Harold Pease, Ph.D.

On August 5, 2024, The House Judiciary Committee and its Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement released an interim staff report titled, “Terror at Our Door: How the Biden-Harris Administration’s Open-Borders Policies Undermine National Security and Endanger Americans.” Their findings, largely ignored by Deep State media, follow. “Over 250 illegal aliens on the TERROR WATCH LIST were encountered at the southern border between 2021 and 2023. Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris released at least 99 of those illegal aliens into American communities.” So what happened to the remaining 151 not released? Thirty-four are still in “DHS custody but not yet removed from the United States,” where presumably they will be released to also prey on American communities. “That is a more than 3,000 percent increase of watchlisted alien encounters compared to all four years of the Trump Administration… [A] terrorist threat to the homeland has skyrocketed.” Why? Endangering Americans appears intentional by the Biden-Harris Administration.

Some countries have an active terrorist presence that could present national security risks as depicted in this meme. Especially concerning is the flood of 33,347 young military-aged men without families who came from China the last 18 months. Why? Some fear the terrorists will be unleashed by the Deep State on American citizens and cities when it is clear the Deep State will be removed from power—most likely between November 5 and January 20, 2025.

During the three fiscal years between 2021 and 2023 the “border patrol at the southwest border encountered aliens on the terrorist watch list from 36 different countries, including places with an active terrorist presence such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Kyrgyzstan, Mauritania, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Tayistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, and Yemen.” It is as though these and other countries are purposely draining their prisons and potentially criminal element into the United States. Has the United States become the cesspool for the world’s criminals and insane freeing their homeland countries from having to house, feed, cloth, medicate and guard them? The present Obama-Biden-Harrris Administration needs to show us why this is not so. The terror watch list exists because those on it have demonstrated in countries elsewhere terroristic tendencies that made them a threat to those around them.

Why are we accepting ANY person on the terrorist watch list? Most Americans believe that those on the terrorist watch list have been imported to be unleashed by the Deep State on American citizens when it is clear the Deep State will be removed from power—most likely between November 5 and January 20, 2025. We know these Democrats WILL NOT ACCEPT the results of the election when they lose. They will first compromise faith in the electronic election system by cyber attacks to it, then argue for a delayed election, then when it cannot be delayed and paper ballots are used instead, will refuse its results.

The House Judiciary Committee Report, “Terror at Our Door,” also revealed the presence of ISIS coming through our southern border in just the month of June alone this year. “Of the eight Tajik nationals with potential ISIS ties that ICE arrested in June 2024, three were released into the country after using the Biden–Harris administration’s CBP One phone application to schedule an appointment at the port of entry, four were initially encountered by Border Patrol while crossing the border, and one arrived at a port of entry without scheduling a CBP One app. appointment.”

But the problem is much larger than just the 250 known to be on the terrorist watch list. Thousands more wannabe terrorists could be dangerous to us as well. “So far during fiscal year 2024, border patrol has encountered tens of thousands of illegal aliens nationwide from countries that could present national security risks, including 2,134 Afghan nationals, 33,347 Chinese nationalist, 541 Iranian nationals, 520 Syrian nationals, and 3,104 Uzbek nationals.” These mostly from middle eastern countries and China, Those from the Middle East are largely Muslim extremists with no compromise on Sharia Law—posing a real threat to freedom of religion here.

China, on the other hand, is aggressively communist with no tolerance for our Constitution or Republic form of government. We have formerly shared our concerns about Chinese military-aged men swarming across our southern border by the thousands in 2023 (“China is Invading America Without Firing a Shot. Biden Lets Them!!,” By Harold Pease, Ph.D., LibertyUnderFire.com , January 3, 2024). China, not Russia, is our strongest potential enemy, actively planning to replace us as the dominant military power on earth. With more than 33,347 military-aged men now inside the United States, they easily could form a 5th-column military force and attack from within should war breakout between the U. S. and their motherland.

Biden, Harris and Mayorkas are responsible for these young American women being raped and murdered by they’re not properly vetted the approximately seven million illegal aliens they brought into this country during their watch. These acts are horrifying by themselves but the FBI warns of a much bigger terrorist attack. They gave a similar unheeded warning before 9/11.

The Report’s overall conclusion is, “We are not safe with Kamala Harris and Joe Biden in charge of the border.” When Donald Trump left office in 2020 his wall was almost complete and the borders more secure than ever. Against the will of his own party, Biden fully opened the border to our enemies and his border czar, Kamala Harris, was a prominent accomplice. Consequently today, the open border is the nation’s biggest national security threat. Neither will be seated as our next president as a result. An event is likely involving illegals necessitating Harris’ replacement and another installed (probably Michelle Obama) in her place before November.

Outside of the economy, securing the border is the biggest issue of 2024. Rasmussen Reports did a polling of exclusively Democrats and found that 63% say border security is a vital national security interest, that 62% approve of more border wall construction, that 60% say the situation at the border is a crisis, that 55% see the situation at the border as an invasion, that 42% say Biden has systematically undermined border security, that 40% say that the replacement theory is the Democratic Party’s platform, and that 40% say Trump was right about a border wall. Again all of these responses are exclusively from Democrats. Republicans are normally at least 70% supportive of these This means that these are overwhelmingly the will of the people. The Deep State faction that presently rules the Democrat Party are clearly against their own party on border issues. These percentages will only rise between now and November —substantially with an expected event attributed to them (X22 Report, Ep. 3422b, August 8, 2024, 1:00:10).