What Truth Broke Through Deep State Censorship in 2023?

By Harold Pease, Ph, D.

That stories are breaking through the Deep State “censorship complex” show that patriots are winning—and winning big. LibertyUnderFire published 52 columns this year exposing truths that the Deep State tried to censor. Following are 7 excepts from these, space denies 45 others. Each paragraph ends with the name and date of each column. These are in published order.

1. Until Elon Musk purchased Twitter and stopped its censorship, the Deep State thought it secure for them, a place where government (Department of Homeland Security DHS, and FBI agents in particular), Big Tech, Big Media, Big Pharma, Democrats, and the Deep State, could speak freely to co-conspirators to overthrow the government of the United States, more specifically its popularly serving and elected president. They succeeded in removing Donald J. Trump from the White House—a Coup. America would never know and all future elections could be rigged in the same manner preserving Deep State power. Twitter conversations would never be revealed. This is what the Twitter Files, from which this column is taken, document (Twitter File Tweets Confess Rigging 2020 Election, Jan. 6, 2023).

Elon Musk’s solution to former Twitter brainwashing!! This advice applies to all information emanating from Deep State sources. Turn off these sources!! Do your own research and thinking and ask God daily for discernment and you will see much more clearly the evil and deception surrounding you. You will break the matrix controlling you.

2. The FBI “Orchestrated it. A review of the Election Fraud Protest of January 6, 2021, in which hundreds were arrested and 34 are still held without trial two years later in what inmates call the DC Gulag, must start with Ray Epps an FBI agent. He texted his nephew, “I WAS IN THE FRONT WITH A FEW OTHERS. I ALSO ORCHESTRATED IT.” In fact, videos of him encouraging the crowd to riot exist. LibertyUnderFire.com covered his orchestrating it with five other key placed accomplices—none arrested. When Senator Ted Cruz asked a Justice Department spokeswoman if Epps was a confidential human source working for the FBI she said, “I can’t answer that question” (J6, FBI “Orchestrated it,” Big Tech Censored Half of it, Committee Sealed it, Jan. 13, 2023).

3. Every American has to be asking. “Outside humanitarian concerns, why do we care about Ukraine?” Biden provides little or no money to stop the invasion on our southern border but provides Abram tanks and risks World War III with Russia to protect Ukraine’s. Citizens do not care, but the Deep State does. WHY??? It is the Deep States’ border. Ukraine is THEIR COUNTRY since 2014 and Volodymyr Zelensky coming into power in 2019, their puppet. Their playground where they have only their rules limiting them and no Constitution to stop gain-of-function research, money laundering and etc. as in America. (Why Risk War with Russia to Protect Ukraine’s Border? Feb. 17, 2023).

4. According to Conservative Treehouse in a recent breakthrough article titled “The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection,” March 12, 2023, Nancy Pelosi played the dominant role in stopping the January 6, 2021 Electoral College count. The federal government had motive in creating the J6 crisis which permitted her “to trigger an emergency session and avoid the 2020 election certification challenges,” thus seating Joe Biden without thorough constitutional review (How Pelosi Stopped the Jan. 6, Electoral College Count and Installed Biden, March 24, 2023).

5. The Mother of All Bombs (MOAB) was dropped on the Biden’s and the nation May 9, and 10, 2023, that if true, or even partially true, should have resulted in the immediate resignation of Joe Biden as president. It came from three places of the world: Ukraine, China and Romania. On May 9, the Ukrainian prosecutor, that Joe Biden personally picked, thought Joe Biden “corrupt enough that he wanted to come to the US Attorney and prove that. Biden’s own guy turned him in.” As a result of this whistleblower and other evidence, James Comer and his Senate counterpart Chuck Grassley released a joint statement “claiming the FBI has proof showing then—Vice President Joe Biden committed bribery in exchange for policy decision with a foreign national.” Treason!! Comer reported, “Based on the financial records we have obtained via bank subpoenas, we can now confidently trace at least $10 million in total from foreign nationals’ and their related companies going to the Biden family, their business associates and their companies.” It was virtually ignored by Deep State media outlets: Washington Post, New York Times, Politico, CNN, MSNBC, ABC and CBS (House Finds Biden used over 20 Shell Companies to Hide Money from China, May 12, 2023).

The Durham Report identified the “real colluders” in the Trump/Russian Collusion Hoax. These colluded to define Trump as a Russian agent therefore unelectable. Turns out, it was created and financed by Hillary Clinton, directed and implemented by the then, president and vice president, Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Before the 2020 election, it was a coup to keep Trump from being elected, after his election, to remove him from power—a Coup to overthrow the newly elected government.

The Durham Report identified the “real colluders” in the Trump/Russian Collusion Hoax. These colluded to define Trump as a Russian agent therefore unelectable. Turns out, it was created and financed by Hillary Clinton, directed and implemented by the then, president and vice president, Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Before the 2020 election, it was a coup to keep Trump from being elected, after his election, to remove him from power—a Coup to overthrow the newly elected government.

6. The effects of the movie “Sound of Freedom” are that child trafficking is now one of the hottest stories in America—it no longer can be hidden. The vast number who viewed it was large enough to break the sound barrier. As evidence the New York Times, Los Angeles Times and Hollywood Reporter declined to cover it but still box office sales reached 18.2 million surpassing “Indiana Jones.” Hiding such evil is unconscionable but worse, who supports a society selling its children to satisfy adult perverse sexual appetites? Let us name a few: Disneyland, Hollywood, Deep State news outlets, most social media outlets, and finally, even the Biden Administration. Opposition to the film “Sound of Freedom” by these is obvious and universal but where is the opposition to the hideous practice of pedophilia it documented. By their actions they still mostly defend the practice (Movie Broke Sound Barrier on Pedophilia so WHO is Selling God’s Children?, July 21, 2023).

7. The four-year-long 306-paged Durham Report identified the “real colluders” in the Trump/Russian Collusion Hoax that these colluded to define Trump as a Russian agent therefore unelectable. Turns out, it was created and financed by Hillary Clinton, directed and implemented by the then, president and vice president, Barack Obama and Joe Biden. The main stream media, and the deep state were accomplices in amplifying the fake narrative. The FBI and DOJ served as soldiers in its implementation and cover-up. Before the 2020 election, it was a coup to keep Trump from being elected, after his election, to remove him from power—a coup to overthrow the newly elected government.—treason (The First Coup to Overthrow an Elected President was 2016—NOT—2020, May 26, 2023).

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read his weekly columns, please visit www.LibertyUnderFire.org Column # 749

China is Invading America Without Firing a Shot. Biden Lets Them!!

By Harold Pease, Ph. D.

“According to the U.S. Border Patrol, from January through September, [of 2023] more than 24,000 Chinese migrants crossed the border without authorization, about 13 times the number recorded during the same period last year” (Chinese Migration Up at Border as US Marks Anniversary of Repeal of Exclusion Act, By Aline Barros, VOA News, December 25, 2023). And that number was amplified October, November and-December. The vast number of those from China are military-aged men without accompaniment of wives or children.

In the ten years previous to this avalanche “fewer than 15,000 Chinese migrants were caught crossing the border.” In April 2023 alone, some “3,195 came across our southern border which is a 20-fold increase over last April, when agents caught just 146” Chinese illegals, and these are those identified by border patrol agents (“Growing Numbers of Chinese Migrants Cross U.S. Southern Border, NYTimes, Nov. 24, 2023).

Muckraker has obtained footage from Davien Gap, Panama of hundreds of military-aged Chinese males heading to the United States illegally. Between January and September of 2023 some 24,000 entered the country. Notice they hide their faces when they know someone is photographing them. Notice also the absence of women and children. These are not political refugees. Single military-aged males are usually solders on a mission. If they did not bring their families why are they here?

Single military-aged men usually mean soldiers on a mission; men fleeing with wives and children mean refugees. These coming from the opposite side of the planet are not refugees otherwise they would flee to Taiwan—same language, religion and culture, plus freedom—and defend freedom there.

“China is likely using the chaotic conditions on the southern border to insert military personnel into the U.S., the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee” Mark Green said. He charged that “among the large number of Chinese migrants who have rushed the border since President Biden took office are people with ‘known ties to the PLA’ — the People’s Liberation Army” ruled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). He continued, “We have no idea who these people are, and it’s very likely, using Russia’s template of sending military personnel into Ukraine, China is doing the same into the United States” (“China likely exploiting border chaos to sneak military operatives into U.S…” By Stephen Dinan, Washington Times, June 14, 2023).

Those who can get visas and have the money prefer to fly into our country and just over-stay their visas. For those with neither there are many hubs along the trail to America making it possible, and necessary for them, to invade by following these and cross the border.

One such is in Pasto, Colombia, a Chinese hub called the Cabańas Rio Mayo Hotel, “packed to the brim with military-aged Chinese nationals who were headed to the United States… All of the signs posted around the hotel come with a Chinese translation, indicating that this is a common meeting place for people of Chinese origin. There are so many Chinese nationals headed to the US, that they have established dedicated hubs along their migration route such as this hotel”(“Military-Aged Chinese Staging At Colombian Hotel,” By Thomas Hicks, muckraker.com).

But the details revealed by visiting Cabańas Rio Mayo Hotel are important. We share a transcription of a few sentences of the video which follow: “We showed you in a previous video of ours a Chinese blueprint that’s distributed amongst the Chinese What’s Apt Group and this is actually one of the stops on the blueprint. It says to stop in Pasto, that is where we are now. We are on the outskirts of Pasto. The point is, that the Chinese have a very sophisticated ‘migration network’ all the way up to the US border and this hotel, that we are at, is proof of that. It’s all Chinese and for some reason they all know to copy it [the blueprint]. It’s because they are in direct communication with people who are further up the trail, or that made it to the United States, that are telling them, ‘This is a hotel that is safe for you.’” This “migration network” works all the way to where they aim to be (Ibid).

The point is, that the Chinese have a very sophisticated ‘migration network’ all the way up to the US border and the Cabańas Rio Mayo Hotel in Pasto, Colombia is an important hub, presumably one of many, where Chinese military-aged males meet in route. And through the use of Whats Apps they are in direct communication with those further up or behind on the way—even those already in the United States.

Another major hub is in Panama further north. Oscar El Blue, an independent journalist for Real America’s Voice News, shared video footage he took “from a migrant camp in Panama. The video footage shows an overwhelming majority of migrants in the camp are military-aged males from China who are migrating illegally to the United States.” Most fly into a Central or South American country then head for the Panama camp. Those further south “travel through the jungle in Colombia, cross into Panama,” and to the camp where they are likely organized before making their way towards the southern border of the United States in caravans (Video: Military-age Chinese males entering US through Mexico: Report, American Military News, By Timothy Frudd, Aug. 9, 2023).

Important questions!! China is one of the most controlled countries on earth, one does not just leave it without permission. Who gave these unaccompanied males exit visas? China? Without these how did they fly across the ocean to Panama unbeknown to China?” They didn’t. Who paid their flight? Is this invasion an act of war? If orchestrated in any way by China, yes. If encouraged or orchestrated from within by Americans, treason.

Is Biden allowing the possibility of a foreign enemy of military-aged men, perhaps CCP trained, into the country—even an army? Yes! As we have documented in other columns Joe Biden has received millions from Chinese Communist Party linked sources since 2018. They paid for his Penn-Biden Center where many of Biden’s classified documents were found from his years as a US Senator and as Vice President under Barack Obama—not one of which was allowed in his possession. Moreover, Biden and his political party, are directly responsible for opening a previously secured almost finished border wall, which he opposed every mile of its construction. He encouraged and let them in, some illegals chanting as they came “Biden,” “Biden,” “Biden.”

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit www.LibertyUnderFire.org Column # 748

The Most-Important First Amendment Case of Our Lifetime

By Harold W. Pease, Ph. D

Our country is not as free as the Founders intended if its citizens cannot openly speak, write, peaceably assemble, or petition their government as the 1st Amendment mandates. Such has effectively been removed in New York State and other blue states are likely to copy if allowed.

The first ten amendments to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights authored by James Madison, were ratified in whole on December 15, 1791, as a list of things the federal government could never do to its people. The first eight of which were listed in order of importance to the Founders with Amendment I, freedom of expression, as first. It reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” New York made laws targeting a corporation’s freedom of political expression that they opposed.

The Founders believed these freedoms were inalienable rights given from God to all human kind. Without them man is not free. The first eight amendments were placed in order of importance. The Second Amendment followed to protect and preserve the first. Sadly it is the nature of many men to take these from us. We could have never had these rights, and the Constitution, without firearms. So it was than, and is now, and always.

Democrats learned that they could regulate an unwanted political corporation out of business; in this case the National Rifle Association. Then Governor Andrew Cuomo conspired with Maria T. Vullo, then superintendent of the New York State Dept. of Financial Services, to “suppress the NRA’s pro-Second Amendment speech. Vullo “sent a chilling message to every bank and insurance company in America. She threatened them, saying that if they did business with the NRA, they could suffer ‘reputational risks.’” Officials “threatened banks and insurers doing business with the NRA to part ways,” or else, causing “financial institutions to ‘drop’ the NRA.”

In 2018, Governor Andrew Cuomo said, “If I could have put the NRA out of business, I would have done it 20 years ago.” Both Cuomo and Vullo “knew that without a bank account or insurance, NRA couldn’t remain in operation. We couldn’t write checks. We couldn’t accept membership dues or contributions. In short, our very existence would be in serious jeopardy.” Threatened supporting banks and insurance companies felt that they too could be regulated to extinction if they supported the NRA (“SCOTUS To Hear First Amendment Case,” By Wayne LaPierre, America’s 1st Freedom, January 2024, p. 8).

The NRA sued in 2018 and four years later, the U.S Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit agreed with Cuomo and Vullo, ruling that in “‘an era of enhanced corporate social responsibility’ it is permissible for state officials to use regulatory powers to single out and harm those with whom they disagreed.”

On February 7, 2023, the NRA appealed to the US. Supreme Court which granted review on November 3, 2023. The question, “Does the First Amendment allow a government regulator to threaten regulated entities with adverse regulatory actions if they do business with a controversial speaker, as a consequence of (a) the governments own hostility to the speakers viewpoint or (b) a perceived ‘general backlash’ against the speakers’ advocacy?” (“The NRA will not Be Silenced,” By Frank Miniter, America’s 1st Freedom, p. 27).

But the effect of this single Supreme Court ruling, if it is not corrected by the Court, “will have far-reaching implications for every citizen, advocacy group, company, and political institution in America” (“SCOTUS To Hear First Amendment Case,” By Wayne LaPierre, America’s 1st Freedom, January 2024, p.8). It would allow the government to regulate its opposition away. This will not stand!! This is the Court that had the guts to return abortion to the state level because there is nothing in the Constitution that supports its existence on the federal level. This is the most constitutionally sensitive Supreme Court in my lifetime.

“If I could have put the NRA out of business, I would have done it 20 years ago.” Former Governor Andrew Cuomo finally found a way, before leaving office, to do just this but it violated Amendment I freedoms of speech, press, and assembly. In the case of the last, millions have assembled behind an organization , the NRA that protects an individual’s right to self defense because individually they could not have done so against their own government. New York intends to regulate the main organization protecting the 2nd Amendment out of business in their attempt to destroy it but they are critically damaging Amendment I as well. We could lose both.

The NRA’s case is good and essential to liberty. “Without the NRA— without our ability to assemble, associate freely, speak freely, and amplify the voices of our millions of members and the tens of millions more who believe in our cause– no one in this country would be allowed to keep their guns, except government officials and criminals” (Ibid.).

I do not recall in my study of the Constitution for over 50 years, a single Supreme Court decision that could simultaneously destroy two amendments at once—the 1st and 2nd—and thus freedom. We’ve already covered the 1st which begins: “Congress, [or any state], shall make no law respecting…. The 2nd, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The two amendments are the most government-off-limit Amendments or sentences in the Constitution. Why? A country cannot remain truly free without both. Distortion of either Amendment is not permitted.

The reason the 2nd Amendment is our first freedom is that it protects the 1st Amendment. We would not have won the American Revolution, nor have the Constitution limiting those who rule, without the gun. New York’s laws, if left standing, would destroy both Amendments. Without the NRA protecting both, freedom in America would have extinguished decades ago.

We need to look no further than in Israel, October 7, 2023, for why we need the 2nd Amendment. Only 2% were allowed to legally own a gun in Israel, 98% were not. When “Hamas death squads flew in on paragliders” executing over 1,200 “people in their beds, murdered infants, burned down homes and massacred nearly 200 “Israelis in Far Aza and Be’eri alone.” In a third city Nir-Am, also bordering Gaza, the terrorists were stopped cold and no Israeli lost their lives. The difference, “a 25 year old woman named Inbar Lieberman opened the armory, distributed guns to residents, and set up ambushes against the attackers. Together, over a four hour siege, they killed 25 Hamas terrorist before they could carry out their grizzly plans” (“No One Should be Forced to Confront Evil with Empty Hands,” Americas 1st Freedom, January 2024, p. 10).

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit www.LibertyUnderFire.org Column # 747

White House Censorship Through Facebook and Instagram Continues

By Harold W. Pease Ph, D.

We have known since July that “Facebook and Instagram altered their content moderation policies and censored posts under pressure from the [Biden] White House,” this from “never-before-released internal documents, obtained via Judiciary Committee subpoenas” headed by Congressman Jim Jordan. These have been presented in at least three rollouts since, called The Facebook Files I-III. But the purpose of censorship is to keep what this committee has revealed, through incontestable documentation, from you and I.

“Because we were under pressure from the administration,” Facebook succumbed to Biden White House pressure to censor. “We should not have done it,” they admitted. Just one of many documents the Judicial Committee subpoenaed saying this became a common practice and remains so.

Unless you are doing your own research or subscribing, listening, or viewing non Deep State sources, you remain controlled and ignorant, as Facebook and Instagram are Deep State outlets. This was also so of Twitter, now X, before purchased and changed to a free press outlet by Elon Musk (See “Twitter Files Confess: The Great COVID-19 Lie Machine,” Harold Pease, Ph. D. March 31, 2023, Liberty Under Fire.org, Column 707).

Pressure from the government is forbidden under the Constitution as it makes truth indistinguishable from government propaganda. That is why freedom of speech and press are critical to freedom. Government censorship is forbidden because it shapes the narratives to their benefit. Information that opposes theirs is termed misinformation and punished.

Even Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg stated, “Facebook was continually pressed by ‘external stakeholders,’ including the Biden White House, to remove certain posts”—especially all “vaccine discouraging content.” Facebook Files # I and II exposed government’s efforts to delete messages that discouraged taking the experimental vaccine for Covid-19— even when from medical authorities. Not even memes were “spared from the Biden White House’s censorship efforts.” The Biden Admin. expected YouTube to fall in line similarly and both did.

In another email the White House was enraged that Facebook hadn’t censored Tucker Carlson for a comment he made suggesting vaccine hesitancy. Documents showed Rob Flaherty, White House Director of Digital Strategy, on the phone demonstrating a “clear effort at government-directed social media censorship.” This was frequent and common and often on a first name basis. Facebook “admits White House demands for removal of content were met even when a post did not violate any Facebook policies.”

In July 2021 Biden publicly denounced Facebook and other social media platforms, claiming “they were ‘killing people’ by not censoring alleged ‘misinformation.” On August 2, 2021, Face book announced it would be making changes to its policies “because of pressure from the Biden White House” and vowed “to be more aggressive against …misinformation” admitting that “this. is stemming from the continued criticism of our approach from the [Biden] administration.” Facebook and Instagram became Biden message clones— propaganda arms of the government making a direct assault on the First Amendment. They even “blocked information about vaccine side effects that THEY KNEW were true.” Today they do the same censorship of vaccine injuries which accounts for more deaths than did the virus itself.

The Committee, led by Jordan, concluded, “The collusion of the Biden administration, in coordination with multiple departments within the United States government and big tech, has led to the censorship, silencing and de-platforming of individuals and organizations and it is a direct assault on the First Amendment.” (Rep. Jim Jordan Releases Smoking-Gun Documents Proving Facebook Censored Americans at the Request of Biden Regime, Gateway Pundit. FACEBOOK FILES Part 1, Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, July 27, 2023).

This is the meme Jordan published demonstrating, “Not even memes were spared from the Biden White House’s censorship efforts.” Ironically, vaccine injury victims are already suing for compensation–not waiting for 10 years as predicted by the Meme.

Facebook Files III focused on “newly subpoenaed internal notes of meetings between Facebook executives and Biden Admin officials” revealing “more about the lengths the Biden White House wanted to go to control true speech on Facebook.” They lacked tolerance for any other view. It bothered them that The New York Post could churn-out “articles every day about people dying” from the vaccine. “What is supposed to happen to that [them] from Policy perspective. Does that article get a reduction, labels?,” Rob Flaherty, President Biden’s then-Director of Digital Strategy, inquired. They mocked the notion that the people might be intelligent enough to decide themselves. Remember, none of the censors have medical degrees but they block those who do.

Biden administration officials had several conversations with Facebook employees. They wanted to reduce the “reach for any narrative, story they don’t like. Even if the narrative and story is true.” They wanted to control what was seen on Facebook. “They questioned whether Facebook could change its algorithm so users saw more posts from the New York Times and less from competing outlets like the Daily Wire.”

Flaherty readily admitted that, “We’re keen on what platforms are doing to reduce the spread of bad information, that platforms are not funneling people towards bad content. That’s our primary concern.” Under the Constitution the individual decides what is bad content, not government.

Donald Trump probably summed up best how the Deep State treats us when he said, “They use Big Tech to censor you, the Deep State to spy on you, the intelligence agencies to frame you, the media to slander you…They rig elections to disenfranchise you…all the while they claim they are the ones defending democracy and justice” (X22 Reports, Ep 3225b, Dec. 1, 2023).

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit www.LibertyUnderFire.org Column # 746

Why the Deep State Assassination of John F. Kennedy?

Harold Pease, Ph D.

As a liberal with internationalist tendencies what made President John F. Kennedy a target of the Deep State so much so that they could not just replace him in the next election a year later? Answer, he was a “wild card and his assassination would end the threat he posed to their operations”—a new war in Vietnam which Kennedy opposed. Simply, his anti-war stance in Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam “made him a target of the intelligence community and the military.”

The Bay of Pigs invasion was planned by the CIA before Kennedy took office but executed three months after. He inherited both it and the Vietnam War and opposed both because he felt “that they were initiated outside the bounds of America’s elected government,” The CIA and many Americans never forgave him for not supplying the alleged previously promised air-cover for their invasion of Cuba to remove Fidel Castro from power.

Kennedy learned quickly that there existed another force to reconcile with besides just the legislative and judicial branches—a real shadow government. Less than four months into office on April 27, 1961, he spoke to this secret entity directly through the press in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. His message, “The President and the Press: Address Before the American Newspaper Publishers Association,” condemned the existing communist conspiracy and secret societies in the United States which seemed to make up this hidden force—then called the invisible (secret, shadow) government, secret combinations, and today the Deep State.

He boldly told them, “The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighs the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in ensuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it…. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence—on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditures is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match” (“The Deep State & the Kennedy Assassination,” By Andrew Muller, The New American November 27, 2023, pp. 13-14, JFK Special Report, JFK Assassination & The Deep State). He described perfectly the Deep State that also rules our day.

This is believed to be the speech that led to his assassination 2 1/2 years later because it identifies and rejects them. “Guerrillas by night instead of armies by day” was a direct reference to the Bay of Pigs fiasco that had occurred just the week before Kennedy delivered his remarks.” Conflict between he and the CIA, a prominent Deep State player from then to today, began soon after his inauguration. The Bay of Pigs invasion was planned by the CIA in the spring of 1960, but executed three months after the Kennedy inauguration, “had been vigorously opposed by the new president.” Kennedy no longer viewed the CIA as a trusted ally to provide him with information, but “saw it as an unaccountable department operating outside the bounds of America’s elected government.” President John F Kennedy came to despise the CIA, even saying, “I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds” (Ibid. p.15).

President Dwight D. Eisenhower too had just spoken of this secret force in his Farewell Address as president in 1961 warning Americans of what he called the Military Industrial Complex. He said “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist” (Ibid. p. 18).

President Eisenhower had about 900 military advisors in Vietnam, Kennedy 16,000 military personnel. On October 11, 1963, Kennedy approved National Security Action Memorandum 263 to begin the phaseout which implemented plans to withdraw 1,000 US. Military personnel by the end of 1963. Other withdrawals would come after the 1964 election and follow. “Forty-two days after Kennedy signed this document initiating a withdrawal, he was assassinated … and the order was quietly rescinded.” Johnson escalated the number of troops in Vietnam to 184,000 . War was never declared as required by the Constitution.

In 1961 the Joint Chiefs of Staff wanted Kennedy to use nuclear weapons on two sides of the globe simultaneously in Cuba’s Bay of Pigs and in Laos. They thought they could win both without ground forces. They had learned at the end of the Eisenhower Administration that Nikita “Khrushchev had been bluffing about how many ICBMs he had.” At that time he actually had none so the U.S. could be unrestrained. When they proposed this to Kennedy, “he gets up, looks at them, shakes his head and says, ‘And we call ourselves the human race,’ And walks out” (“Investigating the Kennedy Assassination,” New American, November 27, 2023, p. 8, JFK Special Report, JFK Assassination & The Deep State).

According to assistant secretary of state Roger Hillman, Kennedy said, “The Bay of Pigs has taught me a number of things. One is not to trust generals or the CIA, and the second is that if the American people do not want to use American troops to remove a Communist regime 90 miles away from our coast, how can I ask them to use troops to remove a Communist regime 9,000 miles away?” Speaking of the war in Vietnam just starting, he said on the radio, September 2, 1963, “In the final analysis, it is their war. They have to win or lose it.”

Kennedy had plans to withdraw from Vietnam altogether. On October 11, 1963, he approved National Security Action Memorandum 263, which implemented plans to withdraw 1,000 US. Military personnel by the end of 1963. “Forty-two days after Kennedy signed this document initiating a withdrawal, he was assassinated.” The document was still in effect. “A few days after his death, during the mourning, the order was quietly rescinded.” All talk of leaving Vietnam ended for a decade and 58,000 American soldiers died in that war that cost $141 billion (“The Deep State & the Kennedy Assassination,” p. 16).

If Kennedy had not been assassinated he would have phased out America’s involvement in the Vietnam War. Only the Military Industrial Complex/CIA/Deep State wanted that war. They could not control Kennedy, who didn’t. President Lyndon Johnson’s response to the pressure for war. “Just get me elected and you can have your f-in war.” They did (“Investigating the Kennedy Assassination,” pp. 8 & 11).

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit www.LibertyUnderFire.org Column # 743

Sixty Years of Deep State Deception on Kennedy Assassination

By Harold Pease, Ph. D.

A Kennedy Secret Service agent, Paul Landis, now 88 but then 28, breaks his silence after 60 years. He was there “riding the rear of the right running board on a black Cadillac convertible… situated just behind the limousine carrying the president of the United States and his wife, as well as the governor of Texas and his wife.” He was about 15 feet behind John F. Kennedy when the struck president fell on November 22, 1963, situated to witness everything, but the Warren Commission only interviewed one of the eight agents in the follow-up car, not him.

It was a serious mistake. Landis reports, “I saw a flash of white as the right side of President Kennedy’s head exploded in a pink spray of blood, flesh, and brain matter. I automatically ducked, not wanting to get splattered as we drove through it.” This shot came from the front.

Minutes before Kennedy’s Assassination. Agent Landis was in the motorcade just behind the Kennedy limousine. Sixty years after the event he reports, “I saw a flash of white as the right side of President Kennedy’s head exploded in a pink spray of blood, flesh, and brain matter. I automatically ducked, not wanting to get splattered as we drove through it.” This shot described came from the front not the back as concluded by the Warren Commission.

After the shooting Landis “saw two bullet fragments in the presidential limo (he picked up the larger) in the blood next to Mrs. Kennedy (as agents finally convinced her to let go of the head of the ‘lifeless’ president)…. After she stood up, ‘I looked again at the seat and saw a bullet on top of the tufted black leather cushioning behind where she had been sitting. It was resting in a seam where the tufted leather padding ended against the car’s metal body.’ It was ‘approximately two inches long and in almost perfect condition.” Not wanting it lost and believing it to be an important part of the crime scene, “he slipped it into his right suit coat pocket.” At Parkland Memorial Hospital, he “placed the bullet on the blanket near the president’s left shoe” knowing that it was evidence that belonged to him in the event that had just occurred.

Why was this oversight so important? It counters the Warren Commission Report of a single gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, and the “single-bullet theory” sometimes called the “magic bullet” reportedly “responsible for seven entry/exit wounds in both the president and the governor, causing all of Governor John Connally’s wounds and the non-fatal wounds to Kennedy, while escaping virtually unscathed.” Somebody moved the unscathed bullet left next to Kennedy’s left foot by Landis in trauma room #1 to Connally’s stretcher in trauma room #2 at Parkland Memorial Hospital and the Commission may have “assumed it had exited his body during efforts to save his life,” not Kennedy’s. Landis admits this “is the story I kept buried—even from myself—for more that fifty years.” Nightmares of the assassination drove him out of the service the next year and haunted him the remainder. He did not speak openly of his agent service till 2013. His book could be considered a death bed confession (“The Review,” by William P. Hoar of The Final Witness: A Kennedy Secret Service Agent Breaks His Silence After 60 years, by Paul Landis, Chicago Review Press, 2023, See New American, Nov. 27, 2023, pp. 41-43).

This column limits itself to recent Kennedy Assassination information. LibertyUnderFire has published on previous news breaks on this subject; reviewing them might be helpful as a prelude to this column; see “The Kennedy Assassination’s withheld files,” November 22, 2013, “Rethinking the Kennedy Assassination,” November 21, 2014; “We don’t have to wait for CIA documents on Kennedy Assassination,” November 3, 2017; and “Trump Too Delays JFK Assassination Files! Why?,” June 15, 2018.

Trump is the only president that released some of this suppressed information to the public. In October 2017 he “released 2,800 documents, with redaction, relating to the JFK assassination.” Opposition was too great to release more or even to release what he did, unredacted. “Under the direction of then CIA Director Mike Pompeo, [he] decided to withhold the remaining documentation” (“The Deep State & The Kennedy Assassination,” by Andrew Muller, New American, JFK Special Report, November 27, 2023, p. 19). The CIA, created under Harry S. Truman, has always been waist deep in the Deep State and their likely involvement has been noted from the assassination on. So who controls them? After the assassination, only the new president, Lyndon Baines Johnson. Today probably only the Deep State.

When Roger Stone, a Trump adviser, asked why he did not release the full documentation Trump answered according to Stone, “I can’t tell you. It’s so horrible you wouldn’t believe it. Someday you’ll find out.” Obviously President Trump knew. He promises to release all records unredacted after his reelection in 2024.

As we have previously published, Lyndon Johnson benefitted most from the demise of his predecessor. He created and selected the participants of the Warren Commission to investigate the crime, and gave it direction to conclude that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman. Is he the reason this information is “so horrible you wouldn’t believe it?”

If President Kennedy was killed from the front by a bullet to the head causing Agent Landis traveling behind to duck “not wanting to get splattered as we drove through it,” as the agent attests, then there had to be a second shooter. This is the fence just above the grassy knoll described by witnesses where some saw smoke and the likely spot from which a 2nd gunman could have fired on the president hitting him in front. Photo taken by author visiting the crime scene in November 2014.

What is mostly new on Johnson as a possible accomplice, other than what LibertyUnderFire has previously published, is that Johnson “ordered the presidential limousine in which Kennedy was riding shipped to Detroit—within 72 hours of the assassination—where the body was replaced and the interior refurbished. This is curious both for evidentiary and historical reasons. Johnson even ordered the suit worn by Texas Governor John Connally—who was also shot, though not fatally, alongside JFK—cleaned and pressed before it was presented to the Warren Commission. He also issued an executive order locking a massive amount of evidence and documents away in the National Archives until 2039” (“Who Killed Kennedy,” by Steve Byas, JFK Assassination & The Deep State, New American, November 27, 2023, p. 26).

So what about this story is so horrible that the door on it could not be opened until 2039, —a full lifetime 76 years later? What is certain is that the Deep State, referred to then as the invisible or shadow government, which included the CIA was most responsible. Somebody did not want accountability until they were long dead—Johnson? Only the government had the power to suppress this information and did. The government then and for sometime thereafter was the Democrat Party and Republican presidents were complacent thereafter too, until Trump.

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit www.LibertyUnderFire.org Column # 742