In Donald Trump’s first term in office he was impeached twice but not acquitted in either for lack of evidence. When he announced an intended run for a second term he immediately faced, and subsequently beat, four new, separate and fake indictments, some with gag orders to keep him from defending himself and from campaigning effectively while running. We called this lawfare.
The avalanche of cases against Trump, 125 in hist first two months, involve his executive and discretionary powers which are off limits to judicial interference. according to the Constitution and historical precedence. Despite this clear legal precedence Deep State activist judges continue violating the Constitution by ruling against Trumps’s executive authority. Whether they like it or not Trump has a constitutional mallet, they do not.
Now an army of low level Deep State activist district judges have stepped in front of SCOTUS to destroy Trump’s second term. They, once again, have weaponized the judiciary against him. In the first two months of this term he is facing 125 legal challenges. In his first term it was just 65 in four years (X22 Reports, March 13, 2025, 32:42). They are blocking everything. The Trump DOJ is inundated, every day with lawsuits filed by Deep State activists judges. This is way beyond the pale and the people know this and support Trump.
This is not the first time federal judges have attempted to manage executive branch authority unto themselves. The issue of federal judges having power to interfere with the Executive branch of government was specifically denied them and settled in The State of Mississippi vs. Johnson in 1867. “The President of the United States cannot be restrained by injunction from carrying into effect an act of Congress alleged to be unconstitutional, nor will a bill having such a purpose be allowed to be filed.” (71 U.S. 475 April 15, 1867).
The first suit brought to the Supreme Court against a president of the United States was Mississippi vs Johnson and it was over this very issue. In it Mississippi was contending that Andrew Johnson had exceeded his executive authority by enforcing the Reconstruction Acts, recently passed by Congress. Johnson’s veto was subsequently overridden by Congress. It was to Johnson’s credit that he then felt duty bound to administer it as required of his presidency. “In an attempt to delay or prevent Reconstruction, the state of Mississippi appealed directly to the Supreme Court. Mississippi asked the Court for an injunction preventing the President from enforcing the Acts on the ground that they were unconstitutional.”
The question was, “Could the Supreme Court constitutionally issue an injunction directed against the President?…In a unanimous decision, the Court held that it had ‘no jurisdiction of a bill to enjoin the President in the performance of his official duties’….The Court held that the duties of the President as required by the Reconstruction Acts were ‘in no sense ministerial,’ and that a judicial attempt to interfere with the performance of such duties would be ‘an absurd and excessive extravagance.’ The Court noted that if the President chose to ignore the injunction, the judiciary would be unable to enforce the order” (Oyez LIII Supreme Court Resources, Justia Supreme Court Center Mississippi vs Johnson). Sound familiar?
The last part of the unanimous Supreme Court’s ruling is instructive. If the highest judicial authority in the land “would be unable to enforce the order,” how much less authority to do so would the lowest national judicial authority— a singular district judge— have? NONE.
Neither the Judicial or Legislative branches have ANY administrative authority. The Constitution gives only the president the authority to exercise the power of the entire Executive branch. No court may define or limit the scope of the duties of an official of the executive office of the President. Judges have no say in who Trump hires and fires; nor his revoking security clearances, nor to nullify the results of a national election. Again, if the Supreme Court has no authority then neither do underling activist judges attempting to override the higher court.
The issue of federal judges having power to interfere with the Executive branch of government in their constitutional duties was specifically and unanimously denied them and settled in Mississippi vs. Johnson on April 15, 1867. The Constitution as written has not been followed closely for a long time. It’s only constitutional illiteracy in our generation that allows the Deep State to convince the most ill-informed that by following it, thus reducing the cost, size, and power of government, Trump is exercising dictatorial power over us. It would be the first time in history dictatorship was accomplished by that formula.
Trump answers Deep State activist judges with already existing law but not enforced. He just signed an executive order requiring that it be enforced called “Ensuring the Enforcement of Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 65(c),” The White House, March 11, 2025, “Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies. … Designed to clamp down on the growing abuse of American judicial system by radical activist, judges, and far left organizations.”
It “specifically targets the reckless pursuit of frivolous injunctions which repeatedly cost taxpayers millions in disruptive Republican governance. It directs the heads of executive departments and agencies to firmly enforce Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 65(c) which says, that ‘everyone who asks a court for an injunction or temporary order stopping the government action must first deposit money or a bond with the court. This money is intended to cover potential harm or cost to the government if a court later decides that the injunction was improperly issued.’ Trump argues that activist organizations have been abusing the courts frequently filing weak or meritless lawsuits against the government to slow down or block policies they disagree with often choosing sympathetic judges to hear their cases. These groups do not typically face consequences when their lawsuit fails. Instead taxpayers pay the costs when government policies are halted by these injunctions.”
The Memo doubles down on requiring “federal agencies to make sure that whenever someone sues the government for an injunction, the agency should request that the plaintive, the person or organization suing, provides enough money upfront to cover possible cost and damages the government might suffer if the injunction turns out to be unjustified. Agencies must work with the attorney general to decide how much money to ask for, and they must clearly justify to the amounts to the courts” (X22 Report, Ep. 3594b, March 13, 2025, 34:05).We wrote of this solution for activist district judges previously (“We have Tyranny of the Judicial,” Elon Musk, LibertyUnderFire, March 5, 2025). We think the enforcement of 65(c) will end the problem of district judges overstepping the Constitution and go far in dispelling the Deep State’s fake narrative that Trump is making up the rules as does a dictator.
Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. Read his weekly columns at Column # 812
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The Constitution says, “The executive Power shall be vested in a president of the United States of America.” No administrative power was given to either the Judicial, (especially not independent judges—non-existent at the time) or Legislative branches. There exist only one person elected by every citizen voting in the United States and that is the President. He executes the laws of the land as passed by the Legislative Branch. No unelected bureaucrat or district judge has ANY independent authority This was upheld until recent times. (Article II, Section I).
Trump signed Executive Order 14215 entitled, “Ensuring Accountability for all Agencies,” Feb. 18, 2025, restoring ALL executive power under the president of the U.S. as it was pre 1935. It argues that under Franklin Delano Roosevelt this authority had been “scattered between independent boards, commissions and agencies that have proliferated since the Roosevelt administration.” With 443 government agencies such is necessary for the government “to be truly accountable to the American people.” This power “must be supervised and controlled by the people’s elected president.”
By the early 1970’s the federal government had become so big and sprawling that the Deep State, then called the Establishment, desired a different system to disperse the funded money authorized and originating “in the House of Representatives“(U. S. Constitution, Article I, Section 7, Clause 1). Normally Congress paid little attention to the money once allocated. They had previously, in 1913, allowed the Federal Reserve System (a private corporation) to create money on demand, debt they then repaid by their inflated currency. It seemed to work for everyone not on a fixed income—retirees mostly, who would soon die anyway.
On November 3, 1961 the Deep State, again then called the Establishment, pushed for even more control over allocation by creating the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Congress’s allocated money would go to it and be distributed by it. A portion—gradually even a majority of it—could go to any cause they liked that had not been approved by Congress— so long as the cause voted on by the House got some of the money. The money spawned Non-Government Organizations (NGOs). Some NGOs were members of Congress whose loyalty could be rewarded by kickbacks. It became self propelling—they proposed and pushed the legislation. That is believed to have made many members of Congress millionaires on public servant salaries—especially Democrats as they saw federal gift giving as enticements, thus recruitments, to their party. Mostly they funded themselves and their left of center causes.
Two things inhibited their intended total control, the Gold Standard, which they were pleased to have Richard Nixon remove in 1974, and an uncontrolled U.S. president as he could, discover their fraud and veto USAID payments to unworthy causes as President Trump and Elon Musk are now doing. The Deep State’s answer to this possibility was The Empowerment and Control Act of 1974. They saw power in the administrational dispersement, after Congress’s allocation, and wanted that removed from the president to themselves. They succeeded until Donald Trump.
President Trump wants this act revoked and the power presidents had prior to 1934 restored to the Executive Branch as was followed our first 146 years. Until then, in keeping with his oath to preserve and defend the Constitution, he is creating a constitutional crises through executive orders constitutionally cancelling billions of dollars going to causes never actually approved by Congress as stipulated in Article I, Section 7, Clause I.
His Executive Order 14215 entitled, “Ensuring Accountability for all Agencies,” Feb. 18, 2025, restores ALL executive power under the president of the U.S. as it was pre 1935. It argues that under Franklin Delano Roosevelt this authority had been “scattered between independent boards, commissions and agencies that have proliferated since the Roosevelt administration.” All is returned under the management of the White House. Such is necessary for the government “to be truly accountable to the American people.” This power “must be supervised and controlled by the people’s elected president” (X22 Report, Ep. 3576b, Feb. 19, 2025, 45:00).
How many federal agencies are there? Forbes counted 443, most of which are controlled by the Deep State, not the president with his executive authority given him by the Constitution (“How Many Federal Agencies Exist? We Can’t Drain The Swamp,” By Clyde Crews Jr., July 5, 2017). Most of these under FDR and since are difficult to justify constitutionally as written and most originated after 1971 when Richard Nixon took us off the gold standard.
Nobody yells louder then Senator Elizabeth Warren about what Trump’s Department of Government Efficiency, led by Elon Musk, is finding in its government audits. The adage, “He who yells the loudest has the most to lose,” may come true for her. Senator Warren’s annual salary as a public servant is $285,000, yet her net worth is $67 million. She never ran a business, nor produced or manufactured anything. DOGE reports, almost 160,000 civil service employees are now millionaires up from fewer than 70,000 when Biden took office four years ago.
Trump’s Executive Order reads in part, “All executive departments and agencies including, so-called independent agencies shall submit for review all propose and significant regulatory action to the office of Information and Regulatory Affairs within the Executive Office of the President before publication in the Federal Register. ‘The White House, not the agencies, not the Deep State swamp creatures, will provide interpretation of the law. This in particular is going to stop agencies like the EPA from using their interpretation of law, to increase their regulatory power.’ The President and the Attorney General, subject to the President’s supervision and control, shall provide authoritative interpretations of the law for the Executive Branch. The President and the Attorney General’s opinion on questions of law are controlling on all employees in the context of their official duties. No employee of the Executive Branch, acting in their official capacity, may advance an interpretation of the law as the position of the United States that contravenes the President or the Attorney General’s opinion on a matter of law, including, but not limited to, issuance of regulations guidance, and position advance in litigation, unless authorized to do so by the President, or in writing by the Attorney General.”
Translation. “Trump has promptly and fundamentally changed the Executive Branch as it has existed since 1935 in the last month to how it existed from 1789 to 1934, for 146 years. Trump just wiped out 90 years of the Deep State system.” The president is once again in charge of ALL federal agencies. Now none of these swamp creatures can make decisions or authorize anything without his say so. And he is draining the swamp. Formerly the Deep State had taken away presidential power by the Empowerment and Control Act. of 1974. Congress will need to remove that unconstitutional legislation which is likely to follow (X22 Report, Ep. 3576b, 2/19/ 2025, 45:00). Once done they will no longer control the flow of money to a myriad of harmful activities to this country and the world without presidential consent like funding gain-of-function research or illegal immigration.
Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. Read his weekly columns at Column # 811 Help preserve our Republic while we still can by sharing this column.
The Constitution is very clear, “The executive Power shall be vested in a president of the United States of America.” One, and only one, person elected by the whole nation in two ways—the people and also by the states through the Electoral College process. He, and those who serve with him, swear by oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.” He executes the laws of the land as passed by the Legislative Branch. All administrative authority come through this one person and through his office. Neither the elected Legislative Branch nor the non-elected Judicial Branch have administrative authority. No unelected bureaucrat or district judge has ANY independent authority
Under Biden judicial tyranny began almost immediately with his unlawful use of 1512(c)(2) “Obstruction of an Official Proceeding” in J6 cases that prosecuted 350 (plus) Americans for their participation in Jan. 6. This was a flagrant abuse of the law to punish those who protested Biden’s “election” thus criminalizing political dissent. The worst instance of judicial tyranny was Judge Tanya Chutkan, who put all 39 of her 39 J6 defendants behind bars. Judicial tyranny was experienced by candidate Trump when four different courts simultaneous indicted him in 2024 on different frivolous charges to destroy his candidacy for President. Now judicial tyranny is again being experienced as unelected district activist judges are blocking many of Trump’s administrative functions thus stealing his constitutional executive authority.
Yet it was the latter class that engineered the four, turns out, fake indictments against President Trump to destroy him in 2024. All America viewed those public displays of tyranny of the judiciary. Actually, they did much to elect Donald Trump.
Now district judges are coming out of the woodwork to thwart or destroy his sole administrative functions. Activist judges are stealing executive authority. These (mostly far-left Deep State judges) have blocked his cut off of federal funding to aid migrants entering the country illegally, his federal resignation plan of eight months advanced pay for those choosing to retire early, his audit access to Treasury’s and other departments vita data system to assess waste and fraud, his firing 2,000 USAID workers for funding un-American activities worldwide—even terrorists organizations, his NIH grant cuts which funded gain-of-function research, and his temporarily removing funding for some public health websites said to have weaponized the health industry.
An extreme case is Judge Amir Ali, a last November Biden appointee, who just ordered President Trump to release billions of foreign aid immediately (“Judge orders temporary reversal of Trump admin’s freeze on foreign aid,” By Bradford Betz, Fox News, February 13, 2025) Judge Ali has no authority to even advise the president on executive issues especially foreign aid—his position has no standing without perversion of the U.S. Constitution as written.
Currently there are 94 non-elected, appointed only, district court judges serving in 91 geographical districts. To think he, or any of the other district judges, has authority to restrict a president’s constitutional authority to govern the nation given him by the WHOLE country is beyond absurd. If 94 judges, each with their individual and varied political bias’ have authority to block the president of the United States we will never have an effective president or one that could curb the bureaucracy, the budget, or destroy the Deep State. These judges have effectively disarmed the executive branch of government something our Founders would have never tolerated. Yet they have poised themselves to block everything he advocates.
Elon Musk said it best, “If ANY judge ANYWHERE can block EVERY Presidential order EVERYWHERE, we do NOT have a democracy, we have Tyranny of the JUDICIARY.” (X, on X22 Report, Ep. 3582b, Feb. 26, 2025, 50:44). He added, “What is the point of having democratic elections if unelected judges can override the clear will of the people? Well, that’s no democracy at all. The only way to restore rule of the people in America is to impeach judges. No one is above the law judges” (Ibid., Ep. 3583b, Feb. 27, 2025, 52:36).
Musk, an admitted life-long voting Democrat until Trump, may not know that the Founding Fathers did not create a democracy, they universally opposed it. They created a republic, because the majority does not, and can not, protect minority rights. Minority is defined as less than the majority not by race. A lynch mob is a democracy. One has the right to defend himself even if he is the only one in the room who believes so. It’s base is upon natural law not numbers. The Bill of Rights is a list of rights demanded by the people—even FROM THE MAJORITY.
One has the right to defend himself from violence or otherwise, even if he is the only one in the room who believes so. The Bill of Rights is a list of rights demanded by the people—even FROM THE MAJORITY.
But Musk did provide a constitutional solution to the tyranny of the judiciary problem—impeachment. But that would be way too time consuming, look bad, and be divisive for the nation. It is much better to get the matter before the Supreme Court and have a single rule nation wide on existing judicial tyranny and its usurping of constitutional executive branch authority.
However we do not have to wait until the Supreme Court can rule or even until Congress can stand together against judicial tyranny, it is law already on the books. There exists a solution right now ready for Attorney General Pam Bondi to implement. “A single district judge has issued a ruling blocking the executive branch from access to Treasury data,” something vital for the Executive Branch to know to govern fiscally and prudently. “There’s a simple fix: DOJ should demand injunction bonds. Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure, 65(c), judges can issue injunctions ‘only if’ the suing party post a bond to cover potential damages if they’re wrong. But …this rule is hardly used.… Frivolous lawsuits become a financial risk, not a free pass. The best part? This doesn’t block activists from court, it just stops them from using preliminary injunctions to pause government action based on arguments that might not hold up in an appellate court.” (, Dan Huff, Feb. 15, 2025. Also the, Feb. 15, 2025).
The Constitution is supposed to protect the innocent. Love him, like him, only tolerate him, or hate him, no phrase in that document can justify what they did to Trump in 2024 nor gives a district judge ANY independent authority over the executive branch of the United States.
Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Read his weekly columns at Column # 810.
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The Deep State knew that virtually none of their causes could be funded directly through the constitutional funding process, “All bills for raising revenue must begin in the House of Representatives,” because their shadow government is no way constitutional (U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 7). Congress does indeed raise the money under some general category, and a portion of it does go to the cause intended by them but too often much of it is actually laundered elsewhere as for example, hidden to the public, bio labs in Ukraine. Thus they created the USAID process now well known to fund their nefarious purposes. Hence, when Elon Musk, head of the Department of Government Efficiency reported, “Did you know that USAID, using YOUR tax dollars, funded bioweapon research, including COVID-19, that killed millions of people?” It shocked the nation.
A 2017 photograph inside a Wuhan China lab. The same thing was happening in the bio labs built by the DOD in Ukraine with like experiments to artificially induce evolution known as gain of function. The problem with this is that in order to preemptively create the vaccines and study the pathogens, scientists essentially have to first create a bio weapon in the lab making these pathogen infections to humans. Creating killer viruses to humans that could escape the lab, as happened with COVID-19, is a crime against humanity and should merit the death penalty.
By way of review we now know that the USAID takes the money and when possible gives it to well connected Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs), they place it into a DAF (Donor-Advised Funds) to fund other NGOs. Reportedly, the Deep State can fund any cause they like, and do, without ANY further Congressional approval or real oversight.
One presumed member of the DOGE team, (pseudo named DataRepublican), explained it this way, “It’s important to understand that funding is fungible, meaning USAID dollars do not directly flow into these NGOs in a literal sense. Instead, the money moves through multiple layers, with various entities handling, and re-distributing it. For example, CEPPS [The Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening] receives substantial USAID funds for global initiatives, but ultimately channels much of it to partisan NGOs, rather than focusing solely on individual grants. It’s more important to recognize the pattern of funding distribution influence. Donor Advised Funds (DAF) are a big part of the equation” (X22 Report-hereafter not cited, Ep. 3565b, Feb. 6, 2025, 30:10). Eventually it goes through enough layers, diffused and reduced sufficiently (laundered) enough to go into favored individuals shell accounts as payoffs without being easily detected.” Is this how and why so many in government with public servant salaries became millionaires? (See, “Who is Receiving ‘Kick Backs’ from Non Government Organizations,”, Feb. 19, 2025).
We go to Clandestine, an investigative reporter, for how this happened respecting taxpayers funding of COVID-19 as Elon Musk made known. In Deep State circles it was called PROJECT PREDICT. “Now that the world is keen to the USAID, it’s time to go over the big secret they are desperate to keep from the public—Project Predict. This is the USAID funded project that led to the creation of SARS-Covid-2 and the Covid pandemic. This is what Elon was alluding to.
“USAID PREDICT began in 2009, was carried out in 30 countries around the globe, and was supposed to be a means to preemptively stop pandemics from zoonotic diseases, jumping from animal to human. The concept was to artificially induce evolution, or enhance the function of naturally existing pathogens like bird flu, bat coronaviruses and study them, and have vaccines prepared should one of these viruses mutate in the wild and jump to humans. The problem with this system is that in order to preemptively create the vaccines and study the pathogens, scientists essentially have to create a bio weapon in the lab when making these pathogen infections to humans; also known as gain of function or direct evolution. The projects core replicating partners are USAID, EcoHealth Alliance, UC Davis, MetaBiota, Hunter Biden, Wild Life Consortium Society, [and the] Smithsonian Institute.
Map shows 15 bio labs locations in Ukraine most, if not all, built by the U.S. Department of Defense. Elon Musk, head of the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) reported, “Did you know that USAID, using YOUR tax dollars, funded bioweapon research, including COVID-19, that killed millions of people?” “One of the partner organizations that receive[d] funding to carry out this project, MetaBiota, a bio lab company, was funded by Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca. The owner, CEO, and head virologist behind MetaBiota, is Nathan Wolfe, who, in addition to the Biden’s, is financially tied to the Clinton’s and Epstein accomplants, Ghislaine Maxwell.”
“One of the partner organizations that receive[d] funding to carry out this project, MetaBiota, a bio lab company, was funded by Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca. The owner, CEO, and head virologist behind MetaBiota, is Nathan Wolfe, who, in addition to the Biden’s is financially tied to the Clinton’s and Epstein accomplants, Ghislaine Maxwell via project TerraMar. Wolfe calls himself Virus Hunter, and wrote the book The Viral Storm: The Dawn of a New Pandemic Age, 2011, which he predicted that [the] future would be fraught with pandemics, and the only way to prevent it is to give him millions of dollars to look for Zoonotic diseases to produce vaccines….
“But everything changed in 2014. After the Obama CIA/State Dept. took over Ukraine via color revolution, MetaBiota was awarded their USAID/DOD contracts to begin searching for bat coronavirus and operating labs in Ukraine via Project PREDICT. All of this is open source information required by law and is available on USA Spending Government page.”
So Clandestine asks, “What does this all mean? It means that a Clinton, Epstein, and Biden-affiliated neurologist, was given tens of millions of US tax dollars via USAID, to look for, and genetically enhance bat coronaviruses in Ukraine, right before a man-made bat coronavirus started a global pandemic and killed millions of people… And we have emails from Hunter’s laptop proving that Hunter was in extremely close contact with Nathan Wolfe and MetaBiota. None of this is conjecture, and is backed up by a paper trail.”
This is the big secret. “The ruling families of the DNC are financially involved in USAID (CIA) projects that were enhancing bat coronaviruses before the C-19 pandemic, and they went great lengths to cover this up. This is ultimately where the road ends. The Deep State created C-19 with US taxpayer dollars and they are guilty of crimes against humanity. That is why Fauci and NIH covered up that Covid was man-made. That is why the Dems, the main stream media, censored, smeared anyone who would talk about C-19 being man-made. That’s why the Biden regime sent hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine. That is why Hunter and Fauci’s pardons begin in 2014. That is why the Dems are panicking that Trump is auditing the USAID because they are implicated in crimes against humanity, and Trump and Elon have the paper trail to prove it” (Ep.3563b, Feb.4, 2025, 35:00). These same people hid ivermectin, hydroxychoriquin, and natural immunity as cures. It’s now all exposed.
Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. Read his weekly columns at Column #809. Help preserve our Republic while we still can by sharing this column.
All modern presidential elections have two parts the popular vote (the people) and the Electoral College vote (the states). We have documented in many previous columns the evidence that the 2020 presidential election was a two-part Coup d’état in both elections November 3, 2020 and January 6, 2021, the latter a fedsurrection which installed Joe Biden in the Oval Office without the objecting process mandated by the College vote. That the January 6th Select Committee of Trump haters functioned to thwart and destroy any possibility of the coup being revealed. That was the principle reason Committee members were all pardoned by Biden after they destroyed over 100 documents revealing their role in its coverup. LiberyUnderFire has covered all of this in dozens of past columns. But the Coup was not finished. MAGA, as a movement, had to be incarcerated and destroyed under the label of domestic terrorism.
The U.S. Constitution gave the federal government no authority over law enforcement. Amendment 10 makes all power not listed State power. Biden worked hard to federalize all law enforcement by attempting to fund it. This way it can be politicized then weaponized. If weaponized it results in tyranny as it did for the J6ers. In China, with cameras everywhere, the government can find any person in the county within seven minutes. States must refuse federal funding and influence thus control. There should be no federal fusion centers.
This began immediately with the J-6 detainees but expanded gradually over the next several months and years to all Deep State objectors. This is why they were still arresting J-6 participants last fall, almost four years after the event. “On his first full day in office, President Biden, directed his national security team to lead a 100-day comprehensive review of U.S. Government efforts to address domestic terrorism,” which Biden claimed “has evolved into the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.” As a result of that 100-day review with Deep State people like James Clapper and John Brennan participating, “the Biden Administration released the first-ever “National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism.”(The White House, June 15, 2021). This for him, and the rest of the Deep State, were those who might oppose, reveal, or undo their Coup d’état.
Biden’s directive had four major pillars. The first, the DOJ and FBI’s “robust system to methodically track domestic terrorism cases nationwide.” The second, “For the first time, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has designated ‘Domestic Violent Extremism’ as a National Priority Area within the Department’s Homeland Security Grant Program, which means that over $77 million will be allocated to state, local [governments] to prevent, protect against, and respond to domestic violence.” Third, another $100 million is allocated to the DOJ, FBI, and DHS “to target the threat” and to “ensure that the Federal Government has the analysts, investigators, prosecutors,” to “thwart domestic terrorism.” Finally four, “The U.S. Government will also work to find ways to counter the polarization often fueled by disinformation, misinformation, and dangerous conspiracy theories online” (Ibid.). Of course, this means major government censorship. That is what this document shows.
So who are these dangerous domestic terrorists the Biden administration was spending at least $170 million dollars to punish and purge from our society? Was it those holding the 350,000 plus children who disappeared during the Biden Administration likely to pedophiles in the United States? How about those on Epstein’s client list, or Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs? Or those most responsible for the 2020-21 election Coup d’état? Or the murderers he pardoned? NO, NONE OF THESE!! They were identified in yet another DHS Biden Administration Memo on Terrorists. This memo identifies extremists as those “with one or more of the following criteria – among many others – each of which is described as ‘violent.’” It defined “the following as terrorists: military veterans, anti-war individuals/groups, tax resistance movement groups, militia, alternative media, opponents of open border policies, single issue groups or individuals, patriot movements (Christian patriots, patriot groups, and constitutionalists).” (X22 Reports, Ep. 3554b,Jan. 23, 2025, 23:15). These were essentially MAGA people.
The memo continues, “The DHS has establish[ed] dozens of ‘Fusion Centers’ in cities and states across the country to monitor domestic activity. Local, state, and federal agents from DHS, CIA, and DOJ share information concerning the activities of citizens. Activities monitored by Fusion Centers overlap with those stated in the DHS Report/Lexicon (above) and further includes the following (which tend to vary state-to-state): frequent references to the constitution. support of third party candidates, support for an audit of the Federal Reserve, opposition to a carbon tax to be paid to a world bank, opposition to US submission to the United Nations and/or the World Health Organization. The FBI’s InfraGard program. In addition to collecting data internally, FBI agents work within the private sector with businesses which report on citizens ‘suspicious activities’” (purposely emboldened for emphasis) (Ibid.). These are who Biden’s DHS labeled as domestic terrorists—MOST AMERICANS.
The DHS has established dozens of Fusion Centers in cities and states across the country to monitor domestic activity. Local, state, and federal agents from DHS, CIA, and DOJ share information concerning the activities of citizens. The New York City Fusion Center declared Oath Keepers and other liberty groups extremist threats. What business do CIA agents have in domestic law enforcement? NONE!! Others classified as domestic terrorists included veterans, Christians, patriots and constitutionalists– basically MAGA.
How would they hunt out these extreme domestic terrorists? Mostly by speech, in full violation of Amendment 1 of the Constitution. The Intercept reported that the Department of Homeland Security, “is quietly broadening its efforts to curb speech it considers dangerous and found “years of internal DHS, memos, emails, and documents – obtained via leaks and an ongoing lawsuit, as well as public documents— illustrates an expert explosion effort by the agency to influence tech platforms. In 2022 they announced a new ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ a panel designated to police misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation.” It was too much for the public and shutdown the same year but it would have been revised as soon as they had more control (“The Intercept Truth Cops: Leaked Documents Outline DHS’s Plans to Police Disinformation,” By Ken Klippen Stein, Lee Fang, Oct. 31, 2022).
The Biden Administration was a tyrannical government. Fortunately for the rest of us, only January 6ers, and pro-lifers (imprisoned under ‘The FACE ACT’) experienced this side of the Biden agenda but it was showing up in school board meetings as well as in their hostility toward Catholics (X22 Report, Ep. 3554b, Jan. 23, 2025, 23:15 and 36:57). Trump pardoned both groups. These documents show they intended its acceleration. Had Trump not won and removed Biden/Harris’s illegitimate Deep State government those domestic terrorists groups or individuals listed above—which included most of America—would be feeling the full tyrannical wrath of the government now and for at least the next four years. You and I were the domestic terrorists.
Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Read his weekly columns at Column # 806.
Subscribe now for free columns at this address. Help preserve our Republic while we still can by sharing this column.
President Donald Trump has ignited the birthright citizenship issue by an executive order mandating that we return to the Constitution as written by ending the practice. It is titled “Protecting the Meaning and Value of American Citizenship.” Consequently 22 Democrat state AG’s have sued the Trump Administration (PRESIDENTIAL ACTIONS Executive Order Jan. 20, 2025). Generally Republicans agree with this action and Democrats do not.
The post Civil War amendments all dealt with what to do with the former slave residents the North had made free against the will of the South; the 11 states holding them in bondage, and although now free, wanted to keep them as still subservient in citizenship and voting. The 13th Amendment (Dec. 6, 1868) constitutionally ended slavery, the 14th (July 9, 1868) gave them, and their yet unborn, citizenship, and the 15th (Feb. 3, 1870) the right to vote—together they equalized ex-slaves by law. The amendments must be treated together. None had anything to do with immigration—the word was not mentioned.
On January 20th President Trump signs an executive order that would end birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens born in the U.S. The text of the order states that it applies only to newborns. It is not retroactive for people who are already U.S. citizens. According to a lawsuit filed by virtually every Democrat state AG in the country, there are about 150,000 children born each year to two parents who are illegal aliens. How can a child of such a parentage have what his parents clearly do not have? Trump wants to return to Amendment 14 which denied this practice.
Actually, birthright citizenship is prohibited by the 14th Amendment. On Sept. 28, 2025 published “Are ‘Anchor’ Babies Constitutional?,” and we have followed with several like columns over the years. The concept of “anchor” babies refers to those whose parents are illegal immigrants into the United States and while here have a baby. That baby then inherits full citizenship and even the right later, as an adult, to sponsor his/her own illegal parents in their quest for citizenship. How can a child of such a parentage have what his parents clearly do not have? Is this practice constitutional? No, and although miss-practiced widely the last several decades, has never been original intent or practice.
For the casual reader the amendment seems to validate such if we omit the middle highlighted six words : “All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” The debate for or against the practice of allowing citizenship for babies of illegal’s born in the U.S. rages on with virtually, no expert or otherwise, going to the source of the alleged authority—the crafters of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.
Senator Jacob Merritt Howard, architect of the 14th Amendment actually structured the Amendment (one of two defining the legal status of freed slaves after the Civil War, the other being the 13th which gave them freedom) to prevent that very interpretation. He wrote: “This amendment which I have offered is simply declaratory of what I regard as the law of the land already, that every person born within the limits of the United States, and [already as were ex-slaves] subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. THIS WILL NOT, OF COURSE, INCLUDE PERSONS BORN IN THE UNITED STATES WHO ARE FOREIGNERS, ALIENS [emphasis added], who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons.” It was he who insisted that the qualifying phrase “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” be inserted into Section I. Those sneaking across our borders in the cover of darkness (now in open daylight) are clearly foreigners and thus specifically excluded from automatic citizenship. Notice the exclusion of babies born of ambassadors while here as well.
The early record of Senate deliberations on the 14th Amendment shows this to be the view of the Senate. There is no such thing as automatic citizenship from this amendment without serious and unscholarly distortion of it. In fact, Lyman Trumbull, co-author of the 13th Amendment outlawing slavery, addressing the definition of the phrase “subject to the jurisdiction thereof,” asked, What do we mean by complete jurisdiction thereof? Not owing allegiance to anybody else. That is what it means.” Those crossing our borders illegally have jurisdiction or allegiance elsewhere and thus cannot have automatic citizenship—nor can their babies.
Citizenship was denied Native Americans until 1924 as they owed allegiance to their Sioux or Apache or Blackfoot, or whatever, Indian nations and thus were not yet “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” of the nation they lived within. Certainly one must cease to be at war or conflict with the conquering country. So just being on U.S. soil did not make them citizens automatically until the “jurisdiction thereof” part of the Amendment was satisfied.
All Deep State media showed or quoted only the message they wanted remembered highlighted in yellow, ignorantly or knowingly leaving out the eligibility requirement of six words essential to the gift “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof.” Amendments 13, 14, and 15 were created to incorporate the newly freed ex-slaves in the South. None of these amendments had anything to do with immigration or contained even the word yet Deep State Democrats saw this group as a way of supersizing to a permanent single party thus encouraged this serious perversion of the Constitution.
Many of our Mexican friends send portions of their paychecks home to Mexico and plan to return to their native land upon retirement with pensions and/or social security sent to their “first” country from the country they extracted the wealth from—the U.S. Some vote in Mexican elections from here. It is indeed hard to argue that they are not instead subject to the jurisdiction of another land other than the United States—and most admit it. Unfortunately for them the U. S. Constitution specifically denies such citizenship.
Democrat AG’s from 22 states are now taking Trump to court for this “long-standing right.” This is likely to progress to the Supreme Court where it will be defeated if the court holds to original intent as understood and practiced for at least the first hundred years of the amendment’s history. No new amendment is needed to get us back to original intent. Trump’s executive order on this matter is within his authority and enough. Only ignorance took us off the Constitution to begin with. It remains the law of the land as written. Only the grossest distortion or intent by those in power and a population grossly ignorant of their founding document could miss this. The president swears by oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” which, in this case, he is doing.
Next time we read Amendment 14, Section 1 lets not omit “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof ” and treat it as though it has no meaning. Again, the word immigration is not in this or the other two post Civil War Amendments. If we want citizen birth rights lets say so in a new constitutional amendment. Don’t just make it up where it was never created.
Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Read his weekly columns at Column # 805.
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