The Only Solution to COVID for Globalists is Their Financial Reset

By Harold Pease, Ph.D.

When do we finally get back to normal? Recently we published half of an interview answering that question. “The Pandemic Will End When the Digital Monetary System is in Place,” an interview between independent financial investor, Melissa Cuimmel and host Sara Haboubi of Ryland Media, an Ireland media outlet. The answer, COVID is the main instrument for implementing the Great Reset—world government—but they must keep the threat alive until it, and you, are locked in (See “The Pandemic Ends When the Enslaving Reset is Locked In,”

We concluded that the globalists’ plans for world government have proceeded on schedule for decades. Now that probably most adults have been inoculated only two targets remain: small business must be destroyed, and the children have to be inoculated—thus brought into the system. We end this column with what Cuimmel concluded is the only way out of both the pandemic and world government.

Small business must be destroyed, Cuimmel says, because it is necessary “for the new system to come into place.” This “because they need you to be dependent on the state, the social credit card” and small businesses represent independence. To survive, small businesses traditionally have to think of new and better ways of doing things. Communism, which is the new system, cannot tolerate deviance or challenges to the way things are done.

The pandemic lockdowns already destroyed thousands of middle class businesses, and thousands more will follow with the government dictating the customer base by excluding the unvaccinated—a sizable reduction of potential customers. Government fines for non compliance to mask wearing, mandates and vaccinations also impacts negatively the profit margin. With the Biden Administration paying labor more than they could earn working, this also drives shortages of manpower to produce things resulting in product shortages and business closures. Knowing that they are targeted for extinction, Cuimmel recommends, small businesses increase the odds of their survivability by collective non-compliance now while they still can.

Meanwhile, Cuimmel says, “you have these billionaires trying to take over control of the people and all of the wealth. That’s what’s happening right now. Like, while we’re sitting at home there’s a wealth heist going on. Everything is being bought up around us. And meanwhile, what we [the people] have is being inflated away.” Simply put,“They’re interested in control, and wealth. That’s all they’re interested in. They don’t care about anybody else on the planet, they do not care about the planet. They care about wealth and control.”

“This is coming for everybody,”she adds. Right now you can go to restaurants because your “participation” passport is green. It’s only “a matter of time before everybody’s passport turns from green to red for various different reasons,” —you did not get the latest booster, you spoke out against a mandate,— “anything, in order to participate in society. The new normal is a tangible changing of the goalposts so you will never be fully in. It is like the constant updates that you get in a computer—you’re never completely updated—same with your phone.”

“There is no going back to the old world. This is the new world that we’re going to be living in if they succeed.” The billionaire and technology companies are waging war against us. “Australia knows it. New Zealand knows it. Austria knows it. They’re all out on the streets. We absolutely are at war. In a war situation there is collateral damage. That’s where we are standing with these injuries and deaths from this clinical trial…. that information has been completely censored because it’s essential to get us all on board; as I say no exception.”

She spoke directly to parents, “They’re going for your children now. That’s the final demographic.” Children still need to be part of the financial system. They also need the data from the children. “I don’t know why anybody would let their child take part in this clinical trial. They have virtually no risk. There’s more risk of them drowning.” There is no peer reviewed research proving the vaccines are even safe. “They have to get them into the system so that your children can participate in society,” the same reason most adults were enticed. “They’re saying that if they want to go to teen discos,” participate in society, they must be vaccinated.

Cuimmel advised parents to look at their “children and think my job is to protect you.” She pleads, “Do not let your children participate in this passport system. Know that if you do for the sake of going to a restaurant that you are leading them into a social credit system and slavery.”

To all, vaccinated and unvaccinated, “These billionaires and technology companies are dictating the future of humanity.” We need to stand up, “All we have to do is say no. That’s all we have to do just mass non compliance.” But “we are running out of time.” The “solution to this is mass non compliance” on masks, lockdowns, untested vaccines (especially for children), mandates, participation passports, the Central Bank digital ID, and social and carbon credit systems.

“This is going to be won by communities. So find people that are like minded, that’s going to keep your confidence up. Do not give in and do not give up…. If we don’t fight this now, we are giving our children twice the battle. It has to be fought now. The quicker that we do this, the easier it is to get out.” So find your communities, and support network.

Remember, God will help because we are his children. Cuimmel reminds us, “We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit

Plymouth and Jamestown Rejected Socialism, so MUST We

Plymouth and Jamestown Rejected Socialism, so MUST We

By Harold Pease, Ph.D.

Since 2008 half of America was lured into voting socialist despite the harsh lessons of our socialist beginnings. Plymouth and Jamestown rejected socialism and so MUST we to provide the level of universal prosperity America has provided its citizens for centuries.

This Thanksgiving Day we think of the Pilgrims enjoying abundant food, but this was not their real reality. To few note the starving times their first year in 1620 when half died of starvation. Harvests were not bountiful the first year nor the next. Plymouth was beset by laziness and thievery. William Bradford, the governor of the colony, in his History of Plymouth Plantation reported that “much was stolen both by night and day” to alleviate the prevailing condition of hunger. The somewhat mythical “feast” of the first Thanksgiving did fill their bellies, he reported, and they were grateful, but abundance had been anything but common. Why? Because they had fallen victim to the socialistic lure of “share the wealth.” This dis-incentivized the productive base of society.

Then suddenly, as though night changed to day, the crop of 1623 was bounteous, and those thereafter as well, and it had nothing to do with the weather. Bradford wrote, “Instead of famine now God gave them plenty and the face of things was changed, to the rejoicing of the hearts of many, for which they blessed God.” He concluded later, “any general want or famine hath not been amongst them since to this day.” They ended universal poverty.

One variable alone made the difference and ended the famine. They abandoned the notion of government (or corporation) owning the means of production and distribution in favor of the individual having property and being responsible to take care of himself. Every family was issued its own land. Before, no one benefited by working for the common store because he received the same compensation as those who did not. After the change everyone retained the benefits of his labor. Those who chose not to work basically chose also to be poor and the government (corporation) no longer confiscated from those who produced to give to those who did not. No government food stamps here.

Ironically all this could have been avoided had Plymouth consulted history and communicated with their neighboring colony, some distance south of it, who had previously been down the same trail. Jamestown too was first a socialist society where each produced according to his ability and received according to his need, which, of course, affected supply. One cannot divide what does not exist. Our textbooks tell us that only one of twelve survived the first two years for precisely the same reason, starvation. The problem, as noted by Tom Bethel in his work The Noblest Triumph: Property and Prosperity through the Ages, was identified by an unnamed participant as “want of providence, industrie and government, and not the bareness and defect of the Countrie.”

Captain John Smith is credited with having saved the floundering colony by his “no workie, no eatie” government program (the Virginia Company was the government) and was hated for it. Addicted to the promise of getting something for nothing, even if it is always less than promised, the receiving part of the population will always oppose their not getting their “fair share.” Sound familiar? Captain Smith was eventually carted off to England in chains as fast as the parasitic population could do so. Once again, why? Philip A. Bruce in his Economic History of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century, p. 121 called it agricultural socialism. “The settlers did not have even a modified interest in the soil…. Everything produced by them went into the store, in which they had no proprietorship.” When settlers finally were allowed to own their own property, and keep what they produced, things changed overnight.

Colony Secretary Ralph Hamor wrote of incoming prosperity, beginning in 1614, after ownership of land was allowed. “When our people were fed out of the common store, and labored jointly together, glad was he [who] could slip from his labor, or slumber over his tasks he cared not how, nay, the most honest among them would hardly take so much true pains in a week, as now for themselves they will do in a day, neither cared they for the increase, presuming that however the harvest prospered, the general store must maintain them, so that we reaped not so much corn from the labors of thirty as now three or four do provide for themselves.”

This Thanksgiving let us be grateful for the prosperity that we have—even the poorest among us. Jamestown and Plymouth set us upon a course that recognized that prosperity requires incentive to flourish and that the profit motive stimulates industry. We are so grateful that, having recognized the poison of the “share the wealth” philosophy, they purged it from their midst and proceeded to make, what later became America, the most prosperous country on earth.

On January 20, 2021, Democratic Socialists took over the White House and both branches of Congress. In ten short months of socialist rule, food prices have skyrocketed and shelves are emptying. Once totally energy independent, we now see fuel prices soar and severe shortages are predicted this winter; some economist even see an economic collapse. Joe Biden’s prediction of a “dark winter” appears on the horizon under Biden—not Trump. Socialism kills incentive to produce— it always has and always will.

Plymouth and Jamestown rejected socialism and so MUST we. Will we be as smart as they? Let us share this message at the table as we feast upon turkey and pumpkin pie this Thanksgiving Day so that our children will know how prosperity is really produced.

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit

When Storms are on the Horizon, the Wise Prepare

Harold Pease, Ph.D.

September has been designated preparedness month. Anyone the least bit observant can see gigantic storms on the horizon. The nation is divided as in 1860, the year before the Civil War. Few families can discuss politics around the dinner table, when everyone comes home, without someone getting angry. Few adults have not chosen one side or the other—there is no middle. There are no nonpartisan elected leaders, college professors, or even religious leaders, although this group mostly try to keep their biases silent and focus on loving one another and Christ, so that congregations do not divide and donations do not dry up.

One side condemns the riots of the summer of 2020 where burning, pillaging, and violence occurred. The other called them “mostly peaceful demonstrations” and focus on the “insurrection” in the Capital building, January 6, although the supposed insurrectionists broke nothing nor hurt anyone. No guns were found in their possession but unarmed Air Force veteran Ashly Babbitt was killed by capital police. Films show them escorted into the building by capital police. Eight months later some arrested, for essentially trespassing, remain in prison without trial. Twice since, fences have been erected around the capital to protect it from phantom insurrectionists.

One side indoctrinates themselves with primarily MSNBC and NBC, the other with Fox News and NewsMax. Today essentially all news is propaganda news. The only break in this is when a hurricane comes through strong enough for the sides to lay down their weapons to barricade their communities from wind and flood.

One side believes COVID-19 was generated in part by American scientists including Anthony Fauci, in the Wuhan laboratory in China, and used to encourage shutdowns and thus mail-in ballots to elect Joe Biden. That much surrounding the pandemic was used by the opposing political party, in conjunction with Big Tech and Big Pharma, to undermined the Constitution and freedom. The other siide view the above as disinformation and censor it all.

One side, convinced that the other cheated in the election of 2020 and every election since, (two Georgia U.S. Senators and governor in California), insists on forensic 2020 audits in all battleground states. They maintain that Donald Trump was rightfully elected president. They also maintain that the Space Force recorded every vote in every county in the nation and are proof positive that China electronically switched Trump votes to Biden. If so, this brings treason into play. The other side censors all such information and refuses all attempts to access ballots or Dominion voting machines to prove otherwise.

The long-awaited Arizona forensic audit, to come out September 24, is expected to produce fireworks when it discloses the above. False flags (staged news events to fill the news cycle to bury this news) are expected; anything: a death of a prominent political leader, an attack by China on Taiwan, hostage taking of Americans left by Biden in Afghanistan, a mass shooting or bombing, anything, to keep the audit off the front page—even a news blackout to keep this story submerged.

When it does come to light expect cities to burn as in the summer of 2020 led by Antifa and Black Lives Matter, and not just downtown. Expect travel and commerce restrictions and delays. Expect food prices to escalate further. Since Biden has been in office meat prices have soared: beef 59.2%, pork 34.1%, chicken 32%, fish 18%, and turkey 41.4%. Eggs are now up by 31.7% and grain prices 98% (X22 Reports Episode 2574A Sept. 12, 2021). When the George Soros funded riots move into the suburbs look for truckers to cease deliveries to affected areas and skyrocketing price increases. Factory items, already backed up, could become unavailable. Consider a red October and November and Marshall law in some cities in coming weeks.

Gather a few weeks or months supply of food and essentials for your families now, before preparing is called hoarding and made unlawful, also toilet paper and commonly used medications. Store some water and warm clothing or blankets, should electricity be cut off for more than a few days or weeks. Stock up on all those things that were scarce in the pandemic of 2020. Silly! Extreme! Yes, but eventually if I am wrong, and I pray that I am, you will use these items anyway, so what do you have to lose?

If China was an accomplice intentionally bringing COVID to America and/or electing Joe Biden, both are acts of war and there will be repercussions to them which could escalate to more than just the information war we are now in. As difficult as it is to think this way, consider enduring an EMP or nuclear exchange.

If these people risked treason by stealing the election they are not going to give it back without force. And if we let them get away with it they will do it forever in the future. When free elections vanish so do the Constitution and liberty. The military, under devolution, will have to restore order and freedom. When this is proved Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are not likely to be in power long thereafter.

Collusion with an enemy country (China) is treason and those involved will have to be tried in military courts as enemy combatants under devaluation as outlined in two LibertyUnderFire previous columns. The military may have to be in place several months before the lawful winner is more fully restored.

September has been designated preparedness month. When storms are on the horizon, the wise prepare just in case..

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit

The Day Will Come When Few Will Admit Having Once Been a Democrat

By Harold Pease. Ph. D.

Recently LibertyUnderFire published “Biden Voters Bear Responsibility for Afghanistan Debacle.” It documented a foreign policy disaster by the Democrats second to none. Sixty percent of Americans now believe Biden should be removed from office. Two years ago I said, “the day will come when few will admit having once been a Democrat.” This prediction will prove even more true ahead. Why?

Because on January 20th the United States became a socialist country ruled by Democratic Socialists. Socialism in any form has no brakes in its control over others hence can become very tyrannical. Tyranny, whether expressed by lockdowns, compulsory mask wearing, vaccinations, vaccine passports, or censorship is still forced behavior by one part of the population on the other and is not popular. Socialism divides the population into two classes, the rulers and the ruled without the ruled having any say in the matter. Elections, if they exist at all, are for window dressing to make socialism appear to have popular support but are always controlled. The antidote to socialism is the U.S. Constitution as written, as it, when followed, provides brakes on the growth of government and prohibits tyranny. This is why socialists oppose the Constitution.

Because, as the coming forensic audits will prove, and has already shown beyond doubt of any reasonable person, the election of 2020 was the most fraudulent in U.S. history by enemies of the republic both domestic and foreign. Over a thousand affidavits and real time computer switches of Trump votes to Biden in every county will necessitate a reckoning with justice. The Democrat Party will fall from grace. Are Democrats interested in making certain this never happens again? No! They roadblocked every audit and implemented full-court press censorship practices of anything negative to Joe Biden.

Instead, their H.R. 1 “Bill For the People Act” sought to cement indefinitely corrupt election practices widely used in the 2020 election. Contrary to its title the nearly 800-page bill would remove authority over elections from the people and the states. It constitutes a federal takeover of all elections. It installs controlled elections. With the defeat of the bill in the Senate the House simply repurposed much the same bill, now called HR 4 which in now pending.

Because, more and more Christians view the Democrat Party as a threat to Christianity as demonstrated by their promotion of the so called Equality Act which “would give homosexuality, transgenderism, and other perversions of human sexuality and gender the same protections as race or sex in employment, housing, public accommodations, and more.” It specifically prohibits religious freedom as a defense. “The legislation applies to churches, religious schools, religious hospitals, religious employers, gathering places, sports, all government entities, and more. Christian adoption agencies will be shut down, too, if they refuse to place children with homosexuals or individuals confused about whether they are men or women.” It could criminalize Christianity, Judaism and Islam as their holy writ condemn as sin the behaviors of the LGBTQ community (“Equality Act Would Unleash Federal Persecution of Christians,” By Alex Newman, New American, May 8, 2019).. It is also anti-women affecting bathroom privacy and women’s sports.

Because, Democrats oppose the Constitution on virtually every freedom issue especially religion, speech, press, self defense, and the 9th and 10th amendments. Indeed as a student of the Constitution, I have difficulty finding any part of the Constitution that they support as written.

With the violence, burning and looting in our streets last summer, endorsed by the Democrat Party presses and office holders, and staged to reappear after the forensic audits this Fall, more people are purchasing firearms for their own self-defense than ever. They see the wisdom of the Founders in defining the people as the militia and cementing their right to keep and bear arms from any government. Democrats can not push to defund the police without at the same time causing the populous to feel unprotected. Many now understand that an armed populous is the best protection from a complete socialist revolution.

Because, the Democrat Party opposes borders. Such opposition allows criminals, terrorists, child sex predators (even pedophilia slavers for the vile appetites of the wealthy class, Hollywood and members of Congress), and drug dealers unrestricted access to our vulnerable populations and the bounty of our land. Illegals, they believe, in appreciation for access to America, will become reliable Democrat voters.

Because, the Democrat Party seeks to bankrupt America. On March 15, 2021, Joe Biden signed into law the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Act without a single Republican vote in either house. Only 9% of it had anything to do with the Wuhan China Virus. Nearing passage is Biden’s $3.5 trillion budget and $1 trillion infrastructure bill. Democrats plan trillions more debt in reparations for descendants of slaves, the green new deal, and free college for everyone. It is hard to believe that the Democrats, and globalist Republicans, are not purposely pushing us over a cliff to destroy the economy of the once wealthiest nation in world history. In just eight months of his reign we are no longer energy independent and soaring prices are already felt by everyone.

Yes globalist Republicans too have been complacent in bankrupting America because of their national debt increases; but Democrats appear to be aggressively so. Biden provides benefits for those staying home from work, resulting in factories not having sufficient laborers to maintain their normal production loads. This has resulted in shortages and backordering of items of every kind, crippling the economy. And severe food shortages are on the horizon.

For these reasons, “the day will come when few will admit having once been a Democrat.”

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit

How to Bankrupt America

By Harold Pease Ph.D.

On March 15, 2021, Joe Biden signed into law the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Act . Not a single Republican in the House or Senate voted in favor of this legislation, as only 9% of which had anything to do with the Wuhan China Virus. This in light of the fact that a trillion dollars was not yet spent from the money previously allotted for COVID relief.

Prior to this the first spending package for the virus was last year March 27, 2020, when Congress added $2.5 trillion to the national debt with the The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) giving most adults $1,200. Most were jubilant to receive a stimulus check but to pay this single stimulus back today would cost each taxpayer $18,863 since about 50% of adults pay no income taxes (Compare U.S. Debt Clocks Nov. 2019 with April 2020). I would rather not have the $1200 stimulus if it costs me $18,863 later.

On December 27, 2020, President Trump signed a second Stimulus Bill of $900 billion giving most adults another stimulus of $600. We have not assessed what the payback for this particular stimulus will be.

These three stimulus packages ($2.5T, $900 B, $1.9T) added increased the national debt by $5.3 trillion in less than one year. This total is more than the combined cost of World War I, $334 billion, and World War II, $4.1 trillion “adjusted for inflation to today’s dollars” (“The Cost of U.S. Wars Then and Now,”Military History, by Norwich University, October 20, 2020). Such debt is a recipe for bankrupting America and those doing it must know this.

So what is a trillion dollars? To begin with a trillion is the number one followed by twelve zeros. A trillion dollars is a thousand billion and a billion is a thousand million. One mathematician gave us a very practical way of evaluating our outstanding debt. One trillion one-dollar bills stacked atop each other (not end to end but flat) would reach nearly 68,000 miles into space—a third of the way to the moon (See CNN News Cast, Feb. 4, 2009). If so, the debt thus far incurred by the coronavirus alone, $5.3 trillion, would reach to the moon and two-thirds back to earth.

Senator Mitch McConnell gave another illustration just as awe striking. He calculated that if we spent a million dollars every day since Jesus was born, we still would not have spent a trillion dollars—only three-fourths of a trillion dollars (Ibid).

Who will pay these three coronavirus loans? Since we never liquidate our debt—only increase and pass it on to posterity—our grandchildren yet unborn, will be saddled with this debt plus the interest on it. How can I prophesy with such certainty? The United States has not been free of debt since Warren G. Harding 100 years ago (US Debt by President by Dollar and Percentage Who Increased the U.S. Debt the Most? Depends on How You Measure It. By Kimberly Amadeo, Updated November 04, 2019)?

Yes the coronavirus is a massive rogue wave that has sunk thousands of businesses in its path but following closely behind it is a tsunami many times larger—the national debt—that is and will bring down this country because our children cannot pay it either. Our national debt has soared to $28.09 trillion ( This debt in one dollar bills laid flat atop each other, not just the COVID portion as mentioned, will now go to the moon and back almost five times. We are drowning in debt.

I ask students, “Who gets to go without so that this debt can be paid?” “Go without!!!?” That is a concept foreign to this generation!! They do not know, and neither do their parents and grandparents who laid it on their backs. When they are told that their share to liquidate this debt is not just $37,726 for the coronavirus bailouts, but $224,456 per taxpayer—due immediately, they get angry (see “Someone should have told me that government handouts are not free.”

The 13th Amendment ending slavery has been rescinded, they are America’s new slaves. Bondage was given them before their birth, or while they were in the womb, or before they were old enough to know what it meant to be sold into slavery. The past and present generations wanted nice costly programs for free and were willing to sell their children to have them. Worse, the older generation is still anxious to incur even more debt on our defenseless children and grandchildren. Are we not the most debt addicted, insensitive generation in U.S. History?

Yes these are hard times and in such adding to a national debt is said to be justified. What isn’t justified is that in prosperous times, of which most of the last 70 years have been, we should, and could have, liquidated that debt. Then a $5.3 trillion debt to handle a virus could have been repaid in the next prosperous time or perhaps by the children, but not now. We have squandered our wealth in foreign endless wars, foreign aid and domestic welfare.

Both parties are responsible for this debt. I had hoped with the robust Trump economy (the best in several decades) that we could start paying off the debt but now chances of removing, even the coronavirus portion of the national debt enslaving us, is slim. Biden proposes $3 trillion for infrastructure updating. Trillions more debt Democrats plan for reparations for descendants of slaves, the green new deal, and free college for everyone. It is hard to believe that the Democrats are not purposely pushing us over a cliff destroying the once wealthiest nation in world history.

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College. Newspapers have permission to publish this column. To read more of his weekly articles, please visit