By Dr. Harold Pease
We have a problem, California. Our house is on fire, and it is burning to the ground. Some refuse to acknowledge that this fire is dangerous. Some have chosen to bury their heads in the sand and pretend there is no fire. Some look directly at it, and while watching it destroy our livelihood say, “Don’t worry. That house is too big to burn down.” Others know the damage the fire will do, and condescendingly suggest we “grab a mop” to put it out.
Many have come to the rescue to put out the fire. A doctor or lawyer or some other respected professional may know how to put out a fire in theory; but I would prefer the firefighter who has been professionally trained, with his fire truck that is fully equipped with everything he or she needs to save my home from eminent destruction.
In the fight to save California’s house from burning to the ground, I consider myself to be the firefighter we need. The 25 years I have spent articulating freedom and adherence to the US Constitution in this community qualifies me to make such a statement. I come fully equipped with an arsenal of knowledge and the ability to articulate how the Constitution can save California. Many are asking me why I dropped out of the race for State Assembly, as I was the only candidate who came with a fire truck and water hose. Every audience I was privileged to address knew this, as did any and all who have known me and heard me speak over the years. But a funny and unfortunate thing about politics is that you cannot win unless that support turns into dollar signs, although we made a large dent in this race with our numerous volunteers and limited funds.
But the fight for liberty is not over for me. In fact, it is just beginning. The time for sitting idly by and watching as our liberty is confiscated from us one stifling law at a time is over. It is time to move beyond the four walls of my classroom, and beyond the party politics of any election. Real change will not come about in this country from the politicians; it will come from the people who demand it. But first we must arm ourselves with knowledge of our founding, and of the Constitution and how the principles therein can save our country and our freedom.
As a culture we have forgotten who we are, where we came from, and why those things matter. Through my website,, I plan to share the wealth of information I have collected over the years with any and all who care about freedom.
If we do not act now, we will follow those in history who have given their freedom away to a government who promises the world in return. We must take back California and America now before the house burns to the ground and all that is left is the ash-dusted remnants of the freedom we can barely remember.