When do we finally get back to normal? Recently we published half of an interview answering that question. “The Pandemic Will End When the Digital Monetary System is in Place,” an interview between independent financial investor, Melissa Cuimmel and host Sara Haboubi of Ryland Media, an Ireland media outlet. The answer, COVID is the main instrument for implementing the Great Reset—world government—but they must keep the threat alive until it, and you, are locked in (See “The Pandemic Ends When the Enslaving Reset is Locked In,” www.LibertyUnderFire.org).
We concluded that the globalists’ plans for world government have proceeded on schedule for decades. Now that probably most adults have been inoculated only two targets remain: small business must be destroyed, and the children have to be inoculated—thus brought into the system. We end this column with what Cuimmel concluded is the only way out of both the pandemic and world government.
Small business must be destroyed, Cuimmel says, because it is necessary “for the new system to come into place.” This “because they need you to be dependent on the state, the social credit card” and small businesses represent independence. To survive, small businesses traditionally have to think of new and better ways of doing things. Communism, which is the new system, cannot tolerate deviance or challenges to the way things are done.
The pandemic lockdowns already destroyed thousands of middle class businesses, and thousands more will follow with the government dictating the customer base by excluding the unvaccinated—a sizable reduction of potential customers. Government fines for non compliance to mask wearing, mandates and vaccinations also impacts negatively the profit margin. With the Biden Administration paying labor more than they could earn working, this also drives shortages of manpower to produce things resulting in product shortages and business closures. Knowing that they are targeted for extinction, Cuimmel recommends, small businesses increase the odds of their survivability by collective non-compliance now while they still can.
Meanwhile, Cuimmel says, “you have these billionaires trying to take over control of the people and all of the wealth. That’s what’s happening right now. Like, while we’re sitting at home there’s a wealth heist going on. Everything is being bought up around us. And meanwhile, what we [the people] have is being inflated away.” Simply put,“They’re interested in control, and wealth. That’s all they’re interested in. They don’t care about anybody else on the planet, they do not care about the planet. They care about wealth and control.”
“This is coming for everybody,”she adds. Right now you can go to restaurants because your “participation” passport is green. It’s only “a matter of time before everybody’s passport turns from green to red for various different reasons,” —you did not get the latest booster, you spoke out against a mandate,— “anything, in order to participate in society. The new normal is a tangible changing of the goalposts so you will never be fully in. It is like the constant updates that you get in a computer—you’re never completely updated—same with your phone.”
“There is no going back to the old world. This is the new world that we’re going to be living in if they succeed.” The billionaire and technology companies are waging war against us. “Australia knows it. New Zealand knows it. Austria knows it. They’re all out on the streets. We absolutely are at war. In a war situation there is collateral damage. That’s where we are standing with these injuries and deaths from this clinical trial…. that information has been completely censored because it’s essential to get us all on board; as I say no exception.”
She spoke directly to parents, “They’re going for your children now. That’s the final demographic.” Children still need to be part of the financial system. They also need the data from the children. “I don’t know why anybody would let their child take part in this clinical trial. They have virtually no risk. There’s more risk of them drowning.” There is no peer reviewed research proving the vaccines are even safe. “They have to get them into the system so that your children can participate in society,” the same reason most adults were enticed. “They’re saying that if they want to go to teen discos,” participate in society, they must be vaccinated.
Cuimmel advised parents to look at their “children and think my job is to protect you.” She pleads, “Do not let your children participate in this passport system. Know that if you do for the sake of going to a restaurant that you are leading them into a social credit system and slavery.”
To all, vaccinated and unvaccinated, “These billionaires and technology companies are dictating the future of humanity.” We need to stand up, “All we have to do is say no. That’s all we have to do just mass non compliance.” But “we are running out of time.” The “solution to this is mass non compliance” on masks, lockdowns, untested vaccines (especially for children), mandates, participation passports, the Central Bank digital ID, and social and carbon credit systems.
“This is going to be won by communities. So find people that are like minded, that’s going to keep your confidence up. Do not give in and do not give up…. If we don’t fight this now, we are giving our children twice the battle. It has to be fought now. The quicker that we do this, the easier it is to get out.” So find your communities, and support network.
Remember, God will help because we are his children. Cuimmel reminds us, “We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit www.LibertyUnderFire.org.
Many wonder when the pandemic of COVID will end and the old normal returns. When logic replaces crazy, or insanity? When news is not censored or fake? When the federal government ceases paying labor to not work? When our country has again a southern border? When vaccines for children, who have a greater chance of drowning than COVID, are not mandated? When the sixth booster actually prevents transmission? When science replaces opinion respecting health and etc? When freedom returns?
The answer, “The Pandemic Will End When the Digital Monetary System is in Place.” An independent financial investor, Melissa Cuimmel, laid it out perfectly in an interview of the same above name, with Sara Haboubi of Ryland Media, an Ireland media outlet. Sometimes we have to go outside the country to get the truth. Simply, COVID is the main instrument for implementing the Great Reset—world government—but you must keep the COVID threat alive until it is locked in.
Cuimmel continues, “No matter what. There’s no going back. It’s gone. All that they’re trying to do right now is keep the system alive long enough, in order to bring in the new system. They’re not trying to fix anything. They’re not trying to bring anything back. They’re telling you they will build back better. What does that tell you? You have to destroy before, that’s why the economy has been systematically collapsed.”
I’ve lectured and written on the coming world government for over forty years and never put it together as succinctly as has Melissa Cuimmel.
She explains that when we left the gold based economy in 1971 we entered a debt based economy. Subsequently the value of the dollar has “already lost over 99% of its value” by the massive printing of paper money. The value of the old currency has evaporated. “The Central Bank digital currency is the end game” along with totalitarian control. “In order to bring in a Central Bank digital currency, you need a digital ID. In order to bring in a digital ID, you need these passports that will all be combined with a social credit system and a carbon credit system.”
So what does this have to do with COVID? You need to control the movement of the people. Fear from a pandemic, whether real or generated, makes that possible. Enter mandated vaccines then vaccine passports. The vaccines do not prevent transmission or we would not need boosters every four months which also do not prevent transmission even after several of them. There is no peer reviewed science defending this.
Clummel reminds us that actually, “They’re not vaccine passports. They are data passports, they are participation passports,…there’s no medical reason behind these.” Adding, “If I had come to you two years ago and said, here’s what the government wants to do. They want to give everybody a chip. They want to put all your medical data and all your financial data onto that chip. That will be your complete ID and they can control you or shut you out of society from that…. That’s the road that we are going down right now. This is a buy to a financial reset because the fiat currency has failed like every other one has before and in order to keep the game going, they need a new financial system. This is why everybody, no exceptions, has to get one of these passports…. It’s for the new system.”
The world must switch to the billionaires’ Central Bank digital currency system, backed by nothing. It’s a currency because the new globalist government says it is. It gives them “complete control over every aspect of our finances. They can dictate where in the economy that you can spend it. They can say that you can only spend it in essential goods, on rent. They can fine you…. when you link that into a social credits concept, they can sanction you or reward you.” Once in, you belong to them—like property.
The “participation” passports gives you preference for jobs, schools for your children and everything else. They can change your resume by removing “anything you’ve actually achieved in your life.”
Every compliance step moved us further along to total control and slavery. Mask wearing, lockdowns, vaccines and boosters—with no science proving anything actually mattered, gave you immunity, or was even safe. There were no short term studies on vaccines or booster before massive inoculations. Our government experimented on us. But you are not really covered until you get the next one, therefore not qualified for the privileges of society, that used to be common. Compliance means more control. “The next move is that we have to have a central bank digital currency wallet in order to participate in the financial society.”
Remember the lockdowns, “It started with nobody could participate in society. Then it was if you comply you can participate in society, then it’s going to be if you adopt Central Bank digital currency, you can participate in society. And then it’s going to be social and carbon credit.” Everything from here on is based upon total compliance. All humanity, excepting themselves and their friends, will soon be the slaves. Nothing is more Luciferic. Freedom dies.
The globalists plans’ for world government have proceeded on schedule for decades. Only two targets remain, the children have to be inoculated—thus brought into the system— and small business’ must be destroyed. There exists but one way of escape. Melissa Cuimmel identifies what that must be, and that will be shared in a coming column.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit www.LibertyUnderFire.org.
The Deep State, often referred to as the establishment or the shadow government of the United States, is the Council on Foreign Relations (hereafter referred to as CFR) headquartered in New York City. There is no organization in the world more influential or important than it. It has 5,103 members composed of the most influential politicians , business executives, bankers, professors, and media figures, —indeed with tentacles in every aspect of society. Its overriding objective is globalism or world government (for the extent of their power see “Shadows Across the Land,” William F. Jasper, New American, June 7, 2021, pp. 17-27). Officially created in July 29, 1921, as the CFR, it is now 100 years old.
In American politics it is the moneyed elite capable of bringing to candidates the millions of dollars and media exposure needed to win. In return they expect support and silence as to their influence. They are in both major political parties and they own the major media outlets including, more recently, those of the Internet. Thus, their influence over presidential candidates for over a hundred years is never really covered, but ALL CANDIDATES KNOW OF THEIR INFLUENCE AND POWER. In modern times no candidate for president has gotten to office without their approval, until Donald J. Trump. They elevated their favored candidate in both major political parties, then let America choose which of their anointed America wanted. These they called free elections.
All presidents from Herbert Hoover on, excepting Trump, have either been members of, had a close relationship with, or worked with the CFR. Important foreign dignitaries normally stop here before, or after, a White House visit. This combination of power is only-secret to the masses. When a president was not a member himself his vice president usually was. Once the organization’s “kingmaker” status was known and unpopular, future presidential contenders shied away from acknowledged membership—not from support. Since the late 1920’s virtually all our secretaries of state, United Nation ambassadors, and ambassadors to Russia and China were members of this Wall Street special interest group. Moreover, CFR members largely filled the majority of presidential cabinets.
No special interest group had more impact than the CFR over foreign policy the last 100 years, leading many to question if we had but one political party in the United States with two arms Democrat and Republican. Indeed, many saw no significant difference in foreign policy between George W. Bush and Barack Obama, or George Bush and Bill Clinton.
Until Trump there was little difference in foreign policy between Democrat and Republican presidents. They got their advisors from the same Wall Street special interest group—the CFR. They all supported extensive foreign aid, policing the world with over 900 military bases in other lands, and continual wars without declaration or pre-established end. They all supported international trade agreements that enhanced the power of the United Nations and exported jobs formerly held by Americans. None stood against globalism.
On domestic policy they all supported the bank bailouts and its management of the money supply through the bankers’ private Federal Reserve Bank. None talked about returning a third of the United States (called government land) to the states from which it was taken or withheld. None problem solved with the Constitution as first consideration. Nor did either give more than lip service to limited government or the national debt. They all supported problem solving on the federal or international level rather than the state, county, or city level.
Notable political scientist Lester Milbraith observed in his work Domestic Sources of Foreign Policy, p. 247, that “the influence of the CFR throughout government is so pervasive that it is difficult to distinguish the CFR from government programs.” Prominent political scientist Thomas R. Dye in his textbook Who’s Running America? The Bush Restoration, p. 188, wrote, “The history of CFR policy accomplishments is dazzling” then traced in detail their dominating role in foreign policy accomplishment from the 1920’s through the George Bush Administration from their own boasts of success in CFR Annual Reports.
What is wrong with this mostly “secret combination” governance? In 1954, The Reece Congressional Committee noted that its productions “are not objective but are directed overwhelmingly at promoting the globalism concept.” How powerful was it by the time Congress first discovered its influence? It had come, they wrote, “to be in essence an agency of the United States government, no doubt carrying its internationalist bias with it” (pp. 176-177).
John J. McCloy, Chairman of the CFR from 1953 to 1970 and an advisor to nine presidents, explained how this worked, in an interview with the New York Times, “Whenever we needed a man we thumbed through the roll of the Council members and put through a call to New York.” Such was the case thereafter as well (“CFR: Still the Power Behind the Throne,” William F. Jasper, New American, June 7, 2021, p. 15).
Until Trump, politics appeared to be divided between two “warring” parties Democrat vs. Republican, but because of the same-shared source of direction and pool of advisors, it is hard to believe at the top we were really divided at all. Remember, both Republican George Bush presidents, father and son, voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016 and against Trump. During and after the election it was open CFR warfare onTrump by both parties.
Again until Trump, the CFR governed elections and America. For four years Trump took them out of power. This is why they hate him. Every CFR viper, all 5,103 of them, plus wannabes many times that number, as membership is limited by invitation from within, emerged to rid this threat to the throne they believed belonged to them. Between 1921 and 2020, no candidate for president obtained office without CFR approval except Trump and, once there, none had more opposition—even combined.
Today at least 60% of Americans believe election fraud brought Joe Biden to office. This returned the 100 year old globalist CFR to power.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit www.LibertyUnderFire.org.
As a college professor for forty years, I instructed the Constitution and Current Events and still teach both in LibertyUnderFire.com columns on line such as this one. I know the Constitution worked well for every situation this nation confronted in those 40 years. My current events classes began. “You are not Democrats or Republicans, you are constitutionalists.” “Every issue presented here will be debated and resolved with this document.” When applied as written it has never failed us and students learned how to use and love it.
The following parts of the Constitution when followed, demonstrate why tyranny can never gain hold in the United States and why the Constitution remains its principle antidote. Follow along with your own copy of the Constitution.
Every single law must be initiated and passed by elected members of Congress—the Legislature. After signed into law the executive and judicial branches were given power only to act on existing law, one to administer the other to adjudicate.
Lawmakers initially had limited time to make law. Congress assembled on the first Monday in December (Article I, Section 4 ) and our Christian founders wanted to be home for Christmas, December 25. Getting home in time, in a horse and buggy day, gave them less than three weeks to make law. Such limited time was practiced until changed by the 20th Amendment ratified Jan. 23, 1933, when Franklin D. Roosevelt wanted the federal government to meet continually.
Lawmakers must adhere to a list in making law, not just make it up (Article I, Section 8). Today neither political party pay any attention to this list. The list gives them only four areas from which to make law: taxes, paying debts, provide for the common defense, and general welfare of the United States. The remainder of this, originally one long sentence of 17 paragraphs, were qualifiers on these last two powers, common defense and general welfare so that these were further restricted. The Founders had no intention of leaving these broad phrases unspecified.
The Federal government was limited in the amount of property it could hold to just 10 square miles for a capital and only land for military purposes which must be purchased and approved by the state legislatures from which taken (Article I, Section 8, Clause 17). Today federal land encompasses about a third of the U.S., this without any approval other than their own.
Presidents must adhere to a list of areas where they can execute the law found in Article II, Sections 2 and 3. There never was, nor is there today, constitutional language authorizing presidents to make law, executive orders, decrees or mandates. Nor can they combine ancient pieces of law to create a new law. Initially executive orders were interdepartmental directives.
The Supreme Court must adhere to a list of areas where they can adjudicate the law and be in compliance with two types of adjudication—original and appellate (Article III, Section 2). There exists no constitutional language authorizing ruling in such a way as to create new law as that belongs to the legislative branch alone. Nor does any language exist enabling them to undermine or destroy federalism. Remember the states created the Constitution. Housed permanently within it is shared government or federalism (See Article V and Amendment 10).
The Constitution allows change to it but only through 3/4ths vote consent of the states (federalism)—no exceptions (Article V). This is why enemies of the Republic despise it. They can’t go through it, around it, or over it. They tried. The Constitution also has no language allowing any authority to be passed to a higher government than itself such as the United Nations. Globalists have wanted world government since Woodrow Wilson’s League of Nations.
States would not ratify the Constitution without a specific list of things the government could not do to them, a Bill of Rights, arranged in order of their preference—“thou shalt nots.” These include Amendment I the expression rights: religion, speech, press, and assembly specifically were denied governmental control. Amendment II was especially important as it included the right of revolution, the same authority they used to revolt against British tyranny. This could not be denied their posterity should government tyranny again prevail. “The right of the people to keep and bear arms,” was made nonnegotiable, by “shall not be infringed.”
The first three words of the Constitution were “We the People,” Amendment 9 wanted it understood that any “enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights,” of the people could never mean that these alone were their rights. It would always be “We the People.”
But Amendment 10 is today probably the most important sentence in the Bill of Rights and in the Constitution as it places the states between the individual and the federal government to protect him/her from federal tyranny. It established federalism as the heart and protector of the Constitution. It defined how the entire Constitution is to be interpreted. “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” But today it is one of the least applied sentences.
Finally, every office holder federal, state and local is required to give an oath of allegiance to the Constitution. From the president down to every person employed in the armed services it is in substance similar to the following for the president: “I do solemnly swear … that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United State.”
For these reasons tyranny can never prevail in America with the Constitution as written. But when it is shredded, as is happening, tyranny will reap through American like a whirlwind.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit www.LibertyUnderFire.org.
Recently LibertyUnderFire published “Biden Voters Bear Responsibility for Afghanistan Debacle.” It documented a foreign policy disaster by the Democrats second to none. Sixty percent of Americans now believe Biden should be removed from office. Two years ago I said, “the day will come when few will admit having once been a Democrat.” This prediction will prove even more true ahead. Why?
Because on January 20th the United States became a socialist country ruled by Democratic Socialists. Socialism in any form has no brakes in its control over others hence can become very tyrannical. Tyranny, whether expressed by lockdowns, compulsory mask wearing, vaccinations, vaccine passports, or censorship is still forced behavior by one part of the population on the other and is not popular. Socialism divides the population into two classes, the rulers and the ruled without the ruled having any say in the matter. Elections, if they exist at all, are for window dressing to make socialism appear to have popular support but are always controlled. The antidote to socialism is the U.S. Constitution as written, as it, when followed, provides brakes on the growth of government and prohibits tyranny. This is why socialists oppose the Constitution.
Because, as the coming forensic audits will prove, and FrankSpeaks.com has already shown beyond doubt of any reasonable person, the election of 2020 was the most fraudulent in U.S. history by enemies of the republic both domestic and foreign. Over a thousand affidavits and real time computer switches of Trump votes to Biden in every county will necessitate a reckoning with justice. The Democrat Party will fall from grace. Are Democrats interested in making certain this never happens again? No! They roadblocked every audit and implemented full-court press censorship practices of anything negative to Joe Biden.
Instead, their H.R. 1 “Bill For the People Act” sought to cement indefinitely corrupt election practices widely used in the 2020 election. Contrary to its title the nearly 800-page bill would remove authority over elections from the people and the states. It constitutes a federal takeover of all elections. It installs controlled elections. With the defeat of the bill in the Senate the House simply repurposed much the same bill, now called HR 4 which in now pending.
Because, more and more Christians view the Democrat Party as a threat to Christianity as demonstrated by their promotion of the so called Equality Act which “would give homosexuality, transgenderism, and other perversions of human sexuality and gender the same protections as race or sex in employment, housing, public accommodations, and more.” It specifically prohibits religious freedom as a defense. “The legislation applies to churches, religious schools, religious hospitals, religious employers, gathering places, sports, all government entities, and more. Christian adoption agencies will be shut down, too, if they refuse to place children with homosexuals or individuals confused about whether they are men or women.” It could criminalize Christianity, Judaism and Islam as their holy writ condemn as sin the behaviors of the LGBTQ community (“Equality Act Would Unleash Federal Persecution of Christians,” By Alex Newman, New American, May 8, 2019).. It is also anti-women affecting bathroom privacy and women’s sports.
Because, Democrats oppose the Constitution on virtually every freedom issue especially religion, speech, press, self defense, and the 9th and 10th amendments. Indeed as a student of the Constitution, I have difficulty finding any part of the Constitution that they support as written.
With the violence, burning and looting in our streets last summer, endorsed by the Democrat Party presses and office holders, and staged to reappear after the forensic audits this Fall, more people are purchasing firearms for their own self-defense than ever. They see the wisdom of the Founders in defining the people as the militia and cementing their right to keep and bear arms from any government. Democrats can not push to defund the police without at the same time causing the populous to feel unprotected. Many now understand that an armed populous is the best protection from a complete socialist revolution.
Because, the Democrat Party opposes borders. Such opposition allows criminals, terrorists, child sex predators (even pedophilia slavers for the vile appetites of the wealthy class, Hollywood and members of Congress), and drug dealers unrestricted access to our vulnerable populations and the bounty of our land. Illegals, they believe, in appreciation for access to America, will become reliable Democrat voters.
Because, the Democrat Party seeks to bankrupt America. On March 15, 2021, Joe Biden signed into law the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Act without a single Republican vote in either house. Only 9% of it had anything to do with the Wuhan China Virus. Nearing passage is Biden’s $3.5 trillion budget and $1 trillion infrastructure bill. Democrats plan trillions more debt in reparations for descendants of slaves, the green new deal, and free college for everyone. It is hard to believe that the Democrats, and globalist Republicans, are not purposely pushing us over a cliff to destroy the economy of the once wealthiest nation in world history. In just eight months of his reign we are no longer energy independent and soaring prices are already felt by everyone.
Yes globalist Republicans too have been complacent in bankrupting America because of their national debt increases; but Democrats appear to be aggressively so. Biden provides benefits for those staying home from work, resulting in factories not having sufficient laborers to maintain their normal production loads. This has resulted in shortages and backordering of items of every kind, crippling the economy. And severe food shortages are on the horizon.
For these reasons, “the day will come when few will admit having once been a Democrat.”
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit www.LibertyUnderFire.org.
A strange eerie silence stalks the land somewhat similar to that after Abraham Lincoln was elected president. The nation had already divided choosing sides. Everyone knew that electing Lincoln would be too much for the South and an impending crisis would break any time. It was on everyones’ mind just below the surface and no one wanted to admit that it existed, but it did.
Senator John J. Crittenden had two sons each a general on each side of the Mason Dixon Line who stood on opposite sides. They would be fighting each other. In Congress he offered the Crittenden Compromise dividing the nation on that line and extending it west with slavery permitted south and prohibited north. No one cared.
Northern newspapers censored the southern view and the South the northern view. Only in the middle states, where a military conflict was most likely to occur, could the people get some semblance of both sides. The nation held its breath but still Fort Sumter came and thereafter 620,000 soldiers lost their lives.
Today, 161 years later, the major difference is that there exists no geographical line. Its rural vs. urban, neighbor vs. neighbor and family members vs. family members. Now the division line is socialism vs. freedom, globalism vs. patriotism. The censorship of the patriot side by the globalist controlled media is almost total—still everyone feels it. One side hates our flag, our anthem, our Constitution, our history, our national heroes, our police and seemingly our country itself, anxious to destroy it all. They also call everyone but themselves racist but are themselves the first to use race to define and divide others.
How do we defuse our impending crisis so that we too do not reach a point of no return as they? Truth Hammer of We the Media has the only real answer. In an email addressed to “Any honest people left…on the political left,” he asks.
“As you know we are severely divided…. To avoid actual war we MUST have free and fair elections… and 1/2 of America really does believe the other half is now rigging elections. Take a moment to allow this to sink in.
“We really do believe YOUR chosen leaders colluded with the mainstream media Big Tech Censorship and rigged the election.
“If you really understand this, you’ll be feeling some chills about now. How do you want to resolve this “powder keg” moment in American (and world) history?
“Will future generations look back with gladness that we found a civil way to work together? Or will this generation end up as a cautionary tale of how not to let political division progress to the point of no return?
“YOU have the power to play a role in the solution. If you are confident the election was not rigged, then you should be EAGER to prove that, no matter how many audits are needed because audits are cheap compared to the actual conflict that might emerge. If half the country comes to believe it has been backed into a corner by the other side with no way out.
“FACT. We’ve seen case after case dismissed by controversial decisions of technicalities or courts that straight up refused to take a case. Not one swing state case has been cited on the merits.
“You have weaponized our records against us and are blocking every effort to open up the election and even look on how it went down.
“Look forward, where do you think your present course of action leads? HINT the answer is right in the Marxist playbook, your leaders often quote from (We the Media, Ep. 2467b – Soon They Won’t Be Able To Walk Down The Street, Election Fraud Panic Intensifies, X22 Report, May 2, 2021).
But unfortunately the globalists oppose the ongoing Arizona audit and any other examination of the election of 2020 with passion and their media networks censor any info regarding such. Why? An old adage comes to mind, “Thou protests too much.” Only those who know they cheated and that the outcome would show such, would protest with such vehemence.
If you know that you won honestly the normal response would be. “Please do it. Here are all our records. Examine our voting machines. Take all the time you need.” “Let this issue be resolved forever.” The Left have everything to gain by the audits. If vindicated their accusers would look like fools. Their media would have a field day with election fodder for years.
This is why you don’t support audits. Over a thousand witnesses with sworn affidavits, under penalty of perjury, testifying they witnessed you cheat.
In August the Arizona audit will be released showing you cheated. Arizona will rescind its previous vote for Joe Biden. Other swing states will follow with audits of their own showing the same with their rescinding also. You will have to give the election back to its rightful winner. The vast majority of Americans will support this action not only because they respect free and fair elections and law and order but because they love our flag, our anthem, our Constitution, our history, our national heroes, and our police.
This is the only way to prevent a new civil war. Let us support the audit together. You can’t censor away the eerie feeling of an impending crisis without it.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit www.LibertyUnderFire.org.