On August 5, 2024, The House Judiciary Committee and its Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement released an interim staff report titled, “Terror at Our Door: How the Biden-Harris Administration’s Open-Borders Policies Undermine National Security and Endanger Americans.” Their findings, largely ignored by Deep State media, follow. “Over 250 illegal aliens on the TERROR WATCH LIST were encountered at the southern border between 2021 and 2023. Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris released at least 99 of those illegal aliens into American communities.” So what happened to the remaining 151 not released? Thirty-four are still in “DHS custody but not yet removed from the United States,” where presumably they will be released to also prey on American communities. “That is a more than 3,000 percent increase of watchlisted alien encounters compared to all four years of the Trump Administration… [A] terrorist threat to the homeland has skyrocketed.” Why? Endangering Americans appears intentional by the Biden-Harris Administration.
During the three fiscal years between 2021 and 2023 the “border patrol at the southwest border encountered aliens on the terrorist watch list from 36 different countries, including places with an active terrorist presence such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Kyrgyzstan, Mauritania, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Tayistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, and Yemen.” It is as though these and other countries are purposely draining their prisons and potentially criminal element into the United States. Has the United States become the cesspool for the world’s criminals and insane freeing their homeland countries from having to house, feed, cloth, medicate and guard them? The present Obama-Biden-Harrris Administration needs to show us why this is not so. The terror watch list exists because those on it have demonstrated in countries elsewhere terroristic tendencies that made them a threat to those around them.
Why are we accepting ANY person on the terrorist watch list? Most Americans believe that those on the terrorist watch list have been imported to be unleashed by the Deep State on American citizens when it is clear the Deep State will be removed from power—most likely between November 5 and January 20, 2025. We know these Democrats WILL NOT ACCEPT the results of the election when they lose. They will first compromise faith in the electronic election system by cyber attacks to it, then argue for a delayed election, then when it cannot be delayed and paper ballots are used instead, will refuse its results.
The House Judiciary Committee Report, “Terror at Our Door,” also revealed the presence of ISIS coming through our southern border in just the month of June alone this year. “Of the eight Tajik nationals with potential ISIS ties that ICE arrested in June 2024, three were released into the country after using the Biden–Harris administration’s CBP One phone application to schedule an appointment at the port of entry, four were initially encountered by Border Patrol while crossing the border, and one arrived at a port of entry without scheduling a CBP One app. appointment.”
But the problem is much larger than just the 250 known to be on the terrorist watch list. Thousands more wannabe terrorists could be dangerous to us as well. “So far during fiscal year 2024, border patrol has encountered tens of thousands of illegal aliens nationwide from countries that could present national security risks, including 2,134 Afghan nationals, 33,347 Chinese nationalist, 541 Iranian nationals, 520 Syrian nationals, and 3,104 Uzbek nationals.” These mostly from middle eastern countries and China, Those from the Middle East are largely Muslim extremists with no compromise on Sharia Law—posing a real threat to freedom of religion here.
China, on the other hand, is aggressively communist with no tolerance for our Constitution or Republic form of government. We have formerly shared our concerns about Chinese military-aged men swarming across our southern border by the thousands in 2023 (“China is Invading America Without Firing a Shot. Biden Lets Them!!,” By Harold Pease, Ph.D., LibertyUnderFire.com , January 3, 2024). China, not Russia, is our strongest potential enemy, actively planning to replace us as the dominant military power on earth. With more than 33,347 military-aged men now inside the United States, they easily could form a 5th-column military force and attack from within should war breakout between the U. S. and their motherland.
The Report’s overall conclusion is, “We are not safe with Kamala Harris and Joe Biden in charge of the border.” When Donald Trump left office in 2020 his wall was almost complete and the borders more secure than ever. Against the will of his own party, Biden fully opened the border to our enemies and his border czar, Kamala Harris, was a prominent accomplice. Consequently today, the open border is the nation’s biggest national security threat. Neither will be seated as our next president as a result. An event is likely involving illegals necessitating Harris’ replacement and another installed (probably Michelle Obama) in her place before November.
Outside of the economy, securing the border is the biggest issue of 2024. Rasmussen Reports did a polling of exclusively Democrats and found that 63% say border security is a vital national security interest, that 62% approve of more border wall construction, that 60% say the situation at the border is a crisis, that 55% see the situation at the border as an invasion, that 42% say Biden has systematically undermined border security, that 40% say that the replacement theory is the Democratic Party’s platform, and that 40% say Trump was right about a border wall. Again all of these responses are exclusively from Democrats. Republicans are normally at least 70% supportive of these This means that these are overwhelmingly the will of the people. The Deep State faction that presently rules the Democrat Party are clearly against their own party on border issues. These percentages will only rise between now and November —substantially with an expected event attributed to them (X22 Report, Ep. 3422b, August 8, 2024, 1:00:10).
Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Read his weekly columns at www.LibertyUnderFire.org Column # 781.
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Fourteen million Democrat primary voters selected Joe Biden to be their Democrat nominee for president. The Deep State Democrat elite decided to void that vote and unilaterally replace him with one of their own choosing—unprecedented—leaving their party out of the process (The Democrat Party Forced Its Democrat Nominee Off the Ballot, By Harold Pease, Ph. D., recently published by LibertyUnderFire.org)
Constitutionally they could have accomplished the same thing by using the 25th Amendment, which would tarnish the party, lead to an open convention later this month, and take a long time. This Coup against their own party was accomplished in one week and left Deep State Democrats fully in charge without any risk that someone like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., hostile to the Deep State, would end up with the nomination. They could still use the 25th later if needed—but after the nomination was secured. This way potential challengers fell in line behind Kamala Harris. They billed their engineered rapid demonstration of support as a show of party unity.
That done, now how does the coup instigators get Joe Biden’s $90 plus million switched to Harris? It came from many big donors who did not like Harris and it is against the law. Sean Cooksey, Chairman of the Federal Elections Commission, told them so quoting 11CFR, Section 110.1 (b) (3). “If the candidate is not a candidate in the general election, all contributions made for the general election shall be either returned or refunded to the contributors or redesignated…, or reattributed…, as appropriate.” Following the law did not set well with them and they attacked Cooksey. He said, “House Democrats are now trying to silence me as FEC chairman for raising questions about President Biden giving V.P. Harris all his campaign cash. All I did was quote federal regulations. Why are Democrats afraid of the laws? (X22 Report hereafter not cited, Ep. 3410b, July 23, 2024, 30:29)
Consequently, Trump filed, an FEC complaint over Biden transferring campaign war chest to Kamala Harris arguing, “Kamala Harris is seeking to perpetrate a $91.5 million heist of Joe Biden’s leftover campaign cash — a brazen money grab that would constitute the single largest excessive contribution and biggest violation in the history of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971,” This Trump’s campaign counsel David Warrington wrote in his eight-page filing.
This complaint attempts to prevent Harris from using the war chest and comes after the Biden campaign account changed its name to “Harris for president.” The Biden money “would be on top of the over $80 million Harris raised on Monday. This is not the Harris campaign!! This is not why these people donated!! They donated to Joe Biden! They had their primary and the people voted for Biden! They did not vote for Harris to be president!!” (“’Trump files, EEC complaint over Biden transferring campaign war, chest to Kamala Harris,” Just the News, See also, Ep. 3411b, July 24, 2024, 36:40).
Refusing to abide by the rules of the Federal Elections Commission, respecting giving back to donors unused funds for that specific candidate, is not the only strange funding practice of the Democrat Party. Harmeet Dhillon cited another. “ActBlue disabled their credit card verification process so that as long as the card numbers are valid, the name and address don’t need to match the actual card owners. No other donation platform allows this, and it results in higher transaction fees.” She asks why is this allowed by the FEC? (Ep. 3412b, July 25, 2024, 37:07).
The Democrat Party will change the rules to get Biden’s $90 plus million in contributions and has installed Kamala Harris as it’s nominee weeks before the Democratic National Convention. “The shortened timeline underscores the Democrats disregard for the democratic process of selecting a candidate for president by simply choosing Harris for the nomination.” Democrats nullifying about 14 million votes for Joe Biden cast during the Democrat primary is merely collateral damage to Deep State leaders. “This is completely against democracy. The D’s are about to destroy democracy just to get rid of Trump” (Ep. 3411b, July 24, 2024, 34:25).
Democrats with moral fiber can say, “We went through the primaries and it was Biden. You’re swapping him out and the people had no say in it” (Ep. 3411b, July 24, 2024, 40:45). And when the Democrat Deep State realizes that Harris cannot beat Trump either, no matter how they manipulate the polls saying she can, what will they do again before November 5? Likely swap her out for Michelle Obama. Why Michelle and not Hillary Clinton? A black woman can replace another black woman without offending Democrat protocol. The old rule was, parties put forward their best candidate win or lose, the new rule for Democrats is, we can change opponents until we win.
With respect to Joe Biden he now is a victim of censorship, the practice he used on others so successfully to imprison J6ers and all those attempting to bring light to his Deep State government. He has just been robbed of his presidential candidacy by the very organization that seated him in his Coup d’état against Trump, and he has nowhere to take his story. They will censor his objections—they already have. We are supposed to believe he gave up his own will for the good of the party. The truth is his own Deep State friends betrayed and replaced him.
Meanwhile the non-Deep State Democrats will swallow the decaying ethics of their party and allow the destruction of democracy within it because it is their only hope in getting rid of Donald Trump. As we have said for several years, “The day will come when no-one will admit having once been a Democrat.”
Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Read his weekly columns at www.LibertyUnderFire.org Column #780.
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Should presidents of the United States have absolute immunity for their actions as President? The Supreme Court rules yes and no. Yes for actions constitutional, which has always been the case, but no for those that were not. As was the 1997 Bill Clinton vs Paula Jones sexual harassment case. Bill Clinton had to pay Paula Jones $850,000 in settlement. But the shield used for decades by some presidents to camouflaged their wrong doing has been removed. Their actions must fully comply with the Constitution. This immunity ruling considerably strengthens original intent of the Founding Fathers Constitution.
Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the majority of a 6 to 3 decision, held: “Under our constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature of Presidential power entitles a former President to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority. And he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. There is no immunity for unofficial acts.” (Trump v. United States, Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, No. 23—939 .Argued April 25, 2024—decided July 1, 2024, Pp 5-43)
The Court categorized presidential immunity under three classifications: actions totally constitutional, actions presumed to be constitutional, and actions not constitutional. “For actions that fall within the outer perimeter of presidential responsibilities, but are not exclusive constitutional powers, the court granted at least a presumptive immunity This means that while the President is generally protected from the prosecution for these acts, this immunity can be challenged if the government can demonstrate that prosecuting these actions does not intrude on the executive branch’s function, no immunity for unofficial acts” (Ibid).
This part of the decision frightens and could destroy the Deep State. It follows: “The President enjoys no immunity for his unofficial acts, and not everything the President does is official. The President is not above the law. But under our system of separated powers, the President may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers, and he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for his official acts…. That immunity applies equally to all occupants of the Oval Office.” (Ibid. Pp. 41–43).
The key word is unofficial, so what are unofficial acts? Here are some that can now come into focus because of the Courts immunity ruling on past presidents. Obama Administration: Creating the DACA program by executive order that allowed 470,597 illegal aliens children into U.S. its first year 2013. Obama and Biden’s orchestration of the Deep State’s 2014-15 color revolution in Ukraine making it a Deep State country. Joe’s $1 billion quid pro quo deal with Ukraine to fire Hunter Biden’s prosecutor. Hillary-Barack-Joe’s using backchannels and secret email addresses and names with foreign countries. Hillary and Barack’s Uranium I Deal—selling uranium to Iran. Obama’s shipping $1.7B in pallets of cash to Iran without congressional approval. Hillary’s destroying an email server and 33,000—some classified—emails subpoenaed by the House of Representatives. Hillary’s selling secrets to China, Iran, and Russia. Hillary and Barack’s spying on political opponent Trump in 2016 presidential election, going after their political opponent in 2016 and 2020, and rigging the 2020 presidential election—all unofficial acts—even treason at the highest level, and overthrowing the U.S. Government.
None of these were constitutional official actions. LibertyUnderFire.org published on most of these unofficial activities over the years and in my current events classes former students read about them. These stories were buried as fast as Deep State media outlets could do so but older readers still remember them. The Obama Administration was NOT scandal free.
The Biden Administration: Staging the January 6 Fedsurrection with at least 100 federal agents inciting violence then blaming it all on MAGA supporters and incarcerating hundreds, some with 20 year long sentences— creating political prisoners. Allowing the invasion of the country with unvetted illegal aliens, many criminals, a great many of them single-military-aged men; these to presumably vote in the 2024 election and to cause chaos when Donald Trump is reelected and after. Biden has illegally flown thousands of illegals from other countries, including children without parents, into this country. Biden’s over 20 shell companies to launder his ill-gotten gains from selling classified documents. Biden’s personal involvement in the four Trump indictments to interfere in the 2024 presidential election. His weaponization of the DOJ and FBI to classify Trump supporters as domestic terrorist. None of these activities are constitutional official business. The Supreme Count Immunity case requires the four Biden indictments, which are all unofficial acts, be returned to lower courts with the order that they document the constitution base for them before advancement. They can’t.
The Supreme Count Immunity case sets the stage to go after former presidents involved in the above unofficial, therefore unconstitutional, acts. It is a great victory for the Constitution which houses the rule of law under which all our leaders have sworn by oath to abide.
In the present information war between the patriots and the Deep State, we are in the exposure phase. Justice is the next phase but cannot begin until those who orchestrated the 2020 Coup d’état are fully revealed. Most Americas know now of the Deep State and realize that the 2020 presidential election was rigged by them. That is precisely why the MAGA movement is now the majority of Americans and Donald J. Trump, unless assassinated, will be reelected this November in the biggest landslide in American history. Over the next four years those who knowingly participated in this Coup will be tried in military tribunals and appropriate sentences given and future history books will record the last eight years as the 2nd American Revolution.
Look for the above unofficial acts to resurface as Biden is removed probably with the 25th Amendment and Hillary Clinton and the Obama’s come back into focus for November 5.
Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. Read more of his weekly columns at www.LibertyUnderFire.org Column # 776 Subscribe now for free columns at this address. Help preserve our Republic while we still can by sharing this column.
In the first American Revolution Americans roughly divided into three equal groups, Loyalists favored England, Patriots the Colonists, and another third were too apathetic to join either side. The Patriots won because the apathetic third would not stand with the Loyalist but also would not support them. In that revolution the enemy, England, was largely overseas.
As a young man I wondered which side I’d have supported as a colonist in 1776. Would I have been at Valley Forge with George Washington during the devastatingly cold winter of 1777? Would I have left my plow, grabbed my rifle, and raced to the front without command to stop Johnny Burgoyne in the Battle of Saratoga? Would I have supported the Declaration of Independence and eventually the Constitution and Bill of Rights that followed? And still later, would I have risked my life to end slavery for my black brother in the American Civil War? Yes! I know because as an adult I now stand for the same things as they. With which group would you have stood? The choice is the same today—liberty or tyranny!
In the current 2nd American Revolution the enemy is largely inside the United States. Basically they are the hate America, its history, the Constitution, the Founders, Christianity, Judaism, statues, tradition, law and order, and the police, crowd. Many are anarchists, socialists, and gang thugs like Antifa—even the marxists in BLM. They achieve their purposes by intimidation, fear, looting, burning buildings and killing policemen, and most recently by law fare. They are found in every neighborhood. Most likely do not vote, they have a more effective way to destroy America—anarchy; nevertheless, they decidedly favor the Democrat Party.
Amazingly Democrat Party icons: Jimmy Carter, Bill or Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden did not publicly condemn those committing violence in 2020, or now. Together they could have stopped anarchists in their tracts but did not. Because there existed no pushback from Democratic Party leadership—not even when the flag was burned—an intelligent person must conclude that this is now the Democrat Party—a party that likely would have been rejected by John F. Kennedy and all pre-Kennedy Democrat presidents.
This 4th of July is different from those preceding it. In four months America is poised to openly and knowingly reject everything the Founder’s stood for, unlike 2020 when the Deep State was largely unknown. In 2020 Portland toppled a statue of even George Washington the father of this country, placing the flag around his neck before setting it on fire. The Abraham Lincoln statue, representing the man who, with 360,222 northerners, gave his life to end slavery, was torn down while leaving untouched the statue of Steven A. Douglas who ran as the Democrat Presidential nominee for president supporting continued slavery. Logic is upside down and inside out.
Democrats have historically been the party of slavers, the Ku Klux Klan and rioting in the twenties, sixties and 2020. In our day they run America’s 20 largest cities, most having defunded their police leaving poor blacks unprotected, but many blacks still vote for the party that historically betrayed them. In this they remain under slavery. Today it encourages the slaughter of their young through abortion.
For the last eight years there has existed a division in this country unlike any since the Civil War. And a threat to individual liberty unlike any since the first American Revolution. As then, only one side can win. The choice is liberty or tyranny, the Constitution or socialist enslavement. But today Internet platforms and the vast majority of media outlets, college professors, and elected officials favor one side of this equation. These are formable opponents every bit equal to England in 1776. But stand we must like they, everyones’ liberty is at stake.
Imagine a country where its enemies seek to disarm its citizens (2nd Amendment), remove its border protection (ICE), defund its protectors (police), and threaten religious assembly and free speech and define 75 million Trump voters as domestic terrorists. Today the biggest enemy to liberty is from within. I believe the day will come, when our eyes are opened to the designs of the would be tyrants around us, when no one will admit having once been a Democrat or RINO.
The vast majority of our opponents in the present revolution show bias against Christianity. They ruled church meetings non-essential in the coronavirus “plandemic.” They set on fire St. John’s Episcopal Church across from the White House. BLM leader Shaun King wants Christ statues torn down. Are Bibles next to be burned?
A relationship with deity is mentioned five times in the Declaration of Independence. This document brought on war against the then greatest power on earth, and no European strategist gave the Patriots’ winning a ghost of a chance—yet they stood and won. They could count on no one but God and themselves. We must resurrect the war cry in that document again. “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”
President John Quincy Adams said it best. “Posterity—You will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it.” Let us never forget that liberty is not free. It was purchased and maintained by the blood of those before us and may have to be once again.
Let this be a warning to those who would take liberty from us now. We too are standing “with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence,” mutually pledging “to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.” Again, which side are you standing with? The most important vote in our lifetime this November will tell. Liberty requires our stand 248 years later.
Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Read more of his weekly columns at www.LibertyUnderFire.org Column # 774.
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Newly released court documents forced out of the Department of Justice largely by America First Legal reveal unacceptable details about the FBI’s raid of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home Aug. 8, 2022. Many conservatives believe it was a failed attempt by Deep State leaders Joe Biden and Merrick Garland to endanger Donald J. Trump, his family and the U.S.Secret Service (USSS) in a potential line of fire should the raid go awry. According to the filing, “The DOJ and FBI agents planned to bring standard issue weapons, MO, handcuffs and medium and large sized bolt cutters. They were also instructed to wear unmarked polo or collared shirts and to keep law enforcement equipment concealed.” (Brooke Singman, Fox and Friends, Fox News, May 21, 2024). Why? So Trump might think them thieves and protect himself drawing fire? Thirty agents descended that evening on Trump’s home.
The same details were echoed by Jesse Watters, also of Fox News who added ,“Joe Biden sent men with guns to his political opponents house, and turned their bedrooms [Melania and Barron’s] upside down,…this was the former 1st Lady…unprecedented in the history of the United States.” They brought a medic in case someone was shot. Watters said there was no bases to bring firearms into Mar-a-Lago and that the raid was an unconstitutional illegal search and seizure. The FBI seized Trump’s passports, taxes and accounting information, even medical records.” All of this is nearly two year old news, except the authorization to use deadly force.
What is especially troubling is that the story details above are absent from Deep State media outlets. They never would have covered this on their own had Fox News not first broke the story. I had to go online to get the other side. The Internet revealed only 67 articles on the story—all dismissive of the above and accepting of the FBI’s explanation that ALL FBI raids have the deadly force component—but this is a U.S. president!! The Deep State media choir treated the above as mostly a fantasy. Not one gave the above details, so controlled is mainstream news.
What the Deep State censored most is that putting Trump in harms way is 100% against the law and the FBI and DOJ fully knew this. At the very least it was illegal whether as a risky publicity stunt to make it look like Trump robbed Fort Knox of classified documents and the crime had to be treated “mafia style” to “turn off Trump’s rising popularity, or at worst, entrapment ending in Trump’s planned death in a gun fire exchange between USSS and FBI agents dressed in plain clothes in the dark of the night. Casualties would be considered necessary collateral damage.
That law is 18 US Code Section 879, “Threats Against Former Presidents and Certain Other Persons.” This law provides NO EXCEPTIONS FOR LAW-ENFORCEMENT, FBI or otherwise. It says, “Whoever knowingly and willfully threatens to kill, kidnap, or inflict bodily harm on a former president or member of the immediate family of the former president, a member of the immediate family of the president, the president elect, the vice president, or the vice president elect, a major candidate for the office of president or vice president, or member of the immediate family of such candidate. Or, a person protected by the Secret Service under Section 3056A6 shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years or both.”
In the case of Trump this law was violated five times. He was a “former president” and presently is “a major candidate for the office of president.” His family was/is, also potentially in the line of fire, as the “former president’s family” and presently “major presidential candidate’s immediate family.” And finally, the FBI planned on placing the U.S. Secret Service in harms way. How does one avoid the conclusion that they wanted something to happen to justify killing him?” Fortunately neither Trump or his family was at Mal-a-Lago at the time. Followers ask, “Did Trump avoid an assassination attempt by his own government?”
Julie Kelly, a political commentator and author, asked pertinent questions. “What if Trump had shown up now to defend his property? What if he refused to allow FBI agents into Melania’s room? Or, Barons? How would Secret Service have responded? What about armed FBI agents? There are no clear-cut answers” (X22 Reports, hereafter not cited, Ep, 3359b, May 22, 2024, 38:41). But in the dark of night the secret service could have had their guns drawn and fired upon the FBI clothed as civilians and, if an assassination attempt, FBI agents would have had their guns aimed at Trump were he visible. With potentially 30 agents firing , and in all the confusion, who would know who actually killed Trump and the Deep State outlets could have argued that it was an accident. Just as they now argue the supposed concern is a fantasy.
Respecting the FBI’s use of deadly force, Kelly again asks the most pertinent questions. “If lethal force guidance for Mar-A Lago raid is so standard and MBFD, why are we just learning of it now? Why did it take a federal judge to out it from the Department of Justice? Why wasn’t the release alongside Mar-a-Lago search warrant? Why didn’t FBI own the form from the start?” (Ep. 3360b, May 23, 2024,52:07).
The FBI countered, the “FBI search at President Biden’s homes also included deadly force policy which is standard.” Kelly responds “No search warrant cited in [Robert] Hur Report. No references to armed agents. Search was voluntary and partially delayed because Biden did not want to relinquish diary entries.” She then adds, “Still waiting to hear from the SOP [standard operating procedures] deadly force backers, how federal laws that specifically protect the former president / USSS protectees don’t apply during an armed FBI raid.” She challenges them, “Please cite any case laws, statutes, department policies to show your work. Let’s see the order, we saw it for Trump. Show it with Biden” (Ibid.)!
With Biden’s totally unlawful classified documents, the FBI made “his raid” the equivalent of an appointment but in broad daylight without threat of gun violence. Two tiered justice. The FBI’s deadly force policy on President Trump smells really bad—like a failed assassination attempt.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. Read his columns at www.LibertyUnderFire.org and share them. Column #769.
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Because universities first became indoctrination centers ripe for radicalized. We predicted such 5 years ago in a column entitled, “All went to the University … where they came out all the same,” August 23, 2019, by LibertyUnderFire. When diversified thinking is removed this can result and did when triggered by heavy funding and Antifa agitators provided by George Soros. That column follows:
Student unrest in many universities demonstrate what is becoming obvious; institutions of higher learning are becoming radicalized and project intolerance for anything but a liberal view. Too few permit conservative or libertarian speakers and far fewer a constitutionalist.
I was not surprised, some years ago, to hear a mother share with me her son’s fear that he did not wish to attend college because he did not wish to be politically indoctrinated. Parents increasingly worry about the radicalization of their children as well. As the years go by I hear this more frequently. Often when asked my profession, a political science professor, I get that look, “Oh! You’re one of those.” So, the assumption is that professors, especially those in political science, are socialists or worse: Unfortunately, this is largely true.
College is supposed to be a “big tent” housing all types of thinking so that the student can gravitate to what he thinks best after all sides are presented. Although everyone gives lip service to this statement, there still exists a preferre
d philosophy. Most colleges insist that they adhere to intellectual diversity, but the evidence and textbooks suggest otherwise; the vast majority of colleges and universities are weighed in favor of one ideology and professors to one political party. This is not hidden. Some political science textbooks acknowledge this.
There exists a consensus of what a “good education” is. Students are immersed in race consciousness, feminism, multiculturalism, environmentalism, collectivism, globalism, political activism, class warfare, global warming, acceptance of sexual deviations as normal, and minimization of the importance of Christianity. The end product, the student, must come to accept the above script. It is also in virtually all textbooks. It’s not that any of these notions are bad, in and of themselves, but it is the nearly universal absence of the opposing view that is most troubling parents/students who do not want the indoctrination.
This reminds me of the 1964 popular tune “Little Boxes” by Malvina Reynolds with lyrics. “And the people in the houses…made of ticky tacky… All went to the university, Where they were put in boxes, And they came out all the same.”
It’s not fear of political science classes alone in most colleges and universities. Students can escape the indoctrination across the hall in a history or sociology class. Not so! Such bias permeates most academic areas. An English professor from a large Midwestern university, who did not wish to be identified because of possible retribution, spoke of English classes giving less emphasis on grammar, punctuation, or sentence structure and more on the political correctness. “Everything from Theater to Philosophy to History to English has, in effect, become sociology,” he wrote. “Teaching subject matter has become less important than teaching a very political perspective.” In the end, “They get taught the same thing over and over: a radical critique of the entire American social structure, an indictment of capitalism, anti-Christian propaganda, and collectivism over individuality.”
Of course, additional courses reinforce the “good education” and the result is that if students have not learned to think for themselves, or have some opposing information from home or church to think with, they graduate and carry the indoctrination into every segment of society as gospel. New teachers from kindergarten to the universities will pipe the same, or similar, message.
Age and experience may alter the indoctrination but the twig is already bent in a prescribed direction and the student, like the twig, will give first consideration to returning to the indoctrination when confronted with anything in opposition. Colleges have so much power over “right” thinking.
An extreme example of this years ago was in a French Language and Culture class at Penn State University that required students to view the Michael Moore film “Sicko,” which focused on the inadequacies of the U.S. healthcare system and promoted national healthcare. In a French language class!?!
The indoctrination begins immediately in some colleges, critics say, “with orientation where students begin by learning about the evils of ‘white privilege’ in a program called the ‘tunnel of oppression’ and sit through lectures informing them that they are part of a ‘rape culture’.” The University of Delaware forced incoming freshmen to participate in a “treatment” program a part of which informed them that the word racism applies only to “all white people.” It also “blamed whites for having created the term racism” in the first place “to deny responsibility for systemic racism.” At Hamilton College in New York, fall 2010, male students were required “to attend a ‘She Fears You’ presentation to make them aware of the ‘rape culture’ of which they were allegedly a part and of the need to change their ‘rape supportive’ beliefs and attitudes” (New American, Aug. 5, 2013, pp. 23-27).
No wonder the young man referenced earlier did not wish to be subjected to what he saw as indoctrination. But because he knows that there exist other views there is hope for him, more especially if he selects professors who attempt to give alternative views of which there are still some. But even then it will take his personal effort to not come out of the university experience “all the same.” It is students, the majority, who have no idea that there exist alternative views that are most in danger.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly columns, please visit www.LibertyUnderFire.org Column # 767.
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