By Harold Pease Ph. D.

The vast importance of the JFK Assassination Files, hidden from the public for 62 years through multiple congressional hearings over the years, just released by President Donald Trump under enormous opposition to its release, was not who killed John F. Kennedy, but that the entity who did still exists. The CIA has always been the prime suspect. I was a boy of 16 and heard this at the time. This notion that it was more then just Oswald was quickly smothered by the then Deep State media who preferred and promoted the lone-wolf narrative but it never felt right nor was it ever fully accepted by most Americans. The FBI “suddenly uncovered” 2,000 JFK-related files, these reveal the CIA as a “state within a state” and most responsible for the assassination.

The long promised Kennedy Files were finally released by President Trump in March 2025. These files prove the existence of the Deep State in 1963 powerful enough by then, over years of development and secrecy, to kill the president of the United States and keep that fact from being revealed for 62 years, until all responsible for his death were unpunished and safely dead. These newly released files also prove that Lee Harvey Oswald was in fact a CIA asset, recruited, trained, and groomed by the CIA. in JAPAN while he was in the service at the Naval Air Facility Atsugi in the late 1950’s.

These files prove the existence of the Deep State in 1963 powerful enough by then, over years of development and secrecy, to kill the president of the United States and keep that fact from being revealed until all responsible for the death were unpunished and safely dead. There is no organization more Deep State than the CIA. This is the importance of the JFK Assassination Files. Second to this in importance is, since it was never fully revealed, removed, and punished then, it is still in place 62 years later in our day. These files show it is not unreasonable to believe that they also want Donald Trump dead as he too, like Kennedy, seeks to reveal them.

Every president of both political parties, had access to these files and chose not to have them declassified. Two presidents in particular knew the intimate details up close and personal, Lyndon Baines Johnson, who benefited most by Kennedy’s death by replacing him as president, and Jerald Ford, a member of the Johnson appointed Warren Commission to hide our own governments involvement in the assassination of our own.

LibertyUnderFire has published much on the assassination over the many years and as new things came out. Mostly the new documents reveal what those who have followed this story already knew but it is good for the new generation. Yes, the documents first tried to blame the assassination on Cuba and the Soviets. We, among others debunked this story. There were three reasons Kennedy was assassinated: 1) he opposed the CIA’s Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, 2) he wanted America’s withdrawal from the Vietnam War, and 3) he also opposed the Federal Reserve’s Central Bank currency control authorizing the printing of silver certificates in defiance of it (Why the Deep State Assassination of John F. Kennedy?,, Dec 6, 2023). Opposition to these three issues could not be tolerated. Kennedy could not be controlled by them so they could not wait another year for a new election to remove him.

The “new” files confirm that Lee Harvey Oswald was in fact a CIA asset, “recruited by the CIA in JAPAN while he was in the service at the Naval Air Facility Atsugi in the late 1950’s.” NAFA was “a known CIA hub for covert operations, including U2 spy plane missions from 1957 to 1958” as per a suppressed document from his commander at the base at the time. Documents show that “as late as 1996 this story was almost broke by ‘a credible UPI reporter’ and had to be covered up 30 years after the assassination.” The “CIA was deeply concerned about the story getting traction.” They rightly realized it could be viewed “as a smoking gun.” They allowed just enough information out “to appear transparent while withholding the most damning evidence that Oswald was recruited, trained, and groomed by the CIA during his time in Japan.” We soon learned of Oswald’s defection to the Soviet Union in 1959, his return to the U.S. in 1962, and his eventual role in the assassination in 1963. This was common knowledge soon after the assassination.

President Kennedy was warned of the presence of a “state within a state” or the Deep State as we call it today. Presidential adviser Arthur Schlesinger, in a 15-page Memo to John F. Kennedy called for Kennedy to break up the CIA in 1961. “Schlesinger called the CIA a rogue ‘state within a state’… His Memo told the president ‘the contemporary CIA possesses many of the characteristics of ‘a state within a state’ adding ‘there is no doctrine governing our conduct of clandestine operations.’”

Kennedy learned quickly that there existed another force to reconcile with besides just the legislative and judicial branches—a real shadow government. Less than four months into office on April 27, 1961, he spoke to this secret entity, the CIA, directly through the press in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. He said, “We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence—on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day”… Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised.” The CIA and Kennedy came to hate each other early in his administration.

Schlesinger noted that, “A number of governments still in power know that they have been targets of CIA attempts at overthrow—not a state of mind calculated to stimulate friendly feelings” toward the US. He also wrote, “CIA operations have not been held effectively subordinate to US foreign policy,” He told the president, “In practice the State Department had become a ‘rubber stamp’ for CIA clandestine operations.”

A month after JFK’s assassination, former President Harry, Truman, “echoed Schlesinger’s fears outlined in the 1961 Memo. There is something about the way the CIA has been functioning that is casting a shadow over our historic position.” Truman wrote, that “he set up the CIA to streamline information gathering… but between his presidency, and JFK’s, Truman witnessed a change in the CIA.” He wrote of this, “For sometime, I have been disturbed by the way the CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become operational and at times a policymaking arm of the government. I never had any thought that when I set up the CIA that it would be injected into peacetime cloak and dagger operation.” Truman “called for the termination of the CIA operation duties, and the restoration of the agency to its original assignment as the intelligence arm of the president” (X22 Report, Ep. 3599b, 03/19/2025, 11:59).

Instead of destroying the CIA as Kennedy intended the CIA destroyed him, and worse, came to control the organization Kennedy created, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) responsible for administering civilian foreign aid and development Assistance throughout the world. The “rogue state within a state” came to fund shadow governments and regime change in the world—even in Ukraine in 2014 and the United States in 2020 and thus far got away with it. Most importantly the “rogue state within a state” was never identified, removed or punished and thus is still very much alive today fighting Trump.

Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. Read his weekly columns at Column # 813 Help preserve our Republic while we still can by sharing this column.