Yes, a building reported to be Mariupol Hospital was hit but, information received minutes before this was published, shows that it was vacated by AZAR before the Russian attack. And yes, chemical weapons were used on Syrians by their own Deep State and blamed incorrectly on Syrian president Bashar al-Assad to project the view that he horrifically gassed his own people. Something similar may be in place for the Ukrainian hospital. Yes Putin is deceptive. And yes, all tyrants including Biden, censor information detrimental to their causes.

But before the free press is completely extinguished aren’t readers entitled to know of the NWO and that Putin, as bad as he is, may be resisting it also before the Great Reset is fully in place. Censorship is proof of control. Isn’t this worth knowing and that you got to access it yourself.

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit

It’s a Matter of Trust, Biden or Putin on Ukraine?

By Harold Pease, Ph. D.

Both Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin are known liars. Most Americans don’t trust either. Also, most Americans cannot remember a time when they did not automatically trust their president, more especially, when he appears to be leading them into war which would result in incomprehensible human misery, death, and bankruptcy. Right now Biden may be escalating that possibility by taking sides and/or asking Congress to allot $6.4 billion to assist Ukraine.

The evidence on Biden’s untruthfulness is far more obvious to us than Putin’s, because he leads this country and we notice his Deep State media filling the airways daily with deceit. The Deep State is defined as secret combinations, globalists, and the establishment. They censor everything in opposition to their narratives. On Feb. 7, 2022, the Biden Department of Homeland Security decreed “the National Terrorism Advisory Bulletin Alert,” defining messages differing from their own as disinformation and those disseminating them, domestic terrorists. Indeed, the past year it has been difficult to see the difference between a communist state and our own with respect to our first amendment rights and Biden’s censorship or criminalization of free speech.

So what do we actually know about Ukraine? Ukraine borders on Russia as Mexico borders the United States. It was once a part of the USSR, created by Russia after World War II. It wants now to be included in NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization which formed April 4, 1949, to oppose communist expansion into Europe. Putin and most Russians view NATO as opposed to them. If Ukraine is absorbed by NATO, it leaves Russia’s former Cold War enemy NATO, bordering Russia. Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk, all eastern provinces of Ukraine, still speak mostly Russian and favor association with Russia more than Ukraine.

We also know in 2014 a fraudulent election, similar to our own 2020 election, placed the Deep State in power over Ukraine; backed by Barack Obama and Joe Biden, then president and vice president. The Deep State rules Ukraine. It similarly now governs America under Biden and has been the principle component in both the Democrat and Republican political parties since its origin in New York City in 1921, as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

All U.S. presidents have been dominated by CFR influence since that year until Donald J. Trump decided to resist them. Some say that John F. Kennedy was the first to do so but I cannot verify this independently. Trump’s resistance to it explains why he was initially opposed by both parties and still is by Democrats and RINOS.

The Deep State’s principle objective is, always has been, and always will be, world government. has previously covered its history. Joe Biden is and always has been for world government (see “How I Learned to Love the New World Order,” by Senator Joe Biden,, June 16, 2021). The Deep State is very happy to have a country of its own without a Constitution, as in America or too much regimentation as in China, so that the intellectual and financial elite could manipulate the world as they see fit without restriction.

We also know that prior to the Deep State takeover, Ukraine was notoriously corrupt, this aided in the takeover. It almost immediately became a laundering money country for the Deep State—the Clintons, Soros, Bidens and etc. all benefited, and these are its leading defenders and Russian opponents today, and those promoting the narrative that Russia is invading the masses. Remember there are many Ukrainians who assisted the Deep State takeover just as ANTIFA assisted the Democrat’s rise. Putin calls them Nazis and they openly fire on the Russians. The 16,000 gun hand-out by the Ukrainian Deep State government may have armed them.

