Few realize that New England’s first form of government under the Pilgrims was communalism (socialism) where “each produced according to his ability and each received according to his needs,” applied in practice more than two centuries before Karl Marx first penned the above quote. The result, “share the wealth,” then and now was, and always will lead to shared poverty.
Socialism made strong men lazy!!
William Bradford, Plymouth colony’s governor its first 30 years, wrote of the agreement between the 102 Pilgrim Mayflower passengers and the financial “Adventurers” in his book Of Plymouth Plantation. He noted that the seven-year contract signed July 1, 1620, before leaving Plymouth England, stipulated that the Pilgrims were to pool, for common benefit, “all profits and benefits that are got by trade, traffic, trucking, working, fishing, or any other means of any person or persons…” It further noted “that at the end of the seven years, the capital and profits, viz. the houses, lands, goods and chattels, be equally divided betwixt the Adventurers and Planters…”
During this time the colonists were to “have their meat, drink, apparel, and all provisions out of the common stock and goods of the said colony.” It doesn’t get more socialistic than this because the government divvied out the goods and loafers received the same as those who worked.
The first two years the result was shortages and starvation. Half the colonists died. No one did more than the minimal because the incentive to excel was destroyed by the contract. The industrious were neutralized. Bradford wrote of the scarcity of food “no supply was heard of, neither knew they when they might expect any.” The contract, Bradford added, “was found to breed much confusion and discontent and retard much employment that would have been to the benefit and comfort. For the young men, that were most able and fit for labour and service, did repine that they should spend their time and strength to work for other men’s wives and children without any recompense….”
In other words, socialism made strong men lazy. Bradford spoke of another problem because of the government created famine—thievery. Even in this Christian community, “much was stolen both by night and day….” to alleviate the prevailing condition of hunger.
The “feast” of the first Thanksgiving did fill their bellies briefly, and they were grateful, but abundance was anything but common. Harvests were not bountiful in that year nor the next. Why did this happen? Because they had fallen victim to the socialistic philosophy of “share the wealth.” This dis-incentivized the productive base of society.
After two years of such, with the survival of the colony at stake, they contemplated upon “how they might raise as much corn as they could, and obtain a better crop than they had done, that they might not still thus languish in misery.” They opted to abandon the incentive killing socialist contract in favor of the free market. And so they “assigned to every family a parcel of land, according to the proportion of their number, for that end….”
The effects were almost immediate. A delighted Governor Bradford wrote: “This had very good success, for it made all hands very industrious, so as much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been by any means the Governor … could use, and saved him a great deal of trouble, and gave far better content. The women now went willingly into the field, and took their little ones with them to set corn; which before would allege weakness and inability; whom to have compelled would have been thought great tyranny and oppression.”
Postcard depiction. Only half of the 102 who boarded the Mayflower survived the first two years.
Then suddenly, as though night changed to day, the crop of 1623 was bounteous, and those thereafter as well, and it had nothing to do with the weather. Bradford wrote, “Instead of famine now God gave them plenty and the face of things was changed, to the rejoicing of the hearts of many, for which they blessed God.” He concluded later, “any general want or famine hath not been amongst them since to this day.” One variable alone made the difference and ended the three-year famine. They abandoned the notion of government (or corporation) owning the means of production and distribution in favor of the individual having property and being responsible to take care of himself. Before, no one benefited by working because he received the same compensation as those who did not. After the change everyone kept the benefits of his labor. Those who chose not to work basically chose also to be poor and the government (corporation) no longer confiscated from those who produced to give to those who did not.
In other words, the free market (capitalism) is a much greater stimulus than governmental force. The Pilgrims now wished to work because they got to keep the benefits of their labor.
Secure property rights are the key to prosperity for all who wish to work. When this right is threatened by confiscatory taxation or outright confiscation of property, or by excessive government rules and regulations governing such, whether planned as in a contract enforced by the government at Plymouth, or gradual as in our day, work and production slow and can eventually stop. The answer for them was to extricate socialism immediately from their midst, as it is for us today as well. May we have the wisdom to do so.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Read more weekly columns at www.LibertyUnderFire.org. Column #739.
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Few people will understand Trump’s recent comments without help so stay with me. Those totally ignorant of devolution will dismiss it as crazy talk—let them! Let’s note some unusual recent comments made by President Donald Trump, notice his word PAUSE.
On Sept. 25 at his Summerville, South Carolina Rally, he said, “I have three terms…Joe Biden isn’t really running the country. He’s being told what to do by others….This will be bigger than anything we have done. This is the greatest movement of all time in this country and I think probably beyond this country. But if we win this time this will be bigger than anything we’ve ever done—MUCH BIGGER—than had we done it the ‘traditional way’ which we did but didn’t get credit for it. But we did do it. Winner three times that’s how I look at it…One of the things in taking this pause is to show how bad they are. We’ve won twice but I have never seen the spirit that we have[now].” (X22 Reports, hereafter not cited, Ep 3173b, Sept. 26, 2023, 43:23).
Subduing the enemy without fighting has happened twice in America the last thirty years. The first when the socialist Deep State would have made their presence and victories permanent in all future “elections”—had it not been for one man, Donald J. Trump. They successfully “elected” Joe Biden as president in 2000 because too many people were lazy in their voting practices and principles and approved corruption in that election. The American people were the enemy subdued—most unaware. The second was when that one man who, instead of allowing civil war to vindicate his reelection, vacated the White House and spent the next four years exposing the Deep State’s Coup d’état. and showing his countrymen the fraud that actually gave him the victory then and now, winning over the American voter for absolute and overwhelming victory in 2024.
Two days later in his Michigan Rally, “We are having a pause, if that is what you want to call it. It’s a period of time when people are waking up and people are seeing how bad the country is.” He mentioned that he is in his second term [then he paused], “Well yes my second term, but I do not like the results of the second term. I don’t like what’s happening but you could call it my second term. We are at war, this is not the traditional way. This is not normal times. Do you want me to go after them?” (Ep. 3175b, Sept. 28, 2023, 55:10). “In my second term, which we’re sorta having now. The reason Crooked Joe and his thugs are finding it so hard to stop me is that in my first term I disrupted all of it. Oh did I disrupt it. That was called major disruptions and in my second term, which were sort of having now. But I don’t want the results of this second term. This second term is a disaster for this country” (Ep. 3175b, Sept. 28, 2023, 58:21).
In both rallies he refers to his second term, 2020-2024, as a pause “to show how bad they [the Deep State players] are” and a “time when people are waking up.” This fits precisely with devolution which we have previously introduced (See “A Trump Return—Devolution Explained? Aug. 4, 2021, and “Did Trump Implement Devolution and therefore Retains some Control?” August 18, 2021, LibertyUnderFire.org ). Trump left the White House, in effect, removing the target from his back to Biden’s so all could see who the real Deep State enemies of the Republic and the Constitution were. This, while retaining the authority of Commander and Chief over the military, [because this was a Coup d’état] but forbidding the illegitimate government authority to start new wars without patriot consent.
The greatest threat to America for the last hundred years has been the threat of socialism from without. But what if America had to fight socialists on its own soil and they conquered from within by a fraudulent election with some assistance from foreign entities? This happened in the presidential election of 2020 when America fell to Democratic Socialism under Joe Biden.
The military takes a solemn oath to preserve the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic—there first responsibility is to protect the Constitution and the Republic created by it—not the immediate president or his federal government. A president could be its greatest enemy. Our Republic, protected by the Constitution, and socialism are polar opposites. Socialism accepts nothing that limits its power. The antidote to socialism is the Constitution as expressed through devolution as established by Eisenhower fearing such might prevail some day in America (See “A Trump Return—Devolution Explained?,” Harold Pease, Ph. D., LibertyUnderFire).
The Deep State had “fixed” the 2016 election for Hillary Clinton after Barack Obama. But, “Oh did I disrupt it,” said Trump. Trump’s first term 2016-2020 was to put in place the mechanics to catch all the data respecting the Coup d’état which military intelligence advised him was coming in 2020, to remove him since he was not one of them, and they had been otherwise unable to do this through the Robert Mueller Investigation and subsequent Impeachments I and II, and numerous alleged accusations and hoaxes between and since.
This Coup d’état to remove Trump, engineered by the intelligence community, with full support of the Deep State media, was so powerfully executed that no reasonable opposition to it could be assembled to avoid it at that time, as they controlled all the media narratives. The Coup could not be prevented—in fact it would be so natural it would not be noticed by the oblivious public.
The Deep State chorused for at least 9 years their hate Trump narrative. It has been very difficult to find in news sources anything nice, complimentary, or good about the man.
The choice in 2020, if Trump did not leave the White House, was civil war and massive death and destruction, in which Trump would be blamed, or, the slow awakening of the people through —the pause. But taking back the country would never work until the people experienced the loss of freedom and were willing to fight, through the ballot box, to get it back. Meanwhile, the Deep State media chorused for 9 years their hate Trump narrative. The military could not preserve the Constitution and its Republic, and liberty be retained thereafter, without an awakened population, which ironically Trump was trying to do. Everyone had to wait on those Americans who seldom study or vote, don’t care, or understood freedom’s rudimentary elements but had drenched themselves in the privileges of freedom, opportunity and prosperity, having paid no price nor sacrifice but had been indoctrinated to hate Trump.
Although Trump and the military were involved in what was happening, his second term had to be served from outside the White House leaving the bumbling resident Joe Biden to reveal to America what the Deep State government would do once in full power. America crashed and burned in Afghanistan, descended from an energy exporter to energy dependence in days, and shortages were showing up everywhere on previously easily supplied commodities. Trump’s 2nd Term was a pause so people could open their eyes, see and reverse in 2024 America’s fall into socialism and from the Constitution and Republic. America is now awakening as never before.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit www.LibertyUnderFire.org Column # 738.
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By now most recognize the existence of the Deep State, known over the decades as the shadow government, globalists, establishment, or secret combinations. They recognize that an underlying power has a presence in our government far beyond the will or vote of the people. It is evidenced over time in both major political parties most presently in the Democrat Party and RINO faction of the Republican Party. This power seeks to remain in the shadows but still govern—it favors the rich and powerful. Today it is more threatened by Donald J. Trump than anyone in its over 100 year history. They will do anything to have him removed because he reveals them.
So what crime has Trump committed repeatedly and in full public view that they could use to remove him but will not dare do so? He is still using a portfolio with the presidential seal on it with “The President” emblazoned at the bottom—see photo above. This is a crime punishable by fine or “imprisonment not more than six months or both,” presumably for each offense. Why? They do not want to make a point that he may still be the legitimate Commander in Chief. Absent their cheating and Coupd’état, he WAS reelected president in 2020. Trump likes to taunt his enemies helping them make mistakes. Is this what he is doing? Probably!
Trump has had more opposition to being president than probably all previous presidents in U.S. history put together. Right now, in the middle of a presidential campaign, he faces 91 criminal charges in four indictments issued within five months of each other all by Democrat prosecutors, and only after he had announced he was running for president again—election interference . If he is found guilty of all combined they could give him over 300 years in prison. These trials are spread over the next year so that a constant potentially criminal label hangs over his head until election day November 5, 2024. He is in court most of the time defending himself rather than campaigning. These too will fade away as the accusations before them. If they really had anything on him he would have been removed by impeachment or locked up years ago. Perhaps he is the most scrutinized person for wrongdoing to have ever lived.
Indeed, two separate judges have gag orders against his defending himself, Judge Tanya Chukan for his use of the word thug, which she says denotes violence (X22 Reports, hereafter not cited, Ep. 3188b, Oct. 16, 2023, 45:08). She gags his followers as well. And Judge Arthur Engoron who already fined Trump $5,000 for having violated his gag order and threatens imprisonment if he does so again. Trump’s answer, “I will go to jail to defend democracy” (Ep. 3193b, October 22, 2023, 51:41). This is the first time in U.S. history the judicial system has been used by the opposition candidate against a former president and the lead contender again for the same office.
In fact, this election interference technique is so obvious that these are often called “Biden indictments.” Is this working for them? No! They have given Trump victim status. His support grows with each new indictment. If the election were held today, without cheating, 53% of Republicans and 30% of Democrats would vote for Trump, with 50% of Independents also, according to the most recent Rasmussen Reports polls (Ep. 3187b, Oct. 15, 2023, 55:46. EP. 3190b, October 18, 2023, 1:00:53).
So what crime has Trump committed repeatedly and in full public view that they could use to remove him but will not dare do so? He is still using a portfolio with the presidential seal on it with “The President” emblazoned at the bottom. This is a crime punishable by fine or “imprisonment not more than six months or both,” presumably for each offense.
This, they could argue, violates 18 U.S. Code § 713 entitled, “Use of likenesses of the great seal of the United States, the seals of the President and Vice President, the seal of the United States Senate, the seal of the United States House of Representatives, and the seal of the United States Congress”. Part (a) of it reads in full. “Whoever knowingly displays any printed or other likeness of the great seal of the United States, or of the seals of the President or the Vice President of the United States, or the seal of the United States Senate, or the seal of the United States House of Representatives, or the seal of the United States Congress, or any facsimile thereof, in, or in connection with, any advertisement, poster, circular, book, pamphlet, or other publication, public meeting, play, motion picture, telecast, or other production, or on any building, monument, or stationery, for the purpose of conveying, or in a manner reasonably calculated to convey, a false impression of sponsorship or approval by the Government of the United States or by any department, agency, or instrumentality thereof, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both” (Cornell Law School, Legal Information Institute).
Certainly Trump believes he won in 2020 (no documentation the last three years plus suggests otherwise) and should be serving his second term, as do his supporters. But the Deep State has no intention of having this fact emphasized and that he may have retained Commander in Chief status with the military’s full consent, allowing Joe Biden to be a counterfeit president and White House resident enabling him and his Deep State government to expose themself as enemies of the Republic and Constitution that could never have happened any other way. In 2020 almost no one would have believed that such a cabal of actors such as the FBI, DOJ, the vast majority of the press, and an “elected” president could successfully accomplish a Coupd’état overthrowing the government of the United States—treason. It’s even hard to swallow now for many with all the evidence of the last almost four years.
Few really believe that Trump actually surrendered the real nuclear football (a fake one possibly, for optics) to a mentally compromised, coup installed, replacement who might actually use it to start a war, say with Russia. Trump probably knew Biden was receiving bribe money from both Ukraine and Communist China. Notice, Biden has not used the War Powers Act to bring American troops to fight in Ukraine and the Middle East and other places as did his predecessors Bill Clinton, both Bush’s, and Barack Obama (Ep. 3188b, Oct. 16, 2023, 28:51). Biden would have if he could have and we likely would be in nuclear war with Russia sometime ago. He appears to have been restrained to giving money and equipment—not troops in combative roles.
The Deep State will do anything to have Trump removed except reveal that he may still be the legitimate Commander in Chief and functioning as such behind the scenes.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit www.LibertyUnderFire.org Column # 737.
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In 2015 then-Vice President Joe Biden explained what he viewed as the ideal immigration policy for America. “An unrelenting stream of immigration NON STOP. NON STOP. Folks like me who are caucasian or European descent for the first time in 2017 we’ll be an absolute minority in the United States of America. ABSOLUTE MINORITY!! Fewer than 50% of the people in America—from then and on—will be white European stock. That’s not a bad thing. That’s the source of our strength” (“Tucker plays Biden in 2015 celebrating ‘unrelenting stream’ of migrants to make whites a minority in US,” By Jon Dougherty, September 23, 2021).
This is an actual view of your country being invaded. Recently, not pictured, more than 8,000 illegals were apprehended at the US border in one day. “Promising the poorest people on the planet that they can have endless free, taxpayer-funded services if they show up and break your laws isn’t just stupid. It’s suicidal,” said Tucker Carlson.
This was the Democrat Party’s immigration policy under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton was expected to follow with the same. Biden could not have expected that he, more than they, would open the flood gates himself fulfilling his dream. “Promising the poorest people on the planet that they can have endless free, taxpayer-funded services if they show up and break your laws isn’t just stupid. It’s suicidal,” said Tucker Carlson. The Democrat plan was little more than granting illegals citizenship to replace “native-born Americans who do not vote for their party.” In time the Democrats could create a super majority of grateful obedient followers who would keep them in power indefinitely. Biden’s suggestion that “non-white DNA is the source of our strength” smacks of racism—even worse, eugenics (Ibid.).
On the surface the Deep State Plan under Biden is having enormous success. He is expected to bring in at least 15 million illegal aliens before his term ends. The Biden illegal alien avalanche invasion, starting as a million a month, has accelerated doubling that. “About 2 million people—from every country on earth—are entering through the US Southern border every year,” according to Elon Musk who spent time at the border last week (X22 Reports, hereafter not cited, Ep. 3170b, Sept 22, 2023, 29:31).. How bad is it? Charlie Kirk reported, “This is a live look at your country being invaded….More than 8,000 migrants apprehended at US border in one day” (Ep. 3171b, Sept 24 2023, 15:34). This is obviously a highly coordinated invasion. Illegals coming in under Biden are said to “outnumber populations of 15 entire states” (Ep. 3170b, Sept 22, 2023, 29:50). “More than half of voters consider it likely that next year’s election could be decided by illegal immigrants voting” (“Could Voting by Illegal Immigrants Shift 2024 Election?,” Rasmussen Reports, September 28, 2023).
Worse, once in the United States illegals stay. House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan reported, “More than 99% of illegal aliens released by the Biden Administration between Jan 20, 2021, and March 31, 2023 remain in America” (Ep. 3182b, Oct. 9, 2023, 19:04). Biden is not sending any back.
Democrats also want to give American jobs to the illegals. “U.S. offers work permits to half a million Venezuelans already in the country.” But the end goal is to have them vote not just take our jobs. “Biden Admin. to give illegal immigrants photo ID’s inches closer to reality” where they can work, vote and stay (The Daily Caller, Ep 3169b, Sep. 21, 2023, 19:00).
But under the surface the story is turning off Americans—even the Democrats. Rasmussen asked voters, “The spending bill passed by Congress does not include any money to secure the U.S. border against illegal immigration. Would you support or oppose Congress passing a bill to secure the U.S. border?” Support Democrats 65%; Independents 77%; and GOP 81%. All voter’s 74% (Ep. 3182b, Oct. 9, 2023, 15:59). Rasmusson also asked, “Should illegal immigrants be allowed to vote in U.S. elections?” Yes/No: Dems 23%/66%; IND. 9%/84; GOP 5%/93%. All Voters 13%/80%” (Ep. 3175b, Sept. 28, 2023, 51:47). Even most Democrats do not approve of using illegals to cheat in the 2024 presidential election.
Chicago, which voted 96% for Biden, is “begging local politicians to close the borders of Chicago to stop illegals coming from Texas” (Ep. 3167b, Sept. 19, 2023, 28:15). Why? Being a sanctuary city with open arms to all humanity is quite different when you are a thousand miles away and they’re not taking your jobs and welfare services and, in the case of New York City, your motels. “NYC is gearing up to pay over $1,000,000,000 (billion) on just hotels over the next 3 years to house illegal immigrants.” But that’s just the hotel costs. NYC Mayor Eric Adams estimates the total cost of the migrant crisis will be about $12B over the next 3 years. “We are past our breaking point,” he said. “With more than 57,300 individuals currently in our care on an average night, it amounts to $9.8 million a day. Almost $300 million a month and nearly $3.6 billion a year” (“NYC is gearing up to pay over $1,000,000,000 (billion ) on just hotels over the next 3 years to house illegal immigrants,” by Lenox Hill, Nextdoor Daily Digest, Sept. 27, 2023).
Mass deportations happened under previous presidents and under Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1954-55. His was called Operation Wetback. It can and will happen again under Trump. Please come in the front door fully vetted. Those then and those today “breaking in” realize that coming in any other way is a crime and deportation, even mass deportation as depicted above, is the penalty for breaking the law.
But it is not just Chicago and New York City that are suffering from this bankrupting policy. Kevin McCarthy noted, “Democrat Governors of New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts are declaring emergencies and telling illegal immigrants “to go somewhere else.” He concluded, “Biden’s failed border policies have turned every community in America into a border city” (Ep. 3171b. Sept 24 2023, 19:34).
Since this is an invasion the military has been tracking those crossing the border illegally but that is a story for another column. In Summerville, South Carolina Trump said, “I will begin the largest deportation operation in American history first day as president” (Ep. 3173b, Sept. 26, 2023, 28:15). Trump wants to do as Presidents Herbert Hoover, Harry S. Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower did when they were confronted with illegal entry violations. Eisenhower’s, 1954—55, Operation Wetback was the most extensive resulting in perhaps 2 million deportations. Trump’s will be much larger and will be aided by the military, again because it is an orchestrated invasion.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit www.LibertyUnderFire.org Column # 736. Subscribe now for free columns at this address.
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It is not surprising that the once great Federal Bureau of Investigation, the FBI, now defines MAGA folks as domestic terrorists. The Bureau has delineated 55% of American voters, the majority now, those supportive of Donald Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again,” as domestic terrorists in its total decline as a neutral law enforcement agency.
In the Biden Administration it was first parents attending school board meetings complaining of their kids being indoctrinated in critical race theory. Attorney General Merrick Garland’s response was to define these parents as domestic terrorists. Next targeted by the new government were people sharing information out of harmony with Deep State narratives. These were said to be spreading disinformation and thus were domestic terrorists. All violated First Amendment rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.
Since this meme was published by CBS Nightly News, the FBI and DOJ have added to the domestic terror list Catholics, parents speaking out at school board meetings against CTR indoctrination of their children, and now the 55% of Americans who support Trump’s Making America Great Again (MAGA) movement The majority of Americans have been decreed domestic terrorists by their own government. At what point does the majority decree that it–not they–is the actual domestic terrorists? Three years of close scrutiny of January 6 and the 2020 presidential election document that the insurrection was November 3, by the Deep State—-a cue—and its coverup January 6.
Some saw the Bureau’s degeneration as early as 1992 in Ruby Ridge, Idaho with the Randy Weaver family standoff where a government sniper shot dead Vicki who was holding her baby in her arms standing in the cabin doorway. But the contempt for integrity openly flowered July 5, 2016, when then FBI director James Comey protected Hillary Clinton’s bleach-bit 33,000 emails from congressional review—many classified documents that she unlawfully had on a non-government server. Then followed the FBI’s suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop of crimes until after the 2020 presidential election enabled Joe Biden to come into office. Finally, we now know that January 6 was a fedsurrection orchestrated and led by the FBI to entrap MAGA participants. LibertyUnderFire has published on all these stories.
So when the left of center, Newsweek magazine, broke the story last week that the FBI now considers the MAGA people domestic terrorists, it surprised no one that has been paying attention (“Exclusive: Donald Trump Followers Targeted by FBI as 2024 Election Nears,” By William M. Arkin, October 4, 2023). The FBI has turned rogue and is now the major protector of the Biden Administration and the Deep State.
Newsweek opened with, “The federal government believes that the threat of violence and major civil disturbances around the 2024 U.S. presidential election is so great that it has quietly created a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump’s: army of MAGA followers.” Under what evidence? Since entering the classroom in 1975, I asked students to identify any moment in US. history when the right side of the political spectrum organized riots and civil disobedience. In my lifetime it has been only the socialist Left. As said, January 6 was orchestrated by the FBI using Antifa and other leftist groups. During the event President Trump told MAGA to “go home in peace.” Patriots never come out of their homes to burn down their own cities as the Left did in their summer riots of 2020. Investigate them, they actually did crimes.
