After four years what do we know for certain? FACT 1. Donald J. Trump won the 2020 presidential race. No primary documents have surfaced and no studies have shown since, that the Deep State did not cheat in that election. In fact, all documents from the 2021 Maricopa County Presidential Ballot Audit, to video “2000 Mules” to last weeks news break in Arizona that 218,000 illegal aliens voted in that election, show the opposite to be true (Adrian Fontes, Sec. Of State, press Release Sept. 30, 2024, X22 Report Ep. 3464b, 1 Oct. 2024). Even Georgia’s Dekalb GOP v Raffensperger court case last month proved Dominion machines capable of being hooked to the Internet debunking this as not possible, and the likelihood that it changed hundreds of thousands of votes from Trump to Biden in that election. has published many columns on this and had we found otherwise we would have published that also.
The Democrats major campaign issue in 2016 was Trump is a Hitler reincarnate, the major issue in 2020 was he is so bad we had to impeachment him twice on made up charges, and that of 2024, “Let’s lock him up for 730 years on fake indictments.” With four failed indictments,” now the Deep State Democrats and Republicans just want him dead and Iran to take the blame rather then they.
The 2020 Presidential election was rigged and was a Coup d’état. Those involved successfully overthrew the U.S. government. The Biden presidency was illegitimate. No one, including LibertyUnderFire, suggests a redo of that election. We know so much more about the Deep State now. But they are still in place to do the same again. Their election interference in both parties has been a constant since then with four fake indictments against Trump and hundreds of examples of censorship. Now, interference by fake polls, fake audiences, a fake candidate, Kamala Harris not processed through the regular primary process, to ensure her as the Biden replacement. Rasmussen reveals that cheating in 2024 is expected by 64% of the population.
FACT 2. This is the most important election in our lifetime, perhaps the nation’s history. This election is about: retaining the Constitution as “the supreme Law of the Land” as opposed to the Deep State’s desire to accept the UN as the world government over all nations; maintaining the Electoral College as a body of nine which empowers smaller states; the Bill of Rights which includes God-given (not government given) rights to freedom of religion, press, assembly, speech, also the right to bear arms; and the integrity of the Constitution as written; and finally the Republic (not democracy) “for which its stands.” Even freedom from excessive government as defined by the people—not their rulers. EVERYTHING!! Even right from wrong!! The powers of the government are specifically listed and limited (Article I, Section 8). There can be no real intelligent opposition to the above. Voters today choose to be Kingmen or Freemen.
Fact 3. THE DEEP STATE WILL NEVER ACCEPT THE RESULTS OF A 2024 ELECTION THAT ALLOWS THEM TO LOSE no matter what they have to do, because it reveals them as Coup d’état participants (treason). And justice with consequence has to follow to dissuade their generation or posterity from doing it again, and for justice to mean anything in a country that prides itself in “justice for all” in its pledge of allegiance to the flag. So many are acting like the damage done to this country for four years is no big deal but it is the vary definition of treason.
So let us be equally blunt with the future as we have the past. The Deep State wants Trump dead (Golfing Sniper, 5th Time Life of President Trump Threatened—Not Second,” , Sept, 18, 2024). Their efforts to this end will continue. The FBI and DOJ are heavily involved in this and want to blame it on Iran. Removing him removes their fear of justice and leaves them in power. They will continue to push for World War III for the same reason —battle communications are what the news will cover not their Deep State crimes. What follows are their plans as we are able to understand them which can change in this digital war.
Prior to the election. The Deep State are presently establishing two narratives preparing us for their planned scenarios. One, frequent cyber attacks we have had and will have before and after the election. Two, they also want us to accept that foreign entities, especially Russia, helped Trump win. Meanwhile they are creating as many fake ballots as possible. They need an event, probably a major cyber attack on, or before, November 4, to shut down the election power infrastructure to be able to say the election was manipulated for Trump.
No president or vice president has sought to stain the U.S. Constitution more than Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Since Harris has admitted that she would not have done anything differently than he, she accepts equal responsibility. No stain out will work for them. Four more years of Harris and nothing of the Constitution can be salvaged. Their contempt for it reeks in everything they do.
During the election. They plan to use the U.S. Postal Service for mail-in ballots, and will then say the Post Office can’t handle the amount of mail-in. This will be used to delay the results of the election so they can feed-in the fake ballots that they need to win. They will do this outside the election centers where the poll watchers and lawyers can’t see. Chaos may be used during the election, especially in big cities, to discourage MAGA voting.
After the election which Trump wins despite the cheating. Expect chaos in the streets. They will create the atmosphere that a foreign entity interfered in the election, that foreign interference created the election results, and that Trump supporters are angry and are participating in the violence. Plan on the Patriotic Front Group (actually masked feds dressed as MAGA with lots of U.S. flags and Trump attire) confronting Antifa publicly—this to attract real MAGA people to create a civil war environment. Do not participate! Like Jan. 6, 2021, it is a trap. It will not work. Military intelligence gives us their four definite actions, “Make no mistake about it: they will not concede on election night, they will contest this legally in battle ground states, they will project doubt in the election results, they will organize massive riots and attempt anarchy” (X22 Report, Ep. 3453b, Sept. 17, 2024, 1:05:11). Remember if they lose they get tried for treason, most likely in military courts as federal courts have demonstrated themselves too corrupt for confidence—there are far too many Deep State judges.
Jan. 6, 2025 Electoral College Certification. Leading Democrats have already signaled that they will not certify the election. The plan is to stop certification at all costs even violence against members of the legislative branch much worse than what they did in Jan. 6, 2021. The Washington Post had an article dealing with this possibility entitled, “Scarred by violence, lawmakers plan for possible ‘mass casualty’ event: Congress must ensure it can continue to govern in the aftermath of mass violence, a bipartisan group of House members argues,” by Amy Gardner and Jacqueline Alemany, Sept. 19, 2024. With Speaker Mike Johnson in charge and the event anticipated, the possibility is minimized. Still, Deep State Democrats will do anything to stop the certification of Trump.
Chaos and violence will dominate until participants are rounded up by the national guard troops. This is what the Deep State has planned for our near future.
Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Read his weekly columns at Column # 790
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The U.S. Constitution alone governs this nation—a gift from God which cannot be trumped by a government over it. Globalists hate our national sovereignty (the right to reject them), America, the Constitution, our Founders, and largely Christianity.
Article V1 of The U.S. Constitution makes world government not possible over the U.S. by defining the Constitution alone as ‘’the supreme Law of the Land”—no exceptions. Two other sources of future law can be under the same umbrella: “laws of the United States” but only when “made in Pursuance there of,” which means in harmony and authority with it, and “all Treaties made” under the Authority of the United States” which means the Constitution. Neither of these other sources could remove in part or whole the Constitution as the “supreme Law of the Land.” And, “the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution” (It can’t be twisted to imply otherwise), “or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.” Nothing could be more clear. Even if Article VI were absent, treaties require the Senate’s “advice and consent,” and it is prohibited from creating a government above the Constitution.
Joe Biden wants the UN Charter, not the U.S. Constitution, to be the Supreme law of the land. On September 23, 2024 his administration voted to empower the United Nations from an international cooperative body to an international governing body (world government). There has been no one in U.S. leadership the last 32 years more committed to the New World Order (world government) then he. In 1992 he advocated a “permanent commitment of forces for use by the Security Council”—a U.N. standing army.
So emphatic on this point were the Founding Fathers that they required ALL government officials to be bound by oath to uphold the Constitution to govern and presumably they would be removed by the people if they became enemies to this document. “The Senators and Representatives …and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath, or Affirmation, to support this Constitution….” Such is every law maker’s oath promise.
The President of the United States is especially charged with defending the Constitution. “Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation: ‘I do solemnly swear…that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.’” The military take a similar oath of allegiance to preserve and defend the Constitution.
As we reported last week the United Nations officially transitioned from an international cooperative body to an international governing body (world government) on September 23, 2024. Few knew with censorship blanketing our Deep State media, thus there existed little opposition to it. A few Republican congressional representatives gathered on Capitol grounds September 17, 2024 Constitution Day, the anniversary of our signing of the U.S. Constitution, to alert America of what would, and did, happen six days later (“UN Empowers Itself to World Government, No Biden Adm. Pushback,” , October 2, 2024).
There has been no one in U.S. leadership the last 32 years more committed to the New World Order (world government) than Joe Biden. So committed that on April 23, 1992, then Joe Biden, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s European Affairs Subcommittee, published in the Wall Street Journal, “How I Learned to Love the New World Order.” In it he identified the UN’s one fatal flaw—no standing army to force obedience to its decrees. He advocated a “permanent commitment of forces for use by the Security Council”—a U.N. standing army adding, “Why not breathe life into the U.N. Charter?” His plans would destroy national sovereignty and establish world government over all nations, including his own America, under the United Nations. Advocacy of may not be treason, but action toward is.
Of course, a standing army could empower the UN beyond the ability of any participating state to resist, including the United States. Its failure to have a standing army and the Constitution, forbidding a government over it, are the reasons we are not already ruled by a world government. These prohibit such. Without an army it cannot enforce its will; with one it can. To advance its causes it must depend upon persuasion of a majority of nations, rather than brute force. The ability to force obedience to it was “the breath of life” Biden wanted to give it 32 years ago.
Congressman Ralph Norman, South Carolina, “called on Donald Trump to ‘draw out’ of Kamala Harris ‘whether or not she supports world government, and if she doesn’t, for her to disavow what the Biden administration is doing right now to try to bring it about.’” Not likely!! Harris was in charge on Sept, 23 when the U.S. voted on UN empowerment. Harris recently told The View “there’s not a thing she would’ve done differently than Joe Biden!!” No wonder only 28% of people think we’re on the right track. “Were singing from the same song sheet. “
For 80 years the United States military has largely performed that function. Both the Korean and Vietnam wars were largely UN wars. But Trump was not a Deep State managed president. He never started a war and thus would not be their muscle for world government—nor will he be when he returns to the White House, thus the primary reason he is opposed by them.
An unnamed congress woman, speaking on the Capitol grounds September 17, 2024, Constitution Day, alerting Americans to what would happen in the United Nations just six days hence, gives us hope of pushback behind the scenes. She said, “In the Senate, there are 49 senators who have signed on to a companion bill that requires the same constitutional advice and consent. We have 26 governors who have also spoken out on this, as well as attorney generals. So we’re delighted on Constitution Day that this body is taking the first step to get us back to constitutional order” (House Republicans Rally Against —The UN & World Health Organization to protect American Sovereignty, live press conference, Capitol grounds, Sept. 17, 2024).
A Trump victory ensures that we cease funding the World Health Organization. This should be followed soon thereafter with as quick an exit from the United Nations as possible. It has always been an organization working against our interests. In the meantime, Congressman Ralph Norman of South Carolina, who believes we are ceding “our decision making ability to China,” suggests we refuse to comply with “whatever they come up with in terms of world government by the UN Secretary General, without the Senate’s advice and consent” as required by our Constitution. Our answer is the Senate has no authority to consent to a government above our own—even if they voted unanimously for it. The U.S. Constitution alone governs this nation. Liberty requires that it remain so.
Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Read his weekly columns at Column # 789
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We have been expecting the United Nations to fully empower itself from an international cooperative body to an international governing body (world government) for some time. This is something the globalists have dreamed of, and constitutionalists have feared for 80 years—even before the nation’s rejection of the League of Nations after World War I. They have themselves ever pushed toward that end making name changes over time that only partially revealed their intent: internationalists, world government, the establishment, New World Order, World Order, and now globalism— even the Great Reset movement. This is nothing new. It was accomplished Sept. 22-23, 2024 with no Biden Administration, Democrat, RINO or Deep State media push-back, and no vote of the people. It’s no longer coming. World Government is here.
Most Americans bask in so much liberty that they feel no responsibility for it. Most are Constitutionally asleep. Consequently they could come under slavery almost without knowing it. In this battle today over the placement of power, the globalists are winning and the United Nations has just decreed itself the world government. Only a hand full of Republican Congress persons gathered in front of the Capitol to speak out against there doing so.
That the Biden Administration should advance the United Nations government over all nations of the earth ending the sovereignty of nations, especially our own, as preserved in our Constitution is also not new. Biden was always a prominent globalist, even publishing his loyalty to it in 1992 (“How I Learned to Love The New World Order,” by Senator Joe Biden,” June 16, 2021, ). Today virtually all globalists in America are Democrats or RINOS.
World globalists have always viewed a nation’s sovereignty as their enemy and wanted the World Health Organization Treaty to give them power over nations but it was defeated. The vehicle they are using to destroy national sovereignty is the World Health Organization (WHO), the issue used is fear of a pandemic, the word used is emergency. What can’t be portrayed as a emergency? This time they took their request for more power to the UN General Assembly. On Sept. 22-23, 2024, the United Nations adopted a 66-page document called, “The Pact for the Future.” It was passed through a new procedure called the “Silence Procedure.’’ This procedure made it a pact. If no one objected enough to argue against it, it is on the record as automatically adopted. Apparently 193 countries, including the United States, expressed no objection. The problem is without defining emergency the UN gets to decide what an emergency is, which gives it unlimited power. National Sovereignty is destroyed. World government with only limitations they impose on themselves, rules.
Congressional warning of the United Nations intent to unilaterally end national sovereignty came only from Republicans. They gathered on the grounds of the Capitol hoping the national media (mostly controlled by the Deep State) would cover them. Party leaders intentionally did so on September 17, 2024, Constitution Day, the anniversary of our signing of the US Constitution in 1787 which brought freedom from excessive government to the United States and those nations modeling it. The Constitution alone governs this nation—a gift from God which cannot be trumped by a government over it. Unless resisted, and Biden/Harris did not, this is a fatal blow to freedom and the Constitution.
Some of their remarks respecting this mostly secret UN empowerment follow: Congressman Bob Good of Virginia reminded those on the grounds of the Capitol that President Trump had pulled us out of the WHO because it was working for world government which Joe Biden reinstated and today fully supports. Good quoted from a chapter in the 66 page document “Summit for the Future’s” website “called ‘On transforming global governance ascending beyond the powers being sought by a subordinate agency,’ the WHO, the UN is seeking even broader and more powerful authority,” adding “they seek to facilitate the evolution of the UN from an international cooperative body to an international governing body.” He ended, with “The American people didn’t vote for this, and they don’t support this.”
Congressman Ralph Norman, South Carolina “called on Donald Trump to ‘draw out’ of Kamala Harris ‘whether or not she supports world government, and if she doesn’t, for her to disavow what the Biden administration is doing right now to try to bring it about.’”
Their has always been a battle over power. Globalists want everything managed from the top under them. Constitutionalists believe that the least government is the best government—never elevate to a higher level that which can be managed at a lessor level—and they insist on a constitution listing what THEY allow their government to manage. In September 2024 the UN effectively removed national sovereignty, a countries right to say no to the world government, a right protected in our U.S. Constitution.
An unnamed congressman said, “They want to cede our sovereignty over to the United Nations and in particular the World Health Organization.” He spoke of our annual assessments of $850 million to the WHO “to become enslaved to them.” We need out. Why? “Because the World Health Organization has become captured by ‘our international adversary, China.’” And, “We can’t give up any more of our sovereignty.”
Congressman Ronnie Jackson of Texas voiced what all probably felt, “With regards to the United Nations, I said it before, I’ll say it again. I think the best thing we can do for the United Nations is to go to New York and push the entire thing off into the East River.”
Yet another unnamed Congresswoman “they are going to approve a platform, an emergency platform that will operationalize automatically. What does it mean to operationalize automatically? It means that once they have passed it through the United Nations, they don’t have to ask other countries to approve it. They will just go forward with their protocols.”
Another unnamed congressman identified likely emergencies to follow: “Pandemics, high impact events involving a biological agent, disruptions to global flows of goods, people or finance, disruptive activity in cyberspace, or disruption to global digital connectivity, major events in outer space, or black swan events.” This leads to their getting “involved pretty much whenever and wherever they want to” (House Republicans Rally Against —The UN & World Health Organization to protect American Sovereignty, live press conference on Capitol grounds, Sept. 17, 2024). Countries, as ruling governments become virtually obsolete.
Welcome to the Deep State’s New World Order, where every one eventually will be controlled. Sounds like Lucifer’s plan that made him a dark angel—an enemy to God and man.
Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Read his weekly columns at Column # 788 Subscribe now for free columns at this address.
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Those still deceived by Deep State news will only know the narrative of one shooter, a friendless, troubled, adult-kid by the name Thomas Matthew Crooks that alone almost succeeded in committing the crime of this century—the assassination of President Donald Trump. Thus far we know there were others involved and much more to the story. All blame now rests on Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle who admitted that the “buck stops with her,” but refused to give the details she admitted knowing to the Oversight Congressional Committee in her subpoenaed appearance before it July 22. 2024. She resigned the next day—issue closed.
Most photos of the area of the Trump assassination attempt exclude the water tower thought now to be where at least one bullet originated. The red doted line represents the circle of Secret Service protection on the map. Notice the large V in the circle—where Crooks and others were firing from—was not marked as priority to receive Secret Service protection. An assassination could not have been made easier.
If more is needed the Biden Administration will create a committee to look into the matter along the lines of the Warren Commission on the John F. Kennedy assassination as did President Lyndon Baines Johnson which successfully hid the CIA’s role in that assassination November 22, 1963. Meanwhile this story mostly moves to the back burner until we find the lost Joe Biden.
Two reports have surfaced showing forensic audio evidence of multiple shooters, guns, and distances in the Trump assassination attempt July 13, 2024, proving conclusively that Thomas Crooks did not operate alone and that the attempt was far more sophisticated than previously thought (Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear: Trump & Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People, Chartable, July 19, 2024). This volley of bullets lasted 15.8 seconds from first to last. The first three shots came from Crook’s gun with shot #1 going through Trump’s right ear and hitting a man on the left side bleacher in the chest area who later was escorted out.
Shot #1 reached Trump’s podium at the conclusion of Trump’s words, “Take a look at what happens…” followed by shot #2, than shot #3—all about 1.5 football fields away, then a pause, while Trump, though hit, lowered himself to the stage floor for protection. He is not visible in any of the other five shots being on the stage floor and/or covered by Secret Service agents.
Dr. Chris Martenson quoted CNN as having reported, “The first three shots were consistent with weapon A, the next five were consistent with alleged weapon B, and the final acoustic impulse’ was emitted by a possible weapon C per audio analysis by Catalin Grigoas, director of the National Center for Media Forensics at the University of Colorado in Denver, and Cole Whitecotton, Senior Professional Research Associate at the same institution.”
Mike Adams’ research, published the next day, went much deeper than Martenson on bullets fired thereafter. He agreed fully with Martenson’s that Crooks fired the first three bullets all identical in sound, distance and etc. but concluded that bullets #4 and #5 were the same distance but were from a different gun than those fired from Crooks’’ (“New Audio Forensic Analysis Reveals at least THREE SHOOTERS at Trump Campaign event,” Health Ranger Report, This is why the Oversight Committee was so interested in how many empty shells lay next to Crooks body on the roof. If five then he fired shots #4 and #5 also. If not, then they were fired from the Secret Service building window below where Crooks was firing and this part of the Secret Service assisted in the assassination attempt of Trump. All five initial shots had distance gaps of .22 seconds—all about 400 to 450 feet from Trump. Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle refused to disclose the number of empty shells to the House Oversight Committee.
But bullets #6 and #7 were not from Crooks rifle nor fired from the same gun, a 2nd and perhaps 3rd shooter—excluding the possible rogue Secret Service gunman from the window of the same building Crooks occupied atop the roof. Audio signatures differ; #6 did not have a snap boom as those before it but a snap boom boom with a time gap of .36 and about 800 feet in distance by a medium ranged sniper. Bullet #7; with the same snap boom boom with a time gap of .77 seconds maybe 1400 feet away, plus or minis 200 feet, and from a long ranged sniper. This bullet likely came from the water tower pictured about that distance nearby (Ibid.).
Point Consciousness created and Brighteon Broadcast News published a visual of Trump’s head as he spoke and the bullet’s path had he not turned his head. They assessed that the shooter probably had the head shoot when the trigger was pulled but Trump move immediately after. Because of electronic media this may be the most universally viewed miracle ever. Certainly this was the most consequential in our day as for most people he is their only hope of destroying the Deep State which dominates the world.
Bullet #8 was for Crooks from the sniper team atop another building. It landed just slightly above his right eyebrow. All happened in 15.8 seconds from at least 3 assassins and 3 guns. It silenced the man who knew the most about the crime.
Some man in a gray suit climbed up the ladder onto the roof where the shooter’s dead body lay asking officers to send pictures of the dead body to him. He said he was an ATF agent (X22 Report, hereafter not cited, Ep. 3408b, July 21, 2024, 31:07). Turns out he is an ATF agent from Philadelphia on the other side of the state. Why is the ATF involved?
More questions than answers. Why was Crooks able to fly a drone and get aerial footage of the grounds (Ep. 3408b, July 21, 2024, 24:53)? Why were body cameras for all law enforcement officers not allowed? Why was Crooks seen with a rifle, a range finder, and a backpack all prohibited at political events and not stopped? The Secret Service had to know this and permitted it. Crooks had two cellphones and three encrypted accounts overseas. (Ep. 3407, July 19, 2024, 34:44). Shooter used encrypted codes. Why? Did he have foreign contacts?
What is most disturbing is that the Department of Homeland Security and US Secret Service are seemingly obstructing or stonewalling investigating this crime. How do they escape the public’s perception that this was an inside job, some of them even participating in it. An assassination could not have been made easier. USSS Director Kimberly Cheatle revealed to the Oversight Committee that she had not chronicled the events and “still had not visited the site of the Trump assassination attempt in Butler” 9 days into the investigation (Ep. 3409b, July 22, 2024, 28:29).
But who is going to arrest, indict or try the Secret Service? The people will beginning Nov. 5.
Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Read his weekly columns at Column # 778.
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We first published “A Struggle for the Survival of our Nation” September 21, 2018, two years after it was given October 16, 2016, just before the presidential election of that year. This was the last address the Deep State wanted known because it revealed them, thus they censored it. The Deep State controlled, or deeply influenced, both political parties for over 100 years under various names before being called the Deep State. We have advised our readers of its activities over the many years long before Donald Trump. When this address was given nearly eight years ago, excepting a few, or those secretly governing, the masses were almost entirely ignorant of, and non-accepting of its existence. Today the tyranny of the Deep State is largely known.
No presidential candidate or president in U.S. history has had the opposition Trump has had, even put together, but he and John F Kennedy are the only ones who actively opposed the Deep State. Removing the Deep State is America’s Second Revolution. Which side are you on?
Now the majority of the people want it removed from power. It almost got rid of Trump and thus his threat to its exposure and extinction, but today he is poised to return again with the same promise to reveal and destroy it. This is why this address vies as the most important political address given in modern times. Our freedom requires its removal. Parts of the address follow:
“Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People. There is nothing the political establishment will not do, and no lie they will not tell, to hold on to their prestige and power at your expense.
“The Washington establishment, and the financial and media corporations that fund it, exists for only one reason: to protect and enrich itself. The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake…. For those who control the levers of power in Washington, and for the global special interests they partner with, our campaign represents an existential threat…
“This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not We The People reclaim control over our government. The political establishment that is trying everything to stop us, is the same group responsible for our disastrous trade deals, massive illegal immigration, and economic and foreign policies that have bled this country dry….
“It’s a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities. Just look at what this corrupt establishment has done to our cities like Detroit and Flint, Michigan – and rural towns in Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina and across our country. They have stripped these towns bare, and raided the wealth for themselves and taken away their jobs.
“The Clinton Machine is at the center of this power structure. We’ve seen this firsthand in the WikiLeaks documents in which Hillary Clinton meets in secret with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich these global financial powers…..
“Let’s be clear on one thing: the corporate media in our country is no longer involved in journalism. They are a political special interest, no different than any lobbyist or other financial entity with an agenda. …. For them, it is a war – and for them, nothing is out of bounds. This is a struggle for the survival of our nation ….
“The establishment and their media enablers wield control over this nation through means that are well known. Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe and morally deformed. They will attack you, they will slander you, they will seek to destroy your career and reputation. And they will lie, lie and lie even more…..
“Our great civilization, here in America and across the civilized world, has come upon a moment of reckoning…. But the central base of world political power is here in America, and it is our corrupt political establishment that is the greatest power behind the efforts at radical globalization and the disenfranchisement of working people. Their financial resources are unlimited. Their political resources are unlimited. Their media resources are unlimited. And, most importantly, the depths of their immorality is unlimited.
“Our political establishment has no soul…. The only force strong enough to save this country is you. The only people brave enough to vote out this corrupt establishment is you, the American People. They control the Department of Justice…. [and] the Director of the FBI….
“This is a conspiracy against you, the American people. This is our moment of reckoning as a society and as a civilization….
“I didn’t need to do this. I built a great company, and I had a wonderful life. I could have enjoyed the benefits of years of successful business for myself and my family, instead of going through this absolute horror show of lies, deceptions and malicious attacks. I’m doing it because this country has given me so much, and I feel strongly it was my turn to give back.
Address included: “They knew they would throw every lie they could at me and my family and my loved ones. They knew they would stop at nothing to try to stop me. Nevertheless I take all of these slings and arrows gladly for you. I take them for our movement so that we can have our country back. I knew this day would arrive. It was only a question of when.”
“Some people warned me this campaign would be a journey to hell. But they are wrong, it will be a journey to heaven because we will help so many people.
“In my former life, I was an insider as much as anybody else – and I know what’s like to be an insider. Now I am being punished for leaving their special club and revealing to you their great scam. Because I used to be part of the club, I’m the only one who can fix it. I’m doing this for the people….
“We will remove from our politics the special interests who have betrayed our workers, our borders, our freedoms, and our sovereign rights as a nation. We will end the politics of profit, we will end the rule of special interests, we will put a stop to the raiding of our country – and the disenfranchisement of our people. Our Independence Day is at hand….” (View full address at )
The above, parts of the most important political address given in modern times, was the words of presidential candidate Donald J. Trump, October 16, 2016—the only candidate willing to take on the century old establishment / secret combination / globalists. If this address is unfamiliar with some readers it is because their sources for information are establishment controlled—thus they are controlled. They are on the wrong side in the struggle to retrieve our liberty in this Second American Revolution. We are either on the side of liberty or not—same choice as in 1776.
Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Read his weekly columns at Column # 771
Subscribe now for free columns at this address. Help preserve our Republic while we still can by sharing this column.
The Deep State has existed in U.S. history for at least 135 years. Internationally it expressed its influence most strongly in the William McKinley era when we acquired most of Spains’ colonies ending the Spanish-American War. Then it dominated the Republican Party, but over the next century held great influence in both major political parties. In the 21st Century and today, it controls the Democrat Party and RINO faction of the Republican Party. It is real.
Donald Trump descends Trump Tower on a golden escalator to announce his candidacy for US president on 16 June 2015. There after, the Deep State’s hate Trump agenda escalated to full throttle for the next nine years many times worse than that for Barry Goldwater or Ronald Reagan, who also wanted to reveal them.
It has always had a world view of control and problem solving leading to world government, and played a major role in the failed attempt to create the League of Nations after World War I and successful creation of the United Nations after World War II—the first world government. It has always attracted the big moneyed elite from J.P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller to Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates and George Soros. It created in America the Council on ForeignRelations (CFR) in 1921 to influence and control both major political parties and the media. Almost anybody that is anybody in American politics from then to now is, or has been, affiliated with it.
Its names have varied over the many years from internationalists, to invisible or shadow government, to the Establishment, to the New World Order, to World Order, to globalists, and now to the Deep State. Some call it “secret combinations.” Those who opposed it were punished: John F. Kennedy, Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan and now Donald J. Trump.
Trump, was opposed by them from the moment he walked down the elevator announcing his presidential candidacy June 16, 2015, unlike any political candidate in American history perhaps more than all presidential candidates put together; nine years of non-stop persecution. Trump has revealed the Deep State more than any other president thus both sides know that this election is the last battle— either the Deep State destroys America, or we destroy the Deep State. The Deep State burned cities in 2020 and appears willing to do so again in 2024, and start World War III thereafter, if Trump is reelected—this to keep their crimes unknown, therefore unpunished.
Below we list Trump’s 10 step plan to dismantle the Deep State players—the first and only president with one. He begins, “I plan to dismantle the Deep State and reclaim our democracy from Washington corruption once and for all, and corruption it is.
“First I will immediately reissue my 2020 Executive Order restoring the President’s authority to remove rogue bureaucrats. And I will wield that power very aggressively.
“Second, we will clean out all of the corrupt actors in our national security and intelligence apparatus. And there are plenty of them. The departments and agencies that have been weaponized will be completely overhauled. So that faceless bureaucrats will never again be able to target and persecute conservatives, Christians, or the left’s political enemies which they’re doing now at a level that nobody can believe even possible.
“Third, we will totally reform FISA courts, which is so corrupt that the judges seemingly do not care when they are lied to in warrant applications. So many judges have seen so many applications that they know were wrong, or at least they must have known. They do nothing about it. They’re lied to.
“Fourth to expose the hoaxes and abuses of power that have been tearing our country apart. We will establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to declassify and publish all documents on Deep State spying, censorship and corruption. And there are plenty of them.
“Fifth, we will launch a major crackdown on government leakers, who collude with the fake news to deliberately weave false narratives and to subvert our government and our democracy. When possible, we will press criminal charges.
“Six we will make every Inspector General’s Office independent and physically separated from the departments they oversee. So they do not become the protectors of the Deep State.
“Seven we will ask Congress to establish an independent auditing system to continually monitor our intelligence agencies to ensure they are not spying on our citizens or running disinformation campaigns against the American people or that they are not spying on someone’s campaign like they spied on my campaign.
Below is a chart showing The Council on Foreign Relations’ (CFR) control over the media, published by Swiss Policy Research (SPR) an independent, nonpartisan and nonprofit research group investigating geopolitical propaganda showing their control over Americas’ media. Almost anybody that is anybody in American politics or media from 1945 to 2017, has been, affiliated with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The CFR is also connected with two other powerful Deep State organizations Bilderberg Meetings and the Trilateral Commission. The picture is very small and detailed but shows them all linked together. Deep State control is deeper and wider than anyone could imaging.
Above is a chart showing The Council on Foreign Relations’ (CFR) control over the media, published by Swiss Policy Research (SPR) . Almost anybody that is anybody in American politics or media from 1945 to 2017, has been affiliated with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The CFR is also connected with two other powerful Deep State organizations Bilderberg Meetings and the Trilateral Commission. The picture, and hundreds of names beneath, is very small and detailed but shows them all linked together. Deep State control is deeper and wider than anyone could imagine.
“Eighth we will continue the effort launched by the Trump administration to move parts of the sprawling federal bureaucracy to new locations outside the Washington swamp. Just as I moved the Bureau of Land Management to Colorado as many as 100,000 government positions can be moved out. And I mean immediately out of Washington, to places filled with patriots who love America and they really do love America.
“Ninth I will work to ban federal bureaucrats from taking jobs that the companies they deal with and that they regulate. So they deal with these companies and they regulate these companies and then they want to take jobs from these companies doesn’t work that way such a public display cannot go on and it’s taking place all the time, like with Big Pharma
“Finally, I will push a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress. This is how I will shatter the Deep State and restore government that is controlled by the people and for the people. Thank you very much (X22 Reports Ep 3267b, January 25, 2024, 39:14).”
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly columns, please visit Column # 763
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