At least 20 years ago I told students that one day Fox News, then the go to network for conservatism, would betray conservatives and become like its news competitors. This was based upon the knowledge that its founder Rupert Murdoch was liberal and only created Fox News because he saw the lack of a conservative news outlet and the money that would come with it. His two sons, even more liberal, would eventually move it left.
From its beginning Fox News never exposed the then existing Deep State organizations the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission or the Bilderberg Group. They spurned the very idea that an invisible government existed as did all the managed deep state presses. The free market, limited government, fiscal responsibility and pro-choice narratives were welcomed, and yes, the Constitution as written, but little more. Their newscasters, notably, Sean Hannity, defended the Republican Party no matter what and Fox News became the voice of the Republican Party.
But signs of Murdoch philosophic support for the Left surfaced in 2020 when Fox News even beat liberal networks in calling Arizona for Joe Biden and the election for him as well. Conservatives were stunned by these early actions despite overwhelming election fraud evidence. This was followed by the firing of one of the networks most popular leading conservative commentators, Lou Dobbs, who openly contested the election.
Rupert Murdoch played a personal role in the firing of Tucker Carlson. Dominion involvement in the 2020 Presidential election is the one election interference item left that has not been proved NOT TO HAVE HAPPENED. If not checked it will happen again in 2024 and the Deep State could remain a threat in future elections. Carlson was the one journalist most likely to have given this exposure because he is trusted and had the guts to do it. Fox News was lacking in both respects. By settling with Dominion and firing Carlson, Murdoch accomplished four things that made that exposure less likely to ever happen.
But Murdoch’s viewing base has become overwhelmingly pro-Donald J. Trump and growing exponentially against the parties RINO faction and is likely to annihilate Joe Biden in 2024. If Murdoch is not careful Fox News could be instrumental in Trump’s reelection. The Left needs Murdoch to slow Trump down. Baring natural or unnatural death, Trump will be reelected president in 2024. Murdoch finds himself in the position of making or breaking Donald Trump as Fox News is Trumps largest base. But to do so he must do damage to his own investment.
Enter Tucker Carlson of Fox News, the most trusted media voice in the nation because of his honesty and boldness in exposing corruption wherever it exists. Carlson was slow to endorse Trump, refused to even look at Sidney Powell’s evidence of China’s Dominion machine influence in the 2020 Presidential election, and disliked Trump as a person. Still, people believed him as he became America’s “most watched host averaging 3.32 million total viewers…also the most viewers in the sought-after 25-54 demographic,” all since “Tucker Carlson Tonight” first aired in November 2016 (“Tucker Carlson leaves Fox News – reportedly fired by Rupert Murdoch,” Sam Levine, The Guardian, 24 April 2023).
Enter the 14,000 hours of video documentation of January 6 given Carlson by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy which totally upended everything the January 6 Select Committee said was true. Chuck Schumer, so angry that America might get to see what they had suppressed for over two years, went off on Rupert Murdoch personally, “Rupert Murdoch could have stepped in but chose not to …I am demanding that he do what he should have done a long time ago ‘Order’ Tucker Carlson, and other hosts on Fox News, to stop spreading the Big Lie.”(X22 Reports hereafter not cited, Ep. 3011b, March 2, 2023, 48:10).
January 6 was not a MAGA insurrection, as the Unselect House committee had said, but instead a fedsurrection complete with over 40 confidential human sources used to frame instead the MAGA people. This, complete with video of government agents, Antifa and others doing the damage while Capitol police ushered the MAGA people into the building. Tucker Carlson, showing some of these videos destroyed the Lefts narrative in less than a week.
According to renowned physician Dr Robert F. Kennedy Jr., five days before Carlson was fired by Fox, he took on another arch deception issue, the vaccine. Carlson acknowledged “that the TV networks pushed a deadly and ineffective vaccine to please their Pharma advertisers. Carlson’s breath-taking courageous April 19, monologue broke TV’s two biggest rules; Tucker told the truth about how greedy Pharma advertisers controlled TV news content and lambasted obsequious newscasters for promoting jabs they knew to be lethal and worthless.” Fox just demonstrated the terrifying power of Big Pharma. (Ep. 3053b, April 24, 2023, 11:22).
The Left fears Tucker Carlson more than any other journalist. In a single week he dismantled their fake J6 narrative. He has the nations largest audience, 3.5 million which is 10 times that of CNN. On the horizon there are many more Deep State secrets he might also reveal. He was already too close to one of these, the Dominion machines and their presumed influence in the 2020 Presidential Election. With the announced firing shares of stock plunged; Fox lost about a billion dollars.
The Left fears Tucker Carlson more than any other journalist. His documentation is thorough therefore believed. On the horizon there are many more Deep State secrets he might also reveal. He was already too close to one of these, the Dominion machines and their presumed influence in the 2020 Presidential Election. At the time Dominion was suing Fox News for $1.6 billion because Fox had said that Dominion was manipulating the election via their election system. To settle, rather than fight, Fox News had to pay a defamation lawsuit of $787 million to Dominion. Fox chose to pay the settlement (Ep. 3050b, April 20,2023, 18:14).
But the probable real reason Fox settled was because to fight and win Murdoch would have to join conservatives and prove that it WAS Dominion technology that seated Biden and that Trump actually won the election. Creating a network to profit from conservatives, with whom he disagreed was one thing for Murdoch—even forgivable to his socialist friends—but to be the network responsible for returning to power the man and philosophy that would destroying the Deep State, of which he is a part, is totally unforgivable. The financial loss is collateral damage.
Murdoch accomplished four things by not fighting. 1) Backing out suggests that Dominion influence on the 2020 Presidential election has been debunked. 2) This entitles news organizations not to cover the Dominion issue further. 3) It intimidates less powerful news outlets to publish any further, or new evidence, on the subject, as they too might be sued. And 4) It leaves Dominion in place to do what it did in 2020 again in 2024–18 months from now.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit Column # 712 Subscribe now for free columns at this address. Help preserve our Republic while we still can.
In America it is the Deep State vs. the Patriots. In the world it is the globalists New World Order, as presently displayed by the Great Reset, vs. the sovereignty of individual counties. It is individual liberty or collective slavery. No one is immune nor escapes the consequences of the outcome.
For Ukraine this war began early as a civil war under U.S. supervision in February 2014. In the disarray of war, the State Department led by Hillary Clinton and the CIA took full control ushering in a regime change led by Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State. Volodymyr Zelensky is their most recent Deep State puppet.
Objecting to the new American puppet government’s presence on its border, the 13 American built bio-labs near it, and the installed Ukrainian government’s intention to join NATO (the former military alliance to the once existing USSR in the Cold War Era), Russia attacked the labs on Feb. 24, 2022. Since then, America has become the lead funder, and the European Union the second, for the resultant war. As Biden arms Ukraine, China’s XI arms Putin ever widening and upping the scale of armament as the world watches; first the tanks, next likely the nukes.
Objecting to the new American puppet government’s presence on its border, the 13 American built bio-labs near it, and the American installed Ukrainian government’s intention to join NATO (the former military alliance to the once existing USSR in the Cold War Era), Russia attacked the labs on Feb. 24, 2022.
In the meantime substantial evidence is mounting that last September the Biden Administration blew up Russia’s Nord Stream Pipelines—an act of war (“The Predicted Scare Event is war with Russia,” Harold Pease, LibertyUnderFire, Sept., 30 2022). “Now China and Germany, join Russia and demand an Investigation into Biden’s Connections with Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Sabotage,” (Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit, Feb. 16, 2023). The Biden Administration is opposed to any investigation, independent or otherwise, insisting Russia blew up her own pipelines.
Donald Trump, the only president in decades that did not start a war somewhere on the globe, and who is probably the most trusted world leader because he didn’t, recently put out a video describing the seriousness of the present conflict. It follows in full:
“World War III has never been closer than it is right now. We need to clean house of all of the war mongers and America last … list, and the Deep State, the Pentagon, the State Department, and the National Security industrial complex.
“One of the reasons I was the only president in generations who didn’t start a war is that I was the only president who rejected the catastrophic advice of many of Washington’s generals, bureaucrats, and the so called diplomats who only know how to get us into conflict, but they don’t know how to get us out. For decades we’ve had the very same people such as Victoria Nuland, and many others just like her, obsessed with pushing Ukraine toward NATO, not to mention the State Department’s support for uprisings in Ukraine.
“These people have been seeking confrontation for a long time, much like the case in Iraq and other parts of the world, and now we’re teetering on the brink of World War III. And a lot of people don’t see it, but I see it and I’ve been right about a lot of things. They all say Trump’s been right about everything.
“None of this excuses in any way the outrageous and horrible invasion of Ukraine one year ago, which would have never happened if I was your president; not even a little chance. But it does mean that here in America we need to get rid of the corrupt globalist establishment that has botched every major foreign policy decision for decades. And that includes President Biden, whose own people said he’s never made a good decision when it comes to looking at other countries and looking at wars.
“I was the only president in generations who didn’t start a war.”
“We have to replace them with people who support American interests. Over our four years in the White House we made incredible progress in putting the America last contingent aside and bringing the world to peace. And now we’re going to complete the mission. The State Department, Pentagon and national security establishment will be a very different place by the end of my administration. In fact, just into my administration, it’ll be a very different place; and it’ll get things done just like I did four years ago. We never had it so good. We’ll also stop the lobbyists and the big defense contractors from going in and pushing our senior military and national security officials toward conflict, only to reward them when they retire with lucrative jobs getting paid millions and millions of dollars.
“Take a look at the globalist warmonger donors backing our opponents. That’s because they’re candidates of war. I am the president who delivers peace and its peace through strength. There was a reason we had no conflict. There was a reason we didn’t get into wars because other countries respected us. I entirely built, all right from the beginning, rebuilt our military. It’s a big reason for that. They didn’t want to mess around with the United States, and now they’re laughing at us.
“We could end the Ukraine conflict in 24 hours with the right leadership. At the end of my next four years the war mongers and frauds and failures of the senior ranks of our government will all be gone and we will have a new group of competent national security officials who believe in defending America’s vital interests above all else. Thank you very much” (X22 Reports , Ep. 3003b. Feb. 21, 2023:, 30:00-34:00).
Unfortunately the Deep State already has several containers with radioactive substances in place to contaminate a region close to Kiev in such a way as to blame Russia (Ep. 3002b, Feb. 20, 2023, 20:11). They seem way too anxious to let the nukes fly so World War III can bury their passed transgressions. The world desperately needs a peace maker—someone like Trump!
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit Column # 703
Subscribe now for free columns at this address. Help preserve our Republic while we still can.
Elon Musk is now terminating the Twitter purchase deal citing material breach of agreement by the company refusing to provide the access data. How many bots are on Twitter? Why does Twitter refuse to reveal this? Nobody purchases a business without knowing how large it is. This opens the door to court cases and lots of discovery. Twitter, under oath in a courtroom, must now disclose this information. There is no win for Twitter and its board. Musk forced their hand—they want the $44 billion, thus are suing him. Twitter stocks could plummet soon (X22 Reports, Ep. 2820B Think Twitter, July 10, 2022, 17:00 hereafter cited as Ep. # & date).
Now They Have to Disclose Bot Info in Court. Chuck-mate
Whether the purchase goes through or not, Musk ran a javelin through the heart of the Deep State’s propaganda machine. Twitter may be the strongest media outlet for the Left in the world, certainly the most influential. Musk began his assault on the organization by promising free speech on Twitter. Most patrons probably assumed such already existed. They never heard the other side on virtually anything.
The resounding message of the Left for the previous six years was that Donald J. Trump was the most evil man walking the earth—akin to Adolph Hitler. They clapped when the president of the United States was banned from Twitter. So propagandized were they, most never knew that Twitter “lied about: the Steele Dossier, Alfa Bank, General Flynn, Russian Collusion, pee tapes, Wuhan lab, dead soldier bounties, Hunter Biden’s laptop” and virtually everything in between. (Ep. 2784b, May 26, 2022).
Musk quipped on Twitter, “The M(ain) S(tream) media almost never get the story right” (Ep. 2802b, June 17, 2022, 12:00). Twitter could not censor their perspective boss. Musk even took on the CIA, “Does anyone else feel like they’re being watched?” (Ep. 2787b, May 30, 2022). Many on the Left are being exposed to things not possible had Musk not drilled himself into the center of their base. He could not be censored by them in the same way they censored everyone else. Musk exposed Twitter, on Twitter, as virtually a communist press in America through quotes from their own editorial staff (“Twitter Reveals Its ‘Commie-fornia’ Connections,” By Harold Pease, Ph.D.,
But even worse, Musk appears to be bringing down the media giant “at warp speed on the world stage as opposed to a government intervention and years long investigation with a snail’s pace justice system.” BioClandestine broke it down, “Elon got them on the hook with too much money to refuse, then made them admit all their deepest, darkest secrets within a month. The government could never do what Elon is doing at the speed he is doing it.” Nor could the military with direct intervention because it would be bad optics.
But what if this whole thing is unconventional warfare and Elon Musk, as a citizen but also“the US military’s Highest Paid contractor [is] flawlessly carrying out a highly calculated plan with militaristic precision that just so happens to dismantle an enemy of the US military at lightning speed in the middle of a propaganda information war?” Bingo!!
BioClandestine continues, “Yes, I’m suggesting the US military’s utilizing Elon as a proxy asset to conduct operations as a citizen that the US military would be unable to do from their government position. The civilian route was exponentially faster, highly effective, appears organic, easy for the public to digest. And the mission is accomplished with relative ease and little resistance and Twitter they are kind of trapped in all this no matter which way they go.… If they decided to back out of this, the shareholders … they’re gonna have a lot of questions for Twitter. If they move forward with the deal they’re going to have to show … the real bots.”
If so, and the removal of Twitter is a part of devolution, this is genius. “Elon estimating the bot activity is 20% or higher and his $44 billion bid was assuming that the bot activity was at the 5% or lower which is required by law, as Twitter formally reported. He is forcing them to prove their actual bot activity causing them to expose themselves while pissing off all of their advertisers and shareholders in the process for falsifying numbers and therefore significantly lowering the value of Twitter. Elon bated Twitter with $44 billion knowing full well the bot activity was not what they reported knowing he could get a better deal while simultaneously exposing them” (Ep. 2778b, May 18, 2022).
Some believe Twitter is the first of several of the Big Tech media giants to destroy themselves. That Facebook, Instagram and others have bloated their bot numbers as well and that acquisition companies, perhaps Musk or Trump, will hereafter purchase them at fire sale value.
We know that Bill Gates pours millions into attacking Musk. Why? Elon wasn’t on board with the Great Reset. In total 11 of the 26 anti-Musk organizations receive funding from the Bill Gates backed entities —The New Venture Fund (Ep. 2782b, May 24, 2022, 17:50).
While Gates works to depopulate the globe, purchases vast amounts of food producing farmland, and sponsors the world government Great Reset, Musk has built a world communications satellite network, called Starlink, for universal communication outside the globalist communication system controlled by the Deep State. The Deep State tried and failed to shut him down blaming it on solar flares but the 20-40 damaged satellites were up and running in days (Ep. 2797b, June 12, 2022, 12:50). War between the patriots and globalists is real.
Column 671 on current events and the Constitution.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit www.
Elon Musk to Twitter, “My offer [to purchase] was based on Twitter’s SEC filings being accurate. Yesterday Twitter’s CEO publicly refused to show proof of 5%. This deal cannot move forward until he does.” It is illegal for Twitter to have more than 5% fake accounts. Is Twitter really 90 million account strong or perhaps half that? Twitter is backed into a corner. Are they hiding the ballooning of their accounts, buyer must know? Think about the advertisers and shareholders who base their advertising expenses and shareholding profits upon precise, not fake, information. If not accurate Twitter could collapse under their own illegal behavior (X22 Reports, Ep. 2777B, May 17, 2022, 15:50).
We are all communists at Twitter!! They call it Commie-fornia!
Enter Siri Murugesan, Twitter senior engineer caught on camera by ProjectVeritas speaking of Elon Musk, the individual above attempting to purchase Twitter to promote free speech. “He’s a capitalist and we [Twitter] weren’t really operating like capitalists, more like very socialists. Like we’re all like commies [Communist] as f**k. Ideologically, it does not make sense like, because we’re actually censoring the right, and not the left. So, everyone on the right wing will be like, ‘bro’. It’s okay to say it, just gotta tolerate it. The Left will be like, ‘No. I’m not gonna tolerate it. I need it censored or else I’m not gonna be on the platform.’ So, it [Twitter] does that on the right. It’s true, there is bias. I don’t know [if] the two parties can truly co-exist on one platform. Like we’re all commie as f**k. Twitter does not believe in free speech. Our jobs are at stake. They hate it. Oh, My God!!! I’m at least like okay with it. But some of my colleagues are like super left, left, left, left, left. You’re there and its commie. They call it Commie-fornia. They’re like, ‘this would be my last day if it. Happens’” (Project /Brave Twitter Siru Murugesan).
A Twitter engineer just admitted his organization, and those working there, are as Communist as they can be and Twitter is fully infiltrated. He also admitted that they do not support free speech but are totally engaged in censoring the right.
In another Project Veritas exchange a twitter executive says, “that Twitter is not here to give people free speech.” To which Elon Musk, who is purchasing Twitter to allow on it free speech, tweeted back, as though surprised with the revelation, “Twitter exec. trashing free speech?”
This should shock every American. No platform is more influential in shaping social media and the political opinions of Americans than Twitter, but if it is all socialist propaganda, distortion and lies how can it be trusted? And they freely admit this. Honest people have allowed Twitter to help form their perception of the world.
Normies, those who do not think or question deeply, may have been conditioned for many years by Twitter to accept socialism—begging many questions. What if most of what Twitter called disinformation, was, instead, true? What if the Democrats want the country overrun by illegal immigrants? What if the Left really is attempting to destroy the economy, the Constitution, the country and freedom? What if the vaccine was politicized? What if the 2020 presidential election really was stolen? What if the Democrats are the real racists? What if Twitter was instead a propaganda outlet for the Great Reset and World Government? Normies must now ask themselves these and other questions.
What if what Donald Trump said is true? “Our children are being indoctrinated, our values are being desecrated, our heritage is being obliterated, and our country is being humiliated by a president who has no idea what the hell is going on.” (X22 Reports, Ep. 2747B—[F} Black sites are being closed, Irregular Warfare, A Critical Moment in Time, April 10, 2022, 6:20).
Elon Musk is walking back his long-association with the Democrat Party. “In the past I voted Democrat, because they were (mostly) the kindness party. But they have become the party of division and hate, so I can no longer support them and will vote Republican. Now watch their dirty tricks campaign against me unfold.” He predicted, “attacks on me will escalate dramatically in coming months.” He did not have to wait long, his company Telsa Inc was removed from its S & P 500 ESG Index (X22 Reports, Ep. 2778B—Conspiracy No More, Treason at Highest Levels, It’s a Marathon not a Sprint, May 18, 2022, 15:10).
Sure enough within a day or two came the left’s playbook sexual harassment charge. A woman wanting $250,000, claimed to have been solicited by him during a massage. He responded “describe just one thing, anything at all, (scars, tattoos, …) that isn’t known by the public. She won’t be able to do so because it never happened” (X22 Reports, Ep. 2780—May 20, 2022, 18:20).
Finally, if a large portion of Twitter’s accounts turn out to be fake instead of the accepted 5%, will its value plummet like crazy? Shouldn’t it!?! What about YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and others? Are they also deceiving their advertisers and shareholders? Maybe the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ought to audit these companies as well? If so, will corrupt platforms, pretending to be more popular than they are, experience a domino effect going down?
Perhaps they too share the same Commie-fornia leftist bias. And if Twitter became the mouth piece of the left, perhaps the others have also. If so, maybe we all should say, “I was surrounded by deceit, why could I not have seen?” Most importantly, had these platforms served as a myriad of voices, a choir to deceive me, what do I still believe that is not true?
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit www.
What is the Great Reset for those still asleep? It is a global movement by International institutions like the International Monetary Fund, the World Economic Forum, international corporations banks and financial institutions like Blackrock,—just about everybody with international prestige like George Soros, Bill Gates the Clinton Foundation and etc. Founded through The World Economic Forum’s leader Klaus Schwab in Davos, Switzerland in June of 2020, to reset the entire global economy ushering in a proposed long talked about New World Order (World Government). “You will own nothing and be happy.” The great pre-existence lie, while your entire life will be managed from cradle to grave for the benefit of society—not you.
The controlling feature of this society Is your social credit score called ESG (Environment, Social Justice and Government standards) allowing you to do business (buy and sell) allotted and imposed by the elites to create their “ideal society” through participating corporations governing the products and services that you can buy. Bank loans will be based upon your ESG score. This, not upon traditional credit as per ability and reliability to pay back loans, but upon how closely your ideology fits with that of the governing elites. Basically, if not in harmony you do not eat.
Your ESG score reflects globalist’s concern about your effect on the Environment. How much plastic do you use or other resources that affect the environment? Do you drive gasoline powered cars or not? How much land do you use? Your effects on Social Justice. What does your supply chain look like? What’s the gender composition of your board of directors. And your affects on Government, your social media posts show your political leanings. It looks at what’s the racial breakdown of your workforce at your business. Have you the right ratio of Asians to Hispanics. Again, loans are based upon what you think, believe, and your behavior rather than upon your ability to repay. The new fascism cleverly does away with law that says you are not allowed to do, say, or purchase certain things. You simply cannot get a loan without obedience.
New Hampshire is the first state in the union to identify this as discrimination and its House has passed a bill prohibiting banks from using any thing other than a person’s, or corporation’s, ability to repay loans as the requirement for getting loans. Senate passage and the governor’s signature yet remain to make it law but this is likely because all three state branches of government are Republican.
Most states do not have legislatures assembling all year long and the legislative season is almost over for this year but states introducing bills similar to New Hampshire’s include: Oklahoma, Idaho, Wyoming, Arizona, and South Carolina. Those who have not yet submitted bills but are expected to submit really strong anti ESG bills early next year are: Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota and Utah .
This is tangible evidence that the Great Reset can, and likely will be, stopped in the United States by the states legislatures. Most have never seen a bill move through the state legislatures so fast. The Democratic Party has fallen out of favor in America. The expected election red Tsunami wave this Fall will accentuate outlawing ESG loans bringing in Texas and Florida, more especially if Donald Trump endorses it, which I expect. Arkansas, South Dakota, Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana are expected to follow. That’s 24 states—about half the country. (Anti-Great-Reset Legislation Goes Viral!, March 3, 2022, Heartland Daily See video of at
On the map above states are color-coordinated with their current status regarding ESG: Dark Red = good, Anti-ESG bills proposed; Light Red = pledged to propose good, Anti-ESG bills; Blue = ESG divestment bills in play; Yellow = states that look promising for positive action next year.
Then there is a third group of states that are dealing with the ESG reset problem differently. These do not want to give money to asset managers like Blackrock that “are going to then turn around and use this ESG system against us and then target fossil fuels or work to promote values that we don’t believe in.” These states include Oklahoma already mentioned as promoting a bill prohibiting the use of ESG in loan making. These have active bills that may process before the end of the legislative season this year. Included, besides Oklahoma, are: Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, and West Virginia. Texas already has this bill in place.
Glenn Beck and Justin Haskins authors of the new book Joe Biden and the Rise of 21st Century Fascism THE GREAT RESET, and Donald Kendall deserve accolades for exposing the worst threat to human freedom in world history. This frontal attack effectively implements world government that simultaneously enslaves every person on earth. These and others started their non-stop expose’ in May of 2020, about two years ago. “We didn’t know anything about ESG scores.” We knew nothing about “how the banking industry was colluding with these people to do this,” they confided.
Globalist language is frightening. “Every industry will be transformed, and every country must participate, including the United States and China. When you hear people like that with those kinds of connections, with that kind of money, all working at the same time, saying the same slogans, using the same ‘Build Back Better’ logo slogan, in Canada and the United Kingdom and in Germany and in America all at the same time.” With statements like these there appears no hope. “There is no way out of this” (Ibid.). This is what the globalists want you to believe.
But there is great hope of rescue from this enslaving ESG system and its accompanying satanic Great Reset. States are poised to stop this, join their resistance to it by sharing this column with your state legislators, friends and family keeping this issue viral. It’s your Liberty Under Fire that you are saving.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit
There are at least two sides to every story, globalists own all six of the major news outlets thus, mostly globalist news is presented in America. When censorship prevails there exists but one side.
The Deep State media still refuse to share two important aspects of the Ukrainian / Russian story—Ukraine’s connection to the New World Order and NATO’s roll in provoking Russia. As to the first, formally published, “Putin is Destroying the New World Order in Ukraine.” The other presents NATO as the foundational cause of the conflict. Cold War history, foreign to most millennial journalists, cannot be omitted. The facts presented here can easily be verified, not by a non-degreed fact checker employed to discredit any view outside the globalist view, but by a common 20th Century textbook or encyclopedia.
NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was formed April 4, 1949, after World War II as a security alliance against further expansion of socialist/communist countries via Russia. Since 1917 Vladimir Lenin, then Joseph Stalin, consolidated its neighbors becoming the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, or USSR. Article V of the NATO military alliance agreement obligated all 12 signatory nations to treat an attack on one country as an attack on all.
Russia correctly saw the alliance as a threat to its socialists interests. In response she created the Warsaw Pact in 1955 to counter NATO, comprised of eight surrounding nations They too adopted the philosophy—an attack on one by the West is an attack on all. Its eight members were: Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Russia,. A standoff between the NATO, “freedom” nations, and the Warsaw Pact, socialist nations, lasted for the next 36 years. The Berlin wall collapsed in 1989 and two years later, in 1991, the Soviet Union disintegrated under Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev.
A unified Germany was looking to join one or the other alliance. President George H.W. Bush wanted to ensure Germany joined NATO and made an offer to Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev. That offer “suggested if Germany became a NATO member NATO would stop expanding ‘not one inch eastward’—no new members. Today the US says it made no such promise, that no such agreement was ever struck, but hundreds of memos, meeting minutes, and transcripts from U.S. archives indicate otherwise.” Germany joined NATO in 1990. Part of that understanding was that both the Warsaw Pact and NATO would dissolve. Russia dissolved the Warsaw Pact ending the Cold War, NATO did not.
That promise was broken and “NATO refused to cease its operations. And to add insult to injury, they kept the door for membership open. Russia saw it as a stab in the back and NATO kept pushing the dagger deeper.” Without any effective resistance to NATO expansion it continued to assimilate country after country coming ever eastward toward Russia—absorbing former USSR, or Russian federated countries. In 1999 Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic joined NATO followed five years later, in 2004, by another wave of seven Central and Eastern European nations: Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia. In 2009, “Albania and Croatia joined NATO and the most recent entries are Montenegro and North Macedonia, both situated in Russia’s backyard…. As of 2021, NATO officially recognized three more aspiring members, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Georgia and Ukraine” as wanting membership. Since then NATO has been in talks with Sweden, Finland and Serbia for membership (“Two Sides to Every Story: Did NATO push Ukraine into War? Gravitas Plus, by Palki Sharma Upadhyay, March 6, 2022,
Although the West applauded the disintegration of the Soviet Union most Russians instead were traumatized by it. “In an instant they lost 1/3 of their territory, half of their population and most of their military might.… They felt that an unjust settlement had been imposed on them and it was done in their moment of maximum weakness and vulnerability. So they looked at any state leaving Russia sphere of influence as both a strategic loss and a matter of national humiliation.”
NATO started with 12 founding members when there was fear of Russia bringing communism to Western Europe, now it has more than doubled to 30 countries where Russia has posed little threat to retake land outside what it once governed as the USSR. So much of Eastern Europe, once part of the Soviet Union, has now been assimilated into “NATO and this happened despite Russia’s protests and warnings.”
In 2007 Vladimir Putin addressed the annual Munich Conference. “NATO has put its frontline forces on our borders. This expansion represents a serious provocation that reduces the level of mutual trust. And we have the right to ask: Against whom is this expansion intended? And what happened to the assurances our Western partners made after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact?” Said another way, “This NATO “military alliance has technically absorbed the entire security belt of Moscow” (Ibid).
We too ask Bill Clinton, father and son Bush, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden the same thing. “Against whom is this expansion intended?” The United States had more impact in NATO’s enlargement than any other country. You are the ones who financed and built 16 or more bioweapons labs in Ukraine and placed a historical enemy military pact on Russia’s very border. Why would Russia not feel threatened when NATO organized 30 nations against it? You’re disregard of, and insensitivity to, NATO history is equivalent to poking the once Soviet Bear into rage.
Perhaps this does not justify Putin’s cleaning out the bioweapons labs and the Neo-Nazi globalist forces in the country threatening him, but it should be noted that NATO, and the above named presidents, should accept responsibility for poking the bear by NATO’s enlargement, the labs, and proposed Ukraine membership. It presents NATO as the foundational cause of the conflict.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit