By Harold Pease, Ph.D

We have been consistent in our many columns on Ukraine over the years. The facts still remain the same. If Trump were still president Russia never would have invaded Ukraine. The 13 CIA built, gain of function experimental bio labs in Ukraine, next to Russia’s border, would have been removed by Trump peacefully rather than eliminated by Russia (Are US-Run Biological labs in Ukraine as they Say?”, March 11, 2022).

The other major cause of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was the 2014 Coup d’état by the Deep State (notably the CIA and Obama Administration featuring Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State) that not only took Ukraine out of Russia’s sphere of influence, which was the case, before, during and after World War II, but placed America’s new fascist Deep State Coup government, Ukraine, on Russia’s border. German fascism was the common enemy of both Russia and America in World War II (“The War Behind the War in Ukraine,” April 1, 2022, Also see “Did NATO Push Ukraine into War?” April 8, 2022). It was replaced by American fascism next door.

Volodymyr Zelensky photographed with an F-16 jet, a U.S. made aircraft capable of carrying nuclear bombs, given by Denmark who pledges a total of 19, the Netherlands another 42. If used against Russia the Ukraine /Russia War will escalate from a U.S. proxy war against Russia to World War III and nuclear; an extremely dangerous escalation. The U.S. agrees to train Ukrainian pilots in Arizona. As the lead funder and armorer of Ukraine we have become the aggressors.

Every American has had to ask. “Outside humanitarian concerns, why do we care about Ukraine?” Biden provides little or no money to stop the invasion on our southern border but provides Abram tanks and risks World War III with Russia, to protect Ukraine’s border. American citizens do not care, but the Deep State does. WHY? It is the Deep States’ border. Ukraine is THEIR COUNTRY and America’s colony since 2014 and Volodymyr Zelensky, coming into power in 2019, their puppet. Their playground where they have only their rules limiting them and no Constitution to stop gain-of-function research, money laundering and etc. as in America. It all began in 2005 when Senators Barack Obama (D) and Richard Lugar (R) visited former Soviet biological, nuclear, and chemical facilities in Ukraine and established the US Deep State roots in Ukraine to allegedly counter bio weapons (“Why Risk War with Russia to Protect Ukraine’s Border,” ,February 17, 2023).

We observe that the United States remains decidedly the lead funder of the war against Russia with the European Union a distant second. The war would have been over months ago were it not for this funding. Comparably all other countries are insignificant contributors. “The U.S. has not formally declared war on Russia, but the battlefield in Ukraine serves as a classic case of a proxy war, waged without a formal declaration.” It has been reported that Ukraine gets over six times as much money from the United States as Israel, a lead recipient of U.S. Military aid. The Kremlin may conclude that they could have finished the war in their favor months ago without this funding and that the United States is their real enemy.

We are Ukraine’s lead supplier of military equipment as well, for example 31 Abrams tanks. Trump’s answer to this “act of war.” “FIRST COME THE TANKS THEN COME THE NUKES.” Other military equipment given Ukraine from the United States included 90 Stryker armored personnel carriers, 59 Bradley fighting vehicles, and anti-aircraft systems plus extensive training on their use. So long as Biden provides Zelensky with patriot missile launchers he will never accept Putin’s peace talk offers. We give him hope (“Are We Poking the Bear for Nuclear War?,” , February 3, 2023). Recently Zelensky was photographed with American made F-16 jets. The jets are arriving and can carry nuclear bombs (X22 Reports, hereafter not cited, Ep. 3419b, Aug. 5, 2024, 24:53).

Meanwhile the Deep State’s war is escalating. On June 12, 2024, Biden authorized Ukrainian missiles to be fired into Russia. Russia, in response, sent ships to Cuba. A second Cuban Missile Crises is building? (Ep. 3377b, June 12, 2024, 37:34). Also, “The Biden administration moves toward allowing American military contractors to deploy to Ukraine.” (Natasha Bertrand, and Oren Liebermann, Voice of Ukraine, June 25, 2024). These to push war against Russia.

What? A secret war with Russia by our CIA that could have at any moment escalated nuclear into mass annihilation for both countries is insanity and Barrack Obama and Joe Biden were key figures in the Ukrainian 2014 Coup d’état and since were complacent in the CIA’s activities in Ukraine. Only Congress can declare war and the executive branch has no authority to assist in a Coup, or place a country in a position that feels it must defend itself from us. Thanks New York Times for finally sharing perhaps America’s most guarded secret. Conspiracy proven to be fact.

Unfortunately terrorism has gone on for some time. “The list of US sponsored terrorist attacks continues to grow: – Nord Stream pipeline bombing – Crocus City Hall massacre – Belgorod incursion – Sevastopol ATACMS. The US continues to provoke Putin, in the hopes that he will retaliate, so they can justify direct conflict with Russia” (Ep. 3386b, June 24, 2024, 31:46).

Sevastopol June 23, 2024, is the latest of these. On the occupied Crimean Peninsula a missile fell killing five people, including three children, and injuring over a 100. Russia said, “The US ‘bears equal responsibility’ with Ukraine for the attack” (NBC News, “Russia blames U.S. for ‘barbaric’ Ukrainian attack on Crimea, summons ambassador,” Yuliya Talmazan, June 23, 2024).

What is next? “Russia drops major accusations, says Ukraine, and outside foreigners, are supplying chemical and radioactive weapons capable of making a dirty nuclear bomb that will be used for a false flag operation,” Col. Douglas Macgregor reports, (Ep.3392b, July 1, 2024, 25:42).

On Ukraine both Putin and the The New York Times (the lead Deep State mouthpiece) are if full agreement. Both say the CIA (a lead Deep State organization) clearly provoked war with Russia for at least a decade (“The New York Times Documents CIA Provoked War with Russia for a Decade,”, March 6, 2024). A must read, they confirm almost everything.

There appears to be no interest of the present Obama-Biden-Harris Administration to resolve the Ukraine Russia War. Of course not, they are of the Deep State that created the war!! Trump, however, has promised a solution to the war, “I will have that settled prior to taking the White House as President-Elect. I know all the players.” He also knows all about the Deep State.