By Harold Pease, Ph.D.

About those pardons, let me put in print what almost everyone is secretly asking and nobody has yet answered . “How can one accused of treason himself, pardon others accused of the same?” Hunter Biden’s laptop documented 459 crimes many of them revealing treasonous crimes with foreign countries. Joe Biden as a senator, as vice president, and as a citizen (2016 to 2021), had classified documents in at least five places unlawful for him to have at all. Classified information was marketed to several countries including Russia and China our likely enemies, for profit. Father supplied it and was fully involved in Hunter’s business dealings which were on going throughout these many years. Selling state secrets is treason. We’ve published much on this subject over the years. Joe’s pardoning of Hunter helps Joe conceal his own same crimes.

Joe Biden as a senator, as vice president, and as a citizen (2016 to 2021), had classified documents in at least five places unlawful for him to have at all. Only the president while president, unless declassified, can have these documents in his possession. Classified information was marketed to several countries including Russia and China our likely enemies. Chair James Comer of the House Oversight Committee announced,“we can now confidently trace at least $10 million in total from foreign nationals” to the Biden’s.

Donald J. Trump won the 2020 presidential race. No primary documents have surfaced and no studies have shown since, that the Deep State did not cheat in that election. In fact, all documents from the 2021 Maricopa County Presidential Ballot Audit, to video “2000 Mules” to last October’s news break in Arizona that 218,000 illegal aliens in that state alone voted, showed the opposite to be true (Adrian Fontes, Sec. Of State, press Release Sept. 30, 2024, X22 Report Ep. 3464b, 1 Oct. 2024). Even Georgia’s Dekalb GOP v Raffensperger court case last Fall proved Dominion machines capable of being hooked to the Internet debunking this as not possible, and the likelihood that it changed hundreds of thousands of votes from Trump to Biden in that election. has published many columns documenting extreme abnormalities in this election and had we found otherwise we would have published that also.

Even the presidential election of Nov. 5, 2024 “proved” cheating in 2020 very likely. Allegedly Biden got 81 million votes. Barack Obama’s highest number was 69 million, the highest in Democrat turnout previously, surpassing Kamala Harris’ recent 66 million, Hillary Clinton’s 65 million and Obamas’ 2nd term 65 million (X22 Report, Ep. 3494b, Nov. 7, 2024, 32:20). The difference between Obama’s 69 and Biden’s 81 was 12 million fake votes. Those 12 million plus fake Democrat votes installed many Democrat members of Congress as well as Biden. It is very likely, without them, the Republicans swept both houses of Congress in 2020. Technically all laws generated thereafter and all executive orders signed by the unelected president should be removed, including Biden appointed Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson.

My point. If unelected, Biden had no appointing powers. Nor does he have any pardoning powers. This more so than ever if he is pardoning others as part of a crime he himself is the lead instigator of, such as would be the case on classified documents only he could get. Everything as much as practical, should be as if Biden never served. The appointments or pardons were never his to make thus should stand as null and void. Treason, Hunters or his, can’t be pardoned.

The 2020 Presidential election was rigged—a Coup d’état. Those involved successfully overthrew the U.S. government in a revolution beginning Nov, 3, 2020 and concluded Jan. 6 2021 with the disrupted, thus uncompleted, Electoral College vote. The Biden presidency was illegitimate. (“Let’s be Blunt, Past Treason Greatly Stalks the Election of 2024,”, 101624). Thus followed four years of illegitimate rule. Biden was never elected president of the United States. If a successful Coup d’état. is not treason what is? The word cheating is not in the Constitution but treason is.

According to the United States Constitution, Article III, Section 3, “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.” 18 U.S. Code § 2381 defines Treason further as “betrayal of one’s own country by attempting to overthrow the government through waging war against the state or materially aiding its enemies.” Certainly creating a false vote followed by an insurrection organized and led by federal agents and blamed on mostly nonviolent people legitimately exercising their 1st Amendment right “of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances,” assembled to encourage an honest Electoral College vote fits this definition Every patriot in America knows he could have been arrested if there.

Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State under Barack Obama, knowingly used her unsecured home server for government business—allowing potential enemy countries access. After a subpoena for her server was issued 33,000 email messages were reportedly “BleachBit,” and some devices hammer hit to destroy messages, some reportedly classified. This proves she knew what she was doing was wrong, otherwise, why would she destroy the evidence? FBI Director James Comey called her “extremely careless.” She, like Biden, had problems believing that the law applied to her. The State Department said it found a total of 588 violations involving information then deemed to be classified, but could not assign fault in 497 cases. At the time Clinton was running for president against Trump.

The Code continues, “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason.” In this case, the enemy is mostly from within known today as the Deep State and hundreds were arrested and incarcerated for constitutionally peaceably assembly.

Returning to the Constitution itself, “No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.” As we have already noted above, and in dozens of previously published columns, virtually everything testifies to the overt act of treason, the fraudulent vote, and the planned disruptions of the Electoral College vote to omit the required objection process when they reassembled. Stunned by the fedsurrection, they did not.

Others too may want pardons for their participation in the Coup d’état. Biden is weighing preemptive pardons for the January 6, 2021 Unselect Committee—especially Liz Chaney, and Adam Schiff. They are accused of destroying hundreds of documents that allegedly showed the Committee functioned to complete the Coup d’état by suppressing evidence that it was a fedsurrection and keeping the focus on Trump as THE INSURRECTIONIST to imprison him or at least keep him from running again. There are many others wanting pardons such as: Anthony Fauci, James Comey, John Brennon, James Clapper, Joe’s brother Jimmy and Sister in law and some who will need them perhaps even Barack Obama and the Clinton’s. Biden would like to pardon the entire Deep State. How far will justice reach, we will have to see?

So we ask again, “How can one accused of treason himself, pardon others accused of the same?” He can’t. Treason constitutionally can not be pardoned.