By Harold W. Pease, Ph.D.
Biden’s record the past year has been that of total failure. In mere weeks we went from energy independence and an energy exporter to energy dependence on others. With 9.6% inflation in 11 months, Americans lost 10% of the value of their money and inflation is now at a 40 year high. It is increasingly difficult to avoid the thought that the Democrats seek to destroy the economy and bring us into the Great Reset and world government. Our supply chain is falling apart and empty shelves prove it. Odds are, even the most incompetent person in government, would make a decision in our favor once in a while. On Biden we still wait.

We no longer have a southern border and therefore not a secure country. Daily thousands invade us at will—from at least 125 countries of the world. Because of the Democrat’s Afghanistan debacle, Americans decry our leaving our own behind enemy lines and our allies have lost confidence in us—especially Israel and Taiwan. Our enemies do not fear Biden. Actually China nearly owns us. When was the last time you saw the label “made in America” on anything?
Biden’s vaccine mandates had to be declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court before he, and his party, destroyed most of the Bill of Rights. The vaccines don’t prevent COVID infection or spread anywhere and a majority of the new infections are in those already double or triple vaccinated. Nor do his boosters or anything else he sought to force upon us.
Biden’s FBI now targets as domestic terrorists parents who confront school board mask policies or Critical Race Theory (white racism). This, on the direction of Biden to Attorney General Merrick Garland. Americans (63%) want parents to have the final say on what kids are taught.
The January 6th “insurrection” narrative is falling apart. Turns out it was led by unindicted government agents posing as Donald Trump supporters—a Deep State operation—and after a year not one person has been convicted of insurrection. A recent CBS poll shows no one believes the Jan. 6 hype. A whopping 76% believe that this was a protest that went too far—not an insurrection. This, while hundreds remain in The Washington D.C. Gulag as political prisoners in a state of indefinite detention, a violation of Constitutional Amendments 4-6 & 8.
Biden is rushing this country into fascism, world government and the Great Reset as fast as he can. In twelve months he, and his political party, have managed to make themselves the greatest internal threat in our history to liberty, the Constitution, and our republic. Biden’s approval rating, at 33%, is the lowest of any president in U.S. history, and Kamala Harris’s is even lower.
Americans no longer trust the mainstream media which most believe became the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party long before the 2016 presidential race and since. CNN viewership has collapse by 73% and the percentage change in news consumption habits for 2020-2021—the social media interaction with news articles—dropped 65%. People no longer are really engaging the fake reporting. Deep State censorship of almost everything negative to the election, the pandemic, and Biden Jr. and Sr. China connections, amplified the peoples’ distain for this man and his government.

The people now know that everything the Deep State (Democrat) press called conspiracy theories is instead the truth. This is what happens when 97% of the media is controlled by corporations. These include coverage on: Nicholas Sandmann, Jussie Smollett, Kyle Rittenhouse, Russian Collusion, The Steele dossier, kids in cages, hydroxychoriquin and Ivermectin as known COVID cures, a politicalized border wall and pandemic, even, it appears, Biden’s fraudulent election. Everything they said about these people or issues was fake, phony, and false.
America is no longer with Joe Biden and most now believe his “election” was fraudulent. Democrats have nothing to run on in 2022, except the same thing they used since 2016, “We hate Trump and so should you!!” But that gig is over! Almost no one reveres Biden. If the presidential election were held today Trump would win all five battleground states.
So how does this translate to “the people are winning?” What I have just written most Americans now believe—but didn’t a year ago. This despite the massive censorship and fake press. The people had to be shown. Had Trump not vacated the White House, he would have remained the only target with virtually all the media against him. Let him effectively disappear for a short while. Let the Democrats and Biden occupy the White House, feel in charge, and let the Deep State, the invisible government, expose themselves as has happened the past year.
Everything is now in the open even despite media control and severe censorship: election fraud, open borders, CRT, open war on the Constitution especially The Bill of Rights, destruction of the economy, vaccine crimes against children and humanity, the China connection with both Biden Jr. and Sr, the successful coup of November 3, 2020—even treason. Durham will continue dripping out indictments on both the Clintons and possibly Barack Obama, and Ghislaine Maxwell will yet “sing” on many high profile politicians. The Industrial Pharma Complex will come into light. States will continue dripping out serious election fraud and decertifications will follow. This is all part of Devolution. The people are awakening, thus winning.
Trump asked August 13, 2021, “DO YOU MISS ME YET?” Put simply: liberty misses you, the Constitution misses you, the economy—our savings and food supply chain—miss you, our borders miss you, our allies—especially Israel and Taiwan—miss you, and those who do not want world government miss you. Under Democrat governors and a socialist president, we have seen what tyranny looks like and we abhor it. President Trump, most of us welcome and await you.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit