By Harold Pease, Ph. D

The U.S. Constitution alone governs this nation—a gift from God which cannot be trumped by a government over it. Globalists hate our national sovereignty (the right to reject them), America, the Constitution, our Founders, and largely Christianity.

Article V1 of The U.S. Constitution makes world government not possible over the U.S. by defining the Constitution alone as ‘’the supreme Law of the Land”—no exceptions. Two other sources of future law can be under the same umbrella: “laws of the United States” but only when “made in Pursuance there of,” which means in harmony and authority with it, and “all Treaties made” under the Authority of the United States” which means the Constitution. Neither of these other sources could remove in part or whole the Constitution as the “supreme Law of the Land.” And, “the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution” (It can’t be twisted to imply otherwise), “or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.” Nothing could be more clear. Even if Article VI were absent, treaties require the Senate’s “advice and consent,” and it is prohibited from creating a government above the Constitution.

Joe Biden wants the UN Charter, not the U.S. Constitution, to be the Supreme law of the land. On September 23, 2024 his administration voted to empower the United Nations from an international cooperative body to an international governing body (world government). There has been no one in U.S. leadership the last 32 years more committed to the New World Order (world government) then he. In 1992 he advocated a “permanent commitment of forces for use by the Security Council”—a U.N. standing army.

So emphatic on this point were the Founding Fathers that they required ALL government officials to be bound by oath to uphold the Constitution to govern and presumably they would be removed by the people if they became enemies to this document. “The Senators and Representatives …and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath, or Affirmation, to support this Constitution….” Such is every law maker’s oath promise.

The President of the United States is especially charged with defending the Constitution. “Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation: ‘I do solemnly swear…that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.’” The military take a similar oath of allegiance to preserve and defend the Constitution.

As we reported last week the United Nations officially transitioned from an international cooperative body to an international governing body (world government) on September 23, 2024. Few knew with censorship blanketing our Deep State media, thus there existed little opposition to it. A few Republican congressional representatives gathered on Capitol grounds September 17, 2024 Constitution Day, the anniversary of our signing of the U.S. Constitution, to alert America of what would, and did, happen six days later (“UN Empowers Itself to World Government, No Biden Adm. Pushback,” , October 2, 2024).

There has been no one in U.S. leadership the last 32 years more committed to the New World Order (world government) than Joe Biden. So committed that on April 23, 1992, then Joe Biden, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s European Affairs Subcommittee, published in the Wall Street Journal, “How I Learned to Love the New World Order.” In it he identified the UN’s one fatal flaw—no standing army to force obedience to its decrees. He advocated a “permanent commitment of forces for use by the Security Council”—a U.N. standing army adding, “Why not breathe life into the U.N. Charter?” His plans would destroy national sovereignty and establish world government over all nations, including his own America, under the United Nations. Advocacy of may not be treason, but action toward is.

Of course, a standing army could empower the UN beyond the ability of any participating state to resist, including the United States. Its failure to have a standing army and the Constitution, forbidding a government over it, are the reasons we are not already ruled by a world government. These prohibit such. Without an army it cannot enforce its will; with one it can. To advance its causes it must depend upon persuasion of a majority of nations, rather than brute force. The ability to force obedience to it was “the breath of life” Biden wanted to give it 32 years ago.

Congressman Ralph Norman, South Carolina, “called on Donald Trump to ‘draw out’ of Kamala Harris ‘whether or not she supports world government, and if she doesn’t, for her to disavow what the Biden administration is doing right now to try to bring it about.’” Not likely!! Harris was in charge on Sept, 23 when the U.S. voted on UN empowerment. Harris recently told The View “there’s not a thing she would’ve done differently than Joe Biden!!” No wonder only 28% of people think we’re on the right track. “Were singing from the same song sheet.

For 80 years the United States military has largely performed that function. Both the Korean and Vietnam wars were largely UN wars. But Trump was not a Deep State managed president. He never started a war and thus would not be their muscle for world government—nor will he be when he returns to the White House, thus the primary reason he is opposed by them.

An unnamed congress woman, speaking on the Capitol grounds September 17, 2024, Constitution Day, alerting Americans to what would happen in the United Nations just six days hence, gives us hope of pushback behind the scenes. She said, “In the Senate, there are 49 senators who have signed on to a companion bill that requires the same constitutional advice and consent. We have 26 governors who have also spoken out on this, as well as attorney generals. So we’re delighted on Constitution Day that this body is taking the first step to get us back to constitutional order” (House Republicans Rally Against —The UN & World Health Organization to protect American Sovereignty, live press conference, Capitol grounds, Sept. 17, 2024).

A Trump victory ensures that we cease funding the World Health Organization. This should be followed soon thereafter with as quick an exit from the United Nations as possible. It has always been an organization working against our interests. In the meantime, Congressman Ralph Norman of South Carolina, who believes we are ceding “our decision making ability to China,” suggests we refuse to comply with “whatever they come up with in terms of world government by the UN Secretary General, without the Senate’s advice and consent” as required by our Constitution. Our answer is the Senate has no authority to consent to a government above our own—even if they voted unanimously for it. The U.S. Constitution alone governs this nation. Liberty requires that it remain so.

Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Read his weekly columns at Column # 789