In the first American Revolution Americans roughly divided into three equal groups, Loyalists favored England, Patriots the Colonists, and another third were too apathetic to join either side. The Patriots won because the apathetic third would not stand with the Loyalist but also would not support them. In that revolution the enemy, England, was largely overseas.
The 2nd American Revolution sustains the same philosophers, same statesmen, same documents, and same reliance on God as the first American Revolution in 1776, some 248 years ago. It is necessary because these have been largely rejected, vilianized or distorted in our day. Statues have been torn down or defaced, history and the Constitution largely distorted. All at a serious cost to individual liberty. The 2nd American Revolution restores all that was lost.
As a young man I wondered which side I’d have supported as a colonist in 1776. Would I have been at Valley Forge with George Washington during the devastatingly cold winter of 1777? Would I have left my plow, grabbed my rifle, and raced to the front without command to stop Johnny Burgoyne in the Battle of Saratoga? Would I have supported the Declaration of Independence and eventually the Constitution and Bill of Rights that followed? And still later, would I have risked my life to end slavery for my black brother in the American Civil War? Yes! I know because as an adult I now stand for the same things as they. With which group would you have stood? The choice is the same today—liberty or tyranny!
In the current 2nd American Revolution the enemy is largely inside the United States. Basically they are the hate America, its history, the Constitution, the Founders, Christianity, Judaism, statues, tradition, law and order, and the police, crowd. Many are anarchists, socialists, and gang thugs like Antifa—even the marxists in BLM. They achieve their purposes by intimidation, fear, looting, burning buildings and killing policemen, and most recently by law fare. They are found in every neighborhood. Most likely do not vote, they have a more effective way to destroy America—anarchy; nevertheless, they decidedly favor the Democrat Party.
Amazingly Democrat Party icons: Jimmy Carter, Bill or Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden did not publicly condemn those committing violence in 2020, or now. Together they could have stopped anarchists in their tracts but did not. Because there existed no pushback from Democratic Party leadership—not even when the flag was burned—an intelligent person must conclude that this is now the Democrat Party—a party that likely would have been rejected by John F. Kennedy and all pre-Kennedy Democrat presidents.
This 4th of July is different from those preceding it. In four months America is poised to openly and knowingly reject everything the Founder’s stood for, unlike 2020 when the Deep State was largely unknown. In 2020 Portland toppled a statue of even George Washington the father of this country, placing the flag around his neck before setting it on fire. The Abraham Lincoln statue, representing the man who, with 360,222 northerners, gave his life to end slavery, was torn down while leaving untouched the statue of Steven A. Douglas who ran as the Democrat Presidential nominee for president supporting continued slavery. Logic is upside down and inside out.
Democrats have historically been the party of slavers, the Ku Klux Klan and rioting in the twenties, sixties and 2020. In our day they run America’s 20 largest cities, most having defunded their police leaving poor blacks unprotected, but many blacks still vote for the party that historically betrayed them. In this they remain under slavery. Today it encourages the slaughter of their young through abortion.
For the last eight years there has existed a division in this country unlike any since the Civil War. And a threat to individual liberty unlike any since the first American Revolution. As then, only one side can win. The choice is liberty or tyranny, the Constitution or socialist enslavement. But today Internet platforms and the vast majority of media outlets, college professors, and elected officials favor one side of this equation. These are formable opponents every bit equal to England in 1776. But stand we must like they, everyones’ liberty is at stake.
America is awakening to the existence of a “secret combination” known today as the Deep State that effected a 2020 election Coup d’état overthrowing the government. This will be reversed in a new election “too big to rig” November 5, 2024, at the ballot box. Americans demand her country back. We are the majority!! Patriots today join those of the past, (drums rolling) marching to the ballot box,–please fall in behind. The Deep State in both parties will be removed.
Imagine a country where its enemies seek to disarm its citizens (2nd Amendment), remove its border protection (ICE), defund its protectors (police), and threaten religious assembly and free speech and define 75 million Trump voters as domestic terrorists. Today the biggest enemy to liberty is from within. I believe the day will come, when our eyes are opened to the designs of the would be tyrants around us, when no one will admit having once been a Democrat or RINO.
The vast majority of our opponents in the present revolution show bias against Christianity. They ruled church meetings non-essential in the coronavirus “plandemic.” They set on fire St. John’s Episcopal Church across from the White House. BLM leader Shaun King wants Christ statues torn down. Are Bibles next to be burned?
A relationship with deity is mentioned five times in the Declaration of Independence. This document brought on war against the then greatest power on earth, and no European strategist gave the Patriots’ winning a ghost of a chance—yet they stood and won. They could count on no one but God and themselves. We must resurrect the war cry in that document again. “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”
President John Quincy Adams said it best. “Posterity—You will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it.” Let us never forget that liberty is not free. It was purchased and maintained by the blood of those before us and may have to be once again.
Let this be a warning to those who would take liberty from us now. We too are standing “with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence,” mutually pledging “to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.” Again, which side are you standing with? The most important vote in our lifetime this November will tell. Liberty requires our stand 248 years later.
Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Read more of his weekly columns at Column # 774.
Subscribe now for free columns at this address. Help preserve our Republic while we still can by sharing this column.
We live in a crazy world where right is wrong and wrong right, or better yet, there is no right or wrong nor evil. Where human sexual predators feed on children. Where men prefer men and women prefer women and girly men and manly women thrive. Right now the Biden Administration is on board with creating a holiday for male menstrators. Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing on us. There appears such a push, easily recognizable, for the unnatural, the forbidden, even the demonic. Iowa has a statue of Lucifer on display in its state house. If God is real so is Satan. The best secular explanation for this push is from Laura Aboli of the UK who gave a speech June 3-5, 2023 called “Transhumanism: The End Game.” Apparently the final goal for the Deep State planners is to eradicate humanity as we know it. It follows.
There appears a push, easily recognizable, for the unnatural, the forbidden, even the demonic. Iowa has a statue of Lucifer on display in its state house. If God is real so is Satan. The best secular explanation for this push for insanity is from Laura Aboli of the UK who gave a speech June 3-5, 2023 called “Transhumanism: The End Game.” That end merges humans with machines but there is no God, no soul, and no evil.
“Make no mistake the final goal is to eradicate humanity as we know it. Once you understand the final destination, it becomes much easier to look back and identify the psychological conditioning the biological tampering, the cultural grooming and the educational prepping that we have been subjected to for decades in preparation to make us accept a post human future. It takes a lot of physical and psychological abuse to get an intelligent species like ours to agree to its own extinction.
“Most, if not all, that has transcended in the last 60 years, was designed to get us closer to accepting such a dystopian reality whether you care to accept it or not. We live in a hyper-controlled matrix where our perception of reality is meticulously planned, managed and executed in order to control and steer us in whichever direction they wish. And the direction is a post-human world. For this, they first needed to destabilize, dehumanize and demoralize humanity through every means possible the destruction of the nuclear family, children being indoctrinated by the state, abortion, the eradication of God and spirituality from education, life in megacities and away from nature, toxic food, air and water. Social media replacing real human connection and interaction, engineered financial crisis and taxation, endless wars and massive migration, stress, anxiety, depression, drugs and alcohol, constant fear mongering.”
Moral relativism, the new religion, … “has been influenced and forced to move away from all the things that give us strength, security, purpose and meaning. A weak, immoral, disconnected, ignorant and unhealthy population is an easy target for the next stage, the creation of an entire generation of androgynous beings. Masculinity is under attack psychologically, culturally and biologically. Women are being replaced in sports, entertainment and politics by men pretending to be women. And children are being indoctrinated at school to think that gender is a choice.
“The transgender movement is not a grassroots movement. It comes from the top. It has nothing to do with people’s freedom of expression, sexuality or civil rights. It’s an evil psyop with a clear agenda, to get us closer to transhumanism by making us question the most fundamental notion of human identity, our gender. If you don’t know who you are, if you already identify as a hybrid between a man and a woman, you will be easily convinced to become a hybrid between human and machine. Gender ideology is the two plus two equals five from George Orwell’s 1984 dystopian novel. It’s the final test to see whether we will follow the most absurd party line towards our own extinction. But two plus two equals four. And no matter how you choose to dress, call yourself, or change your physique, will not change that. The sad reality though, is that in the gaslighting process to get us closer to a post human future, they have mentally and physically harmed an increasing number of children and young people. And it’s only getting worse. This must be stopped.
