The Arizona Nuclear Earthquake, “The Election Should Not be Certified”

The Arizona Nuclear Earthquake, “The Election Should Not be Certified”

By Harold Pease, Ph.D.

“The election should not be certified,” the independent forensic auditors reported to the Arizona Senate, Friday afternoon Sept. 24, 2021. There were thousands of “continual and repeated access to the internet.” Continuing, “It really boils down to election accountability and making sure our elections are secure and I will tell you they are NOT, based on any measure.”

The thousands of labor hours and 140TB’s of storage data of the Arizona Forensic Audit is, in thoroughness and effect, equivalent to a nuclear earthquake. “From the totality of what these findings are, there simply is no accountability by anyone accessing these devices, you had shared passwords, you had shared user accounts, you had remote access. If someone could get access to this system, they wouldn’t need a Zero Day Exploit. The systems were so far out of date, from a security compliance standpoint, it would have taken the average kitty hacker less than 10 minutes using Metasploit to hack this system. And I would like to remind everyone that’s listening to this, that when you have a network of computers, like you have in these voting systems, it only takes one person bringing in a little Hockey Puck with admin access to provide external remote access to that voting system.”

Some of the biggest anomalies were 27,807 ballots cast by those who had moved prior to the election. There were 9,041 more ballots returned by voters than received by voters. There were 5,295 voters that potentially voted in multiple counties. Official results do not match those who voted, for another 3,432. There were more duplicate votes than original ballots for another 2,592. There were 1,551 voters counted in excess of voters who voted. All this was from but one of Arizona’s 15 counties. Imagine what the whole state might show.

These and other anomalies not listed add up to at least 57,734 compromised ballots. Remember the margin of victory for the entire state was 10,457 votes, almost six times the margin of victory in the presidential race from this county alone.

The audit was presented in three parts: envelopes, ballots and digital analysis. The envelopes were evaluated by Dr Shiva who found more than 17,000 duplicates and 34,440 votes from those who voted more than once. These two categories alone total 51,440 phantom voters. Throwing out the duplicate votes by itself in just Maricopa County would hand the state to Donald Trump. Shiva also noted that they counted ballot signatures even when they were unsigned, which normally disqualifies them.

Doug Logan CEO of Cyber Ninjas examined the ballots. He found 255,326 early votes that show in the VM55 that do not have a corresponding EV33 entry. There were 9,000 more ballots returned than sent, 3,432 more cast votes than voters, 397 mail in ballots returned that showed as never sent. He also found that 23,344 people voted via mail in ballot, even though they showed as having moved and no one with that last name shows as living at that address. There were also 2,382 people who voted in person after having moved out of the county. Each of these statistics suggested corruption.

Ben Cotton, CEO of Cipher, did the digital analysis. His findings led this column. In addition to finding “clearly, these devices have continual and repeated access to the internet,” he added, “when booted the EMR system attempted to connect to the internet,” despite the county’s claims that the system could not.

The election was not just ethically flawed there existed evidence of a coverup as well. Cotton found that more than a million files had been deleted beginning November 1, 2020 primarily in batches. He observed that log entry overwrites, using the MS admin username were specifically set up, and did overwrite logs on at least three occasions: 462 on January 1, 2021, 37,686 on March 3, 2021, and 330 on April 12, 2021. There was also deletion of log files the day before the data was to be turned over to the auditors. Federal law requires that all election records be preserved for 22 months.

Instead, votes were illegally altered. Cotton spoke of “large purges of registered voters right after the election of people who had voted in the election, there was backdating of registrations, adjustments made to the historical voting and voter records files were missing, ballot images on the Ms were corrupt or missing, logs appear to be intentionally rolled over and deleted.”

But something very unexpected happened. The auditors knew the date and time of the alleged crimes because of the logs and with the cameras in the room they were able to identify the persons erasing of the log files. They caught them. The Senate chamber erupted in applause.

The law, 52 U.S.C. § 20511 U.S. Code, clearly criminalizes these practices, “A person, … who in any election for Federal office (2) knowingly and willfully deprives, defrauds or attempts to deprive or defraud the residents of a State of a fair, and impartially conducted election process” either in “submission of voter registration applications” or “tabulation of ballots” is either heavily fined or imprisoned for up to 5 years, or both.

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich promises to act on “any criminal activity.” From this audit it looks like he will be very busy.

The auditors have not finished their report as Maricopa County Supervisors turned over only about half of the required documents and still refuse to surrender the routers and Dominion machines. So we cannot yet dismiss the possibility of foreign assistance in election fraud but, given the resistance to provide this data, this and other Arizona Nuclear Earthquakes are likely.

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit

When Storms are on the Horizon, the Wise Prepare

Harold Pease, Ph.D.

September has been designated preparedness month. Anyone the least bit observant can see gigantic storms on the horizon. The nation is divided as in 1860, the year before the Civil War. Few families can discuss politics around the dinner table, when everyone comes home, without someone getting angry. Few adults have not chosen one side or the other—there is no middle. There are no nonpartisan elected leaders, college professors, or even religious leaders, although this group mostly try to keep their biases silent and focus on loving one another and Christ, so that congregations do not divide and donations do not dry up.

One side condemns the riots of the summer of 2020 where burning, pillaging, and violence occurred. The other called them “mostly peaceful demonstrations” and focus on the “insurrection” in the Capital building, January 6, although the supposed insurrectionists broke nothing nor hurt anyone. No guns were found in their possession but unarmed Air Force veteran Ashly Babbitt was killed by capital police. Films show them escorted into the building by capital police. Eight months later some arrested, for essentially trespassing, remain in prison without trial. Twice since, fences have been erected around the capital to protect it from phantom insurrectionists.

One side indoctrinates themselves with primarily MSNBC and NBC, the other with Fox News and NewsMax. Today essentially all news is propaganda news. The only break in this is when a hurricane comes through strong enough for the sides to lay down their weapons to barricade their communities from wind and flood.

One side believes COVID-19 was generated in part by American scientists including Anthony Fauci, in the Wuhan laboratory in China, and used to encourage shutdowns and thus mail-in ballots to elect Joe Biden. That much surrounding the pandemic was used by the opposing political party, in conjunction with Big Tech and Big Pharma, to undermined the Constitution and freedom. The other siide view the above as disinformation and censor it all.

One side, convinced that the other cheated in the election of 2020 and every election since, (two Georgia U.S. Senators and governor in California), insists on forensic 2020 audits in all battleground states. They maintain that Donald Trump was rightfully elected president. They also maintain that the Space Force recorded every vote in every county in the nation and are proof positive that China electronically switched Trump votes to Biden. If so, this brings treason into play. The other side censors all such information and refuses all attempts to access ballots or Dominion voting machines to prove otherwise.

The long-awaited Arizona forensic audit, to come out September 24, is expected to produce fireworks when it discloses the above. False flags (staged news events to fill the news cycle to bury this news) are expected; anything: a death of a prominent political leader, an attack by China on Taiwan, hostage taking of Americans left by Biden in Afghanistan, a mass shooting or bombing, anything, to keep the audit off the front page—even a news blackout to keep this story submerged.

When it does come to light expect cities to burn as in the summer of 2020 led by Antifa and Black Lives Matter, and not just downtown. Expect travel and commerce restrictions and delays. Expect food prices to escalate further. Since Biden has been in office meat prices have soared: beef 59.2%, pork 34.1%, chicken 32%, fish 18%, and turkey 41.4%. Eggs are now up by 31.7% and grain prices 98% (X22 Reports Episode 2574A Sept. 12, 2021). When the George Soros funded riots move into the suburbs look for truckers to cease deliveries to affected areas and skyrocketing price increases. Factory items, already backed up, could become unavailable. Consider a red October and November and Marshall law in some cities in coming weeks.

Gather a few weeks or months supply of food and essentials for your families now, before preparing is called hoarding and made unlawful, also toilet paper and commonly used medications. Store some water and warm clothing or blankets, should electricity be cut off for more than a few days or weeks. Stock up on all those things that were scarce in the pandemic of 2020. Silly! Extreme! Yes, but eventually if I am wrong, and I pray that I am, you will use these items anyway, so what do you have to lose?

If China was an accomplice intentionally bringing COVID to America and/or electing Joe Biden, both are acts of war and there will be repercussions to them which could escalate to more than just the information war we are now in. As difficult as it is to think this way, consider enduring an EMP or nuclear exchange.

If these people risked treason by stealing the election they are not going to give it back without force. And if we let them get away with it they will do it forever in the future. When free elections vanish so do the Constitution and liberty. The military, under devolution, will have to restore order and freedom. When this is proved Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are not likely to be in power long thereafter.

Collusion with an enemy country (China) is treason and those involved will have to be tried in military courts as enemy combatants under devaluation as outlined in two LibertyUnderFire previous columns. The military may have to be in place several months before the lawful winner is more fully restored.

September has been designated preparedness month. When storms are on the horizon, the wise prepare just in case..

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit

Biden Tyranny, the Worst in U.S. History

Biden Tyranny, the Worst in U.S. History

By Harold Pease, Ph.D.

U.S. History textbooks cite British tyranny as the major cause of the American Revolution but nothing King George III did to the colonies can match the tyranny unleashed upon millions of unvaxed Americans, September 9, 2021 by Joe Biden. His Executive Orders are reminiscent of the persecution unleashed by national socialism under Adolph Hitler on the Jews or by socialists under Joseph Stalin on Christians.

On this day two decrees emerged, the first “Executive Order on Ensuring Adequate COVID Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors,” the second, “Executive Order on Requiring Coronavirus Disease Vaccination for Federal Employees.” Both begin, “By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America.” There exists no authority in the Constitution for a president to unilaterally make a law or anything similar to it. That ended with King George III.

Moreover, there exists no law originating, than processed successfully through the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate and signed into law by the President specific to COVID-19 or any previous illness for precedent reference, especially that mandates the ingestion, by skin or otherwise, of any foreign substance against the will of the subject. Biden simply made it up.

The effect of the first decree is to force all federal employees, and contractors or subcontractors that do business with the federal government to be vaccinated thus threatening their jobs. “That covers several million workers,” reported the Associated Press. They will have 75 days to comply. Those not complying “will be referred to their agencies human resources department for counseling and discipline, to include potential termination.”

And the second executive order, mandates “all employers with more than 100 workers to be vaccinated or tested for the virus weekly.” That could affect another 80 million Americans. Still a third group, affecting yet another 17 million, are those receiving federal Medicare or Medicaid.

For employers who refuse to force employee vaccinations for employment, the Biden Administration through the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), anticipates leavying a penalty of $14,000 per violation. Biden also wants doubled federal fines on airline passengers who refuse to wear masks (Sweeping new vaccine mandates for 100 million Americans , Washington, Associated Press, Sept. 9, 2021).

Test out options for those who already had COVID-19 are not allowed. These have natural immunity said to provide at least ten times more protection from a COVID return than those who had the shots which might be weakened. To these millions this is COVID tyranny. Moreover, with 177 million said to be fully vaccinated against the virus, herd immunity should have been accomplished long ago as with other viruses. So the mandates are about power not immunity.

Together the decrees use force, or the threat thereof, to make everyone in America comply with their demand. Biden said as much. “Many of us are frustrated with the nearly 80 million Americans who are still not vaccinated,” he said, adding later: “We’ve been patient but our patience is running thin.”

Biden is unhappy with those who decided that the jabs have more risks than the disease which is survivable by at least 98.8%; unlike smallpox and polio where fatality rates, of those who got it, was respectively 30% and 23%. After 20 months of COVID-19, few in America personally know anyone who actually died from COVID alone. And censored is the number of those who died from the vaccine. Reluctance to comply is more profound when the vaccine has not demonstrated an ability to prevent the disease as originally promised. Biden’s insistence that those who survived COVID wear masks and get the jabs makes no sense to most. The existence of one, two, three and four booster shots is proof that the vaccine does not work well. For these people the CDC, FDA, WHO, and Biden/Harris have all discredited themselves.

The executive branch has NO authority to make law—any law!!!! Executive Orders are constitutional only when they cite a single, recently passed law of Congress, where that law needs a statement of implementation by the executive branch. Nor can a president constitutionally cob together parts of ancient laws to create new authority never intended by the authors of previous law. Originally they were but interdepartmental directives and not intended to be anything more. No mention of them exists in the Constitution.

The people have the right to know that every restriction imposed upon their behavior was read, discussed, and voted on by four elected, thus accountable, persons—their Congressman, their two U.S. Senators, and their president. Mandated lockdowns, masks, or vaccines have never passed this required review and thus enforced, are tyranny.

Mandates are not laws. So what is the Constitutional recourse for resistance. The legislative branches should move immediately toward impeachment on the basis that Congress alone makes all law, and additionally, refuse to fund any portion of the decrees. The 27 states presently opposing the decrees should use the 10th Amendment and make them null and void within their states. Businesses with over 100 employees should shield their employees with immediate class action suits against the federal government. Citizens should remind their employers that should they fire them for noncompliance they in turn will initiate class action suits against them.

What ever happened to, “It’s my body, my choice,” once mouthed by millions of Democrats? These now lead the tyranny against those who really believe this. Or,“It’s my body, isn’t it?” If one has to ask, the Constitution is almost gone, and with it liberty.

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit

The Day Will Come When Few Will Admit Having Once Been a Democrat

By Harold Pease. Ph. D.

Recently LibertyUnderFire published “Biden Voters Bear Responsibility for Afghanistan Debacle.” It documented a foreign policy disaster by the Democrats second to none. Sixty percent of Americans now believe Biden should be removed from office. Two years ago I said, “the day will come when few will admit having once been a Democrat.” This prediction will prove even more true ahead. Why?

Because on January 20th the United States became a socialist country ruled by Democratic Socialists. Socialism in any form has no brakes in its control over others hence can become very tyrannical. Tyranny, whether expressed by lockdowns, compulsory mask wearing, vaccinations, vaccine passports, or censorship is still forced behavior by one part of the population on the other and is not popular. Socialism divides the population into two classes, the rulers and the ruled without the ruled having any say in the matter. Elections, if they exist at all, are for window dressing to make socialism appear to have popular support but are always controlled. The antidote to socialism is the U.S. Constitution as written, as it, when followed, provides brakes on the growth of government and prohibits tyranny. This is why socialists oppose the Constitution.

Because, as the coming forensic audits will prove, and has already shown beyond doubt of any reasonable person, the election of 2020 was the most fraudulent in U.S. history by enemies of the republic both domestic and foreign. Over a thousand affidavits and real time computer switches of Trump votes to Biden in every county will necessitate a reckoning with justice. The Democrat Party will fall from grace. Are Democrats interested in making certain this never happens again? No! They roadblocked every audit and implemented full-court press censorship practices of anything negative to Joe Biden.

Instead, their H.R. 1 “Bill For the People Act” sought to cement indefinitely corrupt election practices widely used in the 2020 election. Contrary to its title the nearly 800-page bill would remove authority over elections from the people and the states. It constitutes a federal takeover of all elections. It installs controlled elections. With the defeat of the bill in the Senate the House simply repurposed much the same bill, now called HR 4 which in now pending.

