By Harold Pease Ph. D.
In a truly fair election without electronic cheating, illegals voting, voter rolls cleaned up, ballot harvesting, totally uncensored information, media not weaponized and etc. Trump would have won by at least 70%, maybe 75% as we have indicated before. But cheating was off the charts the last two years, more especially the last month, with hundreds of examples, even so, he won with THEIR electronic voting system but not by these percentages. This makes his victory much more profound. No one in American history has experienced more election opposition.

November 5, was the most important election in our nation’s political history. American flags were everywhere so patriotism was strong and the people felt they needed to get back to freedom basics. The silent majority came forward. Donald Trump’s 900+ rallies were attended in numbers never seen before. Kamala Harris rallies had to have a concert with someone famous, or have a previous president, Bill Clinton or Barack Obama, with her to break a thousand attending; worse, or have rally goers paid to attend. As anticipated the people came out for Donald Trump.
Why this profound victory? Several reasons can be identified. The vast majority of Americans know now that Joe Biden did not win in 2020, Trump did. That Covid-19 was mostly used for mail-in-balloting, which is, and always has been, prone to cheating. That Hunter Biden’s laptop was real and held back from exposure by America’s intelligence community until after the 2020 presidential election. A fourth of Biden voter’s would have chosen Trump had they known this. That the laptop revealed 459 crimes most of which should have put the president’s son in jail for many years—but didn’t. That Biden was personally corrupt, had over 20 shell companies extracting millions from foreign countries, some potential enemies, with Hunter selling state secrets. Classified documents were in Joe’s possession as a U.S. Senator and Vice President in several different places that should have given him a lengthy prison sentence even before he ran for president in 2020,
Americans now know that the CIA was corrupted decades ago—at least since the Kennedy Assassination. That the FBI has turned rogue even leading the January 6 insurrection while dressed as MAGA. That it is the lead suspect for many in the assassination attempts on Trump both at Butler, Pennsylvania and Trump’s Florida Golf Club—it yet suppresses the telephone conversations on several of the phones of both would be assassins that likely would have exposed accomplices, even themselves, as aiding. That the DOJ was weaponized to go after parents at school board meetings, MAGA, and everyone else exposing Deep State corruption.
Most now believe that the Deep State is real. It has been around since the McKinley presidency preceding the Spanish American War and was in both major political parties thereafter. It was a movement of monopoly tycoons, principally John D. Rockefeller and JP Morgan, seeking first power over the nation, then world economic dominance. It came out of the shadows and organized publicly in 1921 as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), anyone of major importance thereafter, in either major political party, was CFR connected. The Deep State maintained control over both major political parties through George W. Bush. Its two principle opponents during those years were John F. Kennedy and Barry Goldwater, both destroyed by the Deep State, Kennedy by assassination and Goldwater by election annihilation. The Tea Party movement rose in 2009 against both political parties and Trump, an outgrowth of that movement although not a part of it, opposed the Deep State entirely. MAGA people rejected their control. Today Deep State control is embedded with the Democrat Party and RINO faction of the Republican Party who both see extinction of themselves if Trump wins.

In this digital war MAGA are the patriots and the Dems and RINOS the globalists. Only the most ill-informed are unaware of this reality. As Democrats flee to MAGA for freedom from the Deep State, most notably Elon Musk, Robert F Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard, they are replaced by illegal immigrants who are immersed with gifting for their loyalty: healthcare, food stamps, social security, placement and housing in cities and promised citizenship. These are the invisible army Barack Obama promised should be created— as big as the armed forces. These are likely to rise with chaos never seen before in America if enough cheating fails and Trump wins. has published on all of these topics over many years—793 columns. Trump has slowly, but successfully, awakened the public to this awful condition. It had to be this way to prevent a very bloody civil war in 2020. Trump had to vacate the White House so that Biden and the Deep State could rule to be exposed. Everyone is at a different place on the exposure trail. Not everything we have written above is believed by all but enough is that in an election without corruption which November 5 was not, Trump would have won by at least 70%. This 9 years of awakening, with Trump the principle victim, has prevented a bloody civil war.
There is yet another reason for Trump’s victory—tyranny, that most believed eventually would have come to all had he not won! Those who visibly oppose are punished. The DOJ and FBI are Deep State assets now. This last week, the week before November 5 election, nearly four years after the J6 event “suspects are still being arrested, convicted and jailed. This week alone:[a] Father and son from New Jersey [were] arrested—West Virginia man arrested—Illinois man pleads guilty—Texas man found guilty, —2 men from Virginia found guilty—Colorado man sentenced to 3 years —California man sentenced to one year” (X22 Report, Ep. 3489b, Nov. 1, 2024, 34:10). This, after the Supreme Court ruling June 28, 2024, in Fischer v. United States, on Section 1512(c)(2), that overturned most J6 convictions (about 350 persons). This SCOTUS decision has been mostly ignored by the Biden / Harris Admin. as they have most other court decisions and the Constitution. The real issue as to why Trump won so big is liberty!
Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Read his weekly columns at Column # 793
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