By Harold Pease, Ph.D.
Many wonder when the pandemic of COVID will end and the old normal returns. When logic replaces crazy, or insanity? When news is not censored or fake? When the federal government ceases paying labor to not work? When our country has again a southern border? When vaccines for children, who have a greater chance of drowning than COVID, are not mandated? When the sixth booster actually prevents transmission? When science replaces opinion respecting health and etc? When freedom returns?
The answer, “The Pandemic Will End When the Digital Monetary System is in Place.” An independent financial investor, Melissa Cuimmel, laid it out perfectly in an interview of the same above name, with Sara Haboubi of Ryland Media, an Ireland media outlet. Sometimes we have to go outside the country to get the truth. Simply, COVID is the main instrument for implementing the Great Reset—world government—but you must keep the COVID threat alive until it is locked in.
Cuimmel continues, “No matter what. There’s no going back. It’s gone. All that they’re trying to do right now is keep the system alive long enough, in order to bring in the new system. They’re not trying to fix anything. They’re not trying to bring anything back. They’re telling you they will build back better. What does that tell you? You have to destroy before, that’s why the economy has been systematically collapsed.”
I’ve lectured and written on the coming world government for over forty years and never put it together as succinctly as has Melissa Cuimmel.
She explains that when we left the gold based economy in 1971 we entered a debt based economy. Subsequently the value of the dollar has “already lost over 99% of its value” by the massive printing of paper money. The value of the old currency has evaporated. “The Central Bank digital currency is the end game” along with totalitarian control. “In order to bring in a Central Bank digital currency, you need a digital ID. In order to bring in a digital ID, you need these passports that will all be combined with a social credit system and a carbon credit system.”
So what does this have to do with COVID? You need to control the movement of the people. Fear from a pandemic, whether real or generated, makes that possible. Enter mandated vaccines then vaccine passports. The vaccines do not prevent transmission or we would not need boosters every four months which also do not prevent transmission even after several of them. There is no peer reviewed science defending this.
Clummel reminds us that actually, “They’re not vaccine passports. They are data passports, they are participation passports,…there’s no medical reason behind these.” Adding, “If I had come to you two years ago and said, here’s what the government wants to do. They want to give everybody a chip. They want to put all your medical data and all your financial data onto that chip. That will be your complete ID and they can control you or shut you out of society from that…. That’s the road that we are going down right now. This is a buy to a financial reset because the fiat currency has failed like every other one has before and in order to keep the game going, they need a new financial system. This is why everybody, no exceptions, has to get one of these passports…. It’s for the new system.”
The world must switch to the billionaires’ Central Bank digital currency system, backed by nothing. It’s a currency because the new globalist government says it is. It gives them “complete control over every aspect of our finances. They can dictate where in the economy that you can spend it. They can say that you can only spend it in essential goods, on rent. They can fine you…. when you link that into a social credits concept, they can sanction you or reward you.” Once in, you belong to them—like property.
The “participation” passports gives you preference for jobs, schools for your children and everything else. They can change your resume by removing “anything you’ve actually achieved in your life.”
Every compliance step moved us further along to total control and slavery. Mask wearing, lockdowns, vaccines and boosters—with no science proving anything actually mattered, gave you immunity, or was even safe. There were no short term studies on vaccines or booster before massive inoculations. Our government experimented on us. But you are not really covered until you get the next one, therefore not qualified for the privileges of society, that used to be common. Compliance means more control. “The next move is that we have to have a central bank digital currency wallet in order to participate in the financial society.”
Remember the lockdowns, “It started with nobody could participate in society. Then it was if you comply you can participate in society, then it’s going to be if you adopt Central Bank digital currency, you can participate in society. And then it’s going to be social and carbon credit.” Everything from here on is based upon total compliance. All humanity, excepting themselves and their friends, will soon be the slaves. Nothing is more Luciferic. Freedom dies.
The globalists plans’ for world government have proceeded on schedule for decades. Only two targets remain, the children have to be inoculated—thus brought into the system— and small business’ must be destroyed. There exists but one way of escape. Melissa Cuimmel identifies what that must be, and that will be shared in a coming column.
Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit