has published numerous columns on the 2020 Presidential Election interference and can say with certainty. Respecting the documentary “Two Thousand Mules,” no reasonable viewer can deny his own eyes. Respecting the voluminous and continually growing documentation of election interference, we and others have shared since, the election was stolen. Existing evidence for this ruling is cleaner and clearer than probably that for 99% of those presently incarcerated in the US today. It can no longer reasonably be disputed, Trump won 2020.
The documentary “2,000 Mules” is the first electoral smoking gun but there have been plenty since. Another, Joe Biden confessed, “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American Politics.” (“2,000 Mules: They Thought We’d Never Find Out. They Were Wrong,” by Harold Pease, Ph.D., Conspiracy no more, 2020 Election Interference was Real.
We’ve published The Tiger Project evidence which is ten times bigger than “2000 Mules,” revealing China’s involvement through Konnech’s EMS voter management system used by hundreds of US counties. We’ve documented the FBI’s withholding the Ashley Biden diary, and Hunter Biden’s laptop in FBI possession since 2019 because these stories would destroy Biden’s chances of unseating Donald Trump—both election interference. We treated three of the most egregious new, or newly discovered, methods of election fraud: databased latency, election manipulation using inactive voters, and Operation Bronze Griffin, a secret combination between the federal government, via FBI, and Facebook, to censor a political party and potentially all its messaging and messengers which was fully operational in both the 2020 and 2022 elections (“Voting Mischief, They Did it Again, But How?”
What is new respecting election interference, and still largely censored, has been exposed since Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter. Our column last January, “Twitter File Tweets Confess Rigging 2020 Election,” describes the system they developed and used in 2020 and 2022 to virtually eliminate the conservative and/or constitutional side of the election process. No one can survive this censorship system. If Musk had not purchased Twitter and been willing to share their secret plans and system, freedom would have died November 3, 2020. There is no other side. The election was stolen. They succeeded in removing Donald J. Trump from the White House—a coup. America would never know and all future elections could be rigged in the same manner preserving Deep State power. Twitter conversations would never be revealed. This is what the Twitter Files and House of Representatives Hearings in February documented.
Everything had to do with election interference: Hillary Clinton’s Alpha Bank hoax, the Steel Dossier, Hunter’s laptop hidden by the FBI, fake news narratives to convince the people Trump was evil, the pandemic to get the drop boxes to manipulate the election, then censored everything against the election and their narratives. Everything!!! Biden’s classified and illegal documents were kept quiet until after the mid-terms (X22 Reports, hereafter not cited, Ep. 2988b, February 2, 2023, 1:30).
Fifty-one spy chiefs, all signed the, now debunked, October 19, 2020 letter that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation now believed to have been “written with the explicit purpose of aiding Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.” (Joel Valdez, Steve Bannon War Room, April 17, 2023. There was no reason to put this out otherwise. They had the laptop and knew it was real (Ep. 3000b, February 17, 2023, 6:45).
At least nine former FBI employees were at one time with Twitter. “Twitter, Facebook & Google were not pressured by the FBI because they were in ‘PARTNERSHIP’ with the intel community.” Moreover, “a Government official admits that intel community ‘partnered’ w/social media & worked together in ‘TAKING STUFF DOWN’” (Ep. 2992b, Feb. 8, 2023, 24:39). This is a scandal for which no one has yet paid a price.
Musk revealed even more information on how the FBI and others agencies controlled sister platforms. “Twitter was not open and free. It was an intelligence platform that they controlled.” Musk told Tucker Carlson that the “feds had full access to all of your private Twitter messages.” YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, are all intelligence platforms as well. Who did Musk hand this information too? Will all the information on BLM, Antifa, FBI, the corrupt politicians be available now to investigating agencies? Very Likely!! (Ep. 3047b, April 17, 2023, 26:16).
Everything is being exposed. Even CDC and FDA lies, and politicians pushing unconstitutional mandates, locking people down, forcing people to get vaccines and forcing this virus on the population and then convincing people to inject themselves with something that has never been tested. All to affect an election. “The people are starting to see it all. The Deep State is being revealed.” (Ep. 2970b, Jan. 11, 2023, 1:50).
All the Deep State focused on the last seven years was to get Trump at any cost. In doing so they exposed almost everything they created: their infiltration system, mostly fake pandemic, fake news, social media platforms performing as government propaganda outlets, their censoring. In doing so they lost the public trust. No one believes them. (Ep. 3011b, March 2, 2023, 1:40).
Even the Mar-A-Lago raid on Trump’s home last August, 91 days before the mid-term, and, more recently, the Manhattan DA, Alvin Bragg’s indictment of Trump is for the same one reason. President Biden said, “to stop Trump from taking power again” (Ep. 3037b, April 4, 2023, 44:59). Yes, but also to ‘save’ themselves from prosecution which, many believe, is still coming.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit Column # 711
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We have already shown that the established media heavily censors so to really know something one must do his own research. This is even more so the past three years. Truth is always sacrificed as tyranny accelerates. Tyranny has increased exponentially under Joe Biden. Some trusted sites like Twitter, Truth Social and some televised programs like Maria Bartiromo, Glenn Beck, and Tucker Carlson are in the trusted category. Some investigative journalists are still in that category as well and there are a few others. Below are some of the most censored parts of the Trump indictment saga that should have made the story a non-event.
Stormy Daniels’ official statement given Jan. 30, 2018. “TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Over the past few weeks I have been asked countless times to comment on reports of an alleged sexual relationship I had with Donald Trump many, many, many years ago. The fact of the matter is that each party to this alleged affair denied its existence in 2006, 2011, 2016, 2017, and now again in 2018. I am not denying this affair because I was paid ‘hush money’ as has been reported in overseas owned tabloids. I am denying this affair because it never happened. I will have no further comment on this matter. Please feel free to check me out on instagram at @thestormydaniels. Thank you. Signed Stormy Daniels,” January 30, 2018” (X22 Reports, hereafter omitted, Ep. 3027b, March 23, 2023, 42:27).
If no affair with Trump, there was no hush money with him, therefore no issue, most certainly none in 2023—seventeen years later. And if there were sexual interplay, such is not against the law. If it were against the law in 2006 the statute of limitations now would have run out long ago. Also, the government’s issue regarding Daniels dealt with campaign finance which would not have been an issue nine or ten years before Trump ran for political office.
Michael D. Cohen’s lawyer letter from McDermott, Will and Emery to the Federal Election Commission dated Feb. 8, 2018 openly proclaims that Trump, nor his campaign, had anything to do with the supposed “hush money” to Stephenie Clifford alias Stormy Daniels. It follows. “Dear Mr. Jordan. In a private transaction in 2016, before the U.S. Presidential election, Mr. Cohen used his own personal fund to facilitate a payment of $130,000 to Ms. Stephanie Clifford. Neither the Trump organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed Mr. Cohen for the payment directly or indirectly.” Likely Cohen himself paid for the prostitute he himself used since no one else is on record as having paid her (Ep. 3037b, April 4, 2023, 42:15).
To the charge that Trump falsified business records to suppress affair allegations in his company he was totally out. Trump signed the following document when he went into office. “I Donald J. Trump hereby resign from each and every office and position I hold in the entities listed on Exhibit A, hereto my resignation shall be effective immediately. Dated this 19 day of January 2017. Signed Donald J. Trump (Ep. 3038b, April 5, 3023, 44:20). Next day he was president.
The case was previously rejected by the Federal Elections Commission. A key member of the Commission, Jame E. Trainer, rejected the Manhattan District Attorney indictment of the former president as a violation of federal election laws. “It’s not a campaign finance violation. It’s not a reportable violation of any kind” (Ibid., 44:20).
Rudy W. Giuliani said, “the judge should have dismissed the Bragg indictment for violating the N Y Crime. Procedure Law, Sec. 200.50(4) and (7) (a) and the due process clause of the U.S. Constitution by failing to apprise the defendant of the felony crime he is alleged to have violated. The incompetence it reveals is astonishing and should involve sanctions for prosecutorial abuse and dismissal with prejudice” (Ibid., 44:00).
Biden gave the real reason for the indictment (the quiet part out loud). These Trump indictments are to “stop Trump from taking power again.” “We just have to demonstrate that he will not take power. If he does run making sure he, under legitimate efforts so under the Constitution does not become the next president” (Ep. 3037b, April 4, 2023, 44:59). Despite his almost inarticulate statement, BIDEN JUST ADMITTED THE WHOLE INDICTMENT SCAM IS ELECTION INTERFERENCE, as mail-in ballots and drop boxes were for 2020, Censorship was for 2022, and now fake indictments are for 2024—all election interference.
The Deep State wanted a show complete with helicopters, and SWAT teams handcuffing Trump in his pajamas in the middle of the night. Trump countered by complying. Still, Trump benefits from the indictment in three ways 1) discovery allows him to have all the information they used and the arrest of a past president entered into the judicial system for future indictments on those who actually wish to destroy America. 2) The arrest awakens more people to the existence of the Deep State, especially when the opposing party arrested its main political opponent. 3. It creates precedent making possible the arrest of past and present presidents alleged guilty of treason.
But this is old stuff for Trump. “They have closely studied 11,000,000 pages of documents, financial records, and tax records (some gotten illegally), billions of dollars worth of deals and transactions, and they’ve got nothing, after 8 years of various politically motivated investigations, hoaxes, scams, and witch hunts. This must make me the most honest and honorable man anywhere in the world. Nobody in history has ever been through the scrutiny that I have” (Ep. 3035b. April 2, 2023, 42:21). Indeed, Trump is the most investigated president in U.S history. Because he is clean his enemies will keep making up allegations to get him.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit Column # 709
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Elon Musk says Twitter suspended 800,000 accounts during the month of February alone that distributed child sexual exploitation (CSE) material, and the company has reduced successful searches for such material by 99% since December. “What I’ve been told is that we’ve done more to eliminate [CSE] material, than on Twitter in the last four months than what has been done in the last 10 years. It will continue to be our #1 priority, a 100 fold reduction in CSE search patterns is pretty gigantic” (X22 Reports hereafter not cited, Ep. 3015b, March 8, 2023, 7:33). But this is cleaning up Twitter only. Those removed from Twitter likely just take their pedo recruiting to the other social media platforms. And these sites have voiced no concern about adults jolificating on the images of our little ones.
God placed a natural protective barrier between adults and children. The hideous sexual appetite to feast upon the most innocent and vulnerable portion of our society has to be self developed and nurtured by these platforms leading to the development of unnatural, harmful, and illegal behaviors. But this practice is not new Only the most naive have not heard something of those acting out the practice. Arrests for such are unfortunately becoming too common. The issue of child sex slavey found its way to the U.S. Senate floor last week.
In a Senate Hearing Senator Ted Cruz showed Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, an enlarged photo of a variety of colored wrist bands and ask if he knew what these were. Mayorkas answered that he did not. Senator Cruz, [voice rising], “You don’t know what they are?” Mr Secretary, “I have been to the southern border and along the southern border, you see thousands of these wrist bands [voice still rising] because the illegal immigrants wear them. Every color corresponds to how many thousands of dollars they owe the cartels. [Louder still] You have turned these cartels into multi-billion dollar criminal organizations and these [holding up a wrist band] are modern day leg irons because these are children being sold into sex slavery. You don’t even know what they are!! That is astonishing” (Ep. 3032b, March 29, 2023, 7:30).
Mr.Secretary, “Your behavior is disgraceful. The children assaulted, the children raped, they are at your feet and if you had integrity you would resign…. Mr. Secretary,… “you are willing to let children be raped to follow political orders. This is a crisis, its a disgrace and you won’t even admit this human tragedy is a crisis.” (Ibid.)
Its bad enough to acknowledge child sex slavery coming across the border with despicable human sex traffickers and their cartels; its quite another to acknowledge that it is already here with Jeffry Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Washington’s political elite; and infinitely more difficult to accept that the infection now permeates Hollywood. Consider the horrific possibility that the practice has become so acceptable that even more children are required to feed it.
Enter Hollywood insider John Paul Rice producer of the popular Hunger Games movies who, at the risk of his film-making career being destroyed, is willing to say the quiet part out loud (Speaks out about Hollywood, TikTok/Twitter). He asked several of his Hollywood female friend stars, “Well, what about the children? Their response was we know, we know, but they were silent.” Everyone was silent because their careers would be destroyed if they weren’t. “This is a child abuse system that we have been living in for a very long time. It’s been allowed to go on.
“I will not be silent about this because it affects every single one of us. The people on television, who smile at you, who tell you stories, who give you news are the ones who hide all of this from us. They are not talking about the real issues. They are distracting you with division issues. This is a unification issue….it doesn’t matter what side of the political equation you’re on. This is a child issue. This is a human issue.”
“We are faced with a crisis of consciousness among the leadership of our banking institutions, of our media corporations, of the Hollywood entertainment industry, of the music industry…. They raped and tortured these girls against their own free will, no matter whether they paid them or not.” Citing The New Yorker but without date or page, he quoted Ghislaine Maxwell as “having said about the girls that she picked up in West Palm Beach’s trailer parks, when asked, ‘What about the young girls? What are we going to do to them? What’s going to happen to them?’” Her answer, “They are trash! They are nothing!” (Hollywood Insider, John Paul Rice, Speaks out).
A casual look at the Internet reveals a serious problem with pedophilia in the United States (Wikipedia, “Sex trafficking in the United States”). “Approximately 500,000 child predators are online every day” releasing their fantasies (Screen & Reveal, Pedophile Statistics and FAQs, Last updated February 20, 2023, Lindsay Muntingh). Director Rice too has expressed his concerns through a film he produced called “A Child’s Voice, depicting a child trafficking ring.”
Donald Trump acknowledged that children were being sold for sex in the U.S.and implemented Executive Order 13903 on January 31, 2020, “Combating Human Trafficking and Online Child Exploitation in the United States” to combat it and was “the 1st president to open a White House office to form coalitions with law enforcement to save America’s children.” Biden rescinded the executive order on his 2nd day in office (Ep. 3008b, Wyatt, Feb. 27, 2023, 13:23). He may have had reason to avoid this subject. Pages 67-68 of his daughter Ashley’s diary reads, “I’m so afraid of him coming in the shower with me that I’ve waited until late at night to take a shower” (Ep. 3028b, March 24, 2023, 11:21).
Let me end with the words of my favorite theologian, Russel M. Nelson, “Abuse constitutes the influence of the adversary. It is a grievous sin…. I affirm the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ… Let me be perfectly clear: any kind of abuse of women, children, or anyone is an abomination to the Lord. He grieves…whenever anyone is harmed. He mourns…for each person who has fallen victim to abuse of any kind. Those who perpetrate these hideous acts are not only accountable to the laws of man but will also face the wrath of Almighty God” (General Conference Oct. 2022).
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit Column # 708
Subscribe now for free columns at this address. Help preserve our Republic while we still can.
According to Conservative Treehouse in a recent breakthrough article titled “The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection,” March 12, 2023, Nancy Pelosi played the dominant role in stopping the January 6, 2021 Electoral College Count. The federal government had motive in creating the J6 crisis which permitted her “to trigger an emergency session and avoid the 2020 election certification challenges,” thus seating Joe Biden without thorough constitutional review.
On the morning of January 6, 2021 three constitutional processes remained, all easily would have solved the election question between Donald Trump and Joe Biden; one involving the President of the Senate, Mike Pence, one the House of Representatives with Nancy Pelosi, and a third involving both houses using the Electoral Count Act of 1887. All were rejected by Pelosi.
The first, and preferred, has Pence on center stage. “The Constitution reads, “The President of the Senate [at the time Vice President Pence] shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted” (Amendment 12). All Pence had to do when a state submitted two slates was to say. “Arizona (et al.) has submitted two slates one from its state legislature, the other forwarded by the state secretary of state signed by the governor. Since I can not count both, and only the state legislature is recognized by the Constitution as the proper submitter (Article II, Section I, Clause 2), I will count only it.” Since five of the six contested state legislatures were Republican, Trump would have been reelected.
The second constitutional remedy would have involved Pelosi as then Speaker of the House. The Constitution reads. “if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers …the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; … and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice” (Amendment 12, U.S. Constitution). In the House each state has only one vote for president, regardless of its size, California and Wyoming each have but one vote. Republicans controlled 28 state delegations, two more than the majority needed to reelect Trump.