One FBI agent, requesting anonymity, identified a real problem. “By focusing on former president Trump and his MAGA (Make America Great Again) supporters, the official said, the Bureau runs the risk of provoking the very anti-government activists that the terrorism agencies hope to counter. Especially at a time when the White House is facing Congressional Republican opposition claiming that the Biden administration has ‘weaponized’ the Bureau against the right wing” (Ibid.). They may be baiting MAGA?
Joe Biden certainly has encouraged the FBI’s treating MAGA as a terrorist group. Newsweek quotes him as having tweeted, ”Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country,” and mentions that this tweet was “the first time that he explicitly singled out the former president.” Biden adding, “MAGA Republicans aim to question not only the legitimacy of past elections but elections being held now and into the future” (Ibid.). Is this election interference potentially discouraging the undecided from voting for Trump? Many believe Biden has a hand in orchestrating the four indictments against Trump right in the middle of his presidential campaign.
The Deep State who has been accused of overthrowing the elected government of the United State by manipulating the 2020 presidential election—a coup—benefits from confrontation with the Patriots. ALL documentation the last four years on that election confirms this happened. Are they planning another January 6 for all the MAGA people—perhaps even a civil war—to hide it?
Who are the real domestic terrorists? The FBI has decreed MAGA folks as the biggest threat of domestic terrorism in America today while new evidence continually documents that they orchestrated and led the January 6 attack on the Capitol with the help of Antifa and BLM, The January 6 Commission even made their two years of data virtually impossible to use. Who destroys data that makes their case?
This would benefit the Deep State. If the election was stolen they know their guilt, thus they fear three things: discovery, a sentence of treason, and a stay in Guantanamo Bay after trial. They expect a counter!!! Certainly this was supposed when Biden had fences erected around the capitol on three separate occasions initiating his presidency. This more so now than ever as all evidence shows Biden was never really elected and especially as they witness the exploding growth of the MAGA movement. A nation-wide repeat of January 6 removes all attention from them, essentially burying the evidence against them. Why not get the narrative started that the Patriots will do something?
Will there be violence before the 2024 election, or after? Yes, not by MAGA but by people dressed as MAGA and the Deep State media will film it all just as they did Antifa, dressed as MAGA, on January 6 and replay it for weeks after. Why would we expect a different plan when the one used then worked so well for two years? When you are guilty you camouflage the evidence as did the January 6th Commission 8 months ago.
As we have published before, the Patriot Front, their faces always covered, has been practicing for a moment like this for at least three years and is poised to be the fake MAGA in the hope of bringing actual MAGA into the fray. Please do not be enticed. The expected counter-revolution will happen November 5, 2024, in a one day election using only paper ballots and protected by the military, but this is a column for another time.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit www.LibertyUnderFire.org Column # 735.
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The disclosures coming out of the Oversight and Accountability Committee chaired by James Comer should be devastating to all Americans. Father and son Biden used their Delaware home where classified documents, brought home by the former Senator and later Vice President under Barack Obama, stored in Joe’s office and garage, were likely sold for profit to foreign entities. No citizen or government official, outside being the president at the time, can lawfully have classified (presumably top secret) documents in his possession, certainly not taking them home or storing them in his garage.
What were the Biden’s selling that at least four countries would pay millions of dollars to receive? Some say influence but no one’s influence is of that value. Wilmington, Delaware was ground zero for espionage. State secrets existed here in an unsecured garage and were likely “made available” from this location because money was received at this address. Why do I have to point out the obvious?
Then, in 2019, $250,000 in two Chinese wire transfers both addressed to the same Biden property, Wilmington, Delaware, were received. The wires were from Wayne Zing and Jonathan Lee both associated with the CCP, “the latter of whom ran a Chinese private equity fund where Hunter was listed as being on the board of directors. Hunter also arranged for a meeting between Lee and Joe Biden while Joe was vice president where Joe allegedly gave Lee’s son a letter of recommendation. During this time 2009–2017, most of which Joe was vice president, evidence shows, Joe Biden developed a familiar relationship with Jonathan Lee” (X22 Reports, hereafter not cited, Ep. 3174b Sept. 27, 2023, 18:00). Wilmington, Delaware was ground zero for espionage. State secrets were likely transferred from this address and money received for them to this address. In 2019 both Joe and Hunter were home to receive the payments from China.
So how is this information treated by the Deep State media? Silence mostly, the same as with the movies “2,000 Mules,” and “Sound of Freedom,” vaccine injuries, and border invasion. Those dependent upon Deep State outlets are last to know. How serious are the classified documents on Biden property. Very! House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Turner “described the classified materials recovered from Biden’s home and private office as “of the highest level of concern and threat to national security” (Ep. 3175b, Sept. 28, 2023, 20:23).
Representative Nancy Mace backs the impeachment inquiry of President Biden “citing over 170 suspicious activity reports submitted to the Treasury Department by six banks, which allege the Biden family’s involvement in money laundering, tax fraud, and criminal activities.” She asserts, “if you could see the suspicious activity reports that I have seen on the Biden family you would support an impeachment inquiry; the amount of money involved in these schemes is astounding. You would be shocked.” The inquiries objective is to grant congressional investigators access to the Biden family’s banks and phone records (Ep. 3164b, Sept. 15, 2023, 24:35).
Emails from Hunter’s laptop explain how the money is laundered. Hunter pays his father’s “phone bills, house repairs, and monthly expenses.” Hunter and his business partners have done so through a “shared Wells Fargo account for over a decade.” Hunter claims “he gives half of his salary to dad” (Ibid.). James Comer has subpoenaed Wells Fargo and other banks for all records related to the president’s, brother, James Biden, and Sarah his wife, plus “Sarah’s Lion Hall Group, which received financial transfers from Chinese sources” (Ibid.).
Comer has subpoenaed the banks under Joe Biden’s alias names as well. “Joe Biden hid his identity and used the pseudonym, Robert L Peters, hundreds of times when emailing Hunter’s business associates (Ep. 3143b, Aug. 18, 2023, 13:24). He used two other aliases as well, Robin Ware and JRB Ware, (“Six Obama Admin Officials Used Alias Emails: Obama, Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Jackson, Biden, by Windell Husebo, Breitbart, 19 August 2023).
America First Legal obtained new documents from their lawsuit against the National Archives (NARA) that revealed “over 1000 emails between Rosemont Seneca and the office of the vice president.” This showed, “how Hunter’s, private business dealings commingled with the official business of the Obama White House. The sheer volume of emails exchanged between Hunter and his associates at Rosemont Seneca and the office of the vice president is telling in itself. NARA has processed another 861 emails sent or received between January 2011 and December 2013… the vast majority of these emails consisted of direct communications between Rosemont Seneca employees, including Hunter Biden, and the office of the Vice president” (Ep. 3153b, August 31, 2024, 18:27).
These thousands of emails prove JOE BIDEN KNEW EVERYTHING about his son Hunter’s business dealings. But Marjorie Taylor Green, a member of the Oversight Committee, says that President Barack Obama knew also. He “has to sign off because it happened under his administration” (Ep. 3153b, August 31, 2024, 21:43). He was cover for Joe Biden’s crimes.
But Joe’s involvement is more serious than this. “Hunter Biden traveled to at least 15 countries with then Vice President Biden. VP Biden met with at least one of Hunter Biden’s associates in Beijing while visiting on official business.” So the Committee on Oversight and Accountability is requiring NARA to provide information “on the then use of Air Force II and Marine II to benefit the Biden family enterprises” which likely “consisted of nothing more than access to Joe Biden himself.” Thus far Chair James Comer believes that “then VP Joe Biden abused Air Force II by allowing his son to just jet set around the world to sell ‘the Brand’ to enrich the Biden family (Ep. 3152b, Aug. 30, 2023, 17:43).
So why is the $250,000 in two Chinese wire transfers both addressed to the same property so important next to the millions extracted from at least four countries? Because most of this money was laundered through at least 20 Biden shell companies to hide it. The $250,000 was mailed directly to Joe Biden’s home address in Wilmington, Delaware—impeccable evidence.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit www.LibertyUnderFire.org Column # 734.
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