“Understanding the philosophy and the ideology behind the transhumanist movement is crucial if we’re going to make the right choices as a species, transhumanism stands on the premise that there is no god, that there is no spiritual realm, and that we possess no soul. For decades, we have been prepped and groomed to accept the notion that without technological enhancements, we will not survive the future, but instead become obsolete.”
AI is central to their controlling us. “That’s because it is artificial. It’s not real intelligence, real intelligence necessitates consciousness, something that machines will never possess. And in any case, who said we wanted to merge with machines? Why should we allow some megalomaniac nerds and their big tech billionaire friends dictate our future? I think most people just want to be able to live a peaceful life in a healthy environment where they can pursue their dreams. Technology must be at our service, not to replace us or destroy us…. Let’s use technology to make our lives more humane not to make humans a thing of the past. The things we value most and those things that cannot be replicated by machines: empathy, compassion, courage, intuition, imagination, passion, love. All of the things that make us unique.
If you don’t know who you are. If you already identify as a hybrid between a man and a woman, you will be easily convinced to become a hybrid between human and machine. They don’t want to make you better. The end game is to make you a totally controllable piece of machinery. Transhumanists have replaced God with themselves.
“We are the most sophisticated beings on this planet and possibly the universe; for all we know. Our body is the universe in itself, one that we still have not yet fully discovered and our brains are the most complex cognitive piece of biological machinery in the world. They don’t want to make you better. They don’t want to make you a superhuman. The end game is to make you a totally controllable piece of machinery.…. The fourth industrial revolution will not change the world. It will change you. They will entice you with promises of immortality, and its digital immortality. They will try to convince you of a life without disease and suffering by disconnecting you from the natural web of life and connecting you to the grid and they will speak of becoming Gods….”
The ultimate truth is God does not make mistakes and made only two sexes male and female—no hybrids whether between people or machines. At birth we come out of the womb as one or the other and are easily identifiable. God also reminds us in puberty again, which gender we are and thereafter through most of adulthood. Every month females menstruate, males do not. A male calling himself a woman, dressing as a woman, having a female name and participating in women’s sports or having himself castrated is still a male. There are no male menstrators.
Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. Read his weekly columns at and share them. Help save our Republic. Column # 772
We first published “A Struggle for the Survival of our Nation” September 21, 2018, two years after it was given October 16, 2016, just before the presidential election of that year. This was the last address the Deep State wanted known because it revealed them, thus they censored it. The Deep State controlled, or deeply influenced, both political parties for over 100 years under various names before being called the Deep State. We have advised our readers of its activities over the many years long before Donald Trump. When this address was given nearly eight years ago, excepting a few, or those secretly governing, the masses were almost entirely ignorant of, and non-accepting of its existence. Today the tyranny of the Deep State is largely known.
No presidential candidate or president in U.S. history has had the opposition Trump has had, even put together, but he and John F Kennedy are the only ones who actively opposed the Deep State. Removing the Deep State is America’s Second Revolution. Which side are you on?
Now the majority of the people want it removed from power. It almost got rid of Trump and thus his threat to its exposure and extinction, but today he is poised to return again with the same promise to reveal and destroy it. This is why this address vies as the most important political address given in modern times. Our freedom requires its removal. Parts of the address follow:
“Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People. There is nothing the political establishment will not do, and no lie they will not tell, to hold on to their prestige and power at your expense.
“The Washington establishment, and the financial and media corporations that fund it, exists for only one reason: to protect and enrich itself. The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake…. For those who control the levers of power in Washington, and for the global special interests they partner with, our campaign represents an existential threat…
“This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not We The People reclaim control over our government. The political establishment that is trying everything to stop us, is the same group responsible for our disastrous trade deals, massive illegal immigration, and economic and foreign policies that have bled this country dry….
“It’s a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities. Just look at what this corrupt establishment has done to our cities like Detroit and Flint, Michigan – and rural towns in Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina and across our country. They have stripped these towns bare, and raided the wealth for themselves and taken away their jobs.
“The Clinton Machine is at the center of this power structure. We’ve seen this firsthand in the WikiLeaks documents in which Hillary Clinton meets in secret with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich these global financial powers…..
“Let’s be clear on one thing: the corporate media in our country is no longer involved in journalism. They are a political special interest, no different than any lobbyist or other financial entity with an agenda. …. For them, it is a war – and for them, nothing is out of bounds. This is a struggle for the survival of our nation ….
“The establishment and their media enablers wield control over this nation through means that are well known. Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe and morally deformed. They will attack you, they will slander you, they will seek to destroy your career and reputation. And they will lie, lie and lie even more…..
“Our great civilization, here in America and across the civilized world, has come upon a moment of reckoning…. But the central base of world political power is here in America, and it is our corrupt political establishment that is the greatest power behind the efforts at radical globalization and the disenfranchisement of working people. Their financial resources are unlimited. Their political resources are unlimited. Their media resources are unlimited. And, most importantly, the depths of their immorality is unlimited.
“Our political establishment has no soul…. The only force strong enough to save this country is you. The only people brave enough to vote out this corrupt establishment is you, the American People. They control the Department of Justice…. [and] the Director of the FBI….
“This is a conspiracy against you, the American people. This is our moment of reckoning as a society and as a civilization….
“I didn’t need to do this. I built a great company, and I had a wonderful life. I could have enjoyed the benefits of years of successful business for myself and my family, instead of going through this absolute horror show of lies, deceptions and malicious attacks. I’m doing it because this country has given me so much, and I feel strongly it was my turn to give back.
Address included: “They knew they would throw every lie they could at me and my family and my loved ones. They knew they would stop at nothing to try to stop me. Nevertheless I take all of these slings and arrows gladly for you. I take them for our movement so that we can have our country back. I knew this day would arrive. It was only a question of when.”
“Some people warned me this campaign would be a journey to hell. But they are wrong, it will be a journey to heaven because we will help so many people.
“In my former life, I was an insider as much as anybody else – and I know what’s like to be an insider. Now I am being punished for leaving their special club and revealing to you their great scam. Because I used to be part of the club, I’m the only one who can fix it. I’m doing this for the people….
“We will remove from our politics the special interests who have betrayed our workers, our borders, our freedoms, and our sovereign rights as a nation. We will end the politics of profit, we will end the rule of special interests, we will put a stop to the raiding of our country – and the disenfranchisement of our people. Our Independence Day is at hand….” (View full address at )
The above, parts of the most important political address given in modern times, was the words of presidential candidate Donald J. Trump, October 16, 2016—the only candidate willing to take on the century old establishment / secret combination / globalists. If this address is unfamiliar with some readers it is because their sources for information are establishment controlled—thus they are controlled. They are on the wrong side in the struggle to retrieve our liberty in this Second American Revolution. We are either on the side of liberty or not—same choice as in 1776.
Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Read his weekly columns at Column # 771
Subscribe now for free columns at this address. Help preserve our Republic while we still can by sharing this column.
Mar-A-Lago was President Trump’s second bout with “deadly force” where he lived. Some remember he first faced it as president May 30, 2020, at his residence. It was when the White House was surrounded by hundreds of angry Black Lives Matter and Antifa anarchists violently protesting the death of George Floyd and simultaneously threatening President Trump. They burned cars and pillaged businesses in big cities across the nation. They wanted to do the same to the White House and its resident. They even burned St Johns Episcopal Church across the street.
DC, a city full of protest and fires May 30, 2020. The Great White House Insurrection, over seven months before Jan. 6 Capitol fedsurrection blamed on MAGA. St. John’s Episcopal Church was set on fire, White House almost occupied by Antifa and BLM, President Trump moved by Secret Service to bunker for protection. “Where are the discussions of how democracy barely survived that day?”
CNN reported, “More than 60 US Secret Service Uniformed Division officers and special agents were injured starting Friday night through Sunday morning near the White House as protests rocked Washington, DC, following the death of George Floyd last week, according to a statement from the Secret Service. The officers and agents were injured when protesters threw projectiles such as bricks, rocks, bottles, fireworks and other items.… Personnel were also directly physically assaulted as they were kicked, punched and exposed to bodily fluids.”
Rioters breached the fences surrounding the White House. They tussled over the last fence barrier. The Hill reported, “Barricades have fallen to the west of the White House and the crowd is surging forward, once again coming face-to-face with Secret Service who’ve moved into formation and raised their riot shields—a few stained yellow from eggs just thrown.” Yahoo! News reported, they “quite literally hit President Trump’s doorstep .”
“The demonstrations led to dramatic clashes involving fists, shields and tear gas against the backdrop of Trump’s official residence. Hundreds of protesters marched through the nation’s capital and made their way to Pennsylvania Avenue early Saturday morning where they engaged in hours of violent clashes with Secret Service officers before being dispersed with pepper spray. Uniformed Secret Service officers kept them at bay with riot gear and shields till about 2.a.m., until “officers from the U.S. Park Police arrived to reinforce the Secret Service.” (“Night of rage on Pennsylvania Avenue as protesters clash with Secret Service in front of the White House,” by Hunter Walker White House Correspondent, Yahoo! News, May 30, 2020).
“A city-wide curfew was implemented over the weekend between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. Curfews have been imposed in at least 40 other major U.S. cities and the National Guard has been deployed in 15 states” (American Military News, June 01, 2020, Laura Widener).
As Trump’s home, the White House itself, looked next to be breached “Secret Service agents rushed President Donald Trump to a White House bunker” below where he spent “nearly and hour.” We learned later that “Melania Trump and the couple’s 14-year-old son, Barron, were escorted with him” (“Trump took shelter in White House bunker as protests raged,” by Jonathan Lemire and Zeke Miller, AP, May 31, 2020).
Stephen Miller, Trump’s senior adviser in the White House remembers that weekend. “Yes, I was indeed there at the time. I remember the entire period of feeling violence quite well, when it was just dangerous to drive home from work. You had BLM rioters and agitators roaming the streets blocking traffic, menacing, violence, breaking store windows. Specifically with respect to that incident, I talked to many secret service agents afterwards, agents were literally fighting hand combat against those radicals to stop them from invading the White House, climbing that fence and through sheer force of numbers invading the White House. That is what happened. It is the actual definition of an insurrection”—the 2020 White House Insurrection (The Benny Show, “FBI Deadly Force Authorization on Trump Just Disclosed,” May 31, 2024).
Then Miller posed some important and revealing questions about a potentially life threatening event to President Trump long since buried by the fedsurrection on the Capitol seven months’s later but should have been followed with a Congressional investigation. He asked, “Where are the prosecutions? Where is the national narrative about the BLM insurrection outside the White House? Where are the discussions of how democracy barely survived that day? You don’t see it.”There was no FBI action against Antifa and BLM during and after the White House insurrection of May 30, 2020, There was never any consequence for leftist bad behavior or leftist violence.
Protesters are tussling with Secret Service over presumably the last fence barrier before, though sheer force of numbers, invading the White House. This is the actual definition of an insurrection more than seven months before the January 6 Fedsurrection blamed on Trump and MAGA. Notice the fire in the distance, top middle of the photo. Reinforcements and pepper spay stopped them. Why didn’t Antifa get 20 year prison sentences as did J6 detainees?
Why? He answered his own question. “There’ll be no discussion of it, because the left instead wants to create a completely false and constructed narrative that normal patriotic Americans are domestic terrorists and threats to the survival of democracy when in fact it is BLM! It is Antifa!! It is the radical left Marxists that are and remain a threat to the survival of American democracy!!!” (Ibid.). The House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi had no interest in investigating the left for insurrection. We are still trying to get her text messages with Capitol police and the FBI on January 6. Many believe she helped orchestrate the fedsurrection. She turned down Trump’s offer of 10,000 National Guardsmen to protect the Capitol.
In Aprill 2022 Joe Biden expressed rage “that Merrick Garland has not moved to put Trump in prison” (Garland Faces Growing Pressure as Jan. 6 investigation widens:, by Katie Jenner, Katie Rogers, and Michael S. Schmidt, New York Times, April 2, 2022). The narrative that normal patriotic Americans are domestic terrorists and threats to the survival of democracy is a Biden core message. When asked in 2022, “What are you gonna do to stop Donald Trump from getting back in the White House?” Biden answered, “We just have to demonstrate that he will not take power. He will not become president again.” Apparently Biden had no problem with Antifa using deadly force against President Trump on May 30, 2020, at the White House and again as a presidential candidate, Aug. 8, 2023 at Mar-a-Lago, even authorizing the FBI to use it.
Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Read more of his weekly columns at Column # 770 Subscribe now for free columns at this address. Help preserve our Republic while we still can by sharing this column.
Newly released court documents forced out of the Department of Justice largely by America First Legal reveal unacceptable details about the FBI’s raid of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home Aug. 8, 2022. Many conservatives believe it was a failed attempt by Deep State leaders Joe Biden and Merrick Garland to endanger Donald J. Trump, his family and the U.S.Secret Service (USSS) in a potential line of fire should the raid go awry. According to the filing, “The DOJ and FBI agents planned to bring standard issue weapons, MO, handcuffs and medium and large sized bolt cutters. They were also instructed to wear unmarked polo or collared shirts and to keep law enforcement equipment concealed.” (Brooke Singman, Fox and Friends, Fox News, May 21, 2024). Why? So Trump might think them thieves and protect himself drawing fire? Thirty agents descended that evening on Trump’s home.
“Joe Biden sent men with guns to his political opponents house, and turned their bedrooms [Melania and Barron’s] upside down,…this was the former 1st Lady…unprecedented in the history of the United States.” Jesse Watters
The same details were echoed by Jesse Watters, also of Fox News who added ,“Joe Biden sent men with guns to his political opponents house, and turned their bedrooms [Melania and Barron’s] upside down,…this was the former 1st Lady…unprecedented in the history of the United States.” They brought a medic in case someone was shot. Watters said there was no bases to bring firearms into Mar-a-Lago and that the raid was an unconstitutional illegal search and seizure. The FBI seized Trump’s passports, taxes and accounting information, even medical records.” All of this is nearly two year old news, except the authorization to use deadly force.
What is especially troubling is that the story details above are absent from Deep State media outlets. They never would have covered this on their own had Fox News not first broke the story. I had to go online to get the other side. The Internet revealed only 67 articles on the story—all dismissive of the above and accepting of the FBI’s explanation that ALL FBI raids have the deadly force component—but this is a U.S. president!! The Deep State media choir treated the above as mostly a fantasy. Not one gave the above details, so controlled is mainstream news.
What the Deep State censored most is that putting Trump in harms way is 100% against the law and the FBI and DOJ fully knew this. At the very least it was illegal whether as a risky publicity stunt to make it look like Trump robbed Fort Knox of classified documents and the crime had to be treated “mafia style” to “turn off Trump’s rising popularity, or at worst, entrapment ending in Trump’s planned death in a gun fire exchange between USSS and FBI agents dressed in plain clothes in the dark of the night. Casualties would be considered necessary collateral damage.
That law is 18 US Code Section 879, “Threats Against Former Presidents and Certain Other Persons.” This law provides NO EXCEPTIONS FOR LAW-ENFORCEMENT, FBI or otherwise. It says, “Whoever knowingly and willfully threatens to kill, kidnap, or inflict bodily harm on a former president or member of the immediate family of the former president, a member of the immediate family of the president, the president elect, the vice president, or the vice president elect, a major candidate for the office of president or vice president, or member of the immediate family of such candidate. Or, a person protected by the Secret Service under Section 3056A6 shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years or both.”
In the case of Trump this law was violated five times. He was a “former president” and presently is “a major candidate for the office of president.” His family was/is, also potentially in the line of fire, as the “former president’s family” and presently “major presidential candidate’s immediate family.” And finally, the FBI planned on placing the U.S. Secret Service in harms way. How does one avoid the conclusion that they wanted something to happen to justify killing him?” Fortunately neither Trump or his family was at Mal-a-Lago at the time. Followers ask, “Did Trump avoid an assassination attempt by his own government?”
Julie Kelly, a political commentator and author, asked pertinent questions. “What if Trump had shown up now to defend his property? What if he refused to allow FBI agents into Melania’s room? Or, Barons? How would Secret Service have responded? What about armed FBI agents? There are no clear-cut answers” (X22 Reports, hereafter not cited, Ep, 3359b, May 22, 2024, 38:41). But in the dark of night the secret service could have had their guns drawn and fired upon the FBI clothed as civilians and, if an assassination attempt, FBI agents would have had their guns aimed at Trump were he visible. With potentially 30 agents firing , and in all the confusion, who would know who actually killed Trump and the Deep State outlets could have argued that it was an accident. Just as they now argue the supposed concern is a fantasy.
U,S. Secret Service members stand guard outside former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home after FBI agents raided it, in Palm Beach, Florida, Aug.8, 2022. They could have mistakenly exchanged fire with FBI agents dressed in plain clothes in the dark of that night. Had he been at MAL instead of Trump Tower in New York City any misstep could have left him the target of the FBI. Casualties would be considered necessary collateral damage and the Deep State would have removed their arch enemy willing to reveal them.
Respecting the FBI’s use of deadly force, Kelly again asks the most pertinent questions. “If lethal force guidance for Mar-A Lago raid is so standard and MBFD, why are we just learning of it now? Why did it take a federal judge to out it from the Department of Justice? Why wasn’t the release alongside Mar-a-Lago search warrant? Why didn’t FBI own the form from the start?” (Ep. 3360b, May 23, 2024,52:07).
The FBI countered, the “FBI search at President Biden’s homes also included deadly force policy which is standard.” Kelly responds “No search warrant cited in [Robert] Hur Report. No references to armed agents. Search was voluntary and partially delayed because Biden did not want to relinquish diary entries.” She then adds, “Still waiting to hear from the SOP [standard operating procedures] deadly force backers, how federal laws that specifically protect the former president / USSS protectees don’t apply during an armed FBI raid.” She challenges them, “Please cite any case laws, statutes, department policies to show your work. Let’s see the order, we saw it for Trump. Show it with Biden” (Ibid.)!
With Biden’s totally unlawful classified documents, the FBI made “his raid” the equivalent of an appointment but in broad daylight without threat of gun violence. Two tiered justice. The FBI’s deadly force policy on President Trump smells really bad—like a failed assassination attempt.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. Read his columns at and share them. Column #769.
Subscribe now for free columns at this address. Help preserve our Republic while we still can by sharing this column.
In a small outdoor group of about eight male adults with children running around in the background, the issue of an impending civil war came up. We are just short of six months from the presidential election of 2024. The clouds are indeed ominous, threatening and neither side will accept the results of this election if the other side wins, a civil war is inevitable. Two in the group are ready for it now. I recoiled at the thought! The lights go out for everybody, farming stops, famine begins, factories turn out bullets and bombs to kill fellow Americans, millions die etc.
It could have been like the first Civil War but instead of 618,222 deaths, millions. Trump is to be commended for allowing this civil war to be an information civil war until the people could see that the Deep State was the only real enemy to both sides. He could have stayed in the White House knowing that he actually won 2020 igniting a very bloody civil war—but didn’t.
But wasn’t this the same ominous setting the night before Donald Trump was elected in 2016? The same setting the night before the Democrats won the House of Representatives in 2018, the same before the election Coup November 3, 2020 allowing the illegitimate Joe Biden to occupy the White House January 20, 2021? And the same for the Fedsurrection of January 6 resulting in arrests of over 1,430 to date, and the incarceration of hundreds mostly innocent? The Coup certainly justified taking arms to destroy the Deep State. Despite the provocations it did not happen.
The Left even enticed the Right to civil war in large cities around the nation in 2020 which erupted into burning buildings and police cars, some rapes and murders. The Right did not respond with firearms. Biden, admitting cheating in the election, expected a retaliation otherwise why did he erect fencing around the Capitol on at least three separate occasions? It never came.
So why haven’t we used the Declaration of Independence as before to justify liquidating the Deep State? Because in 2020, with a century of censorship, it was still unknown to most. The people had to see it to believe it. Because had Trump activated the military he would have himself appeared to be the traitor and half of America would have clapped at his execution for treason. Because even if he had been successful we would have installed a “new and improved” Deep State within a few years again controlling everything. We needed to relearn what freedom is and be far more guarded in preserving it for another 248 years, as once we were and did.
America has been in civil war the moment a non Deep State candidate, Donald Trump, surfaced willing to face them—even against his own political party—eight years ago. Nothing can really rid us of the Deep State controlling both major political parties until its power is known. That is the smarter way to get freedom back. Yes, there are those, like me, that have written and lectured on the Deep State, and its various names, for fifty years and are still awaiting the masses to awaken—including Democrats. Even these are awakening now.
Patience and time have been on our side. What we now know that wasn’t known in 2020, but by a few, and would have been covered up—thus forgotten—by bloody battle communiqués of the war are: Joe Biden and his party did enact a Coup d’état and did overthrow the elected president of the United States. Their January 6 Select Committee existed to cover up the Coup keeping the focus against Trump and to punish his followers perpetually. But their 40,000 hours of censored video tape, finally acquired, proved that some 200 feds were involved in the January 6 cover-up of the November 3rd election. Also, the Durham investigation proved that Russiagate was contrived to get rid of Trump and that Hillary Clinton paid for the fake dossier used to frame Trump. And that the two Trump impeachments were contrived to destroy Trump and were baseless.
Americans now know: That the present four indictments against Trump were coordinated through the Biden Administration to interfere in the presidential election of 2024. Democrats, are not in agreement with Biden’s replacement theory on the border—making illegals the new Democrat party. Fake news is our reality, virtually every event or issue is opposite of what the Deep State medias said it was. And almost all Americans today are realizing the existence of the Deep State and see it as the enemy of the people and freedom. It weaponized the FBI, DOJ, CDC, FDA, to assist in removing Trump and its cover up is now known to be the fedsurrection. Even COVID-19 was used to cheat in the election of 2020 to implement mail-in-voting enhancing massive cheating. We now know that Biden used 20 plus shell companies to hide millions of dollars from his selling state secrets to China and at least four other countries. All of this now documented would have been covered up and buried forever by civil war had it occurred in 2020 .
So what will happen in 2024 that couldn’t happen in 2020? Wisely, STILL NO BLOODY CIVIL WAR because Trump refused to go down this road of massive destruction with millions of deaths, instead preferring four more years of awakening the many good people yet unawakened.
The war against the Deep State is unlike any America has, or ever will have, but just as real. When people are forced to fight an enemy they cannot see the tactics must be quite different and the patriots that can see the enemy must wait until all can see least they themselves be viewed as the enemy as in January 6. This was Donald Trump’s dilemma. We are almost there. The long sought indictments will follow when enough can see and the Deep State will be destroyed before the Republic is entirely lost.
Because of this awakening Biden is unelectable and will be allowed to resign by Democrats under threat of the 25th Amendment. The unpopular Kamala Harris is likely to fill out his term as Acting President but right now the only potential candidate with some popularity is Michelle Obama. As we published August 2023 and again January 2024, look for her to become the presidential candidate facing Donald Trump on Nov. 5, 2024. When Democrats realize she can’t win either, I anticipate a cyber election infrastructure attack disabling electronic voting. With massive public disorder in blue cities the Deep State will insist on delaying the election.
Republicans will argue that we are ready now and will implement one day, in person, citizens only, watermarked paper ballot, voting. Voter ID will be required. No electronic voting. The election will be protected by the national guard already called out (likely by Kamala Harris as acting president) to stop the violence in big cites. Trump voters will nullify the cheating by “Too Big to Rig,”—the sheer volume of Trump voters winning the largest landslide in American history. Deep State Democrats will refuse to accept the election results. Violence after November 5 will escalate. The roundup of those who burn America will follow.
Amazingly America is surviving an intense 8-year, but bloodless, civil war. Trump is entirely responsible for this survival. He could have justified death and destruction at any point and most of MAGA would have followed, especially having watched twenty year prosecution sentences of fellow patriots. Most realize they too could have been there. Instead, he stayed in the race and continued rallies giving patriots hope with patience. He is saving us from a bloody civil war. My two “ready now for civil war” friends will be grateful too when justice returns next year.
Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Read more of his weekly columns at Column # 768.
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