From Fake News to Fake (Woke) History, Independence Hall

By Harold Pease, Ph. D.

What follows is an email addressed to me from an acquaintance of importance at Independence Hall, who has been involved in tours at historical facilities since 1986, assigned to Independence Hall for the last 3 years; now charged with telling the world the story of America’s freedom birth as it happened and has been repeated for 247 years with no deviation from the truth until the Biden Administration. This historian does not fear the truth—only possible retaliation for not “bending the knee” to the fake history wanted by the government.

Independence Hall birthplace of our Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and resultant Constitutional Republic–establishing in time, liberty for every race and creed. The traditional founding history of 247 years is now under attack by the Biden Administration.

It began, “My colleagues and I were obligated to attend a ‘training session’ with [The International Coalition of Sites of Conscience]. They are up to no good, as you will see: ‘I went to the training, but — I am proud to say — fought the presenter each step of the way.’

“It was all about ‘re-framing’ the tours at Independence Hall to include stories about ‘people that have been left out of the story’ of our Founding. Apparently, this includes ‘indigenous people, women, the working class, Loyalists [to the King] fence-sitters, enslaved people [we aren’t allowed to say ‘slaves’ anymore], free African-Americans, the common soldier, non-English speaking people, international participants, non-Christians, political dissidents, and [drumroll …] LGBTQ.’

“As it happens, the tours are only 20 minutes long. The presenter said, ‘You could easily cut 20% of what you say now.’ Who and what will be cut? Washington, Adams, Franklin? …’

“I first piped up when mention was made of the way in which the signage has been changed at Monticello to include Jefferson’s ‘relationship’ with Sally Hemings and to honor their ‘descendants.’ I said that ‘the biggest disappointment of my life has been the realization that most people are not interested in the truth; they are interested only in what is fashionable. The Sally Hemings story was made up by a newspaperman named James Callender who hated Jefferson. Everyone that knows anything about the history of journalism knows that. It was popularized around 40 years ago by an author named Fawn Brodie; but Dumas Malone, the dean of Jefferson historians, who wrote a six-volume biography of Jefferson … Here the presenter cut me off with, ‘but the DNA …’

“I said, ‘The DNA doesn’t prove that it came directly from Jefferson.’ One of my colleagues—bless him—interjected, ‘Wasn’t it his nephew?’ I continued, ‘There is no proof, but we permit a slander on the man that wrote the Declaration of Independence.’ ‘[NOTE: I’m not saying there wasn’t hanky-panky on the old plantation: Apparently, Sally Hemings was Jefferson’s wife’s half-sister!]’

“Then we came to Harriet Beecher Stowe. It seems her house in Hartford has been taken over by this ‘Sites of Conscience’ group and now it’s all about ‘social justice.’ They want to get away from the ‘standard house tour.’ In the middle of the tour they take visitors into her library and discuss ‘racial justice.’  I said, ‘This ignores the motivating passion of Mrs. Stowe’s life, which is that she came from a family of clergymen and she was a Christian. She was a radical in that she thought slavery needed to be abolished yesterday, but she was conservative in that what she hated about it was that it destroyed the family; children were sold away from their parents.’

“The presenter gave me a hostile look and said, ‘But she wasn’t an abolitionist until she lost a child of her own.’ I said, ‘That’s not true! Don’t you know anything about Henry Ward Beecher or Lyman Beecher?’

“As this horrid thing ended, one of my co-workers asked the presenter, ‘What kind of tour would you like to see?’ She answered that she’d like to see a tour in which the ‘marginalized’ groups would know why the Declaration and Constitution are important. 

“The Sally Hemings story was made up by a newspaperman named James Callender who hated Jefferson. Everyone that knows anything about the history of journalism knows that.” There is no proof that the DNA came directly from Thomas Jefferson “but we permit a slander on the man that wrote the Declaration of Independence.”

“I said, ‘I’d like to address that. Here is the most inclusive thing I’ve ever read. It’s a quotation from Calvin Coolidge, who was President of the United States during the 150th anniversary of our country.’ He said: ‘To live under the American Constitution is the greatest political privilege that was ever accorded to the human race.’

“The ‘human race’ includes everyone! I continued, ‘The beauty of our country is that there isn’t one person on that list [of ‘marginalized groups’] who can’t make a tremendous success in this country! The sky’s the limit if you’re willing to get over yourself!’

“The presenter (who by this time looked like she wanted to kill me) said, ‘But in its time, it [the Constitution] was responsible for horrible abuses and systemic racism!’ (By now we were both yelling.) I yelled, ‘It wasn’t responsible for them! And one of my favorite writers, Ben Stein, calls ‘systemic racism’ a ‘wicked, paranoid phantasm’!

“She yelled, ‘I will not have this conversation with you!’ I said calmly, ‘You just did.’”

Why the current attack on traditional history from the Biden Administration? One answer, they hate it! On September 8, 2021, the “National Archives Slaps ‘Harmful Content’ Warning On Constitution, All Other Founding Documents,” By Haley Strack, cautioning readers against ‘racist, sexist, misogynistic, and xenophobic opinions’ supposedly housed in these God given documents (The Federalist). So absurd!!!

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly columns, please visit Column # 718.

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With Treason Documented, When Do the Arrests Begin? NOT YET

By Harold Pease, Ph. D.

Let me be plain and blunt. For those who think for themselves and not through political parties and the Deep State press, the following has been established beyond reasonable doubt: the Deep State is real and has been the shadow government in the United States for decades. Today it dominates the Democrat party and much of the Republican Party through its RINO faction.

President Trump was the most hated and persecuted of all presidential candidates in our history because he was not with them and would expose them. Hillary Clinton was the author of the Trump Russian Collusion and the first coup to overthrow an elected president was 2016. This, Durham showed, was in part planned in the Oval Office under the direction of Barack Obama and Joe Biden as president and vice president. All knew the Trump Russian Collusion was fake.

I once thought this meme extreme but after the Durham Report, I no longer do. The evidence is so overwhelming. Is anyone going to pay for over-throwing the government? These are squirming now.

More recently and continuing: the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen, in fact, November 3, 2020 was the overthrow of the government of the United States. January 6, was Nancy Pelosi’s emergency needed to stop the Electoral College count and prevent Mike Pence from finishing the objection part of the procedure thus installing Joe Biden as President. And January 6 was also a planned and coordinated fedsurrection (latest count over 200 federal agents participating) to set up MAGA and Donald Trump as the insurrectionists. It completed the coup that overthrew the government of the United States. The January Select Committee was to keep the focus on MAGA as the insurrectionist—a critical part of the coverup. has published on all of these stories. This time period is the darkest moment in American history.

Most Americans are awakening to the above summation to some degree, others are still trying to put together what occurred so openly. In time what I have just summarized will be in history textbooks as fact and our posterity, will wonder how the most information saturated population of all time, with hand held electronic devices answering any questions, could be so easily duped. This, comparable to the German people’s experiencing their Jewish neighbors disappearing to concentration and death camps under Hitler’s fascism and yet they could not see. In every history class I instructed, we wondered how that could be. Now we know, it happened to us also.

Before the Durham Report verifying some of the above, at least 62% of American voters believed “that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election” even 45% of Democrats (Rasmussen, X22 Reports, Ep. 3068b, May 12, 2023, 53:09). The Report will likely give at least an additional 10% rise to the 62%. Now the people can see a coordinated hit on Trump to get rid of him from the moment he rode down the escalator till now. The cheating, the planning, the coordinating, the colluding with foreign governments are now very visible. Also, polls show most people still believe the media is the enemy of the people (Ibid. Ep. 3076b, May 24,2023, 12:48). And 59% percentage of voters believe the Hunter Biden laptop is real (Harvard Poll, Ibid., Ep. 3074b, May 22, 2023, 55:18). We are finally winning the information war.

I have lectured and published about a shadow government, now commonly known as the Deep State, for 48 years. Yes, Elon Musk’s quote above is the only way to escape the matrix surrounding you.

