By Harold Pease, Ph. D.

The two most hated men in modern times by the Deep State are Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. They were wrong on Trump who is likely to emerge as one of America’s most popular presidents; perhaps they are wrong on Putin as well. Both dealt with the Deep State, Putin on his border dealing with an installed Deep State American government with 13, potentially very dangerous, American-built bio labs, and Trump with a Deep State coup d’état removing him in 2020 as the duly elected president. The Deep State plan has been to provoke war with Russia to hide their sins in Ukraine and America, otherwise they face the consequences of treason. The news hereafter would cover battles, death and destruction—not the coup d’état and corruption in both countries (“Still Baiting Russia for World War III in Ukraine,” , August 21, 2024).

NATO has established five land corridors to funnel American troops into Europe, allowing NATO forces “to pounce in an instant” to confront Putin. It seems the entire world is waiting on us to save them again. America’s priority should be to keep our soldiers out of Ukraine’s or Europe’s war –not in them! Vietnam and Afghanistan showed us this. America can neither rule nor save the world.

DailyMail has obtained NATO’S plans for after World War III begins, “to get US troops to the front lines to fight Russia.” They have fabricated that Russia “is plotting [a] major war with Europe” which necessitates “a rapid deployment of American soldiers” to Russia. NATO leaders “previously have agreed to ready 300,000 troops for rapid deployment.” They have carved out land corridors “to quickly funnel soldiers through central Europe without local bureaucratic impediments, allowing NATO forces to pounce in an instant should Putin’s devastating war in Ukraine move further west.”

With America providing the vast majority of money and military equipment for a war that would have ended otherwise many months ago, Russia fears America’s bombs and missiles will be used on Russian soil, therefore on them. Consequently, “tensions have ratcheted up in recent weeks with Russian President Vladimir Putin openly acknowledging the ‘possibility’ of ‘a full-scale Third World War’ as he threatens ‘fatal consequences’ for western allies allowing Ukraine use of their weapons on Russian soil.”

Their plans “include contingencies in case of Russian bombardment, letting troops sweep into the Balkans via corridors in Italy, Greece and Turkey, or towards Russia’s northern border via Scandinavia, officials told The Telegraph.” Moreover, “American soldiers would land at one of five ports across Europe, four allowing access to the western Ukrainian border and a fifth reaching the Russian border via Finland.”

Every contingency has been explored. “The expanded corridors are hoped to offer a failsafe in case logistical or communication lines are severed, shoring up routes to quickly move across Europe should Russia target a member state. In the event the route through central Europe becomes compromised, allied troops would be able to move through Italy into Slovenia and the Balkans, bypassing the Alps and Switzerland.

“The aim of the plans would be to ensure armies could rush through Europe without delays caused by local regulations and checkpoints – as the French government observed difficulty moving tanks through borders en route to Romania. Greece and Turkey – also both NATO members – could also provide routes through to Romania and towards the southern coast of Ukraine under the plans. And a fifth route through Norway and Sweden into Finland could allow troops to reach the Russian border in the north since Finland’s accession to the bloc in April last year….  Warsaw also [has] allowed the US to establish its first permanent garrison in Poland.”

Putin said, “It is clear to everyone that this will be one step away from a full-scale Third World War.…Only last week, Putin warned that western countries would suffer ‘grave consequences’ if they allowed their weapons to be fired from Ukraine into Russia. ‘In Europe, especially in small countries, they should be aware what they are playing with,’ the Russian president said during a visit to Uzbekistan.” He warned, “They should remember that, as countries with small, densely populated territories… they should keep this in mind before talking about striking Russia.”

This photo shows the first use of U.S. supplied HIMARS missiles fired by Ukraine hitting a key military target inside Russia. Putin warned that western countries would suffer ‘grave consequences’ if they allowed their weapons to be fired from Ukraine into Russia. We just did !!! Ukraine’s military claimed that Vladimir Putin’s forces “suffered 1,270 casualties in the last 24 hours alone because of the new weapons. This happened on June 3, 2024 almost 3 months ago. Russia must be using incredible restraint. If they strike back the Deep State will say they started World War III.

Putin has maintained from the beginning of his invasion February 24, 2022 that his intention was to remove the American built gain-of-function bio labs and the American installed fascist government from his border. He called US President Joe Biden’s suggestion that Russia would not stop at Ukraine as ‘nonsense’.” To the contrary, “Moscow had ‘no interest’ in attacking NATO.” He said, “Russia has no reason, no interest — no geopolitical interest, neither economic, political nor military — to fight with NATO countries.” Moreover, “Putin has maintained he is open to peace talks, Russian sources telling Reuters last month that the Kremlin is ready to stop the war and recognize current battlefield lines” (“Revealed – NATO plan to get US troops to the front line to fight RUSSIA:” By James Reynolds, DailyMail, June 4, 2024). America’s priority should be to keep our soldiers out of Ukraine’s or Europe’s war—not in them.

So why hasn’t this war ended long ago? “It’s a Matter of Trust, Biden or Putin on Ukraine?” ( , March 4, 2022). Biden lies all the time, Putin some of the time. Because the Deep State—Obama-Biden-Harris government—will not have it. The Deep State needs to start war with Russia to cover all their crimes or they go to jail for them, they do everything to provoke Russia to war to justify their intervention. Russia will not be provoked to nuclear war.

The entire world waits for November 5 to see if America can destroy the Deep State within it. With Trump there will be no World War III. Zelenskyy and Putin will negotiate with Trump who has said, “I Will have that war settled prior to taking the White House as President-Elect. I Know all the players.” He also knows that only the Deep State wants war. Remove it from Ukraine and America and peace follows. This he intends to do when reelected.