By Dr. Harold Pease
The midterm election was a stunning success and much of it can be attributed to the Tea Party. Not because the Tea Party flooded the House and Senate with Tea Party members, they did not. Some few even lost. But because both parties were heavily influence by the philosophy of the Tea Party movement.
Virtually all Democrats ran from the Obama programs such as the Stimulus, National Health Care and Cap and Trade—“Blue dog” Democrats especially. Republicans finding the Tea Party core values so popular mostly adopted them and sought every opportunity to associate with the Tea Party movement. In short, virtually every election was influenced by them except some few in California, New York and Nevada. And even there, a friend pointed out, “they were influenced as well because Tea Party candidates knocked off mainstream Republicans in those states’ primaries, leaving weak opponents for the Democrats who inevitably won. So, while it may have been a negative influence, it was nevertheless an influence, and a big one.”
In any case, this may be the biggest one party swing in the House since 1932. A sea of red states between the two coasts prevailed. California, so far into socialism with 1/3rd of all the nation’s welfare recipients located in this state, seems bent upon following the outdated “the share the wealth” philosophy until they have driven most major businesses (the state’s tax base and major job source) from the state. Then they wonder why their roads are so bad.
The Tea Party core principles of fiscal responsibility, limited constitutional government, and the free market were on the lips of virtually everyone. These are the principles that made us the greatest, most powerful, richest nation on earth and those associated with the Tea Party movement are not going to have them replaced. What a transformation from two years ago when America’s two major parties rarely mentioned these things, especially not returning to the Constitution. The Democrats offered fast socialism and the Republicans slow socialism and the solutions of both was more control from Washington DC and more debt.
But there is a warning and Tea Party members are watching very closely. You moderate Republicans who had to be converted for political expediency, will you stay the course or was this lip service as you continue to defy or minimize the Constitution and spend our children’s inheritance? House Speaker John Boehner, Tea Party anger from which you benefited is American anger. Did you get it? Will you lead your party more fully back to these basics? No new taxes and every law must be firmly Constitutionally based.
Democrats, will you please come on board more fully? Some of you are with us but not enough. We are not an extension of the Republican Party. We are an extension of our Founders. The Tea Party seeks to maintain both political parties. It is our hope to provide two good choices at election time instead of no good choices. Our core values are, or should be, your core values as well. It is what you were taught to value and respect in grade school. No pied pipers should steer you from these.
From President Obama’s speech after the devastating defeat of his party, he seems not to get the message yet, even though Republican Mark Kirk took his vacated seat in the Senate. Will you please help him understand? We are talking about individual liberty that transcends into collective liberty. Do you want to be free or don’t you? Returning to our core values is the only direction for jobs, prosperity and freedom.
Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He has taught history and political science from this perspective for over 25 years at Taft College.
I, for one, am extremely happy with the overall direction this election has placed our nation’s governing bodies in — save the abomination still setting up shop in the White House and his Constitution- & Citizen-circumventing “czars”, “czarinas”, and cronies.
I truly hope that the ENTIRE legislature takes notice of the overall will of the American people and this isn’t just an instance of the “lip service” you mention above, Dr. Pease.
For the sake of our great nation’s survival, we can ill afford to continue down the road we’ve been on for much of the last decade (if not longer). We cannot afford to spend tax payer dollars as a means out of a recession. We cannot afford for our representatives to continually ignore the will of their constituents. We cannot afford to continue pandering to special interests, non-Citizens, hostile foreign nations, and other entities which want nothing more than to see the United States fall.
This turn in the road is a positive one for those who genuinely love this country, what it stands for (and what it’s stood for over the last 200+ years) and the ideals this great nation was founded upon. But it is only the first step up a long, arduous hill — the first retaliatory blow in a 12-round heavyweight bout vs. those who wish to change our very way of life, to change the basis on which our country is run.
Keep fighting the good fight.
– Joshua R. Bryant