By Harold Pease, Ph.D.
In America it is the Deep State vs. the Patriots. In the world it is the globalists New World Order, as presently displayed by the Great Reset, vs. the sovereignty of individual counties. It is individual liberty or collective slavery. No one is immune nor escapes the consequences of the outcome.
For Ukraine this war began early as a civil war under U.S. supervision in February 2014. In the disarray of war, the State Department led by Hillary Clinton and the CIA took full control ushering in a regime change led by Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State. Volodymyr Zelensky is their most recent Deep State puppet.
Objecting to the new American puppet government’s presence on its border, the 13 American built bio-labs near it, and the installed Ukrainian government’s intention to join NATO (the former military alliance to the once existing USSR in the Cold War Era), Russia attacked the labs on Feb. 24, 2022. Since then, America has become the lead funder, and the European Union the second, for the resultant war. As Biden arms Ukraine, China’s XI arms Putin ever widening and upping the scale of armament as the world watches; first the tanks, next likely the nukes.

In the meantime substantial evidence is mounting that last September the Biden Administration blew up Russia’s Nord Stream Pipelines—an act of war (“The Predicted Scare Event is war with Russia,” Harold Pease, LibertyUnderFire, Sept., 30 2022). “Now China and Germany, join Russia and demand an Investigation into Biden’s Connections with Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Sabotage,” (Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit, Feb. 16, 2023). The Biden Administration is opposed to any investigation, independent or otherwise, insisting Russia blew up her own pipelines.
Donald Trump, the only president in decades that did not start a war somewhere on the globe, and who is probably the most trusted world leader because he didn’t, recently put out a video describing the seriousness of the present conflict. It follows in full:
“World War III has never been closer than it is right now. We need to clean house of all of the war mongers and America last … list, and the Deep State, the Pentagon, the State Department, and the National Security industrial complex.
“One of the reasons I was the only president in generations who didn’t start a war is that I was the only president who rejected the catastrophic advice of many of Washington’s generals, bureaucrats, and the so called diplomats who only know how to get us into conflict, but they don’t know how to get us out. For decades we’ve had the very same people such as Victoria Nuland, and many others just like her, obsessed with pushing Ukraine toward NATO, not to mention the State Department’s support for uprisings in Ukraine.
“These people have been seeking confrontation for a long time, much like the case in Iraq and other parts of the world, and now we’re teetering on the brink of World War III. And a lot of people don’t see it, but I see it and I’ve been right about a lot of things. They all say Trump’s been right about everything.
“None of this excuses in any way the outrageous and horrible invasion of Ukraine one year ago, which would have never happened if I was your president; not even a little chance. But it does mean that here in America we need to get rid of the corrupt globalist establishment that has botched every major foreign policy decision for decades. And that includes President Biden, whose own people said he’s never made a good decision when it comes to looking at other countries and looking at wars.

“We have to replace them with people who support American interests. Over our four years in the White House we made incredible progress in putting the America last contingent aside and bringing the world to peace. And now we’re going to complete the mission. The State Department, Pentagon and national security establishment will be a very different place by the end of my administration. In fact, just into my administration, it’ll be a very different place; and it’ll get things done just like I did four years ago. We never had it so good. We’ll also stop the lobbyists and the big defense contractors from going in and pushing our senior military and national security officials toward conflict, only to reward them when they retire with lucrative jobs getting paid millions and millions of dollars.
“Take a look at the globalist warmonger donors backing our opponents. That’s because they’re candidates of war. I am the president who delivers peace and its peace through strength. There was a reason we had no conflict. There was a reason we didn’t get into wars because other countries respected us. I entirely built, all right from the beginning, rebuilt our military. It’s a big reason for that. They didn’t want to mess around with the United States, and now they’re laughing at us.
“We could end the Ukraine conflict in 24 hours with the right leadership. At the end of my next four years the war mongers and frauds and failures of the senior ranks of our government will all be gone and we will have a new group of competent national security officials who believe in defending America’s vital interests above all else. Thank you very much” (X22 Reports , Ep. 3003b. Feb. 21, 2023:, 30:00-34:00).
Unfortunately the Deep State already has several containers with radioactive substances in place to contaminate a region close to Kiev in such a way as to blame Russia (Ep. 3002b, Feb. 20, 2023, 20:11). They seem way too anxious to let the nukes fly so World War III can bury their passed transgressions. The world desperately needs a peace maker—someone like Trump!
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit Column # 703
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