Instead, of this constitutional clarity both houses chose a process not in the Constitution itself. The confusing 133 year old Electoral Count Act of 1887, not constitutionally tested, which required both houses giving them an objection process. This required a member of the Senate and of the House each to object to any state’s vote, thereafter to dismiss the two houses to their separate quarters for two hours of discussion rendering a decision before reuniting.
But Pelosi wanted none of these constitutional remedies because all, she perceived, gave Trump a second term. Enter a previously contrived government January 6 crisis which permitted her to trigger an emergency session, deny Pence his constitutional role as President of the Senate to count the votes, avoid the 2020 election certification challenges, bypass the above required parts of the Constitution and the Electoral Count Act of 1887, and reconvene that evening making Biden President—all obstruction to that end just hours before treasonably removed.
A government engineered January 6 is the only way this could happen. To delay “the certification of state electoral votes requires a crisis. A crisis that creates an ‘emergency’ …An ‘emergency’ that invokes special house rules.” Special house rules, that allow no “motion challenges to halt the certification” and avoids a vote to “look into voting irregularities and fraud.” Nothing was required of the “house to pause the certification and then vote to determine whether the motions of suspend could move forward.” Nothing to prevent their certifying the fraud “with no detractors on record.” Perfect!! And the MAGA protestors would be blamed.
The Supreme Court too was removed as a potential threat to their plan. “This effectively gives no standing for a SCOTUS ruling appeal! Understand this. If those two motions, even just one had successfully been voted EVEN IF THE MOTIONS were DENIED IN VOTE, this gives those who presented them with STANDING FOR A CONSTITUTIONAL LEGAL ARGUMENT BEFORE SCOTUS.”
The author of the “Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection,” Regitiger, continues, “Just moments, literally 3 minutes before two representatives issued a vote for motions to suspend the certification, the House members were ‘informed’ by capitol police and other ‘agents’ that a protest was about to breach the chambers.” Pelosi “UNILATERALLY UNDER EMERGENCY RULES, suspended the business of the congress.” Moments later “key people: Pence, Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell can be seen being walked out and escorted from the chamber. This effectively halted the Entire Chamber Process.”
When reconvened later that evening Speaker Pelosi “initiated the NEW sessions under special emergency rules. These rules abandon and make it clear that the ONLY purpose of the new session was to EXPEDITE the certification and dismiss all prior regular session procedural rules.” Also, “members were allowed to ‘vote’ in proxy, remotely, not being present.” Also, “clearly, it was at THIS NEW SESSION that VP Pence, President of Congress, would also have no ability to even consider pausing the electoral certification, because there were no motions of disagreements on the matter. The motions were never allowed to be floored in the re-convened house rules later that evening.”
BINGO a successful overthrow of the United States government via an election and Nancy Pelosi. Can we please subpoena her emails?
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit Column # 706.
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Sunday Morning with Maria Bartiromo, January 22, published that the Penn Biden Center classified documents (the first of four classified Biden document finds) had been relocated three times—each transfer a likely crime. At each point top secret documents should have been stopped and disclosed but weren’t for two reasons, none of the places where they were temporally stored had authority to store them and Biden as vice president had no authority to have them or to declassify them—only Barack Obama when he was the sitting president.
Obama could now say he declassified them and the problem for Biden would go away—but he has not. His failure to do so strongly suggests that the Deep State intends to throw Biden under the bus with all his baggage. Why? Biden is unelectable in 2024 in an honest election. All Deep State crimes: COVID-19 constitutional violations, foreign policy disasters, the border fiasco, food and fuel shortages, near runaway national debt and inflation, influence peddling with China through his son Hunter and brother James, likely even treason charges, and finally the pending election coup with the FBI to overthrow the government—ALL, THEY THINK, can be buried with Biden. Most of these have been documented in previous columns. Democrats would get a new face and two years to distance themselves from Biden.
But removing Biden after January 20, 2023 rather than before is intentional, Kamala Harris could potentially constitutionally serve 10 years as president, the remainder of the Biden term and two terms of her own. Under Amendment 22 Section I “no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the Office of the President more than once.” If the 22nd Amendment had been used prior to January 20, 2023 she would be limited to only one term in office after serving the remainder of the Biden term—a total of six.
What about Biden? The Deep State wants a “soft landing” for him. Impeachment would harm the party and could take months of unwanted exposure on the items noted above leaving the party deeply damaged. They will oppose impeachment. They want him removed by the Amendment 25 which allows “The Vice President and a majority of … the principal officers of the executive departments [the cabinet—all democrats, to] transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate [Patty Murray]and the Speaker of the House of Representatives [Kevin McCarthy] their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the power and duties of his office.” Republicans will not object. Removal accomplished, “the Vice President [Kamala Harris] shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.”
In the meantime the Deep State media will no longer censor the evidence that Biden is unfit for office but instead emphasize it themselves and they will convince Biden that otherwise he will likely serve time or, if convicted of treason, much worse. Biden may himself participate in proving himself unfit as this will be the easiest way out for him. The Amendment allows him, should he once again feels fit to serve, to “transmit his written declaration that no inability exists,” to the pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. If these disagree still, “Congress shall decide the issue…by two-thirds vote of both houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.” Biden will not challenge it.
This has never happened before but if the secret combinations have already decided this is the preferred course, it could theoretically happen very fast. The only reason for pause is to assemble video of real life moments proving the same to be played simultaneously by their media choir accompanied by, “We really did not want to do this but as you can see it was necessary,” type messages. Then wait for the right moment in the days or weeks ahead.
A Biden removal leaves a vacancy as vice president which Harris will fill using Amendment 25, Section 2 as President Richard Nixon did after Spiral Agnew (the then serving vice president in 1973) resigned due to income tax corruption. He nominated Gerald Ford and presented him to both houses of Congress for a majority vote. Nixon then resigned also making Ford the luckiest politician in U.S. history serving the two highest offices in the land without having been elected by the people, or the Electoral College, to either. Harris likely has already chosen her V.P.
NOT SO FAST!! The Biden baggage is also the Harris and Democrat Party baggage. Virtually every issue noted above was supported and defended by the Democrat Party. Had Harris been the president and Biden the vice president, it would have been the same.
Almost all documentation since the 2020 Presidential election show beyond any reasonable doubt that Biden WAS NOT the actual winner in the 2020 Presidential election. Evidence that it was instead a coup to overthrow the government of the United States is very powerful and remains without consequence to those involved. Hundreds of eyewitnesses under penalty of perjury, “2,000 Mules,” The Tiger Project, Dominion voting machines and Konnech voting management machines, FBI whistle blowers, Twitter Files admissions, all have weighed in that the election was stolen November 3 and that January 6 was the coverup.
The House of Representatives will have hearings on this for the next many months. If a coup indeed, Harris will have no more authority than Biden did to be president nor will her selection as the new Vice President, and will be removed from power by state decertification or devolution and Donald Trump, the actual 2020 victor, will be restored to power. If China participated in the coup, as data suggests, it amplifies treason charges. This will be an interesting year.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit Column # 698
Subscribe now for free columns at this address. Help preserve our Republic while we still can.
They thought Twitter secure, a place where government (Department of Homeland Security DHS, and FBI agents in particular), Big Tech, Big Media, Democrats, and the Deep State, could speak freely to coconspirators to overthrow the government of the United States, more specifically its popularly serving and elected president. They succeeded in removing Donald J. Trump from the White House—a coup. America would never know and all future elections could be rigged in the same manner preserving Deep State power. Twitter conversations would never be revealed. This is what the Twitter Files, from which this column is taken, document.
One miracle of 2022 was Twitter being bought by an OUTSIDER Elon Musk for $44 billion—an offer too big to turn down. A second miracle, Musk, not a coconspirator, was strong enough to reveal to the world the secret combinations coup plans he found in Twitter. He did not have to do so. There was no profit for him in revealing these tweets. This made him the number one enemy of the Deep State (Combination). The coup had already been accomplished November 3, 2020. He could have remained silent with it and remained rich and favored by them forever.
The Combination (Deep State) upon realizing Musk was opposed to what they did and willing to reveal it, went into overdrive to first discredit him, then next to remove his advertising base for Twitter which would bankrupt him. He still chose to reveal their communications to each other facilitating the overthrow and making himself physically a target.
What follows are the Twitter Files documenting Twitter’s 2020 election rigging. These are best assembled by KanekoatheGreat of Kanekoa News. He synthesized their election interference in 34 Twitter tweets. Column space limitation allows only highlights of his synthesis which follows.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) housed a censorship branch, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), geared to identify what they considered mis or disinformation in the public sector defined as any information outside the narrative of the federal government. Lacking constitutional authority to censor the American public themselves, CISA (the government) was more than happy to team-up with like-minded private sector organizations notably the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) and social media outlets, notably Twitter, to outsource actual censorship—the dirty work—for them.
The EIP formed in 2020 “comprised of four organizations: Stanford Internet Observatory, the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public, Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab, and Graphika.” Together the secret combination of government and private sector Deep Staters had about “120 analysts to censor millions of social media posts on elections…. [working] 20 hours a day,[enabling their] forwarding tickets of misinformation to be censored” to the obliging social media platforms. These “monitored 15 tech platforms •22 Million tweets [were] labeled ‘misinformation’ •Entire ‘misinformation narratives’ [were] targeted for platform-wide throttling.” Every repeat spreader of misinformation, the EIP acknowledged, “was on the right side of the political spectrum.” They also “flagged popular populist-right YouTube channels, including: @scrowder, @BlazeTV, @JudicialWatch, and even the @GOP War Room, as ‘mis- and disinformation’ spreaders,”—basically the Republican Party. These were/are considered domestic terrorists by the Deep State Joe Biden government. This gave them the win.
Enter Mike Benz, the Foundation for Freedom online @FFO_Freedom. founder who “comprehensively details the US government’s role in outsourcing censorship to this public-private network,” the EIP. Benz “extensively documented the individuals involved and the flow of taxpayer funds ($40M) to domestic censorship” (@MikeBenzCyber). The DHS quietly corrupted CISA’s mission when it designated domestic disinformation as cyber attacks on “critical cognitive infrastructure” (information outside the government narrative). As noted, the “US government cannot sandblast millions of voters off the Internet because of their speech about elections.” But the EIP, their private sector partners, could and did it for them.
So “who are these unelected bureaucrats who get to play judge, jury, and executioner and control the thoughts of millions of Americans?” Two main names are identified, business partners Chris Krebs and Alex Stamos. Stamos was “founder of the EIP censorship network,” a CFR member and “the director of the of the Stanford Internet Observatory,” one of the four organizations making up the EIP and today leads the organization. Others standouts include: Kate Starbird, Graham Brookie, and Ben Nimmo. Details of their collusion in the censorship of anything right on the political spectrum by Twitter is given in the Twitter thread presented.
Essentially the EIP rigged the 2020 presidential election and 2022 mid-terms in three decisive ways: The “EIP defined ‘delegitimization’ as speech that ‘casts doubt’ on the election process or outcome. This accounted for 72% of the censorship tickets and targeted over 99% of the post throttled by narrative, focusing on voting machines and vote-by-mail (@MikeBenzCyber).” The EIP allowed the left “to discuss the vulnerabilities of voting machines after the 2016 election” while banning the right from “discussing those very same vulnerabilities after the 2020 election.” Finally, the EIP “collaborated with its Big Tech partners to systematically censor any delegitimization of vote-by-mail as disinformation. In effect, they sided with the left and pre-banned criticism of vote-by-mail at the narrative level five months BEFOREthe 2020 election.”
The Deep State used the COVID-19 “crisis to push for nationwide mail-in voting, which increased the number of ballots cast by mail from 28.8 million in 2016 to 66.4 million in 2020, a massive 131% increase.” Thus the “percentage of Democrats voting by mail rose from 26% in 2016 to 60% in 2020, while Republican voters only saw a rise from 21% to 32%. In short, the extra 37 million ballots cast by mail during the 2020 election swung the election to the EIP’s preferred candidate” Joe Biden. Thus Twitter confesses rigging 2020 election.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit Column # 695.
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