So with treason proven when do the arrests begin? NOT YET. Why? Are criminals going to turn themselves in? NO! Who would arrest Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Joe Biden—the FBI, America’s premier law enforcement agency turned rogue? They have been involved in every Deep State scandal of the last eight years including Trump / Russian Collusion and protecting Hillary’s bleach bit suppression of 33,000 emails. The “FBI had three concurrent investigations into the Clinton Foundation—all shut down during the 2016 election by Assistant Director Andrew McCabe who ordered them closed;” this to affect the election. The FBI covered for Hillary (Ibid., Ep. 3071b, May 17, 2023, Durham Report, 20:24).

Since then the FBI: hid the Hunter Biden laptop defining it as Russian disinformation to affect the 2020 presidential election, led the January 6 insurrection framing MAGA, and failed to investigate additional Biden classified documents dumps. Moreover, “The FBI is unable to turn over ANY evidence related to its investigations into Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation as it admits it destroyed ALL the evidence after Biden took office” (Ibid., Ep. 3075b, May 23, 2023, 22:48). Is the FBI going to arrest itself? NO!

Who is going to prosecute these people—the Department of Justice who supervises the FBI? They too are knee-deep in Deep State corruption! Criminals in the summer of 2020 riots, who burned, looted, assaulted and destroyed were returned to the streets sometimes the same day. They have established a two-tiered justice system—justice for me but none for thee.

Justice on the federal level in America, especially in Washington DC, Virginia and New York, is hard to find having become weaponized. Durham did not find it in the two cases he prosecuted. If he prosecuted a hundred more they too would walk. Jury pools in these locations are overwhelmingly Democrat and they do not punish their own. Trump endured two impeachments and several indictments with no real evidence. Is the DOJ going to prosecute itself? NO!

Many in the media knowingly protected the criminality now exposed. Should they too, being accomplices, be tried? And those knowingly aiding in social media platforms? Doesn’t treason to overturn an election include those stuffing ballots? Who is going to bring them to justice?  Will all these turn themselves in? NO!

Why NOT arrests yet? Because the mechanisms for justice are corrupted as explained. Because not enough understand that those committing treason are the enemies of all freedom and what they KNOWINGLY did was a coup to overthrow everyone’s freedom. Because not enough have awakened to the seriousness of treason to deliver to those guilty of treason the penalties that must be given to keep treason unthinkable for many generations to come. In time this will be known but what percent of the population is necessary, 70%, 80%? The military is the only organization “outside the corruption enough,” and equipped to handle treason. The Founding Fathers thought of everything but this is for another column. Meanwhile the least informed must catch up. We are all waiting on you.

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly columns, please visit Column # 717.

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The First Coup to Overthrow an Elected President was 2016—NOT—2020

By Harold Pease, Ph. D.

Besides the Trump Russia Collusion story being fake and created by Hillary Clinton, the biggest story of the politically earth shaking 4-year Durham investigative report was that, “The Department of Justice under the Obama administration launched a spying operation on its top political opponent, [Donald Trump], at the height of a presidential campaign. This evil operation was directed from the highest levels of the administration, including at least one meeting in the Oval Office presided over by then—President Barack Obama and then—Vice President Joe Biden.” The three biggest names in the Democrat Party, the existing President, and Vice President, and intended next president of the United States, Hillary Clinton, all colluded to deceive Americans to stay in power—a deception many times worse than Watergate.

The 4-year long 306-paged Durham Report identified the “real colluders” in the Trump / Russian Collusion Hoax that these colluded to define Trump as a Russian agent therefore unelectable. Turns out, it was created and financed by Hillary Clinton, directed and implemented by the then president and vice president Barack Obama and Joe Biden. The main stream media and the Deep State were accomplices in amplifying the fake narrative. The FBI and DOJ served as foot solders in its implementation and coverup. Before the 2020 election it was to keep Trump from being elected, after his election, to remove him from power—-a coup to overthrow the newly elected government.

Charley Hurt of the Washington Times in his article “Retribution for Crossfire Hurricane is in Order,” May 18, 2023, sums it best. Initially “it was a political hit job orchestrated by the Obama administration, conducted by the powerful administrative state of the federal government and paid for, in part, by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Later, American taxpayers would pick up the tab for the sleazy operation. Never in American history has our political process been so thoroughly obliterated in a craven snatch at power.” This was “plotted at the highest levels of our government” and “corrupted our most cherished institution of Justice.”

But the Deep State press (most of the news), and social media, played accomplices to the scandal. The “political press went along with it every step of the way… and was aided and celebrated by the press. When members of the political press now dismiss the findings of Mr. Durham’s report as ‘old news,’ they are really admitting that they were in on it from the beginning.” Especially is this so for those treating this damning evidence as a “nothing burger.”

Hurt continues,”The root of this coup was a document called the Steele dossier, an absurd collection of drunken fantasies cooked up by intelligence hacks and paid for by Mrs. Clinton’s campaign and the DNC. (Through a bagman, of course) It would become the Rosetta Stone of Trump investigations that seized our government for years and would [be] the gateway drug for Trump Derangement Syndrome. It was the original playbook the FBI used to wiretap political associates in the Trump campaign… It was the ‘insurance policy’ that FBI agents insisted would prevent Mr. Trump from ever getting elected president.” With confidence they had rigged the 2016 Presidential Election.

He adds, “Think about that for a minute. Corrupt midlevel FBI agents were the foot soldiers in a conspiracy to thwart an election at the direction of the Department of Justice and even the White House. They even came up with a name for their conspiracy: Crossfire Hurricane.”

When Trump won and they did not cease and desist what was the worst political scandal in American history all three—Obama, Biden and Clinton—colluded to wreck Trump’s presidency and undo the 2016 election—AT THAT MOMENT SERIOUS SCANDAL BECAME TREASON. Therefore the first coup to overthrow an elected president was 2016—NOT—2020. The rigged 2020 election which followed by the same participants, when the first did not work, was yet another. And the pre-planned, constant stream of frivolous indictments by Democrat prosecuting attorney generals on Trump, the 18 months prior to the 2024 presidential election, likely are/will be, not just election interference, but a third coup attempt, and treasonable as well.

But these three, Obama, Biden and Clinton, helped corrupt and weaponize our most cherished institution of justice as well—the FBI and Department of Justice. Each played critical roles in the 2016 rigging and thereafter. Either could have stopped the coup. Durham confirms these organizations as having been hijacked for treason related activities.

Some may wonder why nothing seems to stick on Trump. It may turnout to be because he was telling the truth. Wasn’t it Hillary that colluded with Russia to get the uranium one deal? The Deep State has opposed him since day one because he exposes them.

Yet another Durham finding is especially concerning for an organization that has every appearance of having become the police arm of the Democrat Party. “The FBI misused intelligence database in 278,000 searches, court says.” These occurred between 2016 and 2020. “The court ruling found the FBI violated rules around the use of the database, created under Section 702 of the FISA Act with its searches. Specifically, the court found that searches as part of probes into crimes between 2016 and 2020 violated the rules because there was ‘no reasonable basis to expect they would return foreign intelligence or evidence of crime’, the decision said” (by Zebra Siddiqui, May 19, 2023, Reuters). Americans were being searched without a warrant.

Today new findings, show “the FBI is unable to turn over ANY evidence related to its investigation into Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation as it admits it destroyed ALL the evidence after Biden took Office” (X22 Reports, Ep. 3075b, May 23, 2023, 22:48). It also is refusing to comply with the May 3, congressional subpoena requesting a document alleging the details of a $5 million pay to play scheme involving Biden when he served as vice president. Form FD 1023 allegedly details the bribery scheme (Ibid., 23:40).

There is also concern about “How Biden’s [Department of Home Land Security] DHS is weaponizing an Anti-Terror Program against Conservatives, Christians and the GOP,” treating all as Nazis, lumping everyone together as domestic terrorists (Ibid. Ep. 3077b, May 25, 2023, 37:52). None of these recent concerns leave most Americans feeling that the FBI, DOJ, and now the DHS, are neutral organizations in rendering justice. America’s justice is now two-tiered.

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly columns, please visit Column # 716.

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Durham Reveals The Clinton Plot to Rig the 2016 Presidential Election

By Harold Pease, Ph. D.

The major revelation of the Durham Report confirms the previous 2 1/2 year-old allegation that Hillary Clinton personally “cooked up” the Trump-Russia Collusion scheme with the full knowledge of then CIA Director John Brennan and Barack Obama. Brennan’s handwritten notes identify July 26, 2016, as the date of her activating the plan “to vilify DonaldTrump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.” The Clinton plot to rig the 2016 Presidential Election was operational. Another purpose was to distract “the public from her use of a private mail server.” Remember, Hillary Clinton’s deleted and acid washed 33,000 emails AFTER they were subpoenaed by Congress—some classified? (“Spy chief releases docs on claim Hillary Clinton cooked up Russia scandal,” by Steven Nelson, New York Post, Oct. 6, 2020).

The major revelation of the Durham Report confirms the previous 2 1/2 year-old allegation that Hillary Clinton personally “cooked up” the Trump-Russia Collusion scheme with the full knowledge of then CIA Director John Brennan and Barack Obama. “On day 1 of the Democrat Convention” the party began “spinning the Trump-Russia tale.” It was all fake and those at the top knew it.

Obama knew of the Clinton Plan on July 28, 2016 and briefed FBI Director James Comey the next day July 29. The FBI was part of Clinton’s Plan. “On day 1 of the Democrat Convention”the party began “spinning the Trump Russia tale. This was planned, prepared, purposeful and the beginning of one of the most damaging psyop disinformation campaigns in US history.” British intel thought this so corrupt they refused to participate. They thought it was made up (X22 Reports hereafter not cited, Ep 3072b, May 18, 2023, 16:58).

The second most revealing truth of the four-year-306-paged bombshell Durham Report is that everything in the Clinton Deep State smear of Trump campaign was a lie. The only ones NOT involved in the Russia/Trump Collusion was Trump and Russia. Trump was fully exonerated. “At the time of the opening of Crossfire Hurricane the FBI had no information indicating that [at] any time during the campaign anyone in the Trump campaign had been in contact with any Russian intelligence officials.” The Steele Dossier was a complete joke concluded Durham. “The FBI failed to collaborate ANY of its key claims” (“Durham Proves that Hillary and the FBI tried to rig the 2016 Election,” by James Board, New York Post, May 15, 2023).

The horrifying effect of this Deep State “stirred up” fake scandal was that it affected the 2016, 2018, and 2020 elections. It made it almost impossible for Trump to govern. Right out of the gate fully deceived crowds chanted, “Not my president!!” He was the most persecuted president in U.S. history. Had he walked away the Deep State would have thereafter ruled permanently and none of this would now be known.

The third most revealing truth was that the Durham Report clearly showed who the Deep State players were in 2015 and 2016: Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, FBI, CIA, DOJ, Fake News (most of the media), corrupt politicians like Adam Schiff, (both Democrats and RINO’s), social media platforms—all involved in treason. They were the ones colluding with Russia and China, making deals with foreign governments, they are the ones who interfered with the elections, and who censored the truth. We were all lied to (Ep. 3071b, May 17, 2023, 2:00). We can now see clearly that those who created the Russia Russia hoax are the same players as those that overthrew the federal government Nov. 3, 2020.

Sad day in America. With release of Durham’s 4-year-old investigation Report revealing that Hillary Clinton cooked up Trump-Russia Collusion scandal the Capitol flag is flown at half mast and upside down signifying America is under stress. Indeed it is. This was the Deep State’s attempt to undo a president of the United States.

The fourth truth shown by the Report is that the justice system is corrupt—a fair trial may not be possible. Durham tested the judicial system in DC and Virginia with low level indictments. Both locations failed to convict those he indicted, the same would be so if he had another hundred indictments. Whose going to arrest the DeepState? The FBI—they were in on it! Whose going to try them, the DOJ? They too were accomplices. Everyone expects indictments now. Where are we going to try them? In federal courts where we have George Soro’s district attorneys and judges? No one prosecutes themselves. They are all corrupt (Ep. 3070b, May 16, 2023, 2:00). This is why we never had mass arrests. This is treason at the highest level thus military tribunals are our only option. We will save that topic for another column

Again, this is treason. Whose likely guilty: FBI, DOJ, Fake News, social media, Pulitzer, Democrat Party, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, FISA judges, Rod Rosenstein, Chris Wray, Gina Haspel, Sally Yates, Lisa Monaco, John Carlin, Michael Sussmann, Christopher Steele, Stephan Helper, Fusion GPS, Mark Ellas, H. Clinton, Bruce and Nellie Uhr and probably hundreds more (Ep. 3070b, May 16, 2023, 27:00).

