By Harold Pease, Ph.D.
Elon Musk is now terminating the Twitter purchase deal citing material breach of agreement by the company refusing to provide the access data. How many bots are on Twitter? Why does Twitter refuse to reveal this? Nobody purchases a business without knowing how large it is. This opens the door to court cases and lots of discovery. Twitter, under oath in a courtroom, must now disclose this information. There is no win for Twitter and its board. Musk forced their hand—they want the $44 billion, thus are suing him. Twitter stocks could plummet soon (X22 Reports, Ep. 2820B Think Twitter, July 10, 2022, 17:00 hereafter cited as Ep. # & date).

Whether the purchase goes through or not, Musk ran a javelin through the heart of the Deep State’s propaganda machine. Twitter may be the strongest media outlet for the Left in the world, certainly the most influential. Musk began his assault on the organization by promising free speech on Twitter. Most patrons probably assumed such already existed. They never heard the other side on virtually anything.
The resounding message of the Left for the previous six years was that Donald J. Trump was the most evil man walking the earth—akin to Adolph Hitler. They clapped when the president of the United States was banned from Twitter. So propagandized were they, most never knew that Twitter “lied about: the Steele Dossier, Alfa Bank, General Flynn, Russian Collusion, pee tapes, Wuhan lab, dead soldier bounties, Hunter Biden’s laptop” and virtually everything in between. (Ep. 2784b, May 26, 2022).
Musk quipped on Twitter, “The M(ain) S(tream) media almost never get the story right” (Ep. 2802b, June 17, 2022, 12:00). Twitter could not censor their perspective boss. Musk even took on the CIA, “Does anyone else feel like they’re being watched?” (Ep. 2787b, May 30, 2022). Many on the Left are being exposed to things not possible had Musk not drilled himself into the center of their base. He could not be censored by them in the same way they censored everyone else. Musk exposed Twitter, on Twitter, as virtually a communist press in America through quotes from their own editorial staff (“Twitter Reveals Its ‘Commie-fornia’ Connections,” By Harold Pease, Ph.D.,
But even worse, Musk appears to be bringing down the media giant “at warp speed on the world
stage as opposed to a government intervention and years long investigation with a snail’s pace justice system.” BioClandestine broke it down, “Elon got them on the hook with too much money to refuse, then made them admit all their deepest, darkest secrets within a month. The government could never do what Elon is doing at the speed he is doing it.” Nor could the military with direct intervention because it would be bad optics.
But what if this whole thing is unconventional warfare and Elon Musk, as a citizen but also“the US military’s Highest Paid contractor [is] flawlessly carrying out a highly calculated plan with militaristic precision that just so happens to dismantle an enemy of the US military at lightning speed in the middle of a propaganda information war?” Bingo!!
BioClandestine continues, “Yes, I’m suggesting the US military’s utilizing Elon as a proxy asset to conduct operations as a citizen that the US military would be unable to do from their government position. The civilian route was exponentially faster, highly effective, appears organic, easy for the public to digest. And the mission is accomplished with relative ease and little resistance and Twitter they are kind of trapped in all this no matter which way they go.… If they decided to back out of this, the shareholders … they’re gonna have a lot of questions for Twitter. If they move forward with the deal they’re going to have to show … the real bots.”
If so, and the removal of Twitter is a part of devolution, this is genius. “Elon estimating the bot activity is 20% or higher and his $44 billion bid was assuming that the bot activity was at the 5% or lower which is required by law, as Twitter formally reported. He is forcing them to prove their actual bot activity causing them to expose themselves while pissing off all of their advertisers and shareholders in the process for falsifying numbers and therefore significantly lowering the value of Twitter. Elon bated Twitter with $44 billion knowing full well the bot activity was not what they reported knowing he could get a better deal while simultaneously exposing them” (Ep. 2778b, May 18, 2022).
Some believe Twitter is the first of several of the Big Tech media giants to destroy themselves. That Facebook, Instagram and others have bloated their bot numbers as well and that acquisition companies, perhaps Musk or Trump, will hereafter purchase them at fire sale value.
We know that Bill Gates pours millions into attacking Musk. Why? Elon wasn’t on board with the Great Reset. In total 11 of the 26 anti-Musk organizations receive funding from the Bill Gates backed entities —The New Venture Fund (Ep. 2782b, May 24, 2022, 17:50).
While Gates works to depopulate the globe, purchases vast amounts of food producing farmland, and sponsors the world government Great Reset, Musk has built a world communications satellite network, called Starlink, for universal communication outside the globalist communication system controlled by the Deep State. The Deep State tried and failed to shut him down blaming it on solar flares but the 20-40 damaged satellites were up and running in days (Ep. 2797b, June 12, 2022, 12:50). War between the patriots and globalists is real.
Column 671 on current events and the Constitution.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit www.