By Dr. Harold Pease
The Tea Party concept with respect to freedom is not new. Imagine, once again, having to begin the process of resistance because this government, like the British government, no longer listens to its citizens. The Colonists argued, “No taxation Without Representation,” to which their British cousins retorted that they did have “virtual” representation. That meant that a member of parliament in England thought about them when they voted; to which the colonists said that such was not the same as “actual” representation. Or, in other words, they did not feel represented unless the representative actually lived among them most of the time.
Today your congressional representative and your two senators actually live in Washington DC and only occasionally travel to their states or district thus we have returned to “virtual” representation. Once again we do not feel represented and are “throwing tea into the harbor” in every major city in the land demanding that the “parliament” of the land listen to us. The simple answer is for them to live in their district most of the time so they can actually understand our concerns, otherwise, they mostly just listen to each other before voting.
Actually this concept was built into the Constitution. Article I, Section 4, Clause 2, required Congress to begin their annual meeting the first Monday of December; the idea being so that the federal government indeed would stay to the list provided them in Art. I, Sec. 8, and would not have need to assemble for long periods of time. They should be home for Christmas. There was comparatively little federal intrusion prior to 1933, when the 20th Amendment changed that meeting time to begin January 3. From that date on Congress met throughout the year. The cost of government escalated as did their subsequent meddling in virtually every phase of our lives-totally ignoring the list.
Now they wish to manage us from cradle to the grave because they believe us incapable of managing ourselves. In order to finance our management, they have chosen to take from those who produce and give it to those who do not (share the wealth). Ironically, the same solution the British had, and so, once again, we are back to the Tea Party concept. Our ancestors saw such government control over them as loss of liberty and decided to fight-will we?
I agree! Let us make a case for the return of California to the pre 1960s when being a legislator was a part-time job–three or four months I think. The change here after brought careerism into the formula. Believing themselves in office to make new rules and there effectiveness in doing so measured by how many they impose upon us, they in essence became full-time meddlers Unfortunately the more they manage us the less we are able to manage ourselves. Now we are getting into the essence of freedom.
I love it. You epitomized everything in this simple phrase. How profound! Do you mind if I borrow and use this phrase in the classroom?
Change the California State government from a big government/business entity to a limited but effective governing body that would take care of the essential services that need to be performed at the state level. Limit meetings and time that legislators have in Sacramento. This would free up more time for legislators to spend in home districts, decreasing influence of special interest, and decreasing the cost of the government structure. This would all contribute to a great decrease in the state budget and decrease in tax revenue requirements to fund the budget. Return more autonomy to the local government (counties and cities).
It appears, that if we were to limit the time that senators and assemblymen were to gather in Sacramento and spend more time with their home districts, then the influence of special interest groups (unions, big business, etc.) would have less of an impact on decision making and the cost of government would decrease in Sacramento.
Its time to stand up for our rights more than ever as everyday they are slowly being taken from us. Socialism is great!…until you run out of other people’s money.