By Harold Pease, Ph.D.
In the movie “The Sound of Freedom” the subject mater, pedophilia, is handled as tactfully as it is possible to do so. I heard no profanity and saw no graphic sexual imagery, nothing that would, or should, normally keep me from viewing it. Yet I was as deeply touched and angered as I’ve ever been. I personally could have castrated all those hedonistic, satanical men and the one women in the story, posing as a talent scout, who kidnapped the children into sexual slavery.
The biggest effect was I lost my societal innocence—my naivety. Of course, I knew this was going on somewhere, but not around me or in my community. And what could I do about it anyway? We aren’t that wicked, are we? Yes we are, even as Sodom and Gomorrah!!! We are guilty of “electing” people to govern who tolerate this evil in our society—even a president whose daughter Ashley claims in her diary, he showered with her. As a society we have been hard on our “little people” allowing millions of abortions since Roe V. Wade, mutilated by the scalpel, one by one, down the street in Planned Parenthood clinics. In this sense we are personally responsible. That is the loss of societal innocence I’m referencing. We let it happen!! We are personally responsible to God for our not speaking out enough, not just for our voting for evil leaders.
The enemies of our children seek openly to normalize pedophilia even boldly recently chanting, “they are coming for our children.” Yes, the movie “hurts to watch” in places but is a call to arms, in this country and the world, to defend the children perhaps many times more than we presently do—to drive these perverts and pedophiles from our society.
Yes, you are likely to be bothered for having seen it but YOU NOW ARE FULLY AWAKE AND MOTIVATED TO END THE PRACTICE. God’s children are not for sale. Yes, those who have not yet seen it should and be fully armed, enraged, and engaged in protecting our children from the dark side. Unfortunately, the theater was largely empty. God needs more recruits. That is the problem. How much longer can he hold back his judgement on us when we enslave his children in sex slavery?
The film makers warn, “We know this is heart breaking, …and it hurts to look at. But the first step in helping these children is hearing their story. Not enough people know this problem exists and even fewer people are willing to do anything about it.” We have to break the sound barrier to this evil practice. The movie was made almost five years ago. Its makers speak of the indescribable opposition to its getting to the people such opposition invites the suspicion that Hollywood is engaged in the practice. It is as though the demons crawled out of hell to unit against it. But, despite this opposition, it is already outpacing any other summer film.
Elon Musk has worked hard to cleanse Twitter of pedo sites. In February alone he “suspended 800,000 accounts that distributed child sexual exploitation (CSE) material, and the company had reduced successful searches for such material by 99% since December.” He said, “What I’ve been told is that we’ve done more to eliminate [CSE] material, than on Twitter in the last four months than what has been done in the last 10 years. It will continue to be our #1 priority, a 100 fold reduction in CSE search patterns is pretty gigantic” (“What About the Children? We know, We know!!! But they were Silent!,” Harold Pease, Ph. D., column #708). Unfortunately only Twitter was cleansed. Those removed from Twitter likely just took their pedo recruiting to the other social media platforms and it is conceivable that double or triple this number are producing CSE materials for sale. Worse, these sites have voiced no concern about adults sexually drooling over the images of our precious little ones.
The film producers tell us that child sex slavery “is the fasters growing international crime network that the world has ever seen. It has already passed the illegal arms trade and soon it is going to pass the drug trade because you can sell a bag of cocaine one time but a child 5 to 10 times a day.” Its a $150 billion a year industry. Never in history has there been more slavery than now.
In the United States it is likely the principle reason the Democrat Party insist upon open borders; children can be smuggled in without notice; “350,000 plus unaccompanied minors have already come across Joe Biden’s open border since 2021 and 85,000 plus of these children have ‘gone missing’ according to DHS” (X22 Reports, Ep. 3112b, July 10, 2023, 15:00). Google acknowledges that “The US Department of State estimates that 14,500 to 17,500 people are trafficked into the United States each year” (Ibid. Ep. 3111b, July 10, 2023, 34:29). This seems very low.
Tim Ballard, the hero in the story played by actor Jim Caviezel, was asked, “Why are you doing this?” He answered, “Because God’s children are not for sale.” He elaborated, ‘“The Sound of Freedom” is one of those films that can legitimately change this world. So we want to ignite a fire in audiences and open their eyes to the days reality of million of children that need our help. Let’s make this film a historic event and start the end of child trafficking. Viewers, by attending, are sending “the message that God’s children are no longer for sale.”
Continuing, “An estimated 2 million children are trafficked and we can help them. Our goal is to inspire 2 million people to attend the film’s opening weekend. Two million for two million trafficked children around the world. Every parent, every teenager, in America should see it. If millions of us come together to see this film we could propel the movement to help save millions of children around the world. Help send the message that God’s children are not for sale.”
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit Column # 722
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