What else did Durham reveal? That federal law enforcement was weaponized by shielding the Hillary Clinton campaign and persecuting the Donald Trump campaign. That the FBI dropped at least four criminal investigations related to Hillary Clinton. That “the FBI appears to have made no effort to investigate . . . the Clinton campaign’s purported acceptance of a [illegal] campaign contribution that was made by the FBI’s own long-term [confidential human source] on behalf of Insider and, ultimately, foreign Government.” On the possession of classified documents the FBI “also saved Hillary Clinton by scorning the federal statute book and treating her pervasive, perpetual violations of federal laws on classified documents as a harmless, unintentional error.”

The Clinton Foundation appears to have received the same special shielding. “It raked in hundreds of millions of dollars of squirrely foreign contributions while she was secretary of state and revving up her presidential campaign.” The Durham report found that “senior FBI and Department officials placed restrictions on how [the Clinton Foundation investigation was] handled such that essentially no investigative activities occurred for months leading up to the election.” (“How Obama officials and the FBI squashed any investigation into Hillary Clinton
ByAndrew C. McCarthy, May 19, 2023).

Overall, the special prosecutor found that FBI officials “discounted or willfully ignored material information that did not support the narrative of a collusive relationship between Trump and Russia.” They, in every way, performed treasonably as Deep State foot soldiers in the Hillary Clinton plot to rig the 2016 Presidential Election.

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit Column # 715.

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House Finds Biden used over 20 Shell Companies to Hide Money from China

By Harold Pease, Ph.D.

The Mother of All Bombs (MOAB) was dropped on the Biden’s and the nation May 9, and 10, 2023, that if true, or even partially true, should have resulted in the immediate resignation of Joe Biden as president. It came from three places of the world: Ukraine, China and Romania.

On May 9, The Ukrainian prosecutor, that Joe Biden personally picked, thought Joe Biden “corrupt enough that he wanted to come to the US Attorney and prove that. Biden’s own guy turned him in” (X22 Reports hereafter not cited, Ep. 3065b, May 9, 2023, 40:47)! As a result of this whistleblower and other evidence, James Comer and his Senate counterpart Chuck Grassley released a joint statement “claiming the FBI has proof showing then—Vice President Joe Biden committed bribery in exchange for policy decision with a foreign national.”

It read in part, “We have received legally protected and highly credible unclassified whistleblower disclosures. Based upon those disclosures it has come to our attention that the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation possesses an unclassified FD-1023 form that describes an alleged criminal scheme involving then Vice President Biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions. It has been alleged that the document includes a precise description of how the alleged criminal scheme was employed as well as its purpose” (Ibid. 41:31). This is hard evidence which reportedly can be proved with the FD-1023 form. The FBI refuses to surrender to the committee the incriminating document.

The next day May 10, the bigger part of the MOAB dropped revealing that a “massive racketeering and money laundering conspiracy involving at least 9 Biden family members who deposited millions in Chinese and other foreign funds through a maze of shell companies, cut-outs and pass-throughs” was announced by James Comer, Chair of the House Oversight Committee. (Ep. 3063b, May 7, 2023, 41:16).

Maria Barteromo was one of the few major media outlets to cover these bombshell, potentially treasonous, bribery and influence peddling stories. It was virtually ignored by Deep State media outlets: Washington Post, New York Times, Politico, CNN, MSNBC, ABC and CBS. These are still looking for a Trump crime in the supposed E. Jean Carroll 27-year-old rape accusation.

Comer began his press conference, “Since taking the gavel in January, our committee has accelerated our investigation into the Biden families, domestic and international business practices. We want to update you on a few of our findings….We have now established a network of over 20 companies formed by the Biden’s and their associates. Most of these companies were LLCs and formed when Joe Biden was Vice President. Based on the financial records we have obtained via bank subpoenas, we can now confidently trace at least $10 million in total from foreign nationals’ and their related companies going to the Biden family, their business associates and their companies.

