By Harold Pease, Ph. D

The world’s global power brokers—each by invitation only—met again June 7-10, as they have sixty-six times before in their annual Bilderberg assemblages since their birth in 1954.  This time they met in Turin, Italy.  This is the most exclusive globalist group in Western Europe and North America and said to be the power brokers of the West.  Their primary objective is world government—the end of national sovereignty.  President Donald J. Trump was not invited.

At these meetings no minutes are taken and no opening or closing press releases made.  Participants may use the information received but may not disclose the identify or affiliations of the speakers or any other participant.  Only a few trusted media mongrels are allowed, such as Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal, making it even more amazing the “establishment” press, which supports world government by failing to report the half-century attack of this secret society on national sovereignty, does not cover it.  Their press is controlled.

Still, there exists some local news coverage of the Bilderberg annual events.  All coverage is consistent in that such meetings are held, are highly secretive, have huge police protection, and attendees are seen as the “power brokers” of Europe and North America.

The Bilderberg website listed the topics of discussion for 2018 but they seem purposely vague.  The first six of the twelve for this year were: Populism in Europe, The inequality challenge, The future of work, Artificial intelligence, The US before midterms, and Free trade.  The second six: US world leadership, Russia, Quantum computing, Saudi Arabia and Iran, The “post-truth” world, and Current Events.  Why would the elite gather for such nondescript discussions if they were not far more detailed and had no real purpose?

In their 2016 meeting in Dresden, Germany rumor had it that lead topics included blocking Donald Trump’s election in the United States, retaining Great Britain in the European Union, and pushing the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).  Each of these was a prominent globalist objective (“Bilderberg Seen Through the Looking Glass,” Strategic Culture Foundation, Pepe Escobar).  None materialized.  Trump is not under their influence, as were his predecessors, and Great Britain voted to exit their European Union.

No doubt stopping President Trump’s efforts to undermine or destroy their world government objectives was the underlining topic behind all the discussion topics.  His withdrawing the U.S. from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the United Nations Paris Agreement on climate, and the UN Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization (UNECSO) made him their mortal enemy.  Every globalist in the world and in the United States, Democrat or Republican, is against him.  But for freedom lovers he has become their only hope in breaking the secret combination’s “choke-hold” on the planet.  For both sides, those for keeping our Declaration of Independence and Constitution in tact, and those for eventual world government by the elite of the planet, this is total war.

Past meeting attendees included politicians, top business executives, bankers and often some academics, royalty and, more recently, technology gurus.  This year the invited guests list was 131 of these people.  The most famous U.S. attendees of the past have included: Henry Kissinger (who attends annually), David Rockefeller, Bill Gates, Hillary and Bill Clinton, John Kerry, David Petraeus, Chuck Hagel, Paul Volcker, George Stephanopoulos, Timothy Geithner, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Gerald Ford and Lindsey Graham.

There are attendees who do not wish to be named because of the Logan Act (18 U.S. Code 953) that makes it “a crime for a citizen to confer with foreign governments against the interests of the United States without authorization.”

Security is intense with so many prominent people present.  Security costs approached $2 million in 2013 for the Bilderberg meeting in Great Britain, not including the costs of a no-fly zone protection.  No cost figures were given for this year.  This is no little meeting!!!

What do they do there?  David Rockefeller, a Bilderberger, founder of the Trilateral Commission, and past president emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations (the three leading world government organizations), told a Bilderberg conference in Germany in 1991, “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.  It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright light of publicity during these years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government”     (Bilderberg: Brexit, Borders, Banksters—and Billary,” New American, July 4, 2016).

No wonder critics see the Bilderberg meetings as a shadow world government and a bid for total control of everyone on earth.  World leaders attend and they talk about government issues.  The organization establishes the issues and builds consensus toward their conclusion and they do all this in secret.

So why do any prominent high profile U.S. citizens attend these secret combination meetings?  And why does the establishment press ignore it and protect attendees?  It is time attendees answer these questions beginning with Hillary Clinton and Lindsey Graham.  Some of us are happy Trump wasn’t invited.

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution.  He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events.  He taught U.S. History and Political Science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College.  Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit