By Harold Pease, Ph. D.
The two most hated men in modern times by the Deep State are Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Why? Both oppose the Deep State. For nine solid years the Deep State media’s relentlessly vilified both men. They were wrong on Trump who is likely to emerge as one of America’s most popular and great presidents. And it may be that they were wrong too on Putin. Everyone knows that if the Deep State can’t get America on the front lines into direct military engagement with Russia—including its nuclear arsenal—they cannot have their world war, their Great Reset and their world government.

As we previously published the Deep State intends for America to be so far into World War III before Trump is inaugurated that he cannot pull us out. Even now Joe Biden is considering giving the Ukrainians nuclear weapons. Remember, Ukraine fired ballistic missiles deep into Russia two days after receiving authorization to do so by Joe Biden—they are likely to use them offensively in short order. The Deep State seeks to provoke Russia to retaliate with nuclear weapons on a NATO country, so that all NATO countries are obligated, under Article 5, to come to that country’s defense against Russia. As we published last March 6, 2024, “The New York Times Documents CIA Provoked War with Russia for a Decade” (
Until America understands that a free press is not a censored press we will continue to be deceived by the Deep State press on virtually every subject—this goes for Fox News viewers as well. In no area, other than the false validity of the presidential election of 2020, have we been more deceived than about Ukraine. Volodymyr Zelenskyy is not a freedom fighter but a tyrant. He has outlawed all opposing political parties and presses, has even postponed elections.
The common enemy for both Trump and Putin is the Deep State, and George Soros, a prominent Deep Stater, hates both. Russia expelled Soros many years ago but America did not forbid the Hungarian coup d’état instigator’s immigration. Soros’ relationship with China and China’s with Soros is similar—neither Russia nor China will allow him into their country. The Deep State wants world government over ALL NATIONS—all subservient to it. China, and perhaps Russia also, may want world government but definitely not under the West’s Deep State. When Alex Soros, son of George, learned that Biden had authorized Ukrainian forces to use western-made long-range weapons to strike inside Russia he responded, “This is great news.” (X22 Report, hereafter not cited, Ep. 3504b, Nov. 18, 2024, 30:58). What, World War III is great news!?!
Trump, Putin, and Xi Jinping do not want world war, nor does the world. Despite Russia’s and China’s authoritarian governments, these are allies against the Deep State, and Trump will work with Putin to stop the Ukraine Russian war and World War III, which has already begun (“World
War III Begins, First Missiles Fired in War Against Russia,” , Nov. 27, 2024). The Deep State will howl, “Putin has Trump in his pocket.” Oh, they will howl!
Will Putin start a war with United States? No!!! He could have done so with cause years ago. Consider the following offenses:The Ukrainian Civil War where Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton installed the Deep State as Russia’s immediate neighbor, the American built and financed bio weapons labs on Russia’s border (Russia’s first targets in the Russian Ukraine war were these labs), America’s severance of the Nord Stream Pipelines in the Black Sea —Russia’s natural gas lines to Europe, America’s being the lead funder of the Russia Ukrainian War, America’s providing most of the war materials used against Russia, and America’s authorizing long range ballistic missiles to strike deep inside Russia then followed with an attack. All of these would have been considered acts of war were Russia doing them against the United States.

We are now inviting Ukrainian forces to train on an Air Force system in the U.S. giving them specific training “to operate, maintain and sustain a defensive system.” Finally, the role of the United States in organizing 32 NATO countries, against Russia. Indeed, Russia has posed little threat to retake land outside what it once governed as the USSR—this included Ukraine (“NATO Pushed Ukraine into War with Russia then World War III?” Dec. 4, 2024). It is the U.S. Deep State that is threatening Russia not Russia that is threatening the U.S., as in the Cuban Missile Crisis. Putin could have started a war when Obama supported the Islamic State of Syria and helped create ISIS, an enemy to Russia, America and non-Muslims . Instead, he waited and supported Trump’s then total annihilation of ISIS in his first year.
Putin maintains that, “Russia has no reason, no interest — no geopolitical interest, neither economic, political nor military — to fight with NATO countries. Putin has maintained he is open to peace talks, …that the Kremlin is ready to stop the war and recognize current battlefield lines. Actually Putin is making the first move. The Daily Mail reported, “Moscow reveals Putin is prepared to discuss Ukraine peace deal with Trump,” (by Taryn Pedler, Nov. 20, 2024). Putin says, “He takes Donald Trump’s plan to end the war with Ukraine very seriously and Russia supports it” (Ep. 3491b, Nov. 4, 2024, 26:53). Putin does, however, have one demand in the negotiations—that “there be an investigation into America’s bioweapons lab development in Ukraine” (Ep. 3497b, Nov. 11, 2024, 22:17). We agree!
Zelenskyy and Putin will negotiate with Trump who has said, “I Will have that war settled prior to taking the White House as President-Elect. I Know all the players.” He also knows that only the Deep State wants war. Remove it from Ukraine and America and peace follows. This he intends to do. Russia will not be provoked to nuclear war.
Tucker Carlson ended his interview with Putin last February with a curious question about the CIA. Carlson asked, “So you’re saying the CIA is trying to overthrow your government?” Putin answered yes! He gave no details. Apparently they have coup d’états in common. The CIA is in the very center of the Deep State. Trump and Putin will stop the Deep State’s World War III.
Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. Read his weekly columns at Column #798
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