Many of us who have frequently published on the threats to the integrity of the Constitution as originally written, over the past several presidents and many years, are pleased to have President Donald Trump make defending it a part of his campaign by his recent public statement, “Our Constitution is Hanging by a Thread.” He did so Oct. 13 in the swing state of Arizona at Prescott Valley. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints are considered an important, even key, vote in Arizona as well as in Nevada. Trump’s comment spawned an LDS Fireside with others participating notably Glenn Beck, Senator Mike Lee with Trump in the call to protect the Constitution in our voting practices (LDS Fireside with Donald Trump, Glenn Beck, Mike Lee: Constitution Threadbare? Best Clips!). The fireside was not officially church sponsored.
Donald Trump: “The Constitution is hanging by a thread.” And, “The family is really the foundation of a prosperous and good society, and that’s what we want.” Senator Mike Lee: “If you assume that you can vote for Kamala Harris and not really seriously threaten religious liberty, you’re sadly mistaken.” And, “Many of our Church’s teachings and our core doctrines are just incompatible with the woke, radical progressive agenda.”
Trump’s protection of the Constitution has always been genuine. He has been the most constitutionally oriented president for many decades—an avid protector of the 2nd Amendment’s right to keep and bear arms, and the 1st Amendment’s freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly and “to petition the government for a redress of grievances” (as in Jan. 6). The 10th Amendment too, in its single sentence, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people,” allowed this country to return the whole issue of abortion back to the states where it should have always been since it was never a delegated power to the federal government. Trump / SCOTUS did this!! The Constitution has always been a priority to him.
The Constitution would have already been damaged beyond repair had Trump not been elected president in 2016. President Obama wanted Merrick Garland as the new SCOTUS justice. Mitch McConnell waited for the approaching 2016 election so that the election could choose instead. Hillary Clinton, as president, would have doomed the Supreme Court beyond recovery with a vast majority of anti-constitutionalists appointed for life. Trump saved the Constitution by appointing three constitutionally based justices giving “as written” justices the majority.
But it was Trump’s phrase “Our Constitution is Hanging by a Thread,” that brought long-term members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to standing attention. In 1843, 181 years ago, the then prophet of their new church, Joseph Smith, prophesied, “the time would come when the Constitution and government would hang by a brittle thread and would be ready to fall into other hands but this people the latter-day saints will step forth and save it” (James Burgers Journal, 1818-1904, Church Archives, Vol. I—found among loose sermons). Many wrote it down in their journals at the time with only minor variations.
For Trump, past president and likely to be again the most important head of state in the world, to blatantly use this phraseology to describe the present condition of the Constitution is for members jaw-dropping. No one familiar with the document can dispute it is on life support.
With respect to the government of the United States and the Constitution, this prophecy has been recited by virtually every president in LDS Church history. Outside Church belief that Jesus is the Christ, our personal Savior and Redeemer and the Book of Mormon is the second witness of Him as such to people on the American continent; this prophecy and expectation that it would be fulfilled is perhaps the most known.
The most profound and modern recitation of this prophecy was by church President Ezra Taft Benson shared Sept. 16, 1987, “I have faith the Constitution will be saved as prophesied by Joseph Smith. But it will not be saved in Washington. It will be saved by citizens of this nation who love and cherish freedom. It will be saved by … men and women who will subscribe to and abide the principles of the Constitution.” He concluded with his own prophecy, “I testify that the God of heaven raised up choice spirits to lay the foundation of this government, and he has sent other choice spirits to preserve it” (“Our Divine Constitution,” Sept. 16, 1987, BYU Devotional).
Why would members, on religious principle, be one of the most patriotic people in the country to the Constitution? Because they believe Christ told them to be. Smith received three revelations regarding it, the most prominent of which, “I established the Constitution of this land, by the hands of wise men whom I raised up unto this very purpose, and redeemed the land by the shedding of blood.” Simply, Christ helped America win the Revolutionary War and form the Constitution which is to bless “all flesh” and “forever” (D & C’s 98:4-10; 101:77-80; & 109:54).
Glenn Beck: “The constitution is hanging by a thread. You know who gets that? Some Democrats. Elon Musk gets that. Tulsi Gabbard gets that. RFK Jr, an icon of the Democratic Party, says this party is dangerous. ‘I have to stand with Donald Trump.’ They get that.” Beck asks, “What did you do when the freedom of not just your children and your grandchildren, but the children all over the world was at stake?” Do YOU get it?
Why should a non-member have confidence in the prophecies of a said to be prophet 181 years ago? Because members believe he is the same who on December 25, 1832, prophesied the American Civil War beginning in South Carolina some 28 1/2 years before it happened. Christ told him of the coming “rebellion of South Carolina, which will eventually terminate in the death and misery of many souls;….For Behold, the Southern States shall be divided against the Northern States and the Southern States will call on other nations, even the nation of Great Britain….” All of which happened, even the reaching out for help to Great Britain (D & C 87: 1 & 3 and 130:13).
Even the Deep State, many believe, was prophesied in the Book of Mormon in 1830, which members have called secret combinations for 194 years. Its index has over 60 references to how secret combinations destroyed two separate ancient civilizations, the Jaredites and the Nephites, for they are found in all nations and “seeketh to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people.” The prophet Moroni in the book warns today, “when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you.”
The Deep State has and is destroying this country. has published 791 columns on liberty, a large majority of them defending the Constitution and revealing the Deep State. Our Constitution IS hanging by a thread. Let us join Trump’s effort to bring together all faiths and people of this nation to save the Constitution from the Deep State. It cannot save itself.
Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Read his weekly columns at Column # 791
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In the first American Revolution Americans roughly divided into three equal groups, Loyalists favored England, Patriots the Colonists, and another third were too apathetic to join either side. The Patriots won because the apathetic third would not stand with the Loyalist but also would not support them. In that revolution the enemy, England, was largely overseas.
The 2nd American Revolution sustains the same philosophers, same statesmen, same documents, and same reliance on God as the first American Revolution in 1776, some 248 years ago. It is necessary because these have been largely rejected, vilianized or distorted in our day. Statues have been torn down or defaced, history and the Constitution largely distorted. All at a serious cost to individual liberty. The 2nd American Revolution restores all that was lost.
As a young man I wondered which side I’d have supported as a colonist in 1776. Would I have been at Valley Forge with George Washington during the devastatingly cold winter of 1777? Would I have left my plow, grabbed my rifle, and raced to the front without command to stop Johnny Burgoyne in the Battle of Saratoga? Would I have supported the Declaration of Independence and eventually the Constitution and Bill of Rights that followed? And still later, would I have risked my life to end slavery for my black brother in the American Civil War? Yes! I know because as an adult I now stand for the same things as they. With which group would you have stood? The choice is the same today—liberty or tyranny!
In the current 2nd American Revolution the enemy is largely inside the United States. Basically they are the hate America, its history, the Constitution, the Founders, Christianity, Judaism, statues, tradition, law and order, and the police, crowd. Many are anarchists, socialists, and gang thugs like Antifa—even the marxists in BLM. They achieve their purposes by intimidation, fear, looting, burning buildings and killing policemen, and most recently by law fare. They are found in every neighborhood. Most likely do not vote, they have a more effective way to destroy America—anarchy; nevertheless, they decidedly favor the Democrat Party.
Amazingly Democrat Party icons: Jimmy Carter, Bill or Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden did not publicly condemn those committing violence in 2020, or now. Together they could have stopped anarchists in their tracts but did not. Because there existed no pushback from Democratic Party leadership—not even when the flag was burned—an intelligent person must conclude that this is now the Democrat Party—a party that likely would have been rejected by John F. Kennedy and all pre-Kennedy Democrat presidents.
This 4th of July is different from those preceding it. In four months America is poised to openly and knowingly reject everything the Founder’s stood for, unlike 2020 when the Deep State was largely unknown. In 2020 Portland toppled a statue of even George Washington the father of this country, placing the flag around his neck before setting it on fire. The Abraham Lincoln statue, representing the man who, with 360,222 northerners, gave his life to end slavery, was torn down while leaving untouched the statue of Steven A. Douglas who ran as the Democrat Presidential nominee for president supporting continued slavery. Logic is upside down and inside out.
Democrats have historically been the party of slavers, the Ku Klux Klan and rioting in the twenties, sixties and 2020. In our day they run America’s 20 largest cities, most having defunded their police leaving poor blacks unprotected, but many blacks still vote for the party that historically betrayed them. In this they remain under slavery. Today it encourages the slaughter of their young through abortion.
For the last eight years there has existed a division in this country unlike any since the Civil War. And a threat to individual liberty unlike any since the first American Revolution. As then, only one side can win. The choice is liberty or tyranny, the Constitution or socialist enslavement. But today Internet platforms and the vast majority of media outlets, college professors, and elected officials favor one side of this equation. These are formable opponents every bit equal to England in 1776. But stand we must like they, everyones’ liberty is at stake.
America is awakening to the existence of a “secret combination” known today as the Deep State that effected a 2020 election Coup d’état overthrowing the government. This will be reversed in a new election “too big to rig” November 5, 2024, at the ballot box. Americans demand her country back. We are the majority!! Patriots today join those of the past, (drums rolling) marching to the ballot box,–please fall in behind. The Deep State in both parties will be removed.
Imagine a country where its enemies seek to disarm its citizens (2nd Amendment), remove its border protection (ICE), defund its protectors (police), and threaten religious assembly and free speech and define 75 million Trump voters as domestic terrorists. Today the biggest enemy to liberty is from within. I believe the day will come, when our eyes are opened to the designs of the would be tyrants around us, when no one will admit having once been a Democrat or RINO.
The vast majority of our opponents in the present revolution show bias against Christianity. They ruled church meetings non-essential in the coronavirus “plandemic.” They set on fire St. John’s Episcopal Church across from the White House. BLM leader Shaun King wants Christ statues torn down. Are Bibles next to be burned?
A relationship with deity is mentioned five times in the Declaration of Independence. This document brought on war against the then greatest power on earth, and no European strategist gave the Patriots’ winning a ghost of a chance—yet they stood and won. They could count on no one but God and themselves. We must resurrect the war cry in that document again. “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”
President John Quincy Adams said it best. “Posterity—You will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it.” Let us never forget that liberty is not free. It was purchased and maintained by the blood of those before us and may have to be once again.
Let this be a warning to those who would take liberty from us now. We too are standing “with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence,” mutually pledging “to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.” Again, which side are you standing with? The most important vote in our lifetime this November will tell. Liberty requires our stand 248 years later.
Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Read more of his weekly columns at Column # 774.
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Democrats used to tell the truth about unlawful immigration. Consider the following: Chuck Schumer in 2009, “Americans don’t like illegal immigration – ‘illegal immigration is wrong.’ – People illegally in the United States are illegal aliens, not ‘undocumented.’ – Border fence made the southern border ‘far more secure’… [It] created a significant barrier to illegal immigration” (X22 Reports, hereafter not cited, Ep. 3245b, Dec. 28, 2023, 20:40).
The path to citizenship has many stops. The first requires a map to the USA with all the substations to sleep and eat provided by those who want illegals here. Once within the United States, one partakes of the freebies allowed: food stamps, housing, education, Health care benefits and etc., then they are helped with a job. They become beholding to Biden who let them into the country. How caring and good these people are compared to Republicans so they register in their new country as Democrat. Next citizenship follows and sometime before November 2024 they vote Democrat. It’s really quiet simple, if Americans won’t vote Democrat then they will be replaced by illegals who will.
Joe Biden. “No great nation can be in a position where they can’t control their borders. It matters how you can control your borders, not just for immigration but it matters for drugs, terror and a whole range of things.” Barack Obama. “We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States, undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting, patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.”
Bill Clinton. “All Americans, not only in the United States most heavily affected, but in every place in this country are rightly disturbed by the large number of illegal aliens entering our country. The job they hold could otherwise be held by citizens who are legal immigrants. The public service they use imposes burdens on our taxpayers, that is why our administration has moved aggressively to secure our border by hiring a record number of new bodyguards, by deporting twice as many criminal aliens, as ever before, by cracking down on illegal hiring and by barring welfare benefits to illegals aliens” (Ep 3272b, Jan. 31, 2024, 26:08).
The path to citizenship has many stops all created by and benefiting Democrats.
The collapsed border protection is 100% Biden and Democratic Party driven. With the Trump Wall mostly finished Biden inherited the most secure border in American history—all he had to do was finish it. Instead, day one, he did the following: 1) immediately defunded the wall, 2) withdrew the emergency declaration regarding it, 3) paused the deportation of illegal aliens, and 4) terminated “remain in Mexico policy,” these encouraged the invasion flood (Ep. 3269b, Jan. 28, 2024. 21:00). Over the next 100 days he initiated “94 executive actions” to open it entirely” (Ep 3273b, February 1, 2024, 18:16). And, he has consistently undermined it since. To end the invasion he created, all he has to do is reverse these, which can be done very quickly.
Democrats are growing in their opposition to illegal immigration—illegals take their jobs. Rasmussen Reports asked these questions. “On the question of illegal immigration, is the government doing too much or too little to reduce illegal border crossings and visitor overstays?” Too little—Dem: 41%, Independent: 61%, GOP: 82%, all voters 61%. “Do you support or oppose making border security part of the negotiations for the recent September 2023 spending bill?” Support—Dem: 50%, Independent: 61%, GOP: 80%, all voters 63%. “Do you approve or disapprove of the (October 2023 Biden Administration) decision to allow more border wall construction?” Approve – Dem: 62%, Independent: 74%, GOP: 86%, all voters 73%.” Democrats now want the wall. Democrat leadership do not and, on this issue do not care if their party disagrees with them (Ep. 3245b, Dec. 28, 2023, 21:54). Rasmussen Reports, “Nearly two-thirds see ‘invasion at the US Mexico border.’ Majority of Democrats say it is accurate to describe the current situation at the US – Mexico border as an invasion, 55% of them, and only 43% disagree (only 23% strongly) (Ep. 3252b, Jan. 8, 2024, 25:00).
If nearly two-thirds of perspective voters see our southern border being invaded, including 55% of Democrats, how can the Biden Administration, being 100% responsible for it, even against its own political party, escape the charge of treason? They can’t, and increasingly honest Democrats are accepting this reality.
Immensely disturbing is illegals are increasingly single, military-aged men. Karie Lake observes, “When a man flees war, he takes his family with him. When a man heads to war, he leaves his family behind, There is not one single woman or child in this video captured in Lucille, AZ.” These migrants are not seeking asylum. They are being brought in for a reason – chaos. There are “only minimum health screenings, just a quick visual medical exam, probably not even a TB test. The criminal background screenings are even more limited.” Most lose their ID “once they cross the border…then your tax dollars are used to fly and bus them everywhere,” a retired ICE director disclosed (Ep. 3239b, Dec. 19, 2023, 15: 27).
Another disturbing reality is that Democrats are “putting illegals ahead of the people of this country (“NY Eyes Rule Changes to Hire Thousands Amid, Migrant Crises,” by Zach Williams, and Laura Nahnias, Bloomberg, January 29, 2024). Illegals are allowed to move freely around the country, no ID, no checks, nothing, at our airports. “I’m in the pre-– TSA line, where migrants don’t have to have an ID to get through security and it’s their choice whether they want their picture taken. There is a plan to destroy America.” (Ep 3272b, Jan. 31, 2024, 20:38).
Why? Illegals will be the favorite way of cheating in 2024. Last October, “More than half of voters consider it likely that next year’s election could be decided by illegal immigrants voting” (Rasmussen Reports. Ep. 3177b, Oct. 2nd, 2023, 51:28). Congresswoman AOC said the quiet part out loud. “Let everyone in, and make them citizens immediately” (Ep. 3252b, Jan. 8, 2024, 16:24). So did Barack Obama many times when president. “We need a civilian force as powerful as the military” (Ep 3273b, February 1, 2024, 22:50). Are single, military aged men flooding in—that force? Some fear that the illegals that invaded this country will attack this country.
Who tells the truth now? It’s not those who once did. It’s Trump! “The illegal aliens that are pouring into our country are taking over our cities and attacking our police. They are forming gangs, and they are tough. Close the border, you do not need a ridiculous border bill that will allow 5000 people into our country a day. Call it the ‘Stupid Bill,’ and make sure it does not pass” (Ep 3272b, Jan. 31, 2024, 28:29).
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly columns, please visit Column # 753
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The effects of the movie “Sound of Freedom” are that child trafficking is now one of the hottest stories in America—it no longer can be hidden. The vast number who viewed it was large enough to break the sound barrier. As evidence the New York Times, Los Angeles Times and Hollywood Reporter declined to cover it but still box office sales reached 18.2 million surpassing “Indiana Jones” (X22 Reports, hereafter not cited, Ep. 3113b, July 11, 2023, 21:25). Hiding such evil is unconscionable but worse, who supports a society selling its children to satisfy adult perverse sexual appetites? Let us name a few: Disneyland, Hollywood, Deep State news outlets, most social media outlets, and finally, even the Biden Administration. Opposition to the film “Sound of Freedom” by these is obvious and universal but where is the opposition to the hideous practice of pedophilia it documented. By their actions they still mostly defend the practice.
There is no issue that will unit good people more than child safety. Those who watched The Sound of Freedom visibly took a stand on this issue forcing it from darkness and into the light. If too few had gone to the theater the harm against children would have continued as usual. We will not allow the entities identified in this column to turn on the children to satisfy their perverse sexual appetites. We are more united in defending them from the dark side than ever. Those who have not yet watched this movie, to gain such resolve, are encouraged to do so. If we can’t take a stand on ending child sex slavery, it is doubtful we will on any issue.
Such is the case with Disneyland who has already lost the confidence of the American people by going woke and by catering to perverseness in its productions exemplified by its upcoming redo of “Snow White and the Seven Dwaffs” each representing some level of perversion in society. Legalese with Disney is the major reason the “Sound of Freedom” could not come out for almost five years.
Hollywood, also supports a society selling its children to satisfy adult perverse sexual appetites. as an organization, or actors individually. These should be vehemently distancing themselves from the appearance of pedophilia in news releases or video clips and thus far are not. On this their quietude is deafeningly loud.
Any major news organization could have broken the story of the massive extension of child sex trafficking and slavery since Haiti in 2018, but didn’t. This, even through the disgusting pedophilia trials of Jeffrey Epstein and later with accomplice Guilane Maxwell and the little “black book” of supposed customers to Epstein Island that remains hidden from the public.
ABC could have broke the story long before had it wanted to. ABC anchor, Amy Robach, almost did on “Good Morning America” in November 2019, when everyone was covering Jeffrey Epstein—a story she had assembled previously but had been blocked by her ABC bosses. In total frustration she said, “I tried for three years to get it on, to no avail. And now it’s all coming out and it’s like these new revelations and I freaking had all of it.” “I’m so pissed right now.” Robach correctly predicted, “There will come a day when we will realize Jeffrey Epstein was the most prolific pedophile this country has ever known.” “I had it all, three years ago,” she stated. “I had this interview with Virginia Roberts,” who was one of Epstein’s child victims who was sexually trafficked by Epstein to Prince Andrew, the brother of now King Charles of Great Britain. “Then the palace found out that we had her whole allegations about Prince Andrew and threatened us in a million different ways.”
Roberts was in hiding at the time. “We convinced her to talk to us,” Robach said. “It was unbelievable what we had. Clinton, we had everything” (“ABC’s Robach caught on hot mic claiming network killed Epstein story 3 years ago,” By Joe Concha, The Hill, Nov. 5, 2019). Today it is common knowledge that Epstein and Bill Clinton were friends; Bill traveling to the island numerous times and Hillary three or four.
Who supports a society selling its children to satisfy adult perverse sexual appetites? Let us name a few: Disneyland, Hollywood, Deep State news outlets, most social media outlets, and finally, even the Biden Administration. Today there appears to be more interest in protecting the pedophiles and perverts than in protecting the children.
Social Media, also supports a society selling its children to satisfy adult perverse sexual appetites. It appears, they play three roles one, to publish child explicit sexual material of which the US is the #1 consumer in the world, two, to censor information opposed to pedophilia and those involved, and three, to serve to connect those engaged in the activity. The pedophile underworld works to keep connected through social media primarily Twitter (before purchased and cleansed by Elon Musk ), Facebook (META), Instagram, YouTube, and Google (Ep. 3113b, July 11, 2023, 32:46). This is likely why the Deep State is bashing the “Sound of Freedom”—pedos want access to each other and the children without publicity or penalty.
Florida’s AG, Ashley Moody, has taken the lead in exposing the role of social media in the pedophile industry. She wrote Mark Zuckerberg, According to a survey, “146 of the 271 reported instances of social media platform used in human trafficking were attributable to Meta platforms (lnstagram, Facebook, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger), more than 53% of the reported instances involved.” These are all owned by Zuckerberg. Moreover, she said. “Facebook was the No. 1 platform for human trafficking from 2019 to 2022.” She requested that Zuckerberg “testify to our Statewide Council on Human Trafficking about what his company is doing to prevent its platforms from being used to assist, facilitate or support human trafficking” (“Florida AG Seeks to Grill Zuckerberg on Meta’s Status as ‘Preferred Apps for Human Traffickers,’” By Tom Olohan , The Western Journal, July 14, 2023, Gateway Pundit). All they really have to do is flush the system of pedo’s as Elon Musk did Twitter. It took only three months.
Finally, The Biden Administration also supports a society selling its children to satisfy adult perverse sexual appetites, by its open border policy allowing human traffickers almost free, unrestrained access to America’s heartland even flying children to their specific purchasers (Ep. 3117b, July 16, 2023, 17:00). This has been going on for most of two years. More recently, on May 12, 2023, the Biden DOJ removed the following sections from the DOJ’s website under Child Sex Trafficking: International sex trafficking of minors, Domestic sex trafficking of minors, and Child victims of prostitution (Ibid., July 11, 2023, 22:57) Why?? No explanation was given. Perhaps because they knew that these issues were coming to light and they were avoiding having to prosecute against them.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit Column # 723
Subscribe now for free columns at this address. Help preserve our Republic while we still can.
In the movie “The Sound of Freedom” the subject mater, pedophilia, is handled as tactfully as it is possible to do so. I heard no profanity and saw no graphic sexual imagery, nothing that would, or should, normally keep me from viewing it. Yet I was as deeply touched and angered as I’ve ever been. I personally could have castrated all those hedonistic, satanical men and the one women in the story, posing as a talent scout, who kidnapped the children into sexual slavery.
The little sex enslaved girl rescued by actor Jim Caviezel, playing Tim Ballard, from human traffickers deep in the Colombian amazon forests, is a powerful story. Hollywood and the Deep State have failed to suppress this movie. Being allowed to view it, though an unpleasant topic, is a great victory for freedom of speech and the press. We have victimized the most innocent and vulnerable of our population. Only the truth can help set these children free and make others pay for their crimes.
The biggest effect was I lost my societal innocence—my naivety. Of course, I knew this was going on somewhere, but not around me or in my community. And what could I do about it anyway? We aren’t that wicked, are we? Yes we are, even as Sodom and Gomorrah!!! We are guilty of “electing” people to govern who tolerate this evil in our society—even a president whose daughter Ashley claims in her diary, he showered with her. As a society we have been hard on our “little people” allowing millions of abortions since Roe V. Wade, mutilated by the scalpel, one by one, down the street in Planned Parenthood clinics. In this sense we are personally responsible. That is the loss of societal innocence I’m referencing. We let it happen!! We are personally responsible to God for our not speaking out enough, not just for our voting for evil leaders.
The enemies of our children seek openly to normalize pedophilia even boldly recently chanting, “they are coming for our children.” Yes, the movie “hurts to watch” in places but is a call to arms, in this country and the world, to defend the children perhaps many times more than we presently do—to drive these perverts and pedophiles from our society.
Yes, you are likely to be bothered for having seen it but YOU NOW ARE FULLY AWAKE AND MOTIVATED TO END THE PRACTICE. God’s children are not for sale. Yes, those who have not yet seen it should and be fully armed, enraged, and engaged in protecting our children from the dark side. Unfortunately, the theater was largely empty. God needs more recruits. That is the problem. How much longer can he hold back his judgement on us when we enslave his children in sex slavery?
The film makers warn, “We know this is heart breaking, …and it hurts to look at. But the first step in helping these children is hearing their story. Not enough people know this problem exists and even fewer people are willing to do anything about it.” We have to break the sound barrier to this evil practice. The movie was made almost five years ago. Its makers speak of the indescribable opposition to its getting to the people such opposition invites the suspicion that Hollywood is engaged in the practice. It is as though the demons crawled out of hell to unit against it. But, despite this opposition, it is already outpacing any other summer film.
Director John Paul Rice too expressed his concerns about pedophilia through a compelling film he produced in 2018 called “A Child’s Voice,” depicting a fictional child trafficking ring.” It was heavily censored by the Left so is hard to find. When one gets too close to the truth they are silenced. Although highly rated, his movie was banned by Amazon. There is no topic Hollywood is more sensitive about, causing speculation as to how involved they are as an industry in pedophilia. That the “The Sound of Freedom” broke through for public exposure is a miracle.
Elon Musk has worked hard to cleanse Twitter of pedo sites. In February alone he “suspended 800,000 accounts that distributed child sexual exploitation (CSE) material, and the company had reduced successful searches for such material by 99% since December.” He said, “What I’ve been told is that we’ve done more to eliminate [CSE] material, than on Twitter in the last four months than what has been done in the last 10 years. It will continue to be our #1 priority, a 100 fold reduction in CSE search patterns is pretty gigantic” (“What About the Children? We know, We know!!! But they were Silent!,” Harold Pease, Ph. D., column #708). Unfortunately only Twitter was cleansed. Those removed from Twitter likely just took their pedo recruiting to the other social media platforms and it is conceivable that double or triple this number are producing CSE materials for sale. Worse, these sites have voiced no concern about adults sexually drooling over the images of our precious little ones.
The film producers tell us that child sex slavery “is the fasters growing international crime network that the world has ever seen. It has already passed the illegal arms trade and soon it is going to pass the drug trade because you can sell a bag of cocaine one time but a child 5 to 10 times a day.” Its a $150 billion a year industry. Never in history has there been more slavery than now.
In the United States it is likely the principle reason the Democrat Party insist upon open borders; children can be smuggled in without notice; “350,000 plus unaccompanied minors have already come across Joe Biden’s open border since 2021 and 85,000 plus of these children have ‘gone missing’ according to DHS” (X22 Reports, Ep. 3112b, July 10, 2023, 15:00). Google acknowledges that “The US Department of State estimates that 14,500 to 17,500 people are trafficked into the United States each year” (Ibid. Ep. 3111b, July 10, 2023, 34:29). This seems very low.
Tim Ballard, the hero in the story played by actor Jim Caviezel, was asked, “Why are you doing this?” He answered, “Because God’s children are not for sale.” He elaborated, ‘“The Sound of Freedom” is one of those films that can legitimately change this world. So we want to ignite a fire in audiences and open their eyes to the days reality of million of children that need our help. Let’s make this film a historic event and start the end of child trafficking. Viewers, by attending, are sending “the message that God’s children are no longer for sale.”
Continuing, “An estimated 2 million children are trafficked and we can help them. Our goal is to inspire 2 million people to attend the film’s opening weekend. Two million for two million trafficked children around the world. Every parent, every teenager, in America should see it. If millions of us come together to see this film we could propel the movement to help save millions of children around the world. Help send the message that God’s children are not for sale.”
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit Column # 722 Subscribe now for free columns at this address. Help preserve our Republic while we still can.
Tyrannies love censorship because it is very difficult for the people to know what is left out of the story and thus they are so much more easily conditioned and controlled. That is why inhibiting free speech is forbidden in the First Amendment of the Constitution.
Under Joe Biden the federal government has been working with different companies to censor the people, thus targeting millions of Americans for their political speech by “directly contracting with private 3rd parties that flag their viewpoints for alleged misinformation.” And we know that “consortiums were set up with many different companies” and universities to do this, in the presidential election of 2020 and now in 2022 (X22 Reports [hereafter not cited], Ep. 2889b, October 2, 2022, 17:10).
One such consortium is the powerful Election Integrity Partnership comprised of the following four private entities: (1) Stanford Internet Observatory, (2) The University of Washington, Center for an Informed Public, (3) The Atlantic Council Digital Forensic Search Lab and (4) Social Media Analysts from Graphica. They “set up a contour-like service in 2020 to allow federal agencies like Homeland Cyber Security Infrastructure Security Agency (CSISA) and State Global engagement centers to file tickets requesting the online story links in social media posts be censored or flagged by Big Tech” (Ep. 2888b, Sept. 30, 2022, 35:00). They boasted of a 35% success rate getting tech platforms to label, remove or restrict content.” One success was the tagging of the Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation, since proved not so, which, had it not been censored, likely would have cost Biden the election.
In its 2020 election On Action Report “the consortium boasted that it flagged more than 4,800 URL, shared nearly 22 million times on Twitter alone. Their staff worked twelve 24 hour shifts from Sept-to mid-November 2020 with monitoring intensively.” It successfully shut down the truth and they intend to do the same in 2022. Kate Starbird said, “We’re getting the band back together (with several improvements) for the midterms—-working with a range of collaborators to address rumors, misinformation, and disinformation around election processes and procedures” (Ep. 2888b, Sept. 30, 2022, 37:33).
2022 Congressional candidate Robby Starbuck, claims the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) is designed to censor Biden opponents of which he was one. They keep an “enemies list” which includes President Trump and everyone who supports him. They claim to have labeled, removed ,or restricted content of thousands.
One notable complainant, Congressional candidate Robby Starbuck, claims the Election Integrity Partnership is designed to censor Biden opponents. He says, “I was censored while I ran for Congress. Biden’s regime paid EIP groups $12 million plus! ” He continued, “The simplest way to explain how the EIP works is to compare it to the CIA and DOD who use contractors to fight battles they don’t want to be seen fighting in an official capacity…[while] acting as a Ministry of Truth.”
Robby Starbuck continues, “DHS, the State Department, the DNC, Common Cause and the NAACP would file tickets with the EIP on posts or people they wanted censored. The EIP did the dirty work of going to Big Tech,… as their messenger to demand Big Tech take action on the posts or people flagged by the United States Government or the DNC and their report shows Big Tech delivered for them.” Essentially, the “EIP created … an ‘enemies list;’ of select groups they branded as misinformation in need of censorship. I was one of them and have the distinction of being the only one who was running for Congress while the EIP worked to censor us on behalf of the government.”
The “enemies list” was titled, “Actors and Networks Repeat Superspreaders of Election Misinformation.” It Included President Trump, Charlie Kirk, Tom Fitten, Praying Medic, Eric Trump,—virtually whose who in the conservative world: (Ep. 2892b, October 5, 2022, 20:49).
George Soros is Americas leading funding agent of destabalizing causes such as Black Lives Matter and Antifa. He too has urged Big Tech to “to step up their censorship—just before the 2022 midterm elections.” Censorship is always of the right side of the spectrum.
Another notable in the tyranny of censorship is George Soros. He funds groups that also urge “the heads of major Big Tech platforms, to step up their censorship—just before the 2022 midterm elections. The Soros funded Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights spearheaded an Oct. 13, open letter signed by 11 other liberal groups clambering for Big Tech to take immediate steps to curb the spread of voting disinformation in the midterms and future elections and to help prevent the undermining of our democracy.” The letter was addressed to Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube, and Tic Toe. “The Soros Funded group included NAACP, Legal Defense and Education Fund, $17,614,500; Center for American Progress, $5,320,000; Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights $5,170,000; Asian Americans Advancing Justice—AAAJ, $1,260,000; Center for Democracy and Technocracy, $736,000; Unidos US $200,000; and Common Cause $25,000” (Ep. 2899b, October 14, 2022, 14:45).
Twitter too has decided to intervene in the 2022 election as they did in the 2020 election. They have announced their intention to “take action against misleading claims about the voting process, misleading content intended to intimidate or dissuade people from participating in the election, or misleading claims that may undermine public confidence in elections outcomes.” Translated anything that they object to. “The last time they decided to be the arbitrator of ‘misleading claims’ they blocked any coverage of the Hunter Biden laptop, saying it was disinformation” and punished those who shared information otherwise. Twitter seriously meddled in the 2020 election (Ep. 2848b, August 12, 2022, 8:20).
And there exists regular cheating as in Colorado who recently mailed 30,000 Voter Registration notices to non-citizens to manipulate the coming election, When confronted the Secretary of State called it an accident (EP. 2896, October 11, 2022, 44:00).
But will the Deep State cheat enough to stop the red wave. No! The good will VOTE tyranny out but to do so each need to vote and pray as though everything depends upon them!!!! It does.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Column # 684. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit www.