Because, more and more Christians view the Democrat Party as a threat to Christianity as demonstrated by their promotion of the so called Equality Act which “would give homosexuality, transgenderism, and other perversions of human sexuality and gender the same protections as race or sex in employment, housing, public accommodations, and more.” It specifically prohibits religious freedom as a defense. “The legislation applies to churches, religious schools, religious hospitals, religious employers, gathering places, sports, all government entities, and more. Christian adoption agencies will be shut down, too, if they refuse to place children with homosexuals or individuals confused about whether they are men or women.” It could criminalize Christianity, Judaism and Islam as their holy writ condemn as sin the behaviors of the LGBTQ community (“Equality Act Would Unleash Federal Persecution of Christians,” By Alex Newman, New American, May 8, 2019).. It is also anti-women affecting bathroom privacy and women’s sports.

Because, Democrats oppose the Constitution on virtually every freedom issue especially religion, speech, press, self defense, and the 9th and 10th amendments. Indeed as a student of the Constitution, I have difficulty finding any part of the Constitution that they support as written.

With the violence, burning and looting in our streets last summer, endorsed by the Democrat Party presses and office holders, and staged to reappear after the forensic audits this Fall, more people are purchasing firearms for their own self-defense than ever. They see the wisdom of the Founders in defining the people as the militia and cementing their right to keep and bear arms from any government. Democrats can not push to defund the police without at the same time causing the populous to feel unprotected. Many now understand that an armed populous is the best protection from a complete socialist revolution.

Because, the Democrat Party opposes borders. Such opposition allows criminals, terrorists, child sex predators (even pedophilia slavers for the vile appetites of the wealthy class, Hollywood and members of Congress), and drug dealers unrestricted access to our vulnerable populations and the bounty of our land. Illegals, they believe, in appreciation for access to America, will become reliable Democrat voters.

Because, the Democrat Party seeks to bankrupt America. On March 15, 2021, Joe Biden signed into law the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Act without a single Republican vote in either house. Only 9% of it had anything to do with the Wuhan China Virus. Nearing passage is Biden’s $3.5 trillion budget and $1 trillion infrastructure bill. Democrats plan trillions more debt in reparations for descendants of slaves, the green new deal, and free college for everyone. It is hard to believe that the Democrats, and globalist Republicans, are not purposely pushing us over a cliff to destroy the economy of the once wealthiest nation in world history. In just eight months of his reign we are no longer energy independent and soaring prices are already felt by everyone.

Yes globalist Republicans too have been complacent in bankrupting America because of their national debt increases; but Democrats appear to be aggressively so. Biden provides benefits for those staying home from work, resulting in factories not having sufficient laborers to maintain their normal production loads. This has resulted in shortages and backordering of items of every kind, crippling the economy. And severe food shortages are on the horizon.

For these reasons, “the day will come when few will admit having once been a Democrat.”

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit

One Million Invaded our Southern Border, Biden Leads the Invasion

By Harold Pease, Ph.D.

Outside protecting the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic, presidents are constitutionally charged with protecting the country from foreign invasion (Constitution, Article 4 Section 4). But Biden leads the foreign invaders even forcing the gate, secured by his predecessor, open for them. In six months, a million unvetted, many carrying COVID, law-breaking invaders broke through. If this is not an invasion, what is?

According to Tucker Carlson Tonight, July 14, “Joe Biden has opened this country’s borders to the world. Since Biden’s inauguration in January, the Border Patrol has apprehended close to a million foreign nationals coming into this country overland through Mexico.” Borders are what defines a country and under the Biden Administration we have none. Anyone in the world, with no vetting, need only to cross our borders and partake of our bounty. Every one of them knowingly and willfully broke the law as their first behavior in America.

But they had accomplices, notably Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Title 8 U.S Code 1324 has no sympathy for accomplices defined as anyone knowingly encouraging, assisting, transporting, concealing, harboring, or shielding from detection an illegal immigrant. Anyone who “engages in any conspiracy to commit any of the preceding acts, or aids or abets the commission of any of the preceding acts,” is punishable for up to 10 years for each person assisted or activity.

When asked why they are here, like a chorus illegals say, “Biden said to come.” If you, a citizen, encouraged their coming you would serve time. Biden intentionally is breaking the law of the land. No poll shows open borders as the will of the people. It’s highly unpopular.

He is flooding America’s heartland with them. Carlson continues, “The current mass movement of foreign nationals into the United States was never approved by Congress. No one passed a law demanding it. The Biden administration just did it unilaterally without asking Americans what they thought of it.”

So Biden is secretly scattering a million future voters throughout the country. How big is this criminal, Title 8 U.S Code 1324, activity? “Well, it’s more people than live in the entire cities of San Francisco, or Denver, or Seattle, or Indianapolis or Boston or Charlotte, we can keep going. And that’s all in just six months. That is enough people to change this country forever.”

But it gets worse. He, and his administration, are using the military to assist in the commission of the (Title 8 U.S Code 1324) crime by ordering illegals once here transported inland; another outlawed practice for which you would go to prison. This probably in the expectation they will be eternally grateful and loyal Democratic voters.

Most crimes occur in secrecy and in the dark of night as does this crime. Carlson again, “They operated in secrecy. They hide it. They’re hiding it right now….The Biden administration has enlisted the US military to move illegal immigrants secretly around our country. That is happening at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas.” The Pentagon is “helping the Biden administration with a maxim enforced stealth, with secrecy, to subvert this country’s core immigration laws.” Again, Title 8 U.S Code 1324 defines this as a criminal activity.

Tucker Carlson Tonight obtained an email from the military instructing its soldiers, “You may see passenger aircraft on our Ramp transporting undocumented non citizens.” They were told “do not take photographs, and refrain from posting anything on social media.” Imagine “uniformed military personnel [hiding] what was happening on the base from the country they’re sworn to serve.” The people working to hide the illegal immigrant transport by the military were advised “not to talk.”

The Center for Immigration Studies confirmed what Carlson was alleging, adding “it has been going on for a while.” The Center shared a video of illegals boarding a bus. “What’s happening most of the time is that they are boarding buses and heading into America’s heartland. Conveyor belts of commercial and charter buses just like this one in Del Rio, Texas, are carrying tens of thousands, sight unseen, from Texas, Arizona and California borderlands northward and they are dropping their Haitian, Venezuelan, Cuban, and Central American family units in Florida and New Jersey, Tennessee, Massachusetts, Michigan, North Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, and two large cities in Texas such as Dallas and Houston.” So we have video tape of the crime. Tucker concluded, “What you’re watching is demographic transformation in our country without our consent in violation of our laws.”

Of course, this crime, plus leading the invasion are totally unconstitutional. Biden, and his administration are violating Article 4 Section 4, of the Constitution which reads, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion.” Biden is violating this clause in two places. First, “a Republican Form of Government” necessitates a Republic. Certainly it can be argued Biden’s intentionally placing people illegally in the country, who in gratitude are more likely to vote for his party because he let them in, even giving them a free ride to a starting place. Doing so gives that party the edge in elections which damages a “Republican Form of Government.”

Second, obviously Biden is not protecting each state “against Invasion,” but, instead, leading the invasion he is supposed to be protecting the states from. Even more so when he is using the military to assist the invaders with transportation inland. One million invaded our southern border in six months. Biden’s assisting them in their invasion is unconstitutional, criminal, impeachable,—perhaps even treasonable, behavior.

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit

Did Trump Implement Devolution and therefore Retains some Control?

By Harold Pease, Ph.D.

The nuclear age and Cold War against socialism brought about a greater need to protect the continuity of government (COG) from enemies of the Republic, foreign and domestic. The greatest threat to America for the last hundred years has been the threat of socialism (See “A Trump Return—Devolution Explained?” LibertyUnderFire). But what if America had to fight socialists on its own soil and they conquered from within by a fraudulent election? In every subdued country freedom died as did many of its’ citizens.

The military takes a solemn oath to preserve the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. Freedom from excessive government protected by the Constitution is the first fatality of socialist governments. In this country the military’s first responsibility is to protect the Constitution and the Republic created by it—not the immediate president or federal government. Our Republic, protected by the Constitution, and socialism are polar opposites. Socialism accepts nothing that limits its power.

In the presidential election of 2020 the United States fell to Democratic Socialism. Therefore at what point does the military under Devolution exercise their responsibility to remove the threat to the Constitution and to the Republic? President Eisenhower, when he nailed down Devolution as the appropriate response, as outlined previously, had this type of event in mind. No government entity has the authority to remove the Republic or the Constitution that created it—even if it were by “popular??” vote. Still, something that is not valued will in time be lost no matter what dead Founders and past presidents have established.

But we probably do not have to face this moment quite yet. There are two issues that may save us, election integrity and the China connection with COVID. If forensic audits prove indisputably, as they appear to be doing, that election fraud brought the wrong political party to power, that can be reversed by the Constitution. The states can and must rescind their electoral votes ASAP and those knowingly participating must be tried for treason—especially if holding high office. This too, if COVID was used intentionally to affect the election. If China electronically switched Trump votes to Biden, it is an act of war as also is their intentionally unleashing a bio weapon, a killer virus, on the United States and the world.

If the above is true “this election theft is so much more than fraud. This is war!!!” Far more “clandestine in nature. It involves cyber warfare, information warfare, electronic warfare, intelligence warfare, space warfare” and yes, probably biological warfare [Covid]. The only option at Trump’s disposal was to initiate Devolution through our military.” This is why the incoming Biden transition team complained that the Trump team would not tell them of all special covert operations—presumably one dealt with evidence of Biden stealing the election. (Devolution Part 3, Continuity of Government, Patel Patriot, July 14, 2021).

President Trump never conceded the election and if either fraud or China threw the election to Biden, he remains the president and continuity of government (COG) also remains in place. The election was instead a coup. We do not need Devolution, the military, unless Biden or Harris refuse to leave the White House, which is likely.

There exists some evidence that Trump implemented COG before leaving the White House and allowed Biden to “play house” to show America how entrenched and how tyrannical Deep State rule would be. Otherwise, half of America would never believe how deceived they had been. There is nothing the Biden Administration has touched that has not been a disaster: insane national debt, unrestrained invasion on our southern border, COVID shutdowns, mandatory masking and vaccines, escalating gas and food prices, uncontrolled inflation, their defiance of the Bill of Rights, their Afghanistan fiasco and etc. He is Americas’ absolute worst president ever. His popularity decreases in the same proportion as Trump’s rises. America is awakening.

What evidence? Whether speaking of the Wuhan China Virus as an act of war, or China’s interference in our presidential election, Trump told reporters “We went through the worst attack we’ve ever had on our country, this is [the] worst attack we’ve ever had. This is worse than Pearl Harbor, this is worse than the World Trade Center. There’s never been an attack like this. And it should have never happened. Could’ve been stopped right at the source, and it wasn’t.” These acts were followed by declarations of war on Japan and Iraq, as should be so with China also. Trump then assumed war powers and Devolution which substantially increased his powers to save the Republic. (Devolution Part 4: A Wartime President, Patel Patriot, July 17, 2021).

What evidence? He selected firm patriots to challenge what his sources revealed to be a coup election. He chose to fight two days after the Deep State media called the victory for Biden. On November 9th he promoted Christopher C. Miller to Acting Secretary of Defense. Next day Anthony Tata, a specialist in DOD continuity policy, was added. David Norquist, was already on board as budget manager for funding special operations. Then on Nov. 11, Kashyap Patel (operation planning) and Ezra Cohen-Watnik (Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict) were added. He was also in charge of classified information that could be released to the public as needed. These units specialized in “protecting against subversion, lawlessness, insurgency, terrorism, and other threats to their internal security, and stability, and legitimacy” (Ibid.).

So is Biden running the country? Perhaps, but I do not believe, despite his Afghanistan fiasco, he is totally running the military. They are waiting for the audits proving a coup, George Soros’s funded socialist anarchists to burn cities as a result, perhaps the Durham report documenting even more corruption, than the military will begin the arrests and trials. We will soon know.

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit