By Harold Pease, Ph. D.

The Deep State knew that virtually none of their causes could be funded directly through the constitutional funding process, “All bills for raising revenue must begin in the House of Representatives,” because their shadow government is no way constitutional (U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 7). Congress does indeed raise the money under some general category, and a portion of it does go to the cause intended by them but too often much of it is actually laundered elsewhere as for example, hidden to the public, bio labs in Ukraine. Thus they created the USAID process now well known to fund their nefarious purposes. Hence, when Elon Musk, head of the Department of Government Efficiency reported, “Did you know that USAID, using YOUR tax dollars, funded bioweapon research, including COVID-19, that killed millions of people?” It shocked the nation.

A 2017 photograph inside a Wuhan China lab. The same thing was happening in the bio labs built by the DOD in Ukraine with like experiments to artificially induce evolution known as gain of function. The problem with this is that in order to preemptively create the vaccines and study the pathogens, scientists essentially have to first create a bio weapon in the lab making these pathogen infections to humans. Creating killer viruses to humans that could escape the lab, as happened with COVID-19, is a crime against humanity and should merit the death penalty.

By way of review we now know that the USAID takes the money and when possible gives it to well connected Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs), they place it into a DAF (Donor-Advised Funds) to fund other NGOs. Reportedly, the Deep State can fund any cause they like, and do, without ANY further Congressional approval or real oversight.

One presumed member of the DOGE team, (pseudo named DataRepublican), explained it this way, “It’s important to understand that funding is fungible, meaning USAID dollars do not directly flow into these NGOs in a literal sense. Instead, the money moves through multiple layers, with various entities handling, and re-distributing it. For example, CEPPS [The Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening] receives substantial USAID funds for global initiatives, but ultimately channels much of it to partisan NGOs, rather than focusing solely on individual grants. It’s more important to recognize the pattern of funding distribution influence. Donor Advised Funds (DAF) are a big part of the equation” (X22 Report-hereafter not cited, Ep. 3565b, Feb. 6, 2025, 30:10). Eventually it goes through enough layers, diffused and reduced sufficiently (laundered) enough to go into favored individuals shell accounts as payoffs without being easily detected.” Is this how and why so many in government with public servant salaries became millionaires? (See, “Who is Receiving ‘Kick Backs’ from Non Government Organizations,”, Feb. 19, 2025).

We go to Clandestine, an investigative reporter, for how this happened respecting taxpayers funding of COVID-19 as Elon Musk made known. In Deep State circles it was called PROJECT PREDICT. “Now that the world is keen to the USAID, it’s time to go over the big secret they are desperate to keep from the public—Project Predict. This is the USAID funded project that led to the creation of SARS-Covid-2 and the Covid pandemic. This is what Elon was alluding to.

“USAID PREDICT began in 2009, was carried out in 30 countries around the globe, and was supposed to be a means to preemptively stop pandemics from zoonotic diseases, jumping from animal to human. The concept was to artificially induce evolution, or enhance the function of naturally existing pathogens like bird flu, bat coronaviruses and study them, and have vaccines prepared should one of these viruses mutate in the wild and jump to humans. The problem with this system is that in order to preemptively create the vaccines and study the pathogens, scientists essentially have to create a bio weapon in the lab when making these pathogen infections to humans; also known as gain of function or direct evolution. The projects core replicating partners are USAID, EcoHealth Alliance, UC Davis, MetaBiota, Hunter Biden, Wild Life Consortium Society, [and the] Smithsonian Institute.

Map shows 15 bio labs locations in Ukraine most, if not all, built by the U.S. Department of Defense. Elon Musk, head of the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) reported, “Did you know that USAID, using YOUR tax dollars, funded bioweapon research, including COVID-19, that killed millions of people?” “One of the partner organizations that receive[d] funding to carry out this project, MetaBiota, a bio lab company, was funded by Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca. The owner, CEO, and head virologist behind MetaBiota, is Nathan Wolfe, who, in addition to the Biden’s, is financially tied to the Clinton’s and Epstein accomplants, Ghislaine Maxwell.”

“One of the partner organizations that receive[d] funding to carry out this project, MetaBiota, a bio lab company, was funded by Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca. The owner, CEO, and head virologist behind MetaBiota, is Nathan Wolfe, who, in addition to the Biden’s is financially tied to the Clinton’s and Epstein accomplants, Ghislaine Maxwell via project TerraMar. Wolfe calls himself Virus Hunter, and wrote the book The Viral Storm: The Dawn of a New Pandemic Age, 2011, which he predicted that [the] future would be fraught with pandemics, and the only way to prevent it is to give him millions of dollars to look for Zoonotic diseases to produce vaccines….

“But everything changed in 2014. After the Obama CIA/State Dept. took over Ukraine via color revolution, MetaBiota was awarded their USAID/DOD contracts to begin searching for bat coronavirus and operating labs in Ukraine via Project PREDICT. All of this is open source information required by law and is available on USA Spending Government page.”

So Clandestine asks, “What does this all mean? It means that a Clinton, Epstein, and Biden-affiliated neurologist, was given tens of millions of US tax dollars via USAID, to look for, and genetically enhance bat coronaviruses in Ukraine, right before a man-made bat coronavirus started a global pandemic and killed millions of people… And we have emails from Hunter’s laptop proving that Hunter was in extremely close contact with Nathan Wolfe and MetaBiota. None of this is conjecture, and is backed up by a paper trail.”

This is the big secret. “The ruling families of the DNC are financially involved in USAID (CIA) projects that were enhancing bat coronaviruses before the C-19 pandemic, and they went great lengths to cover this up. This is ultimately where the road ends. The Deep State created C-19 with US taxpayer dollars and they are guilty of crimes against humanity. That is why Fauci and NIH covered up that Covid was man-made. That is why the Dems, the main stream media, censored, smeared anyone who would talk about C-19 being man-made. That’s why the Biden regime sent hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine. That is why Hunter and Fauci’s pardons begin in 2014. That is why the Dems are panicking that Trump is auditing the USAID because they are implicated in crimes against humanity, and Trump and Elon have the paper trail to prove it” (Ep.3563b, Feb.4, 2025, 35:00). These same people hid ivermectin, hydroxychoriquin, and natural immunity as cures. It’s now all exposed.