Those wishing to destroy or remove Christ from Christmas prefer “Winter Break” or “Happy Holidays;” the same is true of “Easter Break” to “Spring Break.” This language reduces the connection to Christ, the reason for both. Proponents argue that this terminology is advanced so as not to offend non-believers who sometimes choose to be offended but it offends those of us who are believers.
The songs of the birth of Christ blanket the earth resulting in more love, more giving, more kindness, more caring and sharing, more thought for others, indeed more of everything that is good. Why would anyone wish to remove this influence? Non-believers might say that society could have all this without Christ. Really!!— As evidenced by the other eleven months??? I do not think so!! Christmas has an unexplained magic to it unlike any other time of the year.
I first noticed the unusual effects of Christ at Christmas as a13-year-old boy milking my neighbor’s cow while he was away. The experience was repeated on the following days also. It was a mostly opened shed, very cold at six a.m. in the morning with icy patches of unmelted snow still on the ground. The sky was lit with a thousand stars demonstrating the immensity of space and of the enormous domain of God. I was happy for no identifiable reason. This was the key—happy for no identifiable reason. And songs of the birth, especially “Silent Night,” played in my mind as I squeezed out the milk from the cow into an open bucket below. I felt all the virtues identified above seemingly all at once and I knew that this season and this little baby was much more than just special. He had to be God. I felt so warmed. I now, as an old man, am long passed just believing, I know He is God.
Others feel this warmth too as it is so plentifully spread over the earth as though by angels spreading angel dust. Santa is a nice guy, mostly for children, but made-up. Christ is not. Non-believers have to notice this unexplained special feeling or choose to deny it. Also easily noticed is that this special warm feeling is pretty much gone by New Year’s Day.
It is okay not to know as I know. I respect the holidays and sacred days of others but I do DEMAND my own. Of all the founders of other religions and faiths, some of which may have been impressive, none was born in a lowlier place—in a manger where cows fed—because his parents, though with child, lacked the distinction to merit something better. None was introduced into the world by a heavenly choir sung to lowly shepherds who were the first invitees to the birth of this king, possibly the only time that happened in history.
No other religious founder could read the unexpressed thoughts of others. None fed thousands with a few fish or loaves of bread. None walked on water. None of them replaced a severed ear fallen to the ground, simply by returning it to the head of his enemy. None of them healed the sick, made the lame walk, the deaf hear, and gave sight to the blind. Indeed He was the gift to the downtrodden, in-firmed, and sinners.
No other founder could forgive sin itself. None restored life to someone who had been dead for days. None but Christ raised himself from the dead. None of them!!! None were said to be perfect. He wronged no one. None, while in the greatest agony of excruciating pain, from one of the cruelest types of torture then known, forgave his afflicters “for they knew not what they did.” All these manifestations were seen by many, sometimes thousands, of witnesses. No one but God does these things.
The Wisemen from afar knew of his birth in the “writings” of the stars and came to visit bringing incense, frankincense and myrrh, gifts of great value. Legends of Native Americans speak of his birth and cite stories of a white God coming to them with new plants and foods and similar healing powers as expressed in the New Testament of the Old World. The Aztecs called him Quetzalcoatl, the Mayans Kukulcan and in Peru, Viracocha, in Brazil, Sume, in Columbia, Bochica. Time stopped and thereafter was counted as AD, rather than BC, in both the old and new worlds. Identify another founder of religion who had this kind of influence.
Christ left the most profound political problem solving formula known to mortals. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Such would end most, if not all, problems between humans and between governments. He commanded followers to first love God and then others as “ourselves.” For non-believers, who may contest Christ’s Godhood, can you dispute this wisdom?
Again, why take this special feeling and moment from Christians, or belittle it, or choose to offend me by expressing all this as simply “Winter Break” or “Happy Holidays.” Yes, offend me!! And most assuredly, please understand why I might retort, to someone giving me this greeting, bringing home my point, Merry CHRIST-mas. Yes, it is all about Christ, so be offended if you choose to be or be warmed with the unexplained magic of the season with the rest of us!!
Why would we not want to keep Christ in Christmas? Merry CHRIST-mas to all!!
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit
Many wonder when the pandemic of COVID will end and the old normal returns. When logic replaces crazy, or insanity? When news is not censored or fake? When the federal government ceases paying labor to not work? When our country has again a southern border? When vaccines for children, who have a greater chance of drowning than COVID, are not mandated? When the sixth booster actually prevents transmission? When science replaces opinion respecting health and etc? When freedom returns?
The answer, “The Pandemic Will End When the Digital Monetary System is in Place.” An independent financial investor, Melissa Cuimmel, laid it out perfectly in an interview of the same above name, with Sara Haboubi of Ryland Media, an Ireland media outlet. Sometimes we have to go outside the country to get the truth. Simply, COVID is the main instrument for implementing the Great Reset—world government—but you must keep the COVID threat alive until it is locked in.
Cuimmel continues, “No matter what. There’s no going back. It’s gone. All that they’re trying to do right now is keep the system alive long enough, in order to bring in the new system. They’re not trying to fix anything. They’re not trying to bring anything back. They’re telling you they will build back better. What does that tell you? You have to destroy before, that’s why the economy has been systematically collapsed.”
I’ve lectured and written on the coming world government for over forty years and never put it together as succinctly as has Melissa Cuimmel.
She explains that when we left the gold based economy in 1971 we entered a debt based economy. Subsequently the value of the dollar has “already lost over 99% of its value” by the massive printing of paper money. The value of the old currency has evaporated. “The Central Bank digital currency is the end game” along with totalitarian control. “In order to bring in a Central Bank digital currency, you need a digital ID. In order to bring in a digital ID, you need these passports that will all be combined with a social credit system and a carbon credit system.”
So what does this have to do with COVID? You need to control the movement of the people. Fear from a pandemic, whether real or generated, makes that possible. Enter mandated vaccines then vaccine passports. The vaccines do not prevent transmission or we would not need boosters every four months which also do not prevent transmission even after several of them. There is no peer reviewed science defending this.
Clummel reminds us that actually, “They’re not vaccine passports. They are data passports, they are participation passports,…there’s no medical reason behind these.” Adding, “If I had come to you two years ago and said, here’s what the government wants to do. They want to give everybody a chip. They want to put all your medical data and all your financial data onto that chip. That will be your complete ID and they can control you or shut you out of society from that…. That’s the road that we are going down right now. This is a buy to a financial reset because the fiat currency has failed like every other one has before and in order to keep the game going, they need a new financial system. This is why everybody, no exceptions, has to get one of these passports…. It’s for the new system.”
The world must switch to the billionaires’ Central Bank digital currency system, backed by nothing. It’s a currency because the new globalist government says it is. It gives them “complete control over every aspect of our finances. They can dictate where in the economy that you can spend it. They can say that you can only spend it in essential goods, on rent. They can fine you…. when you link that into a social credits concept, they can sanction you or reward you.” Once in, you belong to them—like property.
The “participation” passports gives you preference for jobs, schools for your children and everything else. They can change your resume by removing “anything you’ve actually achieved in your life.”
Every compliance step moved us further along to total control and slavery. Mask wearing, lockdowns, vaccines and boosters—with no science proving anything actually mattered, gave you immunity, or was even safe. There were no short term studies on vaccines or booster before massive inoculations. Our government experimented on us. But you are not really covered until you get the next one, therefore not qualified for the privileges of society, that used to be common. Compliance means more control. “The next move is that we have to have a central bank digital currency wallet in order to participate in the financial society.”
Remember the lockdowns, “It started with nobody could participate in society. Then it was if you comply you can participate in society, then it’s going to be if you adopt Central Bank digital currency, you can participate in society. And then it’s going to be social and carbon credit.” Everything from here on is based upon total compliance. All humanity, excepting themselves and their friends, will soon be the slaves. Nothing is more Luciferic. Freedom dies.
The globalists plans’ for world government have proceeded on schedule for decades. Only two targets remain, the children have to be inoculated—thus brought into the system— and small business’ must be destroyed. There exists but one way of escape. Melissa Cuimmel identifies what that must be, and that will be shared in a coming column.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit
The Deep State, often referred to as the establishment or the shadow government of the United States, is the Council on Foreign Relations (hereafter referred to as CFR) headquartered in New York City. There is no organization in the world more influential or important than it. It has 5,103 members composed of the most influential politicians , business executives, bankers, professors, and media figures, —indeed with tentacles in every aspect of society. Its overriding objective is globalism or world government (for the extent of their power see “Shadows Across the Land,” William F. Jasper, New American, June 7, 2021, pp. 17-27). Officially created in July 29, 1921, as the CFR, it is now 100 years old.
In American politics it is the moneyed elite capable of bringing to candidates the millions of dollars and media exposure needed to win. In return they expect support and silence as to their influence. They are in both major political parties and they own the major media outlets including, more recently, those of the Internet. Thus, their influence over presidential candidates for over a hundred years is never really covered, but ALL CANDIDATES KNOW OF THEIR INFLUENCE AND POWER. In modern times no candidate for president has gotten to office without their approval, until Donald J. Trump. They elevated their favored candidate in both major political parties, then let America choose which of their anointed America wanted. These they called free elections.
All presidents from Herbert Hoover on, excepting Trump, have either been members of, had a close relationship with, or worked with the CFR. Important foreign dignitaries normally stop here before, or after, a White House visit. This combination of power is only-secret to the masses. When a president was not a member himself his vice president usually was. Once the organization’s “kingmaker” status was known and unpopular, future presidential contenders shied away from acknowledged membership—not from support. Since the late 1920’s virtually all our secretaries of state, United Nation ambassadors, and ambassadors to Russia and China were members of this Wall Street special interest group. Moreover, CFR members largely filled the majority of presidential cabinets.
No special interest group had more impact than the CFR over foreign policy the last 100 years, leading many to question if we had but one political party in the United States with two arms Democrat and Republican. Indeed, many saw no significant difference in foreign policy between George W. Bush and Barack Obama, or George Bush and Bill Clinton.
Until Trump there was little difference in foreign policy between Democrat and Republican presidents. They got their advisors from the same Wall Street special interest group—the CFR. They all supported extensive foreign aid, policing the world with over 900 military bases in other lands, and continual wars without declaration or pre-established end. They all supported international trade agreements that enhanced the power of the United Nations and exported jobs formerly held by Americans. None stood against globalism.
On domestic policy they all supported the bank bailouts and its management of the money supply through the bankers’ private Federal Reserve Bank. None talked about returning a third of the United States (called government land) to the states from which it was taken or withheld. None problem solved with the Constitution as first consideration. Nor did either give more than lip service to limited government or the national debt. They all supported problem solving on the federal or international level rather than the state, county, or city level.
Notable political scientist Lester Milbraith observed in his work Domestic Sources of Foreign Policy, p. 247, that “the influence of the CFR throughout government is so pervasive that it is difficult to distinguish the CFR from government programs.” Prominent political scientist Thomas R. Dye in his textbook Who’s Running America? The Bush Restoration, p. 188, wrote, “The history of CFR policy accomplishments is dazzling” then traced in detail their dominating role in foreign policy accomplishment from the 1920’s through the George Bush Administration from their own boasts of success in CFR Annual Reports.
What is wrong with this mostly “secret combination” governance? In 1954, The Reece Congressional Committee noted that its productions “are not objective but are directed overwhelmingly at promoting the globalism concept.” How powerful was it by the time Congress first discovered its influence? It had come, they wrote, “to be in essence an agency of the United States government, no doubt carrying its internationalist bias with it” (pp. 176-177).
John J. McCloy, Chairman of the CFR from 1953 to 1970 and an advisor to nine presidents, explained how this worked, in an interview with the New York Times, “Whenever we needed a man we thumbed through the roll of the Council members and put through a call to New York.” Such was the case thereafter as well (“CFR: Still the Power Behind the Throne,” William F. Jasper, New American, June 7, 2021, p. 15).
Until Trump, politics appeared to be divided between two “warring” parties Democrat vs. Republican, but because of the same-shared source of direction and pool of advisors, it is hard to believe at the top we were really divided at all. Remember, both Republican George Bush presidents, father and son, voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016 and against Trump. During and after the election it was open CFR warfare onTrump by both parties.
Again until Trump, the CFR governed elections and America. For four years Trump took them out of power. This is why they hate him. Every CFR viper, all 5,103 of them, plus wannabes many times that number, as membership is limited by invitation from within, emerged to rid this threat to the throne they believed belonged to them. Between 1921 and 2020, no candidate for president obtained office without CFR approval except Trump and, once there, none had more opposition—even combined.
Today at least 60% of Americans believe election fraud brought Joe Biden to office. This returned the 100 year old globalist CFR to power.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit
After nearly a year-long investigation looking for the supposed crime of insurrection, the January 6 Rally has the appearance of having been a false flag operation, which is defined as a hostile or harmful action that is designed to look like it was perpetrated by someone other than the person or group responsible for it. This has been common in the socialist revolutions throughout the 20th century. Often a massacre occurs and the ones doing the deed are dressed in the uniforms of their opposition. Leaflets printed of the uniformed men near the dead are convincing to the ignorant. The innocent targeted enemy was discredited and blamed by the public.
Though billed by the controlled press as an insurrection to take over the government only one firearm was used and that by the capitol police killing an unarmed women, a veteran who had defended her country in Iraq and participated in the rally. Nothing in the video coverage released showed her doing anything posing a threat to the officer who killed her.
Insurgency is defined as “the organized use of subversion and violence to seize, nullify, or challenge political control of a region. Insurgents seek to subvert or displace the government and completely or partially control the resources and population of a given territory.”
Democrats are anxious to define this mostly peaceful demonstration as insurgency but none of it fits the definition above. As far as I know no insurgency in history has ever been tried without military styled weaponry. The only “weapons” used appear to be one baton to break a window, flag poles, an alleged fire extinguisher, and some hand sprayers. Good Luck! Not one participant has been charged with insurrection!!
But violence was a part of January 6. It is in the clips that were shown hundreds of times by our compromised media: Capitol Building windows were broken, police and demonstrators did clash somewhat, and Ashley Babbit was shot and killed by Capitol police. A deeper dive into the clips also show police opening doors of the building—even waving demonstrators in, and police and demonstrators visiting with each other in a friendly manner. There also exists video footage showing the police throwing a stun grenade into the middle of a non-threatening crowd outside. Clearly heard on the same clip, from someone in the crowd was, “You guys started this! You guys started this!!” The January 6 Commission demonstrates no interest in investigating any of these stories; defining Trump and followers as insurrectionists is the only thing that matters to them (Jan. 6, Insurrection, Greg Kelly, Nov 3, 2021, Newsmax).
Who were these agitators? One is likely to have been Ray Ebbs shown in film footage telling everyone to go into the Capitol building others saying, “No No No!!! You’r a fed!!! You’r a fed!!! You’r a fed!!!” He was initially thought to be a suspect trying to incite the crowd—even photographed as a suspect, photo 16, on the FBI wanted list, but subsequently removed from the list. Most believe him to be an FBI informer posing as a patriot but hired to bring violence to the demonstration.
Another probable FBI informant was an alleged bomber, though photographed holding a phone, but never identified. This information was used to make the alleged “insurrection,” appear more extreme. The Committee has shown no interest in investigating these stories either. Nor that of the known presence of several Antifa thugs dressed as Trump supporters known to have been bused in and previously active in the Summer 2020 riots, especially John Sullivan who admitted on camera his activity in the supposed patriot “insurrection.” If any of these stories involving the FBI are true, the long trusted organization is taking on the characteristics of Hitler’s SS.
Regarding the entrance into the Capitol building, Attorney Merrick Garland testified that the number arrested was about 650. Then Congressmen Louie Gomez asked him about the FBI potential role on January 6. “How many protesters on January 6 were charged with obstructing an official proceeding for four to six hours? Do you know?” Garland answered “I do not know the exact number?” These were charged he said, “into three groups: assaulting officers, obstructing proceedings, and conspiring to obstruct proceedings,” but again, no one for insurrection. Not one.
Then Gomez hit Garland with this revealing question. “Regarding the men who broke the glass in the two doors there at the Speakers lobby, when the two Capitol police, who had been standing there, moved to the side to allow them access. Were any of those people who broke glass and did damage to those doors working for the FBI or federal law enforcement entities?” Garland stumbled, “Ah ah this is an ongoing criminal investigation. I’m really not at liberty to discuss. There have been some filings of um um ah, in the nature of discovery which has been provided to the defendant but ah ah other than that, I can’t discuss that now” (Ep. 2607B—Big Tech [DS] Panic, Strategically Planned, Dark to Light, [Truth] = End, Oct. 21, 2021, 33:45) Of course, they were. Some undercover FBI agents dressed as Trump supporters, with Capitol police looking on, broke those windows and were first to enter the building.
Not one person has been charged with insurrection nor will be. Increasingly information is revealing the role of the FBI, the Capitol Police, Antifa and those that directed all this, especially Nancy Pelosi as accomplices. Washington D.C. is governed by the House of Representatives, Pelosi is presently its speaker. Nothing happens there without her knowledge. Until an investigation includes these participants, the truth will remain hidden, but that may mean an investigation of the investigators. This event certainly meets the definition of a red flag event, but instead of exposing Trump as intended, the Left is exposing themselves.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit
Since 2008 half of America was lured into voting socialist despite the harsh lessons of our socialist beginnings. Plymouth and Jamestown rejected socialism and so MUST we to provide the level of universal prosperity America has provided its citizens for centuries.
This Thanksgiving Day we think of the Pilgrims enjoying abundant food, but this was not their real reality. To few note the starving times their first year in 1620 when half died of starvation. Harvests were not bountiful the first year nor the next. Plymouth was beset by laziness and thievery. William Bradford, the governor of the colony, in his History of Plymouth Plantation reported that “much was stolen both by night and day” to alleviate the prevailing condition of hunger. The somewhat mythical “feast” of the first Thanksgiving did fill their bellies, he reported, and they were grateful, but abundance had been anything but common. Why? Because they had fallen victim to the socialistic lure of “share the wealth.” This dis-incentivized the productive base of society.
Then suddenly, as though night changed to day, the crop of 1623 was bounteous, and those thereafter as well, and it had nothing to do with the weather. Bradford wrote, “Instead of famine now God gave them plenty and the face of things was changed, to the rejoicing of the hearts of many, for which they blessed God.” He concluded later, “any general want or famine hath not been amongst them since to this day.” They ended universal poverty.
One variable alone made the difference and ended the famine. They abandoned the notion of government (or corporation) owning the means of production and distribution in favor of the individual having property and being responsible to take care of himself. Every family was issued its own land. Before, no one benefited by working for the common store because he received the same compensation as those who did not. After the change everyone retained the benefits of his labor. Those who chose not to work basically chose also to be poor and the government (corporation) no longer confiscated from those who produced to give to those who did not. No government food stamps here.
Ironically all this could have been avoided had Plymouth consulted history and communicated with their neighboring colony, some distance south of it, who had previously been down the same trail. Jamestown too was first a socialist society where each produced according to his ability and received according to his need, which, of course, affected supply. One cannot divide what does not exist. Our textbooks tell us that only one of twelve survived the first two years for precisely the same reason, starvation. The problem, as noted by Tom Bethel in his work The Noblest Triumph: Property and Prosperity through the Ages, was identified by an unnamed participant as “want of providence, industrie and government, and not the bareness and defect of the Countrie.”
Captain John Smith is credited with having saved the floundering colony by his “no workie, no eatie” government program (the Virginia Company was the government) and was hated for it. Addicted to the promise of getting something for nothing, even if it is always less than promised, the receiving part of the population will always oppose their not getting their “fair share.” Sound familiar? Captain Smith was eventually carted off to England in chains as fast as the parasitic population could do so. Once again, why? Philip A. Bruce in his Economic History of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century, p. 121 called it agricultural socialism. “The settlers did not have even a modified interest in the soil…. Everything produced by them went into the store, in which they had no proprietorship.” When settlers finally were allowed to own their own property, and keep what they produced, things changed overnight.
Colony Secretary Ralph Hamor wrote of incoming prosperity, beginning in 1614, after ownership of land was allowed. “When our people were fed out of the common store, and labored jointly together, glad was he [who] could slip from his labor, or slumber over his tasks he cared not how, nay, the most honest among them would hardly take so much true pains in a week, as now for themselves they will do in a day, neither cared they for the increase, presuming that however the harvest prospered, the general store must maintain them, so that we reaped not so much corn from the labors of thirty as now three or four do provide for themselves.”
This Thanksgiving let us be grateful for the prosperity that we have—even the poorest among us. Jamestown and Plymouth set us upon a course that recognized that prosperity requires incentive to flourish and that the profit motive stimulates industry. We are so grateful that, having recognized the poison of the “share the wealth” philosophy, they purged it from their midst and proceeded to make, what later became America, the most prosperous country on earth.
On January 20, 2021, Democratic Socialists took over the White House and both branches of Congress. In ten short months of socialist rule, food prices have skyrocketed and shelves are emptying. Once totally energy independent, we now see fuel prices soar and severe shortages are predicted this winter; some economist even see an economic collapse. Joe Biden’s prediction of a “dark winter” appears on the horizon under Biden—not Trump. Socialism kills incentive to produce— it always has and always will.
Plymouth and Jamestown rejected socialism and so MUST we. Will we be as smart as they? Let us share this message at the table as we feast upon turkey and pumpkin pie this Thanksgiving Day so that our children will know how prosperity is really produced.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit
For decades I read in my college classes messages smuggled out of socialist / communist prisons in Romania, Cuba, North Vietnam, the USSR, Communist China, North Korea and etc. some no worse than now coming out of the District of Columbia Department of Corrections in the United States. American citizens have been thrown into cells, denied family visits, fed horrible food, and imprisoned in essentially solitary confinement for up to 24 hours daily.
Approximately 650 January 6 Rally participants were “later charged and arrested in raids that involved armored military vehicles and SWAT teams.” Many of these thereafter were detained for most of a year without trial on Nancy Pelosi’s and the Democrat Party media outlets’ supposition of insurrection. Still, not one has been charged with insurrection!! Evidence of insurrection does not exist or this would have been charged. Confinement and tortuous treatment is largely punishment for their support of Trump in the Electoral College vote count.
They are instead American political prisoners. Those able to get messages “out to the public tell of their long-term solitary confinement without cause, sleep deprivation techniques, beatings at the hands of guards while in restraints, and threats of harsher treatment for speaking to the media (“Ignore the Dissidents of Our Time at Your Peril,” by Sarah Corridor, Homefront Crusade, October 13, 2021). All, dissident punishment techniques of communist countries cited above.
I had never supposed that I would see the same in the United States—political prisoners. But I also never supposed that socialists would take over this country implementing censorship, lock-downs, and mandates as in communist regimes. Washington D.C. is governed by the House of Representatives, presently led by Nancy Pelosi as speaker. None of this could happen without her knowledge and consent.
What follows is one of those letters smuggled out. Its author Nathan Degraves has no unlawful or violent history. He did not break anything nor hurt anyone.
Nathan Degraves.
“Dear fellow Americans, I never thought I’d write a letter like this but we’re living in very different times. This is my cry for help. My name is Nathan Degraves. And as a non violent participate at the January 6 Rally I’ve spent the last nine months detained as a political prisoner in pod C at the DC Department of Corrections, otherwise known as DC’s Gitmo.
“The conditions here for January Sixers have been inhumane. In fact, some inmates are even begging to be transferred to Guantanamo Bay, where they have more acceptable standards. Class action lawsuits are being filed against this prison and even the ACLU has gotten involved.
“So let me tell you about me and many others who are January Sixers and what we’ve been experiencing in DC’s Gitmo, our conditions for the last 120 days. For DC’s Gitmo January Sixers experienced daily lockdowns for 23 to 24 hours before being allowed to leave our small 120 square foot cell. The physical and mental anguish that results from this kind of severe isolation has caused many people to go on a rapid mental decline. As a result, a large percentage of us are heavily medicated with anti anxiety and anti depressant drugs, which helps to cope with the psychological and mental abuse we endure. Many times the little recreation we do receive is stripped away if our cell isn’t up to standards of the guard on duty. This changes from day to day.
“January Sixers have lost recreation time, and out of cell activity time, for any news interviews about the jail when they are aired on TV, when people speak up about our conditions or rallies are held in our name. We’ll probably have a lock-down upon the publishing of this letter. So I have already warned those I know in advance.
“I suffer headaches and nausea. I have already lost 15 pounds since I’ve been detained and I was quite thin and fit to begin with. After in person visits, legal or otherwise we are forced to undergo humiliating strip searches despite all visitors being thoroughly checked for contraband. If it’s an illegal visit we are placed in a 14 day quarantine with no out of cell time even if your attorney is vaccinated and tests negative for COVID. Visits with friends or family members for unvaccinated inmates are never allowed.
“I am being unfairly prosecuted and definitely overcharged. I never assaulted anyone destroyed property or stolen anything. Please don’t be fooled by the media. I am a loving and peaceful person with no history of violence.
“Please share this letter with everyone you know friends and family, senators, representatives, political organizations, organizers, civil rights groups and media outlets. The truth has to get out and the jail must pay for what they are doing to this country’s citizens. The government has essentially cancelled me.”
My publisher,, publishes stories and / or information heavily censored by the controlled press in America. This letter was read by Greg Kelly of Newsmax on November 1, 2021. As far as we know Kelly is the only outlet for this story, besides you.
All America must unite in condemning censorship and tyranny. If the government can do this to one philosophy, political party, or person it can do it to anyone. The government has nothing on Nathaniel Degrave or they would have produced it long ago. They must assume his legal fees, pay compensation for his incarceration, and set him free immediately. Until then he remains a political prisoner in America.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit