Trump Duped, Globalists love his new NAFTA/TPP Merged Agreement

By Harold Pease, Ph.D

No one has been more outspoken against the globalist agenda than President Donald Trump. His “America First” platform is the very antithesis of their plans for world government. This is primarily the reason all globalists, Democrat and Republican, and all globalist mediums, have come out of the closet to oppose him at all costs. Hence the shock when globalists are now praising his newly negotiated and rolled out October I, 2018 USMCA (United States/Mexico/Canada) sovereignty destroying replacement of NAFTA—seemingly a merged agreement of the worst parts of NAFTA and TPP.

Most Americans viewed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreements for what they were, sovereignty sucking packs to undermine and destroy the independence of nation states, as previous agreements had done in Europe resulting in the European Union. Globalists, funded by the financial global elites (from the Rockefeller’s to George Soros) had failed previous tries at world government, notably the League of Nations and the United Nations, and concluded that loyalty to nation states is the enemy to world government, hence their decades old strategy of consolidating regions of the globe first economically then politically into regional government. These then consolidated later into world government.

Trump had billed the TPP as “the worst agreement ever negotiated” and three days after his inauguration withdrew the United States as a signatory and refused further TPP negotiations. He promised to renegotiate NAFTA as well. In the Rose Garden, October 1, 2018 rollout, Trump said, “Throughout the campaign I promised to renegotiate NAFTA, and today we have kept that promise,”

So why are the globalists so happy with it. It looks to be a blend of the worst parts of NAFTA and TPP. According to the online Huffington Post, “At least half of the men and women standing behind Trump during his Rose Garden ceremony praising the new deal were the same career service staff who negotiated nearly identical provisions in TPP, which Trump had railed against.” One of these, Trevor Kincaid, the lead negotiator for TPP, said, “It’s really the same with a new name. It’s basically the ‘22 Jump Street’ of trade deals.”

Richard N. Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the lead organization for world government and the most influential organization on foreign policy, in both major political parties the last hundred years, tweeted his praise for the agreement, “The USMCA looks to be the trade pact formerly known as NAFTA plus 10-20%. Hope it becomes a precedent for TPP.” Adding later, “What matters is that the US joins it.…”. Haass, so enthused by the agreement, added the next day, “USMCA is NAFTA plus TPP plus a few tweaks. Whatever … TPP by another name.” No wonder. The lead negotiator of the agreement was CFR member Robert Lighthizer, who candidly admitted that the USMCA is “built on” many aspects of the TPP.

Christian Gomez, who spent considerable time with the 1,809 paged document wrote, “A side-by-side comparison of the USMCA and the TPP shows extensive overlap. Virtually all of the problems inherent in the TPP are likewise contained in the USMCA, such as the erosion of national sovereignty, submission to a new global governance authority, the unrestricted movement of foreign nationals, workers’ rights to collective bargaining, and regional measures to combat climate change” (What’s Wrong with the USMCA? New American, Nov. 2018)

So the globalist are happy. They thought under Trump their decades old efforts to unite the United States, Mexico and Canada into a regional government, economically first then politically, as they had the European Union, would be unraveled. Instead, globalists regained all their lost ground plus leapt forward into the areas of labor, immigration, and environment regulation, which agreement would handcuff the legislatures of these countries to regional law passed by unelected bureaucrats.

Gomez added, “The pact is even worse than NAFTA regarding undermining American sovereignty and self-determination, in favor of North American integration extending beyond trade to include labor and environmental policies. It is, in fact, so bad that the globalists who had lambasted Trump for renegotiating NAFTA praised him afterward” (Ibid).

So much for the Constitution or national sovereignty holding them back. And Trump fell for it.

The massive size of the agreement screams control. Liberty is defined by the limits of the government on the individual. The management of an entire country is housed in a Constitution of only four or five pages and a Bill of Rights of a single page—not 1,809.

A real free trade agreement could probably fit a single page and be noted for its absence of rules on trade—as it was in the early days of this republic. Let us instead disallow the rich from funding organizations designed to end our republic, destroy the Constitution, or create a world government, all of which they presently do. Such used to be called treason.

Now there exists no evidence Trump really supports globalism—everything else he has done suggests otherwise But he has clearly been duped. Getting him to disavow what he said was so “incredible” will not be easy but he must if he sincerely decries world government and supports America First. If not, he will be credited with instigating “the worst agreement ever negotiated”—a government over our own.

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit

The Most Important Political Address of 2018

Harold Pease, Ph. D

The United States is quickly becoming divided into the globalists and the patriots. They are at total war against each other. Since they are ideologically incomparable only one side can win. In time all will support one side or the other side. Readers already are, whether they are fully aware of what they support or not.

The globalists, often called the establishment or the deep state, prefer world-wide open borders, the eventual transfer of all political power to international levels, and eventually world government. National sovereignty is their enemy. The patriots prefer freedom from excessive government, independence from any governing entity other than Congress, patriotism, and today, the Constitution as written. The choice is uncannily similar to the choice given Americans in 1776.

The globalists, deeply imbedded in our parties and establishment medias, hated the following address and consequently minimized coverage of it in their print outlets like the New York Times and Washington Post, and network medias. If followed it would shut down their New World Order and world governance aspirations. It would spell a different foreign policy than practiced since World War II but far more in harmony with that of the Founding Fathers.

Chances are very good that readers missed important parts of what President Donald Trump told the United Nations September 25, 2018. It could be summarized in 12 words from it. “We reject the ideology of globalism and accept the doctrine of patriotism.” Adding, “America is governed by Americans.” Directed squarely at the globalists in the room, he effectively said, “We will keep our sovereignty and expect other nations to keep theirs as well.”

He told them. “We are standing up for America and for the American people. And we are also standing up for the world. That is why America will always choose independence and cooperation over global governance, control, and domination. I honor the right of every nation in this room to pursue its own customs, beliefs, and traditions.” Then amazingly, in total contrast with every president since World War II, “The United States will not tell you how to live or work or worship. We only ask that you honor our sovereignty in return.”

Trump rejected one international organization in particular, created by the globalists to undermine our sovereignty, “The United States will provide no support in recognition to the International Criminal Court. As far as America is concerned, the ICC has no jurisdiction, no legitimacy, and no authority. The ICC claims near-universal jurisdiction over the citizens of every country, violating all principles of justice, fairness, and due process.” He then added what most patriots wanted their government to say to the United Nations since its inception. “We will never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable, global bureaucracy.” He encouraged other nations to protect their sovereignty as well, “Around the world, responsible nations must defend against threats to sovereignty not just from global governance, but also from other, new forms of coercion and domination.”

Imagine what the globalists in the room thought. The United States had been the lead founder and funder. Moreover, David Rockefeller donated the property to house the infant world government organization that since increasingly absorbs control over all nations of the earth. The United States is the principle reason the United Nations exists. All presidents have supported it. No president has spoken this way. Ronald Reagan alone opposed its growing power over the sovereignty of nations. He reduced US funding for it from 33% to 25%. Patriots cheered the Reagan move but now want more, which Trump seems ready to give. Most want removal from the organization altogether.

Trump turned to illegal immigration and human trafficking as threats to sovereignty also. “The United States is also working with partners in Latin America to confront threats to sovereignty from uncontrolled migration. Tolerance for human struggling and human smuggling and trafficking is not humane. It’s a horrible thing that’s going on, at levels that nobody has ever seen before. It’s very, very cruel.”

He addressed why the United States refused to participate in the new UN Global Compact on Migration. “We recognize the right of every nation in this room to set its own immigration policy in accordance with its national interests, just as we ask other countries to respect our own right to do the same — which we are doing. That is one reason the United States will not participate in the new Global Compact on Migration. Migration should not be governed by an international body unaccountable to our own citizens.”

Finally he spoke of the foundation of freedom as being national sovereignty, which must be preserved . “To unleash this incredible potential in our people, we must defend the foundations that make it all possible. Sovereign and independent nations are the only vehicle where freedom has ever survived, democracy has ever endured, or peace has ever prospered. And so we must protect our sovereignty and our cherished independence above all.”

Trump ended, “So together, let us choose a future of patriotism, prosperity, and pride. Let us choose peace and freedom over domination and defeat. And let us come here to this place to stand for our people and their nations, forever strong, forever sovereign….”

The UN, the heart of world government and globalism, never had an address delivered like this; certainly the most important address of 2018.

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit

How to Stop Billionaire Election Buyouts

By Harold Pease, Ph. D

Presently money for elections can come from other countries, states, counties, or districts other than from where the candidate will serve allowing outside sources, those of wealth—even billionaires—to buy influence.This often diminishes the power of the citizens themselves to choose their own representatives.

Moreover, those holding “safe seats,” as for example Democrat Nancy Pelosi and Republican Kevin McCarthy, can either buildup gigantic arsenals to “nuke” a popular contender, or worse, handoff their unneeded donations to a like-minded candidate in another state to favorably impact elections often adverse to the will of its citizens. These outside influences have to stop.

More funding allows more signs and literature to be distributed, and more newspaper, radio and television ads to destroy your opponent or get your message out resulting in a higher probability of winning. The candidate with the most money and publicity usually wins and the rich, by their funding, select contenders long before the people vote therefore they dominate the result . In many cases more money originates from outside a voting district than within. If no candidate could receive money or influence from outside their district, it would stop much influence peddling.

LibertyUnderFire is the lead advocate for ending outside influences in our nation’s elections and thus offers the following new amendment to the Constitution. “All election funding, outside candidate’s personal wealth, (individuals or organizations), in all federal elections shall originate from eligible voters in the district served by the election and donated since the last election for the same office.”

Billionaires or organizations could still fund causes but not candidates. Propositions are a part of most elections and can be considered without attachment to a candidate. This would not stop, nor is it intended to stop, the funding or creation of ads for or against a candidate, or ballot issues, funded by perspective voters within the district.

Under this amendment the 1996 Bill Clinton campaign could not have received money from China to influence the election; nor from any individual not eligible to vote for president, nor could Clinton Foundation monies be used to influence elections as much of that money comes from international contributors. Some of us still remember the Bill Clinton Chinese Fundraising Scandal involving DNC finance chairman John Huang and Chinese nationalist Johnny Chung. The DNC was forced to return more than $2.8 million in illegal or improper donations from foreign nationals, largely from China to gain favor in the Clinton Administration.

Neither could the Koch brothers, Charles and David, who fund many Republican Party candidates on the right side of the political spectrum, and George Soros, or Tom Steyer, who fund Democratic Party candidates on the left, influence any federal contest to which they cannot personally vote. This amendment would limit the billionaire class to the “purchase” of only THEIR congressman or senator —not a large group of them.

Both Soros and Steyer bankrolled far left Andrew Gillum’s Florida campaign for governor hoping to flip the state from red to blue anticipating that the resulting electoral count increase could sway the nation for decades. Gillum “courted Soros’ organizations and spoke at a number of their gatherings. When they met at San Francisco [Steyers home town], he promised to back Gillum’s gubernatorial run.” Steyer “funneled about $800,000 into the Get Out the Vote initiative prior to the Gillum run” (Ingraham Angle, August 29, 2018). An activity that was targeted to get Gillum elected; hence would be denied Steyer with the new amendment, as with most of the $30 million he promised to spend on the midterms.

Congressmen from “safe” districts could not “handoff” their unneeded donations to a like minded candidate in another district. Nor could they holdover funding from previous victories to “nuke” a future opponent. Contributions are a form of voting normally intended for this candidate only and for this election only and they could only be accumulated since the last election for that office. Laws presently limit the amount of individual contributions but the “rich” find loopholes in donating as in the case of Gillum.

The “rich” have been involved in influencing elections at least since the 1896 “giants of the Industrial Revolution” buyout of William McKinley for president when they used their money to bury opponent William Jennings Bryan. This amendment would not have stopped that as all citizens elect the president—only a rigorous enforcement of present law governing individual contributions could do that.

Nor would it have stopped J.P. Morgan’s1915 purchase of the 25 leading newspapers in the United States establishing “Morgan editors” over each, presumably to influence public opinion favorable to his interests ( Oscar Callaway, Congressional Record, February 9, 1917, Vol. 54, pp. 2947-48.). Nor would it have prevented Morgan and David Rockefeller’s 1921creation of The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) organization to steer the country into “Wall Street” dominance and global government, which now is self propelling although its founders are deceased. The CFR has provided much of the leadership of both major political parties and major news outlets.

Nor will it today stop all of George Soros’ 11 major influence groups, some of which sponsor activities that border on treason. Funding Antifa, Kavanaugh “Hearing disruptors,” and those accosting Senate committee members may have to wait for other solutions. But the amendment will prevent most billionaire election buyouts. Expect enormous billionaire opposition.

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit

Billionaire Tom Steyer Replaces Soros as Prominent Leftist Funder

By Harold Pease, Ph. D

In a recent column “Billionaires Battle to Get Your Vote” LibertyUnderFire documented leading funders for the right side of the political spectrum in the 2016 election as the Koch brothers, Charles and David. Those on the left side of the political spectrum were David Rockefeller (recently deceased) and George Soros. A new billionaire, Tom Steyer, has emerged outpacing both the right and the left in funding elections. But influence from the wealthy is nothing new.

The “rich” have been involved in directing public opinion for over a hundred years, first noted in our history textbooks, when Mark Hanna, who made his fortune in the iron business, paid off Congressman William McKinley’s personal indebtedness of $100,000, and elevated him onto the stage for president. He next “shook down” the giants of the Industrial Revolution, banking, oil, steal, railroads, and etc. who wanted markets and “spheres of influence” overseas.

Capitalizing on their fear that they would lose their influence over government and money to someone like William Jennings Bryan, who would actually represent the common people, Hanna raised an enormous slush fund, the largest in U.S. History, of 16 million to Democratic opponent William Jennings Bryan’s mere one million. This enabled the giants of the Industrial Revolution to unite to “buy” the presidency for William McKinley in 1896.

With Mckinley’s successful conquest of much of Spain’s colonial holdings (Cuba, the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam) colonialism and world influence became the Republican Party’s foreign policy. When it became much less popular due to its needing to be defended by American troops, wall street influence went underground.

President Woodrow Wilson spoke of this hidden force in his book The New Freedom (1913), when he wrote: “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan and others later united the class of wealth into the Institute of International Affairs in 1919, then two years later changed the name to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) thereafter providing the leadership and foreign policy of both major political parties and globalism took root in each. Rockefeller nephew David, in 1973 spread the wall street influence over Japan, Western Europe and North America in an effort to unify those three regions in his Trilateral Commission. This was the foreign policy of both major political parties and much of the West and Japan until Donald Trump’s election in 2016.

Although David is recently deceased, his organization, the CFR, is the most influential political organization in the United States and will be for decades to come. Moreover, the leadership of The New York Times and Washington Post, like the government, is filled with its members ensuring a wide dissemination of their globalist messages; a message emulated by hundreds of other newspapers.

Enter CFR member George Soros, the leading funder of far-left causes and elections the past two decades, who is said to have spent $25 million on Hilary Clinton and other democratic candidates in 2016 and so far another $15 million in the present midterms. His specialty is not gradual influence toward the left and world government as has been the influence of the CFR, but hard-core socialism and globalism. No one has as many organizations as combat ready and as highly financed, as does George Soros. These include: ACORN, the Tides Foundation, Sojourners, The Quantum Fund, Media Matters, The Open Society Institute, Friends of the Earth, The Center for American Progress, The Apollo Alliance, The American Constitution Society and,

Enter San Francisco billionaire Tom Steyer who “promised to spend at least $30 million to elect progressives [popular synonym for socialist] this campaign season” making him the “most important Democratic donor in the United States.” Steyer is openly urging the presidents removal through impeachment, even funding a video to that effect, and has, with Soros, bankrolled far left Andrew Gillum’s Florida campaign for governor hoping to flip the state from red to blue anticipating that the resulting electoral count increase could sway the nation for decades. Steyer “funneled about $800,000 into the Get Out the Vote initiative prior to the Gillum run” (Ingraham Angle, August 29, 2018).

The 100-plus year generational influence of the Rockefeller’s, John and David, and their organizations, principally the CFR, together with that of Soros money and organizations, and now, Steyer’s money, easily dwarf that of the Koch brothers, said to be funding most of the right side of the political spectrum. The billionaire club easily favors the Democratic Party and the far-left side of the political spectrum. What is far worse is that Soros and Steyer seem not to be promoting rank and file Democrats but instead radicals who want to upend our political system. It appears that the rich who initially controlled the Republican Party, then both major parties for over 100 years, now has much greater dominance over the Democratic Party. Should they succeed, we will become a socialist country.

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit

“A Ray of Hope?” in the War against the Globalist—Q

By Harold Pease, Ph. D

The globalist/establishment in all its forms (lodged in the media, both major political parties, the intelligence community, and Internet providers) now dominate most of the information from which we derive opinion. We are at risk of not having all the information necessary to insure responsible thought or action.

Because Trump took “their White House,” he is universally hated by all globalists whose intent is to squeeze him out by any means necessary. Seemingly all the major medias except Fox News and some radio talk shows, spew a continuous hate Trump line and vilify everyone defending or associated with him. No good is mentioned from their array of media outlets. No one in U.S. political history has been vilified more.

The intelligence community with Obama Administration holdovers, now referred to as the Deep State, targeted a duly elected president with what is now known as the “Russia Hoax.” Finding no evidence of Russia/Trump collusion after a two year Special Council Mueller probe; all in an effort to impeach their hated president as a traitor. This, while completely ignoring, even covering up, a real Russian/Clinton collusion story and the Russian Uranium One deal giving Russia 20% of America’s uranium profiting the Clintons by millions. This, with the bleach-bitted 35,000 Hillary Clinton emails (a copy discovered on the Anthony Weiner laptop) so attesting to this deal, many of which were classified documents sent over her unsecured server. Most of this information is absent in globalist controlled mediums.

Trump supporters, called “deplorables” by Hillary Clinton, do not see equal justice under the law and thus continue chanting “lock-her-up” at Trump rallies. Some Trump supporters have concluded that this never could happen with the existing information block on globalist controlled/influenced mediums. Hence some supporters are showing up at these rallies in Q t-shirts to bring attention to QAnon (hereafter cited as Q), a new defensive phenomenon in the present establishment war against Trump and patriots.

The Washington Post, August 1, 2018, fairly accurately described the movement, Q is ” an anonymous user claiming to be a government agent with top security clearance, waging war against the so-called deep state in service to the 45th president. “Q” feeds disciples, or “bakers,” scraps of intelligence, or “bread crumbs,” that they scramble to bake into an understanding of the “storm” — the community’s term, drawn from Trump’s cryptic reference last year to “the calm before the storm”— for the president’s final conquest over elites, globalists and deep-state saboteurs.” Q followers are those attempting to decode the vague messages found on the 4chan and 8chan message boards.

Q posts are designed to provide hints or thought suggestions that lead discussions. These may include lesser known published articles or news clips that come close to the “truth.” Followers come to their own conclusions. Q is gaining followers because it allows those who know there exists a real war between freedom and globalist advocates (the establishment) to have hope that we can possibly overcome the grip the globalists have on the U.S. and the world society. It effectively allows the masses inclusion in what is happening to them, thus a favorite Q phrase, “Where We Go One, We Go All.”

Why doesn’t Q openly say what is happening? He would be disclosing classified information and although Hillary Clinton, Jim Comey and John Brennan can do so without going to prison, no one else can. Why doesn’t Q identify himself? Because the establishment combination would destroy this outlet. Is Trump associated with Q? Yes, Q could not possibly reveal what Q reveals without a very close affiliation. A follower tweeted, “NO ONE cares who Q is. WE care about the TRUTH.” Another, “I like knowing what is going to happen before it does.”

The entire, loose movement has been called everything from “a deranged conspiracy cult” (The Washington Post) to cruel hoaxes, political extremism, and ridiculous claims. But these are from outlets that despise Trump. All globalist/establishment mediums are hostile to it.

Many on 4chan seemed to enjoy discussing the cryptic posts and the clues, causing Q to spread like wildfire. A YouTube video posted by “prayingmedic” on July 28, titled, “Something Big is About to Drop,” has 275,000 views.
Reddick, whose August Q following soared [page views 34,730,341 and visits 1,769,931] just banned any mention of Q. Twitter and other Internet providers are expected to follow. Followers, alerted a month ago to the President’s Emergency broadcast, infer that it is to keep open the president’s ability to inform Americans without the globalist news filter.

QAnon supporters refer to “The Storm” often, presumably the revelations disclosed in the intel documents ordered declassified by the Trump Administration, particularly the FISA documents still withheld in defiance by the Justice Department. “Red October,” another often cited phrase, is probably the expected voter “red wave” after the release of these documents and the accompanying civil disorder when arrests of formerly trusted and known participants follow. Q says, “PREPARE FOR ‘SKY IS FALLING’ WEEK.”

If 2018 ends without something big happening the Q following will decline, inversely it will increase exponentially. Whether it does or doesn’t it remains that many Americans do not believe that justice has been equally served and the documentation on the globalists seeking world government do not cease to exist just because they are not covered on globalist mediums.

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit

The Two-Year Globalist War on President Trump

By Harold Pease, Ph. D

The most vicious elections in our history were that of Jefferson in 1800, Lincoln in 1860, Lyndon Johnson in 1964, Ronald Reagan in 1980, but none of these were more contentious than that of Donald Trump in 2016 who was opposed by both political parties. “Never Trumpers” (mostly Republicans) did not resort to street riots but “Not my President” (mostly Democrats) did following his election in many cities throughout the land.

In 2016, Most Americans knew that something was wrong—really wrong. Independents, those refusing to align Democrat or Republican, were about 40%— stronger than either party. Most Americans felt lied to by both parties and the media. Most Republicans felt betrayed when they elected politicians to restore the Constitution and the economy and these same politicians appeared to join the other side as soon as they arrived in Washington D.C. Many had wondered the value of their vote outside “the lesser of two evils” philosophy.

Enter Donald Trump who mostly said what others were afraid to say, beginning with illegal immigration. Our Mexican friends have indeed invaded our country and taken, not just the jobs Americans did not want, but the ones they did want as well. They entered every field and their illegal children, being bilingual, are now favored in most other jobs. When politicians say they will build a fence to help preserve American jobs almost no one believed them. Trump was a builder, building magnificent structures, and was believed.

Simply put, the media, the establishment, and the political parties had lost their credibility. The more the establishment or media ganged-up on Trump the more his following grew. He even identified the establishment media as “fake news.” His bravado was somewhat refreshing from the Bush’s, Clinton’s, Boehner’s and McConnell’s “no real change” rhetoric.

The establishment opposition to Trump certified another factor in his favor. He was not one of them. He would not be controlled by them, as were his predecessors from both parties. Nor did any special interest group control him. This may have been the first time in 120 years that this was so. Only the Constitution should guide and restrain him—not the moneyed establishment.

Another factor in his favor, also not mentioned by the press, was that most Americans believed that the economy was on a crash course. No country can long endure when more money is spent than taken in. No candidate understood the economy better than Trump, having worked successfully with it for decades. He had the most incentive to get it back to a sound base more than any other candidate, or even you or I; we lose hundreds when it blows, he loses billions.

The Trump phenomenon was essentially a rebellion against the establishment by a population tired of being manipulated every four years into staying on the road to bankruptcy with the same failed internationalist foreign policy presented by establishment candidates of both parties.

The establishment media attempted to show candidate Donald Trump as, a joke—certainly not a serious candidate, not a real conservative, a flip-flopper on the issues, anti-women, anti-immigration, insulting to everyone, least likely to beat Hillary Clinton, only attractive to white males, and not in touch with reality and more.

What was very different from previous brutal elections where such rhetoric ended after the election, was that, for Trump, it never ended—indeed it amplified his first two years in the White House. Opponent sympathizers largely financed by CFR member George Sores, took to the streets before the inauguration with signs “Not my president” while Republican opponents joined the “Never Trump” movement.

The intelligence community with Obama Administration holdovers, now referred to as the Deep State, targeted a duly elected president with what is now known as the “Russia Hoax.” Finding no evidence of Russia/Trump collusion after a two year Special Council Mueller probe; all in an effort to impeach their hated president as a traitor. CFR member and Obama CIA Director, John Brennon had called Trump a traitor. This while completely ignoring, even covering up, a real Russian/Clinton collusion story and the Russian Uranium One deal giving Russia 20% of America’s uranium profiting the Clintons by millions. This, with the bleach-bitted 35,000 Hillary Clinton emails so attesting to this deal, many of which were classified documents sent over her unsecured server.

While the Deep State fabricated collusion was ongoing the establishment press worked at getting Trump Administration personnel to turn on their boss from within, through anonymous sources showing Trump unfit for office. They hoped to “prove” incompetence, and thus exercise the 25th Amendment to remove him from office. But the Trump staff held firm.

Excepting Lincoln, no president should fear an assassination attempt more than Trump and many still fear that end; he is so hated by the establishment. Why? Because For over a hundred years, since William McKinley they, with the help of the media that they came to largely own, have propelled into power politicians sympathetic to their globalist interests in both parties so that their interests got attention no matter which of their two political parties, Democrat or Republican, got elected. Control of foreign policy was never out of their hands. They want “their” White House back regardless of what they have to do to obtain it.

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit