Still Baiting Russia for World War III in Ukraine

By Harold Pease, Ph.D

We have been consistent in our many columns on Ukraine over the years. The facts still remain the same. If Trump were still president Russia never would have invaded Ukraine. The 13 CIA built, gain of function experimental bio labs in Ukraine, next to Russia’s border, would have been removed by Trump peacefully rather than eliminated by Russia (Are US-Run Biological labs in Ukraine as they Say?”, March 11, 2022).

The other major cause of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was the 2014 Coup d’état by the Deep State (notably the CIA and Obama Administration featuring Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State) that not only took Ukraine out of Russia’s sphere of influence, which was the case, before, during and after World War II, but placed America’s new fascist Deep State Coup government, Ukraine, on Russia’s border. German fascism was the common enemy of both Russia and America in World War II (“The War Behind the War in Ukraine,” April 1, 2022, Also see “Did NATO Push Ukraine into War?” April 8, 2022). It was replaced by American fascism next door.

Volodymyr Zelensky photographed with an F-16 jet, a U.S. made aircraft capable of carrying nuclear bombs, given by Denmark who pledges a total of 19, the Netherlands another 42. If used against Russia the Ukraine /Russia War will escalate from a U.S. proxy war against Russia to World War III and nuclear; an extremely dangerous escalation. The U.S. agrees to train Ukrainian pilots in Arizona. As the lead funder and armorer of Ukraine we have become the aggressors.

Every American has had to ask. “Outside humanitarian concerns, why do we care about Ukraine?” Biden provides little or no money to stop the invasion on our southern border but provides Abram tanks and risks World War III with Russia, to protect Ukraine’s border. American citizens do not care, but the Deep State does. WHY? It is the Deep States’ border. Ukraine is THEIR COUNTRY and America’s colony since 2014 and Volodymyr Zelensky, coming into power in 2019, their puppet. Their playground where they have only their rules limiting them and no Constitution to stop gain-of-function research, money laundering and etc. as in America. It all began in 2005 when Senators Barack Obama (D) and Richard Lugar (R) visited former Soviet biological, nuclear, and chemical facilities in Ukraine and established the US Deep State roots in Ukraine to allegedly counter bio weapons (“Why Risk War with Russia to Protect Ukraine’s Border,” ,February 17, 2023).

We observe that the United States remains decidedly the lead funder of the war against Russia with the European Union a distant second. The war would have been over months ago were it not for this funding. Comparably all other countries are insignificant contributors. “The U.S. has not formally declared war on Russia, but the battlefield in Ukraine serves as a classic case of a proxy war, waged without a formal declaration.” It has been reported that Ukraine gets over six times as much money from the United States as Israel, a lead recipient of U.S. Military aid. The Kremlin may conclude that they could have finished the war in their favor months ago without this funding and that the United States is their real enemy.

We are Ukraine’s lead supplier of military equipment as well, for example 31 Abrams tanks. Trump’s answer to this “act of war.” “FIRST COME THE TANKS THEN COME THE NUKES.” Other military equipment given Ukraine from the United States included 90 Stryker armored personnel carriers, 59 Bradley fighting vehicles, and anti-aircraft systems plus extensive training on their use. So long as Biden provides Zelensky with patriot missile launchers he will never accept Putin’s peace talk offers. We give him hope (“Are We Poking the Bear for Nuclear War?,” , February 3, 2023). Recently Zelensky was photographed with American made F-16 jets. The jets are arriving and can carry nuclear bombs (X22 Reports, hereafter not cited, Ep. 3419b, Aug. 5, 2024, 24:53).

Meanwhile the Deep State’s war is escalating. On June 12, 2024, Biden authorized Ukrainian missiles to be fired into Russia. Russia, in response, sent ships to Cuba. A second Cuban Missile Crises is building? (Ep. 3377b, June 12, 2024, 37:34). Also, “The Biden administration moves toward allowing American military contractors to deploy to Ukraine.” (Natasha Bertrand, and Oren Liebermann, Voice of Ukraine, June 25, 2024). These to push war against Russia.

What? A secret war with Russia by our CIA that could have at any moment escalated nuclear into mass annihilation for both countries is insanity and Barrack Obama and Joe Biden were key figures in the Ukrainian 2014 Coup d’état and since were complacent in the CIA’s activities in Ukraine. Only Congress can declare war and the executive branch has no authority to assist in a Coup, or place a country in a position that feels it must defend itself from us. Thanks New York Times for finally sharing perhaps America’s most guarded secret. Conspiracy proven to be fact.

Unfortunately terrorism has gone on for some time. “The list of US sponsored terrorist attacks continues to grow: – Nord Stream pipeline bombing – Crocus City Hall massacre – Belgorod incursion – Sevastopol ATACMS. The US continues to provoke Putin, in the hopes that he will retaliate, so they can justify direct conflict with Russia” (Ep. 3386b, June 24, 2024, 31:46).

Sevastopol June 23, 2024, is the latest of these. On the occupied Crimean Peninsula a missile fell killing five people, including three children, and injuring over a 100. Russia said, “The US ‘bears equal responsibility’ with Ukraine for the attack” (NBC News, “Russia blames U.S. for ‘barbaric’ Ukrainian attack on Crimea, summons ambassador,” Yuliya Talmazan, June 23, 2024).

What is next? “Russia drops major accusations, says Ukraine, and outside foreigners, are supplying chemical and radioactive weapons capable of making a dirty nuclear bomb that will be used for a false flag operation,” Col. Douglas Macgregor reports, (Ep.3392b, July 1, 2024, 25:42).

On Ukraine both Putin and the The New York Times (the lead Deep State mouthpiece) are if full agreement. Both say the CIA (a lead Deep State organization) clearly provoked war with Russia for at least a decade (“The New York Times Documents CIA Provoked War with Russia for a Decade,”, March 6, 2024). A must read, they confirm almost everything.

There appears to be no interest of the present Obama-Biden-Harris Administration to resolve the Ukraine Russia War. Of course not, they are of the Deep State that created the war!! Trump, however, has promised a solution to the war, “I will have that settled prior to taking the White House as President-Elect. I know all the players.” He also knows all about the Deep State.

Terror at Our Door Just Waiting for an Event

Harold Pease, Ph.D.

On August 5, 2024, The House Judiciary Committee and its Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement released an interim staff report titled, “Terror at Our Door: How the Biden-Harris Administration’s Open-Borders Policies Undermine National Security and Endanger Americans.” Their findings, largely ignored by Deep State media, follow. “Over 250 illegal aliens on the TERROR WATCH LIST were encountered at the southern border between 2021 and 2023. Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris released at least 99 of those illegal aliens into American communities.” So what happened to the remaining 151 not released? Thirty-four are still in “DHS custody but not yet removed from the United States,” where presumably they will be released to also prey on American communities. “That is a more than 3,000 percent increase of watchlisted alien encounters compared to all four years of the Trump Administration… [A] terrorist threat to the homeland has skyrocketed.” Why? Endangering Americans appears intentional by the Biden-Harris Administration.

Some countries have an active terrorist presence that could present national security risks as depicted in this meme. Especially concerning is the flood of 33,347 young military-aged men without families who came from China the last 18 months. Why? Some fear the terrorists will be unleashed by the Deep State on American citizens and cities when it is clear the Deep State will be removed from power—most likely between November 5 and January 20, 2025.

During the three fiscal years between 2021 and 2023 the “border patrol at the southwest border encountered aliens on the terrorist watch list from 36 different countries, including places with an active terrorist presence such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Kyrgyzstan, Mauritania, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Tayistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, and Yemen.” It is as though these and other countries are purposely draining their prisons and potentially criminal element into the United States. Has the United States become the cesspool for the world’s criminals and insane freeing their homeland countries from having to house, feed, cloth, medicate and guard them? The present Obama-Biden-Harrris Administration needs to show us why this is not so. The terror watch list exists because those on it have demonstrated in countries elsewhere terroristic tendencies that made them a threat to those around them.

Why are we accepting ANY person on the terrorist watch list? Most Americans believe that those on the terrorist watch list have been imported to be unleashed by the Deep State on American citizens when it is clear the Deep State will be removed from power—most likely between November 5 and January 20, 2025. We know these Democrats WILL NOT ACCEPT the results of the election when they lose. They will first compromise faith in the electronic election system by cyber attacks to it, then argue for a delayed election, then when it cannot be delayed and paper ballots are used instead, will refuse its results.

The House Judiciary Committee Report, “Terror at Our Door,” also revealed the presence of ISIS coming through our southern border in just the month of June alone this year. “Of the eight Tajik nationals with potential ISIS ties that ICE arrested in June 2024, three were released into the country after using the Biden–Harris administration’s CBP One phone application to schedule an appointment at the port of entry, four were initially encountered by Border Patrol while crossing the border, and one arrived at a port of entry without scheduling a CBP One app. appointment.”

But the problem is much larger than just the 250 known to be on the terrorist watch list. Thousands more wannabe terrorists could be dangerous to us as well. “So far during fiscal year 2024, border patrol has encountered tens of thousands of illegal aliens nationwide from countries that could present national security risks, including 2,134 Afghan nationals, 33,347 Chinese nationalist, 541 Iranian nationals, 520 Syrian nationals, and 3,104 Uzbek nationals.” These mostly from middle eastern countries and China, Those from the Middle East are largely Muslim extremists with no compromise on Sharia Law—posing a real threat to freedom of religion here.

China, on the other hand, is aggressively communist with no tolerance for our Constitution or Republic form of government. We have formerly shared our concerns about Chinese military-aged men swarming across our southern border by the thousands in 2023 (“China is Invading America Without Firing a Shot. Biden Lets Them!!,” By Harold Pease, Ph.D., , January 3, 2024). China, not Russia, is our strongest potential enemy, actively planning to replace us as the dominant military power on earth. With more than 33,347 military-aged men now inside the United States, they easily could form a 5th-column military force and attack from within should war breakout between the U. S. and their motherland.

Biden, Harris and Mayorkas are responsible for these young American women being raped and murdered by they’re not properly vetted the approximately seven million illegal aliens they brought into this country during their watch. These acts are horrifying by themselves but the FBI warns of a much bigger terrorist attack. They gave a similar unheeded warning before 9/11.

The Report’s overall conclusion is, “We are not safe with Kamala Harris and Joe Biden in charge of the border.” When Donald Trump left office in 2020 his wall was almost complete and the borders more secure than ever. Against the will of his own party, Biden fully opened the border to our enemies and his border czar, Kamala Harris, was a prominent accomplice. Consequently today, the open border is the nation’s biggest national security threat. Neither will be seated as our next president as a result. An event is likely involving illegals necessitating Harris’ replacement and another installed (probably Michelle Obama) in her place before November.

Outside of the economy, securing the border is the biggest issue of 2024. Rasmussen Reports did a polling of exclusively Democrats and found that 63% say border security is a vital national security interest, that 62% approve of more border wall construction, that 60% say the situation at the border is a crisis, that 55% see the situation at the border as an invasion, that 42% say Biden has systematically undermined border security, that 40% say that the replacement theory is the Democratic Party’s platform, and that 40% say Trump was right about a border wall. Again all of these responses are exclusively from Democrats. Republicans are normally at least 70% supportive of these This means that these are overwhelmingly the will of the people. The Deep State faction that presently rules the Democrat Party are clearly against their own party on border issues. These percentages will only rise between now and November —substantially with an expected event attributed to them (X22 Report, Ep. 3422b, August 8, 2024, 1:00:10).

Second Coup against Biden, “We Will Unilaterally Confiscate His Contributions”

By Harold Pease, Ph. D.

Fourteen million Democrat primary voters selected Joe Biden to be their Democrat nominee for president. The Deep State Democrat elite decided to void that vote and unilaterally replace him with one of their own choosing—unprecedented—leaving their party out of the process (The Democrat Party Forced Its Democrat Nominee Off the Ballot, By Harold Pease, Ph. D., recently published by

How does the coup instigators get Joe Biden’s $91.5 million switched to Harris? It came from many big donors who did not like Harris. This is not the Harris campaign!! This is not why these people donated!! They donated to Joe Biden!! They had their primary and the people voted for Biden! They did not contribute for Harris to be president!!

Constitutionally they could have accomplished the same thing by using the 25th Amendment, which would tarnish the party, lead to an open convention later this month, and take a long time. This Coup against their own party was accomplished in one week and left Deep State Democrats fully in charge without any risk that someone like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., hostile to the Deep State, would end up with the nomination. They could still use the 25th later if needed—but after the nomination was secured. This way potential challengers fell in line behind Kamala Harris. They billed their engineered rapid demonstration of support as a show of party unity.

That done, now how does the coup instigators get Joe Biden’s $90 plus million switched to Harris? It came from many big donors who did not like Harris and it is against the law. Sean Cooksey, Chairman of the Federal Elections Commission, told them so quoting 11CFR, Section 110.1 (b) (3). “If the candidate is not a candidate in the general election, all contributions made for the general election shall be either returned or refunded to the contributors or redesignated…, or reattributed…, as appropriate.” Following the law did not set well with them and they attacked Cooksey. He said, “House Democrats are now trying to silence me as FEC chairman for raising questions about President Biden giving V.P. Harris all his campaign cash. All I did was quote federal regulations. Why are Democrats afraid of the laws? (X22 Report hereafter not cited, Ep. 3410b, July 23, 2024, 30:29)

Consequently, Trump filed, an FEC complaint over Biden transferring campaign war chest to Kamala Harris arguing, “Kamala Harris is seeking to perpetrate a $91.5 million heist of Joe Biden’s leftover campaign cash — a brazen money grab that would constitute the single largest excessive contribution and biggest violation in the history of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971,” This Trump’s campaign counsel David Warrington wrote in his eight-page filing.

This complaint attempts to prevent Harris from using the war chest and comes after the Biden campaign account changed its name to “Harris for president.” The Biden money “would be on top of the over $80 million Harris raised on Monday. This is not the Harris campaign!! This is not why these people donated!! They donated to Joe Biden! They had their primary and the people voted for Biden! They did not vote for Harris to be president!!” (“’Trump files, EEC complaint over Biden transferring campaign war, chest to Kamala Harris,” Just the News, See also, Ep. 3411b, July 24, 2024, 36:40). 

Refusing to abide by the rules of the Federal Elections Commission, respecting giving back to donors unused funds for that specific candidate, is not the only strange funding practice of the Democrat Party. Harmeet Dhillon cited another. “ActBlue disabled their credit card verification process so that as long as the card numbers are valid, the name and address don’t need to match the actual card owners. No other donation platform allows this, and it results in higher transaction fees.” She asks why is this allowed by the FEC? (Ep. 3412b, July 25, 2024, 37:07).

“Reporters ask Biden at the airport, ‘Why he dropped out.’ He looked at the reporters as if to say, ‘What are you talking about?’ Looked confused. He was ask same question again but did not answer. Looks like he is just finding out now. He says, ‘ Tomorrow evening at 8 PM Eastern Standard Time, I will address the nation from the Oval Office on what lies ahead and how I will finish the job for the American people.” When he arrived home he said ‘It’s good to to be back at the White House.’” These final words to reporters do not sound like he was quitting.

The Democrat Party will change the rules to get Biden’s $90 plus million in contributions and has installed Kamala Harris as it’s nominee weeks before the Democratic National Convention. “The shortened timeline underscores the Democrats disregard for the democratic process of selecting a candidate for president by simply choosing Harris for the nomination.” Democrats nullifying about 14 million votes for Joe Biden cast during the Democrat primary is merely collateral damage to Deep State leaders. “This is completely against democracy. The D’s are about to destroy democracy just to get rid of Trump” (Ep. 3411b, July 24, 2024, 34:25).

Democrats with moral fiber can say, “We went through the primaries and it was Biden. You’re swapping him out and the people had no say in it” (Ep. 3411b, July 24, 2024, 40:45). And when the Democrat Deep State realizes that Harris cannot beat Trump either, no matter how they manipulate the polls saying she can, what will they do again before November 5? Likely swap her out for Michelle Obama. Why Michelle and not Hillary Clinton? A black woman can replace another black woman without offending Democrat protocol. The old rule was, parties put forward their best candidate win or lose, the new rule for Democrats is, we can change opponents until we win.

With respect to Joe Biden he now is a victim of censorship, the practice he used on others so successfully to imprison J6ers and all those attempting to bring light to his Deep State government. He has just been robbed of his presidential candidacy by the very organization that seated him in his Coup d’état against Trump, and he has nowhere to take his story. They will censor his objections—they already have. We are supposed to believe he gave up his own will for the good of the party. The truth is his own Deep State friends betrayed and replaced him.

Meanwhile the non-Deep State Democrats will swallow the decaying ethics of their party and allow the destruction of democracy within it because it is their only hope in getting rid of Donald Trump. As we have said for several years, “The day will come when no-one will admit having once been a Democrat.”

Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Read his weekly columns at Column #780.

The Democrat Party Forced Its Democrat Nominee Off the Ballot

By Harold Pease, Ph. D

Never in American history has the political party in power forced its own nominee off the ballot but that is exactly what Deep State Democrats have done to their approximately 14,000,000 Democrat primary voters just 99 days before the election. They nullified their own delegates who had selected Joe Biden to be their Democrat nominee for president. If 2020 was a Coup d’état rigged against Donald Trump, as most now believe, then 2024 was a Coup d’état rigged against Joe Biden. They did it in a week to Biden who last said, “I’m not going anywhere.”

Biden’s removal was choreographed by Barack Obama but Kamala Harris is the major beneficiary of it. She could be the next U.S President. They hid Biden’s cognitive ineptitude from the American people so Obama could complete a third term. They would have kept him in place again were he able to beat Trump or they able to destroy Trump. Since neither happened they are now exposed.

It happened for two major reasons. First, Biden could not attract a crowd. He couldn’t in 2020 either but Covid-19 allowed him to mask that deficiency by his campaigning in front of honking cars filling the space normally peopled. Remember!?! All this while Trump drew thousands of people, not cars, to every rally. Crowd sizes for Trump greatly amplified since then. Second, the Deep State failed in its attempted assassination of Trump. Had they accomplished this there would be no need for them to remove Biden. With their corrupt electronic voting system and their variety of cheating methodologies they could have manufactured the votes needed as they did in 2018, 2020 and 2022 but not now with the most unpopular president in American history, hence their need to do a Coup d’état on the Democrats this time.

Before their assassination attempt they thought they could imprison Trump for over 130 years by their corrupt Democrat prosecutors, judges and juries, there was no attempt to remove Biden. On the contrary, Hollywood power brokers held a major fund raising event as late as June 15 for Biden raising millions. In July they suddenly dumped him (X22 Report hereafter not cited, Ep. 3411b, July 24, 2024, 29:51). What happened?

Biden’s removal was choreographed by Barack Obama. June 15 Biden had a senile moment and Barack walked him off the stage openly showing the Democrat base their impaired candidate. Obama knew it was impossible to cheat enough for Biden to win so he talked Biden into a debate with Trump on June 27 (never before this early in an election year) to show the Democrat base that he was cognitively impaired. Then “Obama tells allies Biden’s Path to winning reelection has greatly diminished” (by Tyler Pager and Michael Scherer, Washington Post). This narrative became the 4:00 a.m. talking point for the Deep State presses thereafter. All was purposeful.

Trump’s popularity soared after the attempted assassination. Deep State players knew if Trump were reelected they would be indicted. They are desperate and running out of time. Coup events began Wednesday July 17, with Biden’s medical emergency in Las Vegas. They told Biden to take a Covid test. Assessed with Covid he is quickly flown from Nevada to Rahovas Beach, Delaware, where he is sequestered (hidden) and not seen for days. While kept in isolation they performed the Coup. They wrote his resignation letter effective Jan. 20 on unofficial letterhead, someone signed the letter underscoring the signature, (Biden never underscored his signature), and created the dialogue that Biden is endorsing Kamala Harris. AI is believed to have been used for the voice to convince everyone that Biden was congratulating her. “I endorse you. Good luck I am all behind you!” “Biden’s staff [was] not notified, [there were] no live conferences, Kamala went to Wilmington, Delaware for [a] press conference, Joe just happened to call in (Ep. 3409b, July 22, 2024, 32:12). So much for Biden’s last public words, “I’m not going anywhere.”

Meanwhile Sunday morning July 21 “Obama called Biden after breakfast and said, ‘Here’s the deal. We have Kamala’s approval to invoke the 25th Amendment,’” if you do not drop out (“Seymour Hersh: Obama and Kamala threatened to invoke the 25th Amendment on Biden before he dropped out.” American News, July 27, 2024). When released Biden was out of the race. This allegedly because he was not cooperating. Nancy Pelosi is said to have told Biden, “You can do this the easy or the hard way.” This was the hard way. They removed him without his, or his primary voters, permission (Ep 3410b, July 23, 2024, 20:20).

Biden’s 2020 drive-in rally! Covid-19 allowed drop box cheating to get Biden “elected” but it created a serious visual problem for Democrats because it revealed that Biden could not draw crowds—then or today. Trump rallies have crowds (people) Biden rallies have cars. Here Biden campaigned to cars but it did fill the spaces. Unfortunately cars can’t vote.

That same Sunday Kamala Harris announces her campaign with Biden endorsement, promises to work hard to earn the nomination and begins endorsement calls to party delegates. Monday July 22, she continues endorsement calls to party delegates and makes two public speeches. Monday night The Associated Press announces Kamala Harris has secured enough delegates to be the Democratic presumptive nominee, and she releases their statement, noting she has worked hard (a good two days) to “go out and earn this nomination” as promised (Ep. 3411b, July 24, 2024, 32:43). The Deep State is telling Democrats who they have to accept—Coup in place.

Ironically and amazingly Black Lives Matter is the loudest voice not happy with the Deep State’s Coup d’état against America, democracy, and the current president of the United States and primary-selected 2024 candidate for president totally defying approximately 14 million Democrat primary voters. Especially a Coup led by the only black to have gained the highest office in the land for two terms, Barack Obama. Nor are they supportive of Kamala Harris.

Black Lives Matter recognized this threat to democracy and wrote. “A 24 hour process of talking to party bosses is not democratic, nor is it a process Democrats should be proud of. We do not live in a dictatorship. Delegates are not oligarchs. Installing Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee and an unknown vice president, without any public voting process, would make the modern democratic party, a party of hypocrites. We call on the DNC to create a process that allows the public participation in the nomination process not a nomination by party delegates.” (Ep. 3411b, July 24, 2024, 32:43). They went into overdrive slamming Obama and slamming Democrat elites for ignoring the voters (“This is a state of Emergency in the U.S. and we have 99 days left,” Redacted, Clayton Morris). A shout out to BLM for supporting democracy.

Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Read his weekly columns at Column # 779.

Deep State’s Lone Shooter Narrative 100% Debunked by Forensic Data

By Harold Pease, Ph. D.

Those still deceived by Deep State news will only know the narrative of one shooter, a friendless, troubled, adult-kid by the name Thomas Matthew Crooks that alone almost succeeded in committing the crime of this century—the assassination of President Donald Trump. Thus far we know there were others involved and much more to the story. All blame now rests on Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle who admitted that the “buck stops with her,” but refused to give the details she admitted knowing to the Oversight Congressional Committee in her subpoenaed appearance before it July 22. 2024. She resigned the next day—issue closed.

Most photos of the area of the Trump assassination attempt exclude the water tower thought now to be where at least one bullet originated. The red doted line represents the circle of Secret Service protection on the map. Notice the large V in the circle—where Crooks and others were firing from—was not marked as priority to receive Secret Service protection. An assassination could not have been made easier.

If more is needed the Biden Administration will create a committee to look into the matter along the lines of the Warren Commission on the John F. Kennedy assassination as did President Lyndon Baines Johnson which successfully hid the CIA’s role in that assassination November 22, 1963. Meanwhile this story mostly moves to the back burner until we find the lost Joe Biden.

Two reports have surfaced showing forensic audio evidence of multiple shooters, guns, and distances in the Trump assassination attempt July 13, 2024, proving conclusively that Thomas Crooks did not operate alone and that the attempt was far more sophisticated than previously thought (Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear: Trump & Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People, Chartable, July 19, 2024). This volley of bullets lasted 15.8 seconds from first to last. The first three shots came from Crook’s gun with shot #1 going through Trump’s right ear and hitting a man on the left side bleacher in the chest area who later was escorted out.

Shot #1 reached Trump’s podium at the conclusion of Trump’s words, “Take a look at what happens…” followed by shot #2, than shot #3—all about 1.5 football fields away, then a pause, while Trump, though hit, lowered himself to the stage floor for protection. He is not visible in any of the other five shots being on the stage floor and/or covered by Secret Service agents.

Dr. Chris Martenson quoted CNN as having reported, “The first three shots were consistent with weapon A, the next five were consistent with alleged weapon B, and the final acoustic impulse’ was emitted by a possible weapon C per audio analysis by Catalin Grigoas, director of the National Center for Media Forensics at the University of Colorado in Denver, and Cole Whitecotton, Senior Professional Research Associate at the same institution.”

Mike Adams’ research, published the next day, went much deeper than Martenson on bullets fired thereafter. He agreed fully with Martenson’s that Crooks fired the first three bullets all identical in sound, distance and etc. but concluded that bullets #4 and #5 were the same distance but were from a different gun than those fired from Crooks’’ (“New Audio Forensic Analysis Reveals at least THREE SHOOTERS at Trump Campaign event,” Health Ranger Report, This is why the Oversight Committee was so interested in how many empty shells lay next to Crooks body on the roof. If five then he fired shots #4 and #5 also. If not, then they were fired from the Secret Service building window below where Crooks was firing and this part of the Secret Service assisted in the assassination attempt of Trump. All five initial shots had distance gaps of .22 seconds—all about 400 to 450 feet from Trump. Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle refused to disclose the number of empty shells to the House Oversight Committee.

But bullets #6 and #7 were not from Crooks rifle nor fired from the same gun, a 2nd and perhaps 3rd shooter—excluding the possible rogue Secret Service gunman from the window of the same building Crooks occupied atop the roof. Audio signatures differ; #6 did not have a snap boom as those before it but a snap boom boom with a time gap of .36 and about 800 feet in distance by a medium ranged sniper. Bullet #7; with the same snap boom boom with a time gap of .77 seconds maybe 1400 feet away, plus or minis 200 feet, and from a long ranged sniper. This bullet likely came from the water tower pictured about that distance nearby (Ibid.).

Point Consciousness created and Brighteon Broadcast News published a visual of Trump’s head as he spoke and the bullet’s path had he not turned his head. They assessed that the shooter probably had the head shoot when the trigger was pulled but Trump move immediately after. Because of electronic media this may be the most universally viewed miracle ever. Certainly this was the most consequential in our day as for most people he is their only hope of destroying the Deep State which dominates the world.

Bullet #8 was for Crooks from the sniper team atop another building. It landed just slightly above his right eyebrow. All happened in 15.8 seconds from at least 3 assassins and 3 guns. It silenced the man who knew the most about the crime.

Some man in a gray suit climbed up the ladder onto the roof where the shooter’s dead body lay asking officers to send pictures of the dead body to him. He said he was an ATF agent (X22 Report, hereafter not cited, Ep. 3408b, July 21, 2024, 31:07). Turns out he is an ATF agent from Philadelphia on the other side of the state. Why is the ATF involved?

More questions than answers. Why was Crooks able to fly a drone and get aerial footage of the grounds (Ep. 3408b, July 21, 2024, 24:53)? Why were body cameras for all law enforcement officers not allowed? Why was Crooks seen with a rifle, a range finder, and a backpack all prohibited at political events and not stopped? The Secret Service had to know this and permitted it. Crooks had two cellphones and three encrypted accounts overseas. (Ep. 3407, July 19, 2024, 34:44). Shooter used encrypted codes. Why? Did he have foreign contacts?

What is most disturbing is that the Department of Homeland Security and US Secret Service are seemingly obstructing or stonewalling investigating this crime. How do they escape the public’s perception that this was an inside job, some of them even participating in it. An assassination could not have been made easier. USSS Director Kimberly Cheatle revealed to the Oversight Committee that she had not chronicled the events and “still had not visited the site of the Trump assassination attempt in Butler” 9 days into the investigation (Ep. 3409b, July 22, 2024, 28:29).

But who is going to arrest, indict or try the Secret Service? The people will beginning Nov. 5.

Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Read his weekly columns at Column # 778.

Was Trump’s Assassination Attempt an Organized Deep State Operation?

By Harold Pease Ph. D.

Trump’s attempted assassination story fills the air waves, what we do know about it is that it should not have happened. The parameter of the rally was not locked down, their were no drones scanning possible sniper sites or activity from the air, and the sniper had a clear shot from 130 yards away to fire eight rounds. The building, assessed as “priority vulnerability,” the most likely place for a sniper, should have had Secret Service personnel on the roof many hours before and during the event, and no ladder should have been accessible. Also, most of the Secret Service agents who were charged with taking a bullet for him were shorter than he, thus physically unable to protect Trump from a head shot which would have been the target.

Trump moves his hand to his ear immediately after he felt the bullet take a part of it a second before he drops to the floor of the stage and is thereafter surrounded by Secret Service agents. Trump, “It was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening.” Christians, and many non-christian too, consider his turning his head in the right second a miracle.

All know about multiple crowd witnesses that tried tTrump moves his hand to his ear immediately after he felt the bullet take a part of it a second before he drops to the floor of the stage and is thereafter surrounded by Secret Service agents. Trump, “It was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening.” Christians, and many non-christian too, consider his turning his head in the right second a miracle.o get attention to a man with a gun on the roof for several minutes before finally getting a police officer to investigate who went up the ladder and saw the would be assassin aiming at him before scaling back down and himself looking for higher authority. Strangely with all the people attending the rally not one saw a young man caring a rifle. Video is abundant on all these facts. Some one was helping him.

Emerging are two things of great concern about the Secret Service’s securing the parameter and working the crowd. Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle “has close ties to the Cheney’s, the Biden’s and is responsible for the J6 deleted texts scandal” (X22 Report, hereafter not cited, Ep. 3403b July 15, 2024, 18:12). Republicans believe that Cheatle’s deleting the evidence of the J6 Committee exposing their cover-up of the fedsurrection, and evidence that could have helped the J6 accused, proved the Committee’s anti-Trump bias. This is strong evidence of her bias against Trump and therefore she should not be in a position to influence anything about his security. Moreover, she previously worked on Biden’s security detail while he was vice president and was appointed head of the Secret Service in 2022 by him. Biden is the one who said, “It is time to put Trump in a bullseye.” Her loyalty to the mission of preserving Trump has to be questioned.

The second, it is reported that all the Secret Service staff “were replaced with temps” before this rally, a team much inferior to the regular team—“brought in for a planned op from the very beginning” (Ibid., 20:20). This could only have been done with Chestle’s knowledge. Still, whether true or not, no one saw or reported, a 20 year old young man with a rifle walking to the building used by law enforcement working security on the ground in front of it. He climbed a ladder, crawled for a short distance and fired at Trump from the very roof top above them.

But this staff change would explain one major mystery. The Secret Service had two sniper teams on another building (our guys) obviously to deal with a potential sniper assault on the former president. One of which spotted the would be assassin with a gun crawling on the roof of the other building. The shooter was in a prone position presumably with Trump in his sights. They watched him for two minutes in this position and did not fire on him until he opened on Trump. Then they took him out. The initial explanation for this is that they were not sure if he was one of them. We have since learned that no approval was needed to shoot him, he was not dressed like them (white pants) and had a gun aimed toward Trump. That’s enough! They should have fired before he fired on the president. Waiting allowed Trump to be shot. Was this intentional?
Were they accomplices?

This will be the only narrative the Deep State media outlets will allow because otherwise it reveals them as accomplices. The assassination attempt was by a lone wolf assailant just like Lee Harvey Oswald with John F. Kennedy. Right? Thomas Matthew Crooks, the long ladder, and a scary looking rifle at a political event all invisibly showed up on the roof without any Secret Service agents, trained to look for such, and/or the crowd noticing. Every cell phone is a camera but no photos of any of this until he is on the roof.

A theory is surfacing; the real possibility of a second shooter being some 485 yards away from Trump, probably in the tower pictured in photographs. One of the bullets is assessed by the Secret Service as having come from much further away than the others, say 485 yards? Thomas Matthew Crooks was a loner, reportedly acting alone and a lousy shot (“Trump Would be Assassin Rejected From High School Shooting Club: ‘Comically Bad Shot.’” Breitbart). He could be counted on to be a distraction firing on the crowd bringing chaos, mayhem and attention to himself while the expert sniper far away made certain Trump was exterminated. The young man would shoulder all the blame—just like Lee Harvey Oswald with John F. Kennedy. Undoubtedly unbeknownst to him his firing would be a signal to the real assassin to fire simultaneously masking the different bullet volumes from the separate assassin. The Secret Service sniper team waited till the young man began firing on Trump and the crowd then they opened up on him (Ep. 3403b, July 15, 2024, 20:20). Who would ever know? Who would ever question? The whole world saw only one sniper who is dead. Trump would be dead also.

One thing interrupted the alleged perfect plan. The policeman who climbed the ladder and saw the young man, panicked Crooks who consequently moved too quickly to fire on Trump. The Secret Service sniper team(s) on the roof were surprised and had to activate and remove Crooks earlier than they had expected. Their pause, perhaps intentional, left the president unprotected.

How do we know they were trying to get rid of Trump? Because they have been trying to do so since 2016: The Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, the Steel Dossier, The Pea tape trap, The Alpha Bank Hoax, Impeachment #1, Impeachment #2 his last week in office, The Fedsurrection, FBI raid on his home in Mar-A-Lago, Biden’s four fake indictments costing him millions—all by Democrat Attorney Generals, judges and juries. Its never ended. They only chose assassination because they could not get him any other way. Their incentive—if he is reelected they go to jail.

Far fetched! Possibly!! But not by those who have studied the Deep State. And not by Trump who they have tried to eliminate since he walked down the elevator announcing his presidential run in 2015, even by an assassination attempt shedding his blood. Expect confirmation going forward, even FBI emails that show conversations suggesting assassination.

Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Read his weekly columns at Column # 777.