“What services did the Biden’s provide in exchange for this money? It is unclear what they provided other than access and influence.” James Comer identified “the nine Biden’s who are implicated in the corruption as: Hunter, James, Sara, Haley, Kathleen, Melissa, niece, nephew, niece, nephew and grandchild”—Joe Biden’s criminal syndicate family.

“Joe Biden told the American people on October 22, 2020 that Hunter never made money from China. That is a lie based on the bank records. The Biden’s took steps to hide, confuse, and conceal payments they received from foreign nationals (Ep. 3066b, May 10, 2023, 45:00).

“Here’s one example how a CCP [Chinese Communist Party] -linked associate layered domestic limited liability companies to pay Hunter Biden.” A “Four Step Plan To Hide China Sourced Payments,” was provided. “Step 1 CEFC infrastructure Gonwengon creates CEFC infrastructure with Hudson West V as the sole member, that was on May 11, 2017. May 18, 2017. Step 2. Hudson West V Gonwengon removes Hudson West V as the sole member and adds Wauxon Group as the new sole member. June 30, 2017. Step 3. Wauxon Group CEFC infrastructure $10 million August 4, 2017. Step 4 CEFC infrastructure makes direct payment of $100,000 to a Wasteco PC (Ibid.).” Confusing but that is the intent of laundering money.

“Multiple Biden family members receive money from the Chinese after it passed through an associates account. Additionally, Hunter Biden received money directly into his company’s account from a Chinese controlled entity.” Another chart entitled “China Payments to Biden is given” diagraming the steps.

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Comer continues “in addition to the China money ties, we are adding a new country to our growing list of places the Biden’s received money from: Romania. The Biden family and associates’ activities in Romania reveal an influence peddling scheme from 2015 to 2017. While VP Biden was lecturing Romania on anti corruption policies, he served as a walking billboard for his son and family to collect money. Hunter and his associates capitalize on a lucrative financial relationship with a Romanian national who was later convicted of corruption. The Biden’s received over $1 million for the Romanian deal with16 of the 17 payments made during Biden’s VP term. The money stops flowing from Romania soon after Joe Biden leaves office, establishing a pattern of influence peddling.

“Additionally, Representative James Comer is publicly releasing the Second Bank Records Memo to the American people so they can see for themselves the activities the Biden family has engaged in, despite the President’s statements to the contrary. Ultimately, we believe the Biden family and their associates courted business in countries that correlated directly with Joe Biden’s work as vice president. This is also not normal. It is not ethical, and this is why we are working towards legislative solutions” (Ibid.). Thus concluded the House Oversight Committee press conference .

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit Column # 714

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Yes, Patriots, WE ARE WINNING. There is Hope

Dr. Harold Pease, Ph. D.

Sometimes politics can be accompanied by so much hate, lies and evil that it seems impossible to get back to justice and accountability. Yes, the dark clouds in front of us are awesome and overwhelming and there seems to be little hope freedom can survive. Perhaps it is time to look backwards rather than forward to see that we are winning. I have been writing and lecturing on the Deep State for almost fifty years watching them destroy America and its Constitution, as did Dr. W. Cleon Skousen, Ezra Taft Benson, Gary Allen and many other patriots before me. But during these decades only a few learned of the “secret combinations” that ran both major political parties. Today this “shadow government,” that seeks dominion over us, is known by almost everyone who pays any attention at all. Yes, the patriots are winning and here’s why.

Yes, the Deep State dark clouds over the Capitol and country are awesome and overwhelming and there seems to be little hope freedom can survive. It is very difficult to believe that we are winning this information war but looking backward we see that we are. We have tasted tyranny and we do not like it. Our eyes are now open.

The Deep State never expected: Hillary Clinton to lose in 2016, Durham to expose that Clinton paid for the Alpha Bank hoax, and that the FBI used a fake Dossier to get a FISA warrant to spy on candidate Donald Trump. They never expected: the Hunter Biden laptop would be exposed to the American people, or everything on the laptop as well. They never expected: Elon Musk to purchase Twitter, their private backchannel, to take their emails—their confessions—and expose them to the world. They never expected that the FBI, DHS, CDC, FDA and corrupt politicians that collaborated to silence the American people would expose themselves on Twitter. Certainly they never expected to lose the House of Representatives in the midterms. That investigations would follow exposing the FBI, DHS, CDC, FDA and the Biden crime family. That everyone would learn that these were all involved in manipulating the 2020 and 2022 elections—even overthrowing the U.S. Government—and now they are trapped. All this evidence is on record to be used soon. There is no escape. (X22 Report, hereafter not cited, 2993b, Feb, 9, 2023, 1:40).

Only the most informed knew of the first few items on this list before January 2021; the remaining items are now exposed. How is this not winning?

A recent Rasmussen poll posed the statement, “The FBI has become ‘politically weaponized’ starting from the top in Washington.” Strongly Agree 44%, somewhat agree 20%. Total 64% strongly or somewhat agreed. (Ep. 3017b, March 10, 2023, 30:28). Americans now know.

Clandestine, a prominent investigative reporter wrote, “We wouldn’t be conversing on this platform if the good guys weren’t in charge. We wouldn’t know a single sliver about the Twitter Files if the good guys weren’t in charge.…The fact that we are at this position we are at, confirms the good guys are in charge, and this is a carefully spaced out un-brainwashing seminar to wake the public up to this reality. We already won.”

If the Deep State was winning “we would still be locked down. We would all be vaccinated. We would be getting our booster every six months. We would be in a civil war. Everything they tried to do would have worked. Trump would have been taken out.” All of this information would not be exposed. (Ep. 2959b, Dec. 28, 2022, 39:17).

Let me add, we would not know Fauci financed at least 60 gain of function experiments leading to the development of COVID-19. That COVID allowed justification for mail-in ballots and drop boxes to help manipulate the election for Joe Biden. That the FBI played a major role in getting Biden in office by defining Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation, by refusing to allow Ashley Biden’s diary to get exposure before the 2020 Presidential Election. By colluding with Twitter and other platforms to keep anything negative respecting Joe Biden censored prior to the election. We would not know of Biden cash of classified documents in at least four places and why Trump could have them and Biden could not as a senator or vice president. They failed to get a treason narrative to disqualify Trump before the 2024 election.

The Deep State strategy now to keep Trump from reoccupying the White House is endless frivolous indictments: classified documents, Stormy Daniels 17 year old affair charge , E. Jean Carroll’s 27 year old rape accusation. At what point can Trump claim victim-hood and abuse. Some say he is long past this. His support is only growing.

Nor would we know that the FBI led the “so-called” January 6 insurrection with at least 40 confidential human sources. Nor would we have learned of, or had any power to get to the public, the 14,000 hours of video tape of that day showing the lies of the Select Committee to frame the MAGA participants. Thanks to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Tucker Carlson those videos instead proved the Unselect Committee was part of the coverup of Jan. 6.

Nor would we know of Nancy Pelosi’s decisive final role in the November 3rd overthrow coup by using Jan 6 as the emergency excuse to shut down Mike Pence’s constitutional role in finishing the objection process of the Electoral College vote that would NOT have seated Joe Biden as president. They had to create the emergency to close the proceedings to take authority from Pence and give it to Pelosi presenting America with fait accompli (done deal) with respect to the election. If the Deep State were in full power this would not be known today.

Now everyone can see Biden’s open borders, invasion, shortages, the economy imploding, dangerous criminals set free, and the Constitution violated on nearly every issue. They released the pandemic, controlled the information of it, and convinced the people to take an untested “vaccine.” All this before 2020 would not have been believable. Not now! We are awake! Even gun control is now known for what they want from it—total gun confiscation. An unarmed people cannot resist their tyranny. Exposure must proceed arrests. The people had to see it to accept it.

The enemy of liberty is out of the shadows and into the light. When I worked for decades to reveal the secret combinations, now known as the Deep State, they weren’t afraid of the people because they controlled the narratives—this is no longer, and they are frightened. We are asleep no longer. The clouds are ominous and will be for the coming many months but yes, the Patriots ARE winning. Enjoy the show!!

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit Column # 713

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