Ukraine became the nation of choice to launder money—make dirty money untraceable, thus clean. It was where Hunter Biden could extract from Russian widow Elena Baturina, the richest woman in Russia, $3.5 million and from Ukraine another $3 plus million through Burisma. It is where the sons of Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, Mitt Romney, also with no experience in energy, are alleged to similarly sit on energy boards and become rich. It is where Hunter Biden was being prosecuted for corruption but Joe Biden had the prosecutor fired with his famous quick-pro-quo that “You’r not getting the billion dollars,” he boasted of on prime time television. It is where the Clinton Foundation could promise contributors political favors in exchange for big donations.

The Deep State built 13 bio-labs in Ukraine to study the most dangerous viruses on the planet. These, in addition to the Wuhan, China lab, potentially doing gain of function research, but without any government able to limit their dark experiments. These threaten the whole planet. If bio-labs, studying the worst viruses in the world were in Mexico and an accident could release a deadly virus, we would have great sympathy for a similar strategic response remedy.

My point!! Ukraine is no innocent country. But its people have been victimized by Deep State rule as have we. Putin was smart enough to kick out of Russia Deep Stater George Soros—we weren’t. Putin says that he is bringing into his country only two border provinces, Donetsk, and Luhansk, who want to leave. He executed targeted missile attacks on the bio -lab sites and the Deep State supporters who took over the country. In Crimea the people voted their way out of Ukraine under the Obama administration. Putin insists he is not targeting the people. At this printing only the bio-labs and Deep State activists have been targeted. We know also that he is opposed to the New World Order. Is it possible that he is an ally against the Great Reset?

Whose lying Biden or Putin? On Ukraine it becomes a matter of trust. It is sad we even have to ask. In a future column we will document in what cities these bio-labs are located and who paid and built them, but they do exist despite Deep State deceitful denial.

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit

“They were Framing the President,” to Oust Him. An Attempted Coup!!

By Harold Pease, Ph.D.

One of the biggest stories in American history is that in 2016 the losing candidate in a presidential election race spied on the winning candidate, before the election in Trump Towers, and six months after, in the White House, in an effort to unseat the duly elected president. This was the heart of the findings of the multi-year Durham probe presently dripping out through indictments. In most countries, and in our own as well pre-Donald Trump era, the words treason or attempted coup would have been used in describing the above and swift justice rendered—usually by a firing squad.

A Russian Hoax has been alleged since 2016. Sean Hannity reported almost nightly on it in 2016 but only conservatives paid any attention. “Hillary Clinton paid for data to suggest a Donald Trump Server was communicating with a Russian bank—then promoted the false data on Twitter in 2016.” The Trump server , a big part of the original narrative, communicating with a Russian bank, Alfa Bank, was thereafter easily debunked by the FBI, but not the spying by the Clinton campaign.

To investigate the origins of the Russia collusion, John Durham, was appointed by then Attorney General William Barr in 2019 to investigate the origins of the probe into alleged connections between Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and Russia. Since then he has processed through the grand jury three indictments, 1st, Kevin Clinesmith, an FBI attorney for Robert Mueller who pled guilty to altering an email during the process of acquiring a wiretap warrant on Carter Page. 2nd, Michael Sussmann, last September, for pushing their false Trump Russian collusion on to the FBI to get them to investigate while he also represented the Hillary Clinton campaign. And 3rd, Igor Danchenko, November 4, 2021, the primary source for Christopher Steele, the former British spy who was paid by Democrats during the 2016 presidential campaign to create the fake intelligence narrative which was used by the feds between October 2016 and September 2017 to successfully apply for surveillance warrants targeting former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page to get to Trump (“Who is Igor Danchenko?” November 4, 2021).

Spying by the Clinton campaign has resurfaced as far more than alleged and prosecution’s are expected to follow. So far all roads lead to Hillary Clinton. The New York Post’s front page, February 15, 2022, featured Hillary hugging the Trump Towers skyscraper with an ear piece intently listening in on the private conversations held within with the heading “HILLARY THE SPY: Outrage Over Revelation that Clinton ‘paid for’ Access to Trump’s PC’s.”

Durham’s court submission last week, “alleged that a tech executive, who was supposed to be helping the government combat cyber threats, used his privileged access to Internet data — specifically, domain name system (DNS) traffic between servers — to mine contacts between Russia and facilities connected to Donald Trump. The information, Durham says, was taken out of context and distorted to suggest that Trump might be a clandestine agent of Vladimir Putin’s regime.” (“Durham’s Jaw-Dropping Revelation,” National Review, February 15, 2022.). The tech (the second Clinton campaign associate) has since been identified as Rodney Joffe, a Clinton supporter who was hoping to land a big national-security post if Hillary Clinton were elected president in 2016.

This story is big because, again, all fingers point to Hillary Clinton. Maria Bartimoro on Fox News headlined “Durham: Clinton Campaign Paid to Infiltrate Trump Servers to Link Trump to Russia.” US News headlined “Durham Filing Detailing Spying on Trump White House Raises National Security Implications,” by Jeff Carlson and Hans Mahncke, February 14, 2022 Updated: February 16, 2022. New York Post, Feb. 14, headlined, “Clinton Campaign paid tech workers to dig up Trump-Russia Connection: Report.” National Review headlined “The Media’s Blackout on Durham Revelations,” by David Harsanyi on February 14, 2022.

Such filled the nation’s newspapers and airways in the same manner as the Titanic going down April 14, 1912 or Richard Nixon resigning the presidency of the United States August 8, 1974—a big front page story that could not be ignored by any competent news outlet. A story that filled the news for several days that everyone would know of and talk about —certainly as big as killing Osama bin Laden, or anything happening in Afghanistan last August or Ukraine today.

But this was so only on conservative outlets. The controlled press from Saturday to Monday had a media blackout of it all. “ABC gave the latest Durham probe filing zero seconds of coverage, NBC zero seconds, CBS zero seconds, MSNBC zero seconds and CNN gave only 2 minutes and 20 seconds to the story. The biggest story of our time got zero coverage also from the New York Times and the Washington Post, the two largest newspapers in the nation. These, however, were the same media outlets that promoted the, since debunked, Russia Hoax.

The viewers of these “news” outlets, and their affiliates, got nothing—not even propaganda—no attempt to even debunk the Special Council’s sources. Deafening Silence!! Consequently they are left ignorant. Remember, there were hoards of reporters covering the Robert Mueller probe, promising that it would destroy Trump, instead it proved his innocence. This is very serious because, if true, and indictments are followed by prosecutions, these news outlets become not only subject to what criminality may be involved but accomplices in the coverup of treason and the attempted coup of a duly elected president, more so if they “knowingly” participated in it.

In short, “Durham’s newest filing accuses the Hillary Clinton campaign of working with a technology firm that was collecting Internet data from Trump Tower servers, and subsequently the White House, as a means of creating an “inference” and “narrative” about Trump’s dealing with Russia. In layman’s terms, they were framing the president” (The Media’s Blackout on Durham Revelations,” by David Harsanyi, National Review, February 14, 2022).

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit

Censoring Failed, Now “Disinformation” is Domestic Terrorism

Censoring Failed, Now “Disinformation” is Domestic Terrorism

By Harold Pease, Ph.D.

One of the most chilling government documents to emerge in U.S. history from the now fully politicized Department of Homeland Security DHS, is its National Terrorism Advisory Bulletin Alert issued February 7, 2022. It began, “The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors.”

Yes, the United States has been taken over by a socialist foreign ideology that has spent a year removing large parts of the Bill of Rights through decrees including mandated masking, immunizations, vaccine passports and lockdowns. The BLM and Antifa took over Seattle and Portland, staging at least 250 riots throughout the country in 2020, hurting, burning and looting, destroying police headquarters, government buildings, stores and even churches. They tore down statues of Founding Fathers and great leaders including Thomas Jefferson and George Washington. It’s about time government held these domestic terrorists accountable!!!

The alert continued, “These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence. Mass casualty attacks and other acts of targeted violence conducted by lone offenders and small groups acting in furtherance of ideological beliefs and/or personal grievances pose an ongoing threat to the nation.” Amen again, isn’t this precisely what the new government, especially with blue state mayors and governors, have been doing to America with Marxists fifth columns BLM and Antifa?

The Department of Home Land Security identified the enemy as “the proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions” principally in the “widespread online proliferation of false or misleading narratives regarding unsubstantiated widespread election fraud and COVID-19.” So any message that counters anything said by the government, (currently the marriage between the Democratic Party, Big Tech, Big Media, Big Pharma), is disinformation and the one giving it is a domestic terrorist. This is especially so respecting election fraud and COVID-19. Who decides what is false or misleading? It appears they alone. So speech is criminalized and the First Amendment erased.

Welcome to the new fascist state and the death of every restraint on government. The enemy is not those who seek to burn and destroy America, like Antifa, nor those who wish to bankrupt it with debt, which includes many Republicans, but the Constitution and those who have created the most inclusive, prosperous and free society ever created. To our present fascist government the enemy is us—the people. The enemy is free thought, debate, and expression.

The DHS document identified itself as working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to deal with this new threat and boasted of its having “established a new, dedicated domestic terrorism branch to produce the sound, timely intelligence needed to counter related threats. The Department expanded its evaluation of online activity as part of its efforts to assess and prevent acts of violence.” This is called the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency or (CISA).

NAZI Germany did precisely the same thing with the SS when it also defined its own citizens as the enemy, resulting in millions sent to, and dying from, their concentration camps. The threat alert had a bold subheading Report Potential Threats and advised reporting suspicious activity, “If You See Something, Say Something,” it read. In short, turn in you patriotic neighbor.

None of those who have followed the history of the FBI or the DOJ, especially lately, should be surprised. During the Robert Mueller investigation the FBI continually handed off damaging disinformation leaks to the New York Times. Certainly former FBI director James Comey ran interference preventing prosecution of Hillary Clinton for her over 300 deleted but classified emails. And wasn’t Ray Eps and other feds leading the January 6th “insurrection?”

Biden Adm. now define parents as domestic terrorist.

And just last November didn’t the Justice Department begin targeting parents at school board meetings opposing Critical Race Theory and mandated mask wearing for their children? Resisting parents were defined as domestic terrorists and the DOJ authorized data collection on them. This, because of the collusion of the Biden Administration and the National School Board Association which resulted in the government’s domestic terror letter/memo encouraging such.

Meanwhile a two-week civil war rehearsal training camp exercise took place in North Carolina last month for a newly created domestic terrorist unit. The exercise was to “teach Special Forces how to overthrow an ‘illegitimate government’ [and this] just weeks after DOJ announced [its’] new ‘domestic terrorism’ unit.” It is billed as a “training exercise using unconventional guerrilla warfare to defeat [a] numerically superior enemy.” Critics fear that “the exercises encourages soldiers to target civilians”—our citizens (Ep. 2676B, “All Assets [F] Deployed, Checkmate, When do birds Sing?” X22 Report, Jan. 13, 2022, 34:00).

Why the newly created domestic terror unit and fear of an illegitimate government? Democrats view all who disagree with them as domestic terrorists and likely Donald Trump supporters. They also fear his return to power as “their illegitimate government” thus the guerrilla warfare prep.

With this new DOJ domestic terrorist alert and the former DOJ memo defining parents as domestic terrorists, they will soon be rounding up: physicians, journalists, parents, scholars and undoubtedly ministers. To some religion is disinformation. Censoring failed, now government will descend to a deeper level of tyranny by punishing “disinformation” as domestic terrorism.

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit

Is Devolution Still Coming? Pelosi Must Think So

Is Devolution Still Coming? Pelosi Must Think So

By Harold Pease, Ph.D.

Who can forget the two fences constructed in 2021 at different times, presumably at Nancy Pelosi’s request, around the White House and Capitol grounds after Donald Trump vacated the White House? Both were to prevent supposed Trump insurrections that never happened. Video now show large trucks bringing on to White House grounds large concrete blocks presumably for a protection barrier—despite the 10 ft fence already in existence—but no explanation is given.

Meanwhile a two-week civil war rehearsal training camp exercise took place in North Carolina for a newly created domestic terrorist unit (Ep. 2676B, “All Assets [F] Deployed, Checkmate, When do birds Sing?” X22 Report, Jan. 13, 2022, 34:00). Why? Democrats fear Donald Trump supporters whom they label domestic terrorists. Certainly Democrats must fear Devolution is still coming. The DC panic level, and neurosis, is very high.

Pelosi is desperate to know what Trump is planning. They now know the people are with him (“‘Do You Miss Me Yet?”’ The People are Winning,” LibertyUnderFire January 2022). He will return soon but how? And when? Most Americans, 68%, believe that election fraud was in the Biden win. A whopping 76% believe that January 6 was a protest that went too far—not an insurrection. January 6 is believed by many to hide the November 3rd “real” insurrection.

President Trump announced in March 2020 that we were attacked by a foreign country with a bio-weapon COVID, “as bad as Pearl Harbor or 9 11,” and he has never rescinded that theme. Remember the CDC numbered the American dead from this virus above 850,000. If done knowingly and purposely the attack was an act of war as were prior foreign attacks beginning wars with Japan and Iraq.

We now know that COVID-19 originated in the Wuhan lab in China as part of gain of function research participated in by Anthony Fauci (61 instances) and in part funded by his organization NIAID up to $600,000, assisted by other American scientists and the Chinese government. New information is popping up regularly regarding this collision but not covered by our censoring and controlled press. Any activity colluding with China to weaken or damage the treason.

We also know that the “pandemic” was weaponized by the Democrat Party to promote mail-in voting which facilitated considerable election anomalies in all the battleground states. Without these, the presidential election outcome likely would be different. We have over a thousand affidavits, given under penalty of perjury, of eyewitnesses attesting to election fraudulence.

A second act of war is any foreign collusion respecting the 2020 presidential election. If present this would have made Trump a war-time president giving him war-time powers. Those familiar with Devolution maintain that the Deep State colluded with China in particular by—1) creating the virus through gain of function research, 2) then exporting the pandemic, 3) then, through dominion machines, influenced the 2020 election as well. Between these they accomplished regime change as in other countries. They overthrew the U.S. government and a duly elected president. For Americans participating, this is treason and they are enemy combatants.

Those willing to view the evidence have known for more than a year that military intelligence—the Space Force—monitored everything in real time. This will come out a third time after Truth Social is established. The first two times with Rudy Giuliani / Sidney Powell and later in the Mike Lindell Symposium: were smothered by the Deep State press. Trump implemented the National Security Continuity of Government plan of 1947—Devolution— on Dec. 7, 2020. (“At What Stage in the Game do you Play the Trump Card?, X 22 Reports, Nov. 19, 202, 38:20).

There are four essential phases in reversing regime change. The people must see the crimes. They now do but even more is coming from Durham (Clinton Foundation), Maxwell (sexual perversion in high places), Fauci, Biden (father and son with China), election fraud and other investigations. The other three: arrests, prosecutions and state decertification’s will fill out 2022.

Devolution maintains that Trump left the White House to place the target on Joe Biden so that Americans could finally see, even with censorship tyranny, what the Democrats would do if they thought they had all the power. Everything he told us they would do they have and/or are doing.

Truth Social will soon be in place revealing everything and Trump’s popularity will continue to ascend as Biden’s descends. But he has options now not available to him on November 3, 2020. He can choose when he returns. The majority of the people are now awake and will view his return as positive. In a worse case scenario he could wait until 2024 and be reelected but he prefers a return through the Constitution when all the election fraud, including that of China, is out in the open and the battle ground states decertify their elections and he is reinstated.

Military intelligence already knows the rightful president and the military will support his return. Devolution and the Continuity of Government Plan does support a military option if needed and may have to assert itself should Antifa and Black Lives Matter ignite another 275 riots as they did in 2020 when George Soros activated them and does so again when Trump returns.

The above story is the most suppressed story in American history. Nancy Pelosi is in charge of the January 6 investigation as she was in the House activities of that day. No one knows more regarding January 6 than she. More information may reveal her as an accomplice. If so, she is probably the most interested person in America to know what Trump is planning. She knows he did not just walk away, but the people’s distrust of her is at least as low as that for Biden.

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit