By Harold Pease, Ph. D

Just when we thought our world could not get more bizarre a would be Trump assassin, Ryan Wesley Routh, admits he tried to kill Trump, apologizes to the world for failing to do so, and calls on the world, including Iran, to “finish the job”—even offers $150,000 to anyone successful in doing so. All this in a handwritten letter written MONTHS AGO, placed in a box with other miscellaneous items, and supposedly given to an unnamed acquaintance who surrendered the box to the Department of Justice AFTER Routh’s unsuccessful assassination attempt Sept. 15. The box was never opened until now when delivered to authorities on Sept.18 ( X22 Report hereafter not cited, Ep. 3457b, Sept. 23, 2024, 32:07). Bizarre indeed and makes no sense.

Alleged by the DOJ to be Ryan Wesley Routh’s confession and call to other would-be assassins world-wide to remove Trump from the planet. If authentic, is the DOJ using his message as a call to entice other would-be assassins “to finish the job?” But the Dear World letter was written months before the event. Problem is, only the DOJ/FBI can question Routh and their credibility is in series jeopardy as at the same time they are trying to lock Trump up and are part of the Deep State.

How does one know months in advance that he would have opportunity to kill Trump? “I tried my best and gave it all the gumption I could muster” then fail and need to hide a note calling on others to finish the kill? This is beyond a hoax. How do we know the Deep State players in the DOJ or FBI did not create the letter using Routh’s failed attempt to themselves signal would-be assassins world-wide that it is time to collectively remove Trump from the planet? If enough try someone will succeed. Are they that desperate? They go to jail if he is reelected.

Mr. Routh in his arraignment said he has no assets and makes only about $3,000 a year (Ep. 3453b, Sept. 17, 2024, 46:53). It would take him 50 years to gather the payoff money. Obviously someone else would pay it off—the Deep State. Former Attorney General William Barr called “the decision “rash” and serving no purpose “other than to risk inciting further violence” (“Former AG Barr ‘dumbfounded’ at DOJ’s decision to release letter of Trump would-be assassin,” by Brianna Herlihy and Anders Hagstorm, Fox News, Sept. 23, 2024). That is likely the very purpose. The Deep State has wanted a civil war for some time to cover their crimes on America. The Justice Department may be participating in allowing Routh, by his supposed letter, to serve as the agent calling all to the task. If authentic, at the very least they are acting as enablers by publicizing this call for violence to Trump.

For now a whistleblower has come forth —“an individual who has in fact protected President Trump at that very location” at the golf course—raising questions about Secret Service protocols used on that day. This prompted Senator Josh Hawley to address a letter to Ronald L. Rowe, Jr., Acting Director of the Secret Service, on September 18, 2024. He wrote, “The whistleblower alleges there are ‘known vulnerabilities’ in the fence line surrounding the course: places that offer a clear line of sight to the former president and others playing the course. As a result, the whistleblower alleges it has been Secret Service protocol to ‘post up’ agents at these vulnerable spots when Trump visits the course. That apparently did not happen on Sept. 15. Instead, the gunman was permitted to remain along or near the fence line for some 12 hours.

“It is further unclear from your recent press conference whether agents swept the perimeter of the golf course at any point, or whether drones were used to surveil on the fence line. The reality is that the would be assassin should never have been able to linger around the course for that long undetected.”

Senator Hawley continues, “Please answer immediately the following questions raised by these new whistleblower allegations. 1) Did Secret Service personnel ‘post up’ at known vulnerabilities in the perimeter fencing? 2) Did Secret Service personnel sweep the perimeter prior to the former presidents arrival on the site? 3)Did Secret Service use canine units or unmanned aircraft system (UAS) elements to monitor the perimeter of the golf course? How were they used? 4) If counter surveillance personnel were present at the golf course on September 15, as you stated at a recent press conference, in what manner were they deployed? Why did they not detect the gunman sooner? 5) What was the specific counter surveillance mitigation plan for the non-vulnerabilities outside the fence line that day? Sincerely, Josh Hawley(Ep. 3456b, Sept 22, 2024, 59:27). One has to ask, “Was this an inside job?” “Who is over Ronald L. Rowe, Jr.,” Alejandro Mayorkas, then Joe Biden? All need questioned.

How did the assassin know that Trump was coming back to Florida and would Sunday be playing golf—and vulnerable for assassination. Here on Saturday he is boarding a plane in Law Vegas for a trip to Utah. The window opportunity is very short. Putting Trump and Routh together at the 6th hole, the assassin had to have had timing help from someone who knew where he was at all times. That likely had to have been one of two bosses.

But the biggest question is still unanswered. Somebody leaked that Trump would be at his club that day instead of on the campaign trail. It wasn’t scheduled. Routh had “a hand written list of dates in August, September, and October 2024 and venues where the former President had appeared or was expected to be present (UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CASE NO. 24-mj-8411-RMM UNITED STATES OF AMERICA vs. RYAN WESLEY ROUTH, Defendant). But on Saturday Trump boards his plane in Las Vegas for a trip to Utah. How did the assassin know that he was coming back to Florida and would Sunday be playing golf—and vulnerable for assassination (Ep. 3454b, Sept. 18, 2024, 46:33)? Trumps schedule had him in Michigan on the 17th, New York on the 18th and North Carolina on the 21st (Ep. 3452b, Sept. 16, 2024, 38:02). Trumps going to the golf course was a last minute decision not on his public schedule. Intended assassin Routh was informed—likely by Rowe and/or Mayorkas.

We also know that Routh was known to have had two criminal records in North Carolina, the first he was in possession of a “binary explosive device” and, the second “he was convicted of multiple counts of possession of stolen good” (United States of America vs Ryan Wesley Routh). It is believed “his extremism brought him to the attention of the CIA. The FBI had ‘previously closed a 2019 tip’ to the FBI that he was in felony possession of a firearm” (Ep. 3453b, Sept 17, 2024, 45:00)

Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. Read his weekly columns at Column # 787 Subscribe now for free columns at this address.