So what would happened if Roe v. Wade where overturned? The issue would go back to the states where it was prior to 1973, and constitutionally belongs—the federal government would, as before, have no jurisdiction over the issue. It was taken from them in violation of Amendment 10, where all power resides other than that given to the federal government in Article I, Section 8, as we described in my recent column, “The Word Abortion has never been in the Constitution.” Finally, Planned Parenthood would receive no federal allocations so their extermination centers would largely disappear.
According to the Guttmacher Institute there are 13 states that have banned most or all abortions. These are: Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, N. Dakota, Oklahoma, S. Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Wyoming. Five additional states have a preexisting Roe v. Wade abortion ban on the books that would probably be reactivated. These are Alabama, Arizona, Michigan, W. Virginia and Wisconsin. Yet another four states currently have laws banning abortion after the six-week mark which presently have been ruled unconstitutional but probably would be reversed if Roe was overturned. Finally, another four states Florida, Indiana, Montana and Nebraska appear likely to ban or severely restrict abortion if Roe is overturned “based upon current legislative effort.” [X22 Reports, Ep. 2767B—Much to be Revealed Renegade Panicking, The Deal Keeps Iran Quiet, Control lost. May 4, 2022].
Twenty six states, over half of America, are likely to abandon abortion as an acceptable alternative to birth control. It is increasingly difficult to make the babies pay for their right to exist when they have a heartbeat at six weeks old. The stain and stench of innocent blood is in the practice and cannot be hidden anymore.
“I could give money specifically to abort a black baby”.
Then too, revelations of genocide by Planned Parenthood in Idaho against black babies turns the stomachs of Christian and moral people. Project Veritas caught on tape a Caller’s question, “What about abortions for under aged minority groups? The PP Employee: “Certainly and showed a willingness to accept larger donations to abort black babies!” “Caller: We just think …You know… the less black kids out there the better. PP Employee: (laughs) Understandable! Understandable!”
Abortion is the Democrat Parties sacred cow. Virtually all Democrats look the other way (a form of approval) of the genocide of their own unwanted or inconvenient humankind. If racism and eugenics have merged with the party, as appears so in the conversation above to “kill off segments of the population,” such is unacceptable in any society. Reportedly 79% of planned parenthood clinics are in minority neighborhoods. ([X22 Reports, Ep. 2767B, May 4, 2022, 27:00). Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger certainly supported eugenics of black babies.
This prompted Candace Owens to say, “If it wasn’t for the abortion industry, the black population would be virtually doubled today.” (Tucker Carlson). Let that sink in. If blacks ever come to recognize that they have been the targeted race of white democrats for black eugenics, the Democratic Party would cease to exist overnight and Planned Parenthood facilities would be burned to the ground nationwide by them.
“If it wasn’t for the abortion industry, the black population would be virtually doubled today.”
Another dark secret seems to be festering in Ukraine already seen as the Deep State laundering capital of the world for dark money, bioweapons labs, illegal drugs and etc. JuliansRum posed the question, “Where do all these aborted baby body parts go? And follows up with Ukraine as a “baby maker” operation. He asks: “Why is Ukraine at the world’s forefront of fetal stem cell therapies? —The first fetal stem cell treatment in humans occurred at the National Medical University of Ukraine. —The world’s first center to use fetal stem cells for therapeutic purposes in humans was founded in Kyiv, Ukraine. —The world’s first ever fully licensed fetal stem cell bank was in Ukraine. —The world’s largest fetal stem cell therapy clinic (EmCell) is in Ukraine. Stem cell anti-aging therapy is big biz there.” He ends with the observation that “Ukraine has become the self-styled stem cell capital of the world” (X22 Reports, Ep. 2767B—May 4, 2022).
BBC News was the first news outlet to give focus to Ukrainian research in the area, (“Ukraine Babies in Stem cell probe,” BBC News , by Matthew Hill, BBC Health Correspondent, Dec. 12, 2006). The column hypothesized, “There is heated debate about the ethics of using stem cells. Healthy new-born babies may have been killed in Ukraine to feed a flourishing international trade in stem cells, evidence obtained by BBC suggests.” The report “describes a general culture of trafficking of children snatched at birth, and a wall of silence from hospital staff upwards.”
Why Ukraine? For the same reason 13 bio-weapons labs existed there. The Deep State is the Ukrainian government and is unregulated in its dark science and dark money. Ukraine appears to be the world’s Deep State playground for activities that civilized nations would never permit such as “gain of function research” on human killer diseases and/or stem cell “research on live human cells.” Far fetched perhaps, but that is what they said about the “non-existent” bio-weapons labs before Putin took them out—something no longer seriously disputed. Conspiracy theories have a history of becoming conspiracy realities when enough money is attached.
So what would happen to abortion if Roe v. Wade where overturned? Almost anything from returning the issue to the states in accordance with Amendment 10, to deeper revelations about eugenics on blacks in America, to even darker revelations of stem cell research to preserve the youth of rich, old people—all positive for ending the darkest chapter in world history. Frankly, I believe America is tired of the guilt and shame which always accompanies the practice.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit www.
Put bluntly Democrats support extermination of their own unwanted kind and Republicans went along with it because it was a form of birth control. Two issues have forced a wider gulf on abortion than ever: 1) science has shown a fetal heartbeat at six weeks of pregnancy and 2) many taxpayers oppose funding extermination clinics of their own human kind. A strict interpretation of the Constitution would not have allowed either. The word abortion has never been in the Constitution, in 1973, or now.
Many who work in Planned Parenthood centers admit that perhaps 80% of what they do is exterminate unwanted humans. This is not family planning; it is instead the destruction of the family. Nor are such centers primarily for women’s health unless you can argue that pregnant women are unhealthy because they are pregnant. Abortion is not healthcare.
If women’s health were the “real” issue, redistributing Title X grants to non-Planned Parenthood facilities would better serve vastly more women and more of their health concerns. But funding extermination centers remains the primary purpose of Planned Parenthood.
Since Roe v. Wade we have aborted 63,776,644. in the U.S ( A review of abortion pictures on the Internet often show tiny human body parts separated from the whole body when a scalpel was used to cut up the body making it easier to expel.
Abortion would not be a federal issue if both political parties followed the listed limits of federal power in the Constitution as designed. Again, the word abortion is not found in the Constitution, nor inferred, and no new amendment to the Constitution has been added moving it from a state power—Amendment 10 (where all powers not specifically identified in the Constitution as federal reside)—to a federal prerogative.
Without extreme, constitutional perversion to original intent the Supreme Court cannot rule, as it did in Roe v. Wade in 1973, in such a way as to create new law in an area where no federal law first existed or was subsequently added by way of a constitutional amendment. That no constitutional authority ever existed for Roe v. Wade in the first place, even less exists to extend that travel direction today.
Article 1, Section 8 lists federal powers. This clause divides all federal power into the four following areas: to tax, pay debt, provide for the general welfare and common defense. So as to restrict the federal government from enlarging its power, which is its natural tendency to do, the last two grants of power of the four each had an additional eight clauses giving clarity to what was meant by general welfare (clauses 2-9) and common defense (clauses 10-17). Outside these qualifiers the federal government has NO power to tax, spend, legislate, administrate or adjudicate. None!!
Even with the clarification of the list, states fearing that the federal government might still like to grow at their expense, refused to ratify the Constitution without additional restrictions harnessing it more fully to the enumerated powers, hence the Bill of Rights. These end with the federal handcuffs of Amendment 10: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
The problem with the federal government going off the list and funding or assuming powers clearly not on it is that each time it does so—even once—the stronger the inclination to do so again. One minor departure begets another until one notices that what the federal government does has little or no relationship to the list. The result, in this case, is that mothers, encouraged by their federal government, exterminated over 60 million of their own; about ten times the number of Jews killed in the Nazi holocaust death camps, now so universally condemned.
But a fake connection to the Constitution was not the only fake part of Roe v. Wade. Jane Roe, Norma McCorvey, “AKA Jane Roe.” the plaintiff in the landmark 1973 case that legalized abortion in America was fake also. In the mid-1990s, McCorvey made a public religious and political conversion. “She was baptized on television in a backyard swimming pool; she wore overalls and came out beaming. She declared herself newly pro-life and spent the last two decades of her life crusading against the ruling her own case had made possible.” She announced “to the camera with an oxygen tube dangling from her nose” and told director Nick Sweeney, “This is my deathbed confession.”
“She never really supported the antiabortion movement,” she told Sweeney, in a scene filmed in 2017. “I took their money and they put me out in front of the camera and told me what to say, and that’s what I’d say.” “It was all an act?” the director asked. “Yeah,” she says. “I was good at it, too.” In fact, she had never had an abortion either. “By the time the Supreme Court handed down its decision, she’d been forced to carry out her pregnancy; the child had already been adopted” (Jane Roe, May 20, 2020, Washington Post, “‘Jane Roe,’ from Roe v. Wade, made a stunning deathbed confession. Now What? By Monica Hesse, May 20, 2020 New documentary ‘AKA Jane Roe’). Still, even a deathbed confession has some value But her story is a part of the deceit and national blood stain that surrounds this issue.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit www.
Ten prominent speakers in white coats representing 18,000 physicians and scientists rail against the CDC, NIH, WHO and the deep state press for their lies, censorship, and suppression of their science and their work with COVID-19. Still, this too was mostly censored by the controlled press.
Tens of thousands gathered in Los Angeles April 10 2022, to hear America’s most prominent COVID physicians and scientists rail against the CDC, The NIH, The WHO, the deep state press, the World Economic Forum and the federal and state governments for the censorship and suppression of their science and their work with COVID. Under the name Unity Project they began “We stand before you today with 18,000 doctors and scientists that we are representing—18,000!!! A banner declared, “There is No Emergency,” (it could have added “and there never was!) “and on each side of the stage, “Defeat the Mandates!” Media censorship prevailed and the people were denied knowing what the COVID experts now know. But unless removed, video of this event can be found at
Ten prominent scientists and/or physicians spoke. All with the same prominent theme said by each differently referring to the above named organizations as having deliberately and knowingly lied. “It’s the policies that resulted in the carnage and the deaths of hundreds of 1000s of Americans. It was the policy—not the disease. It’s been said we know they are lying. They know they are lying. We know they know they are lying, but they’re still lying, and we got to stop that!!” There existed unanimity among them. Space allows coverage of only five of the ten.
All agreed on the above and the following: “We know masks do not work. We know the vaccine does not work. We know that social distancing does not work. We know that locking our people down does not work. We know that masking our children has such a profound effect on their development.” The children was a powerful area of unanimity, “keep your children away from this. The shot [has]no benefit for the children. If anybody puts their shot in the arm of a child it is plain and simple child abuse.” No science supports children needing this.
Richard Urso, MD, Founder of the Global COVID Summit, spoke of three additional prominent lies: 1) “there’s no early treatment for COVID,” 2) “natural immunity still needs a vaccine,” and 3) “every man, woman and child in the United States need a vaccine,”—each of which is not true. “In England and Scotland, where the data is not corrupted, the triple vaxxed account for 90% of the deaths.” Regarding the lipid nanoparticle in the vaccine, “It goes everywhere, brain, bone marrow, ovaries. It does not stay in the arm.” Dr. Urso noted four things it IS doing. “It’s blocking cancer repair mechanisms. It’s blocking receptors that lead to activation of dormant viruses. It’s producing spike protein for up to 60 days because the body doesn’t know what to do with the artificial pseudo yurodine. It’s going into DNA and reverse transcribing liver cells experimentally.” It is responsible for “40% more deaths between the ages of 18 and 64. There are 82% more deaths between the ages of 25 and 44.”
Ryan Cole, MD, Board Certified pathologist, “It is a collusion of the largest media companies, social media companies to obscure the truth from you. What do they do? They lie to you. How do they do it? Through propaganda and censoring the smartest doctors in the world because they don’t want you to know the truth. They are responsible for death, for despair, for social devastation. They have committed crimes against humanity and blood is on their hands. How?—By withholding information on early treatments to strengthen natural immunity, the side effects of the death jabs.”
Continuing, “We know the shot doesn’t prevent you from getting the virus. It doesn’t prevent you from carrying the virus. It doesn’t prevent you from transmitting the virus. It doesn’t prevent you from getting the disease. And in some cases, it doesn’t prevent you from dying from the disease. So is it a vaccine? No, of course it isn’t.” In fact, “The shot is worse than the virus itself now.” He suggests “it could cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.” Adding, “They want your body to be a toxin factory.”
Other countries have awakened. “The CDC in Europe said no more boosters. Israel, they said no more shots. We made mistakes, no passports, no boosters.…Oops, but at least they admitted it.” He ended, “The policy based on bad science is over, the real science is in and it’s in front of you. Freedom and liberty are what works. I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.”
Pierre Kory, MD, MPA, Co-founder and President Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, one of the world’s leading experts in the clinical use of Ivermectin for COVID. He spoke of developing “the most effective treatment protocol in the world….And I know we’ve saved lives.” We have needless death. “The pharmaceutical industry is killing people. They do not care. They put profits ahead of people’s lives. They do this rapaciously, relentlessly and they’re doing it today.” He added, “I’ve been in ICUs for 15 months with lungs whited out, people dying on ventilators, families crying, families getting destroyed and they are all needless deaths. I know this early treatment works.”
Bryan Tyson,MD, has treated over 10,000 COVID patients successfully, probably more than anyone. He thought his success might result in positive publicity, but the media seemed not to want stories of success. But doctors using early treatment and existing drugs known to work, like HCQ and Ivermectin, have succeeded saving millions.
Paul Marik, MD, World Renowned Critical Care Specialist, “We know early treatment could have saved millions of lives! Millions of lives!!” Why did the organizations mentioned above resist the real science? Because “they want to instill fear and then want you to be admitted to the hospital where you are imprisoned and treated with Remdesivir which is a drug which kills people.” This is why the doctors and scientists are railing against the COVID lies and censorship.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit
What is the Great Reset for those still asleep? It is a global movement by International institutions like the International Monetary Fund, the World Economic Forum, international corporations banks and financial institutions like Blackrock,—just about everybody with international prestige like George Soros, Bill Gates the Clinton Foundation and etc. Founded through The World Economic Forum’s leader Klaus Schwab in Davos, Switzerland in June of 2020, to reset the entire global economy ushering in a proposed long talked about New World Order (World Government). “You will own nothing and be happy.” The great pre-existence lie, while your entire life will be managed from cradle to grave for the benefit of society—not you.
The controlling feature of this society Is your social credit score called ESG (Environment, Social Justice and Government standards) allowing you to do business (buy and sell) allotted and imposed by the elites to create their “ideal society” through participating corporations governing the products and services that you can buy. Bank loans will be based upon your ESG score. This, not upon traditional credit as per ability and reliability to pay back loans, but upon how closely your ideology fits with that of the governing elites. Basically, if not in harmony you do not eat.
Your ESG score reflects globalist’s concern about your effect on the Environment. How much plastic do you use or other resources that affect the environment? Do you drive gasoline powered cars or not? How much land do you use? Your effects on Social Justice. What does your supply chain look like? What’s the gender composition of your board of directors. And your affects on Government, your social media posts show your political leanings. It looks at what’s the racial breakdown of your workforce at your business. Have you the right ratio of Asians to Hispanics. Again, loans are based upon what you think, believe, and your behavior rather than upon your ability to repay. The new fascism cleverly does away with law that says you are not allowed to do, say, or purchase certain things. You simply cannot get a loan without obedience.
New Hampshire is the first state in the union to identify this as discrimination and its House has passed a bill prohibiting banks from using any thing other than a person’s, or corporation’s, ability to repay loans as the requirement for getting loans. Senate passage and the governor’s signature yet remain to make it law but this is likely because all three state branches of government are Republican.
Most states do not have legislatures assembling all year long and the legislative season is almost over for this year but states introducing bills similar to New Hampshire’s include: Oklahoma, Idaho, Wyoming, Arizona, and South Carolina. Those who have not yet submitted bills but are expected to submit really strong anti ESG bills early next year are: Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota and Utah .
This is tangible evidence that the Great Reset can, and likely will be, stopped in the United States by the states legislatures. Most have never seen a bill move through the state legislatures so fast. The Democratic Party has fallen out of favor in America. The expected election red Tsunami wave this Fall will accentuate outlawing ESG loans bringing in Texas and Florida, more especially if Donald Trump endorses it, which I expect. Arkansas, South Dakota, Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana are expected to follow. That’s 24 states—about half the country. (Anti-Great-Reset Legislation Goes Viral!, March 3, 2022, Heartland Daily See video of at
On the map above states are color-coordinated with their current status regarding ESG: Dark Red = good, Anti-ESG bills proposed; Light Red = pledged to propose good, Anti-ESG bills; Blue = ESG divestment bills in play; Yellow = states that look promising for positive action next year.
Then there is a third group of states that are dealing with the ESG reset problem differently. These do not want to give money to asset managers like Blackrock that “are going to then turn around and use this ESG system against us and then target fossil fuels or work to promote values that we don’t believe in.” These states include Oklahoma already mentioned as promoting a bill prohibiting the use of ESG in loan making. These have active bills that may process before the end of the legislative season this year. Included, besides Oklahoma, are: Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, and West Virginia. Texas already has this bill in place.
Glenn Beck and Justin Haskins authors of the new book Joe Biden and the Rise of 21st Century Fascism THE GREAT RESET, and Donald Kendall deserve accolades for exposing the worst threat to human freedom in world history. This frontal attack effectively implements world government that simultaneously enslaves every person on earth. These and others started their non-stop expose’ in May of 2020, about two years ago. “We didn’t know anything about ESG scores.” We knew nothing about “how the banking industry was colluding with these people to do this,” they confided.
Globalist language is frightening. “Every industry will be transformed, and every country must participate, including the United States and China. When you hear people like that with those kinds of connections, with that kind of money, all working at the same time, saying the same slogans, using the same ‘Build Back Better’ logo slogan, in Canada and the United Kingdom and in Germany and in America all at the same time.” With statements like these there appears no hope. “There is no way out of this” (Ibid.). This is what the globalists want you to believe.
But there is great hope of rescue from this enslaving ESG system and its accompanying satanic Great Reset. States are poised to stop this, join their resistance to it by sharing this column with your state legislators, friends and family keeping this issue viral. It’s your Liberty Under Fire that you are saving.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit
There are at least two sides to every story, globalists own all six of the major news outlets thus, mostly globalist news is presented in America. When censorship prevails there exists but one side.
The Deep State media still refuse to share two important aspects of the Ukrainian / Russian story—Ukraine’s connection to the New World Order and NATO’s roll in provoking Russia. As to the first, formally published, “Putin is Destroying the New World Order in Ukraine.” The other presents NATO as the foundational cause of the conflict. Cold War history, foreign to most millennial journalists, cannot be omitted. The facts presented here can easily be verified, not by a non-degreed fact checker employed to discredit any view outside the globalist view, but by a common 20th Century textbook or encyclopedia.
NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was formed April 4, 1949, after World War II as a security alliance against further expansion of socialist/communist countries via Russia. Since 1917 Vladimir Lenin, then Joseph Stalin, consolidated its neighbors becoming the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, or USSR. Article V of the NATO military alliance agreement obligated all 12 signatory nations to treat an attack on one country as an attack on all.
Russia correctly saw the alliance as a threat to its socialists interests. In response she created the Warsaw Pact in 1955 to counter NATO, comprised of eight surrounding nations They too adopted the philosophy—an attack on one by the West is an attack on all. Its eight members were: Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Russia,. A standoff between the NATO, “freedom” nations, and the Warsaw Pact, socialist nations, lasted for the next 36 years. The Berlin wall collapsed in 1989 and two years later, in 1991, the Soviet Union disintegrated under Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev.
A unified Germany was looking to join one or the other alliance. President George H.W. Bush wanted to ensure Germany joined NATO and made an offer to Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev. That offer “suggested if Germany became a NATO member NATO would stop expanding ‘not one inch eastward’—no new members. Today the US says it made no such promise, that no such agreement was ever struck, but hundreds of memos, meeting minutes, and transcripts from U.S. archives indicate otherwise.” Germany joined NATO in 1990. Part of that understanding was that both the Warsaw Pact and NATO would dissolve. Russia dissolved the Warsaw Pact ending the Cold War, NATO did not.
That promise was broken and “NATO refused to cease its operations. And to add insult to injury, they kept the door for membership open. Russia saw it as a stab in the back and NATO kept pushing the dagger deeper.” Without any effective resistance to NATO expansion it continued to assimilate country after country coming ever eastward toward Russia—absorbing former USSR, or Russian federated countries. In 1999 Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic joined NATO followed five years later, in 2004, by another wave of seven Central and Eastern European nations: Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia. In 2009, “Albania and Croatia joined NATO and the most recent entries are Montenegro and North Macedonia, both situated in Russia’s backyard…. As of 2021, NATO officially recognized three more aspiring members, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Georgia and Ukraine” as wanting membership. Since then NATO has been in talks with Sweden, Finland and Serbia for membership (“Two Sides to Every Story: Did NATO push Ukraine into War? Gravitas Plus, by Palki Sharma Upadhyay, March 6, 2022,
Although the West applauded the disintegration of the Soviet Union most Russians instead were traumatized by it. “In an instant they lost 1/3 of their territory, half of their population and most of their military might.… They felt that an unjust settlement had been imposed on them and it was done in their moment of maximum weakness and vulnerability. So they looked at any state leaving Russia sphere of influence as both a strategic loss and a matter of national humiliation.”
NATO started with 12 founding members when there was fear of Russia bringing communism to Western Europe, now it has more than doubled to 30 countries where Russia has posed little threat to retake land outside what it once governed as the USSR. So much of Eastern Europe, once part of the Soviet Union, has now been assimilated into “NATO and this happened despite Russia’s protests and warnings.”
In 2007 Vladimir Putin addressed the annual Munich Conference. “NATO has put its frontline forces on our borders. This expansion represents a serious provocation that reduces the level of mutual trust. And we have the right to ask: Against whom is this expansion intended? And what happened to the assurances our Western partners made after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact?” Said another way, “This NATO “military alliance has technically absorbed the entire security belt of Moscow” (Ibid).
We too ask Bill Clinton, father and son Bush, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden the same thing. “Against whom is this expansion intended?” The United States had more impact in NATO’s enlargement than any other country. You are the ones who financed and built 16 or more bioweapons labs in Ukraine and placed a historical enemy military pact on Russia’s very border. Why would Russia not feel threatened when NATO organized 30 nations against it? You’re disregard of, and insensitivity to, NATO history is equivalent to poking the once Soviet Bear into rage.
Perhaps this does not justify Putin’s cleaning out the bioweapons labs and the Neo-Nazi globalist forces in the country threatening him, but it should be noted that NATO, and the above named presidents, should accept responsibility for poking the bear by NATO’s enlargement, the labs, and proposed Ukraine membership. It presents NATO as the foundational cause of the conflict.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit
Ukrainian Parliament Woman claim to be fighting for the New World Order.
The West, Europe and the Americas, are presently divided into the Deep State (sometimes called secret combinations, globalists, and the establishment), and those who oppose world government called the patriots. These support religion, traditional values and the Constitution.
The ultimate plan of the Deep Staters for the world is the Great Reset (world government) “you will own nothing and be happy,” but TOTALLY controlled. Population control is a must. War, pandemics, and an economic collapse are favorite satanic tools to help bring about the Great Reset. Their recent attempts to accomplish this were: war with North Korea, a world COVID 19 pandemic, followed by an economic collapse, but did not work because President Donald J, Trump made friends with Kim Jon Un avoiding war, and developed a vaccine. Even though the vaccination did not work it prevented the world from being shut down long term which would have starved millions. Instead Trump rebuilt a strong economy.
In America the Deep State does not benefit from the negative news of: Hunter Biden and his father’s—(the big guy)—reaping millions from Ukraine and 31 million from China, Hillary Clinton’s Uranium One deal with Russia, The Clinton Foundation purchasing socialist politicians with contributions given in exchange for political favors, the stolen 2020 election, vaccines that do not work, crimes against humanity regarding it and child sex trafficking, the January 6th insurrection led by the feds themselves, the invasion of America from a non-enforced southern border, John Durham’s indictments of a probable Clinton 2020 election coup, and etc.
The people are awakening to the globalist’s agenda which can not be allowed. The Deep State must have a long-term constant news event that fills the evening news every day to cover up their corruption—like Covid-19 did for two years. War, also accomplishes another globalist objective; it reduces the population. War with Russia through Ukraine, even if the globalists had to create it, would cover up the past sins noted above and new ones as well.
Hence the Deep State built the narrative that Russia invaded innocent Ukraine for no other reason than its imperial designs. They say nothing of the 16-plus bioweapons labs financed and constructed in Ukraine by the U.S. Department of Defense that threaten Russia and they censor anyone bringing it up. These they called conspiracy theories until Under Department of State Victoria Nuland admitted the same (X22 Reports, Ep. 2721—[FF] Alert, March 9, 2022).. They also create news events from borrowed war film footage of other previous, primarily Middle Eastern, conflicts in other lands to project Vladimir Putin as inhumane, crazy, and a threat to the world (“Are U.S.-Run Bioweapon Labs in Ukraine as Russia says?”
Yes there has existed an 8 year civil war in Ukraine between the patriots and the globalists Deep State government, similar to that in the United States between these same factions as per the so-called January 6 Insurrection. But in Ukraine, until the Russian “clean-out” of bio-labs and the Neo-Nazis protecting their stolen election, it was a full civil war. They were shooting each other and when the Russian’s added invasion violence, they projected their violence on Russia as well. Western presses no longer mentioned the civil war. The Deep State coup in Ukraine could not have happened, and been maintained, without many strong Ukrainian Deep State supporters.
Why Ukraine? Because the Deep State already owned it. They, Barack Obama and Joe Biden, had imposed their own fraudulent government over it in 2014, making it the most corrupt nation in the world. Here Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros, Anthony Fauci, Big Tech executives and other globalists could launder money and perform gain of function research without restriction or disclosure to the world.
What are American interests in Ukraine? None for the patriots, but everything for the globalists. Observe what is now NOT on the news that was, just prior to Ukraine—the Deep State news covers Ukraine. The list is long (“Same People, Party and Press are Responsible for Everything” Now censorship is acceptable and almost unnoticed. They finally have THEIR WAR to fill the news cycle. They need only to keep it going.
But there is a strange hope. Those who studied globalism for decades knew that world government one day would have to include Russia and China. We also knew that neither Putin or Xi would go along with world government as designed by the West. Both hate the New World Order. George Sorors was kicked out of Russia and he despises China. Neither country would ever allow themselves to be controlled by the West’s Great Reset.
In a bizarre sense patriots may have to be bedfellows with Putin and Xi for a short time. Not that either dictator could be trusted to fight for liberty in their own tyrannical domains, but they could be trusted to help remove the greater threat to all humanity more especially as the Deep State now appears strong enough to take on the Russian bear. Putin knows that, even if mostly for his own self interests, the Deep State’s New World Order, is his mortal enemy also.
Yes, for a short time, Americans may have to sleep with a cobra snake on one side (China) and a bear on the other (Russia) to first remove the Deep State cancer that is embedded to some extent in every country on earth and strong enough to have successfully accomplished an election coup in both Ukraine in 2014 and America in 2020. Also, bioweapons labs are a threat to every individual on earth, not just to Russia. Viruses know no borders.
It happened once before. Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill united with socialist Joseph Stalin in Yalta in World War II to destroy fascism under Adolph Hitler. It may have to happen again to destroy Deep State fascism in the West. Strangely the Russian tyrant’s destruction of Ukraine’s bioweapons labs and removal of the Neo-Nazis will have done what no other power on earth could have done to the Deep State globalists—deliver a crippling blow.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit